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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 48 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Bug report TMSR4 the specified file could not be recognized as a TS of PGMX file Deckard51 0 2015-01-16 17:03:45
Request TVMW5 BBS User Determines the Number of Threads Thranduilion 0 2015-01-14 17:16:39
Question TVMW5 BBS TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 6 release date? Dutchman 1 2015-01-17 00:06:28
Question TVMW5 BBS Interlace or progressive Nevena Popova 3 2015-02-10 23:48:55
Question TAW5 BBS Remote Menu Button Mike 1 2015-01-03 07:45:56
Question TMSR4 HEV1 Support Tom 0 2015-01-01 09:39:38
Question TAW5 BBS CUDA support wont go above 3% Batmeat 3 2015-06-25 11:30:26
Question TAW5 BBS Mpeg output Maxim 2 2015-03-10 09:47:51
Question TVMW5 BBS Mpeg encoder Maxim 1 2015-01-15 12:49:55
Request TVMW5 BBS Increase the FLAC default compression setting George 0 2014-12-26 06:44:46
Question TVMW5 BBS 29.97fps audio with 25fps image joining? Persen 2 2014-12-24 19:48:04
Question TVMW5 BBS TMPGEnc only 50% CPU usage? Asymetrikon 4 2015-01-27 12:47:34

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Bug report - TMSR4 - the specified file could not be recognized as a TS of PGMX file No.69465
Deckard51  2015-01-16 17:03:45 ( ID:s69jffiswoh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would like to report a problem with the acceptance of the .TS files generated / recorded in Atemio Nemesis tuner:
Each file recorded in the receiver is without errors, accepted and properly recognized by other
video editing programs (VideoReDo, DVR-Studio HD 3 ... etc), but TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 4
and TMPGEnc Video Mastering and Works 5 software do not accept these files. In each case, when I'm trying to load file the I receive following message: "The Specified file could not be recognized as a TS of PGMX file"
In my opinion TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 4 is the best program and I would still use it but the current situation before I can start processing files I have to load the example to the DVR-Studio HD 3, make a copy of the .TS and only after this operation TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 4 accepts such files.
If you like to I can send a sample file to let you examine the problem.
If this is correctable I would appreciate an update at the next TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 4 build.

Request - TVMW5 BBS - User Determines the Number of Threads No.69459
Thranduilion  2015-01-14 17:16:39 ( ID:21cjhqscpiw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc MASTERING WORKS 5 offers the choice of whether or not to use multi-threaded encoding but it's an all-or-nothing affair. On my i7 quad core, TMW5 uses 36 threads to encode an AVC(x264) video, which degrades the quality (I've done frame-by-frame comparisons) significantly more than, say, 4 threads would.

Could users have more control over this?

Also, x264 sets the "slices" minimum to 1; I'd rather use 0.

These two issues are THE deciding factors regarding my choice of encoder. If I need a small file size (and want it to finish encoding while I'm still young...-ish), then I really can't abide using 36 threads to encode a single-sliced video.

Other than those two issues, I'd pretty much marry the software. Both options are doable in the x264 engine itself, just not in TMPGEnc Mastering Works 5.

Thanks for reading!


Question - TVMW5 BBS - TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 6 release date? No.69450
Dutchman  2015-01-12 19:45:29 ( ID:rf7jsgs8dfo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am anxious to know when TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 6 might be released. Do any members here have any insight?

smartfinder77  Home )  2015-01-17 00:06:28 ( ID:vugg8vbzeal )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It is better to wait for a more mature product.
In Japan are the world's best beta tester.

2015.1.16 / Ver. (Rev.3).

I have HD Transcoding card "SpursEngine" PxVC1100.
Unfortunately not supported by TVMW6 only 64bit

Currently supported SpursEngine (TVMW5 "yes" - TAW5 "yes")
Previously supported SpursEngine (MovieStyle "yes" - TMPGE4 "yes")

I hope Toshiba manufactures a SpursEngine-2 card with support accelerations H265 and Pegasys-inc place your Plug-in accordingly.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - Interlace or progressive No.69447
Nevena Popova  2015-01-11 17:00:23 ( ID:8ndjdte6vnn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to ask you i have a video which is says display format progressive scan,but when i insert and encode it automatically is giving me interlace output.I can change it to progressive ,but i was wondering professional DVD are interlaced.Can someone give me an idea what should i choose.
Thank you

tkrave  2015-01-14 05:40:51 ( ID:resxbfmz4s2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are outputting as DVD-Video, then it has to be interlaced according to DVD-Video specifications, unless you are doing VCD resolutions. That might be why it is automatically changing it to interlace.

Persen  2015-02-07 19:49:24 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You don't have to output DVD video as being Interlaced, you can choose Progressive if you want to, if you want to completely avoid interlacing errors during playback.
The modern DVD and Blu-ray players of today don't care, they play Progressive scanned DVDs with out problems.
Have done this with several DVDs, because the source material had very bad interlacing errors.

benoitvm  2015-02-10 23:48:55 ( ID:iycpwrfd3yk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been producing progressive PAL DVDs since quite some time now, and nobody complained so far :)
The mean reason was to save quality on very long theater play recordings (gains was twofold: first during shoot where 25p give 6dB headroom over 50i -important for low-light plays- and second, during encoding as progressive is more efficient compression-wise than interlaced.
I have encoded up to 2h45m on a 4.7 GB DVD (as low as 3.5 Mbps VBR very good quality !)

Question - TAW5 BBS - Remote Menu Button No.69248
Mike  2015-01-03 04:45:28 ( ID:vnyxahokv2h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm building a DVD with 2 tracks. A first play track and track 1. Track 1 has three menus with a total of 15 chapters. My question is can a user return back to the previous menu they were just on by pressing the menu button on their remote control? It always defaults back to Menu 1. Not good. Thanks.

Mike  2015-01-03 07:45:56 ( ID:vnyxahokv2h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I figured it out. During the menu creation wizard you have to check >When playing a DVD, you can go back to the menu by pressing the "menu" button on your DVD remote. Checking this option will make the DVD player go to the menu associated with the current title/chapter you were viewing.
I thought I checked it but I guess not.

Question - TMSR4 - HEV1 Support No.69139
Tom  2015-01-01 09:39:38 ( ID:w0heoc2iyxf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will support be coming for HEV1 / H.265 in TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 4 or will it require say an upgrade to the next (new) version of mpeg rendering software.

Question - TAW5 BBS - CUDA support wont go above 3% No.69059
Batmeat  2014-12-31 01:40:55 ( ID:8cbbdd93iaf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been having problems since the first version of Author Works 5 was released. I've kept the version current will all subsequent releases. The problem is this. After enabling CUDA support, encoding will use my CPU=100% and CUDA=3.0%

Re-installing the software does nothing. I can't seem to figure out why my video card isn't being utilized. I've tried changing drivers with no luck. Any ideas?

Batmeat  2014-12-31 04:55:13 ( ID:8cbbdd93iaf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I forgot to add that I've enabled the CUDA encoding with Mpeg1,2,4 setting. Doesn't do anything

Kuno  2015-03-23 02:46:19 ( ID:w8pbgv0jjgf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

CUDA support has been removed from drivers since 340.52. If you want CUDA you need to use the older drivers.

Persen  2015-06-25 11:30:26 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

False. They have reinstated CUDA in their drivers. It comes with 353.30

Question - TAW5 BBS - Mpeg output No.69042
Maxim  2014-12-30 21:25:41 ( ID:8ndjdte6vnn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would like to ask if there is an option just to encode the edited video without making DVD.I know is a authoring software but i need to encode into MPEG-2 a movie because i like this encoder.I also have video mastering works but not sure if the quality of the MPEG-2 will be same.Are they using same encoding engine?

tkrave  2015-01-07 12:59:16 ( ID:resxbfmz4s2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, there isn't an option to just encode as a regular MPEG-2 video. However, most video players can play the outputted DVD files without you having to burn it to DVD.

Quality of Video Mastering Works should be the same for MPEG-2, so you can just use that.

RonnieJP  2015-03-10 09:47:51 ( ID:aitjvxtmffr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can use VOB2MPG (or VOB2MPG Pro) to extract from the VIDEO_TS folder you created to output a single MPG file. DVDVob2Mpg is another free program, but with less features. Both will create an MPG file from your VOB files without any encoding or effecting quality. They will extract a full DVD folder in less than a minute.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - Mpeg encoder No.69041
Maxim  2014-12-30 21:18:32 ( ID:8ndjdte6vnn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello everyone
I have a question
Which has a better Mpeg-2 encoding capabilities bewteen
Video Mastering Works and
DVD Authoring works

I have both but i want the best result.
Thank you

Bob  2015-01-15 12:49:55 ( ID:47zfmldjmel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I seem to have read somewhere that VMW uses a better encoder than DAW, but I don't know for sure. I use VMW simply because I want it's other features such as filters and the different output formats. If I am creating a DVD, I use VMW to created DVD mpeg files and then use DAW to author the DVD using those files. If you want a better answer, I would ask TMPGenc Support. If you do that, let us know what they say.

Request - TVMW5 BBS - Increase the FLAC default compression setting No.68956
George  2014-12-26 06:44:46 ( ID:eziith4xip. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Currently TMPGEnc (Mastering Works/Smart Renderer) uses the "medium" compression setting for FLAC audio compression. It'd be best to either provide us an option to manually configure it or set the maximum compression setting as default (it's always lossless of course). No computer today has trouble to decode the lightweight FLAC compression.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - 29.97fps audio with 25fps image joining? No.68937
Persen  2014-12-23 05:24:18 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is the situation: In the holidays i want to do some tests, with joining audio from some 29.97fps NTSC DVD's i have, with some 1080i 25fps HDTV recordings i am going to do.
But how do i approach this with TVMV5, so i don't end up with the audio getting out of sync, due to the difference in number of frames?

tkrave  2014-12-24 09:32:54 ( ID:resxbfmz4s2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't think it will be a problem just replacing the audio in the clip settings.

If that doesn't work though, I would use timeline mode and put the audio in a separate layer; that way, it should only look at the duration of the audio/video and framerate shouldn't be an issue.

This is all just theory on my part though, since I haven't actually tried this.

Persen  2014-12-24 19:48:04 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have tried it once a long time ago, by just replacing audio, which did not work. The audio pretty quickly went out of sync because of the 4% speed difference there is between NTSC and PAL.
But i will try that timeline mode to see if something can be done there, to make it all fit together perfectly in sync.

Thanks for that tip.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - TMPGEnc only 50% CPU usage? No.68923
Asymetrikon  2014-12-21 08:35:26 ( ID:8xtpd5r.iwh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


TMPGEnc does only use 50% of my CPU when encoding and i dont know the reason for it. I want to use 100% to speed up the encoding process. Maybe someone here can help me. :)

My Specs:

Mainboard: Asus Rampage III Extreme
CPU: Intel Core i7 Extreme 980x (6 physical\6 logical cores)
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 660
RAM: 8 GB DDR3 1600 MHZ

George  2014-12-21 09:10:29 ( ID:4uslfllopul )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What format are you encoding to? CPU usage can also depend on the video codec, not only Mastering Works.

Asymetrikon  2014-12-21 09:22:21 ( ID:8xtpd5r.iwh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ah ok didnt know that. Im fairly new to Video Encoding. :)
Im encoding Video Game Videos.

Im using this:

Video: Windows Media 9 (2Pass-VBR (Average/Highest Bitrate)) [1920x1080 / 29.97 FPS/9000kbps/Peak 10000kbps/Peak Buffer Window 5000ms]

Audio: Windows Media Audio 10 Proffesional(1Pass-VBR (constant Quality 98, 44khz, 2 Channel 24bit VBR]

George  2014-12-26 06:39:21 ( ID:eziith4xip. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think the Windows Media codec is to "blame". Try the MPEG file output (AVC/x264) and you'll probably see increased CPU usage.

mathew lisett  2015-01-27 12:47:34 ( ID:emul5xj.btn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

firstly welcome to encoding/editing.

there is a setting when you have the preferences but also whilst you render your project, right click on the window and select the 2nd from the highest as the foreground and background cpu work.

Now the user was correct in saying codec is a very good start, and windows media codec is just plain bad. if its for say youtube, look at dealign with mp4 x264 with something like @4.1 profile

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