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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I am having a problem with tmpgenc. When I start to encode it stops
and I get a "cant load p3 package.dll". I also have a problem with retrieving files from my hard drive of movies I down loaded from the web. Can some one please help me.
I have started getting a thin green line down the left side of any video I try and encode. It appears on the encoding screen as well as the out put file. I have been using this software for over 2 years now and this problem has just start over the last 6 months. It now appears on ever encode. I am using the PAL VCD setup file. I have just loaded the latest version and still have the problem. Can anyone help.
I am not sure which, but in the past was this black in appearance so unnoticed by you? Just a question.
If when converting:
The border color can be chosen by a color-picker in one of the TMPGEnc filters, near the bottom of the list, I think it's called clipping Filter, but I am away from my home right now. This may be filling in a color due to frame size conversions by you. I don't know what settings are kept when upgrading - so that is another question.
Quick question. I have recently downloaded a few movies off of
kaazaa and when i put them through tmpgenc, there is no sound on
the new mpeg file. I have successfully created many movies but
on some of the movies the sound is not working. help!!
Find out what the audio format is,"tmpgenc" does not support all audio formats,and make sure when you are encodeing that you encode your audio to 41000hz and between 128 and 224kbs .....
when making vcd's to play on my dvd player the sound seems to be slightly in front of the picture.
the original avi's are fine so it must be happening in the conversion somewhere.
I'm using virtualdub to separate the video and audio, then TMPGEnc to merge into an mpg, then burning with nero 5.5.
does anybody know where the delay is being added and what can be done about it?
I've noticed the same thing, and I'm surprised that it hasn't been discussed more on this board. The common reply to audio sync problems is "extract audio to .wav using virtual dub, then encode with tmpgenc, there, all fixed!"
That fixes the "no audio from .avi" problem, but not any sync issues that I've had. I believe there are at least two ways to fix sync problems; if you're extracting to .wav anyway, VirtualDub has the capability to skew the time base of the audio track while extracting. It's in the audio menu under interleaving. After a little trial and error, I ended up delaying the audio by -100ms on the last movie I encoded - worked great. There's also a setting in TmpgEnc called "audio gap correct", under the "source range" setting on the "advanced" tab. I'm not sure if this feature accomplishes this, but maybe somebody more familiar with TmpgEnc could verify?
Actually I'm looking for a solution of this problem too. I normaly made avi. files out of my dvds, ripped the sound out of the .vob with graphedit (and different filters). At the end I just joined the .wav (that virtualdub converts into mp3) and the .avi with virtual dub. I encountered a lot of synchronisation problems with the music. In most cases the option " video -> frame rate -> source rate adjustment -> change so video and audio duration match" worked out.
But I also encountered problems when I extract a audio stream from vob files (in this special case in training day) there was a trailer in the first .vob file of training day itself that was without music. The problem I get now is that I can't fit the audio with video stream. Even with the solution "duration match" I explained above. And When I cut the video in virtual dub it automaticly cuts the .wav at the same point as the video. But The silence in the trailer is not in the .wav, it was cut out, so it just won't fit. If anybody knows the problem, I'd be glad to hear it.
I have the same problem with TMPGEnc.. I miss an option like the one in virtual dub where the duration of the video and audio stream can be matched.
So I'm doing the TMPGEnc Batch Encode thing. Two cds worth of a dvd. It encoded the first one in 1.5 hours. The second in 25 minutes. As I expected. Then, it deletes the first one, and proceeds to encode same set again. I figured I had not set something right, and let it go thru a second cycle. But, at the end of the second, it proceeded to overwrite again.
How do I get it to encode once, and stop there? I clicked on "Shut down with finish encoding".
When makeing your project files you have to name each file differently, that is your mpeg output file ,not your project file ,name them like: name#1.mpg and then :name#2.mpeg,you can name your project files(.tpr)to anything you want but you have to name the output mpeg files differently,cuz you can"t have two files of the same name in the same directory or file.......
When I look in Windows Explorer at the directory I'm saving to, the names are in the format you suggested: name#_vcd1 & name#_vcd2. Same for in the batch log. I'll go back thru and really look at project names, again though.
I appreciate your feedback. Keep up the good work!
Well that is your problem because you shouldn"t see the the file names #1 #2 and so on till after you encode them,I know exactly what you are doing because I have done it myself more than once,what you have to do is make new project files because the ones you have from earlier have the wrong ouput directory.What you do is load your file in then your template do your settings then before you save project go to the bottom of the screen to the "output file name" and make your file name#1, then go and save project.then repeat the step but put in name#2 in the "output file name",and so on, I actually made the same mistake the other day......
My standalone will not play svcd, I want to convert an svcd I have to vcd and when I try using the mpeg tools-->simple multiplex, after it converts and I try to play it...the sound plays but the video does not. I have tried splitting the files into *.mp2 and *.m2v w/ tmpgenc and *.d2v with dvd2avi, but tmpgenc will not load either of the video files, it says the format is not supported. I downloaded the VFAPI plugin and installed it also, but that did not help. I also need to convert it from PAL to NTSC, but tpmgenc will not load the video files so that I can do this. Any help would be appreciated
My standalone is not compatable with svcd's...only vcd's. I need to convert the svcd i have to ntsc and vcd. But I can not load m2v or d2v files in tmpgenc, any help would be be appreciated.
I am not 100% sure I understand you but after multiplexing the film when you try to watch it (ON YOUR PC) you only hear the audio? That is how it will be when you try it on a pc. If you burn it and play it on your standalone it wil work. I have seen this everytime I do this. I think the PC players get confused by the vcd headers on the SVCD.
I have TMPGEnc and I have a AVI movie i need converted to MPEG I enter in the video source/audio source and output. Stream type is System(video+audio) I use all other default settings i hit start and then it runs its course and the video is fine but there is no sound... Any idea why this happends? or how i can get the sound to work ? I picked system audio+sound.. Do i have to put them together after i do that or should the file work straight off conversion? please help email me if you post @
If there is a VfW codec installed for your AVI file, then you can open it in VirtualDub and pass it to TMPGEnc using the frameserver. Works like a charm for about every AVI file and you can finally set the range exactly to the frame. If TMPGEnc or any other program wants an AVI extension, well just save the frameserver file with the extension .AVI.
You can use "tmpgenc" as a frame server to,my technique (which I learned partly from Ashy)for makeing exelent dvd to svcd rips,I don"t use "tmpgenc" to encode but I use it as a frame server for "cinemacraft encoder 2.62".CCE has much higher quality mpeg2 and much quicker but has no features at all,I mean none which makes it practicly useless for svcd,so here"s my solution: I rip my dvd with smartripper and use dvd2avi to make project files but I make 2 or 3 from a movie,these are the parts of the movie I will burn to cd, this is so I don"t have to cut them after encodeing,so after this i got say 2 d2v files and 2 wav files for the 2 halves of the movie,then I go to "tmpgenc" and load the first d2v file in but not the audio,I set the setting as if I were to encode with "tmpgenc" but make a ".tpr"project file instead,then I load that into the "vfapi converter"(you can get it from this makes a psudo avi file with all the info from your dvd movie but resized,then i encode that with my wav file with "cinemacraft".but your new mpeg file isn"t svcd compliant cuz it has no "svcd headers" so I use the "mpeg tools" "merge & cut" and just run it through with out editing it, just makeing a copy of it ,but the new copy has all the svcd headers and can then be burned to cd...I know it seems like a long way to do it but it only takes me 2 hours to do 1 hour of movie......just another cool thing about "Tmpgenc"
Quality? Cinecraft? Correct me, but the last time I tried Cinecraft it was REALLY FAST and the MPEG2s looked REALLY CRAPPY. But maybe this has really changed ... but I don't think the quality is better then TMPG... becaus analysis needs time, no matter what encoder you use. Maybe I'm wrong... next time I'm running out of time I will try your way =)
The way I do it all the filters and settings from tmpgenc get transfered to "cinemacraft" through the vfapi,this is the only way i can use "cce" cuz the only thing good about it is the speed and quality,I think maybe you tried the old 2.25 or 2.50,the version I got is really nice quality ,but with out "tmpgenc" it is pretty useless to me.......
The settings were not a problem with CCE, it was just that the whole video would look blocky, eventhough it was fine in TMPG using the same bitrate... But one thing I don't get is why you use TMPGEnc as a frameserver and not directly VirtualDub... except for a good frame rate managemant everything is in there... well, I guess I just answered the question myself. Still it doesn't matter for me as my DVD player strangely enough accepts any framerate TMPG has to offer in every resolution (tested from 128x96 to 720x576)
i still use cce 2.5 and yes i changed the crc check so no probs with nt's and i changed the encoding matrix it uses... so i use the same encoding matrix as TMPGEnc (actually this matrix is the same as cce 2.6x) and use at least 5 pass to have better output that TMPGEnc 2 pass... and no i dont use the tmpgenc project... just learn to use avisynth and u'll se its the best editing/frameserving ustility ever made :)
CCe is fast... but it sucks when it comes to 1 pass quality... only 3 or more passes will give u high quality.
On my Sony DVD player it is not possible to play SVCD, but intereresting enough, you can compress a video to MPEG 2, then Multiplex to VideoCD using the TMPG MPEG Tools and finally write it using WinOnCD 5. Does it work for other DVD Players too?
It certainly works on the two machines I have tested it with. (A Sony and a Technics.) However, I did have to up the minimum bitrate to 650 (VBR CQ) to eliminate a few jerks. (Burnt with Nero.)
ok i managed to make a xsvcd file but ...
when burnig it to cd, nero lockes up, what is the problem ?
and yes i did set it to non standard compliant cd
Could someone please a list of command line parameters for TMPG? The classic "/?" switch does not work and, to be honest, I just don't want to do try and error. However, there have to be some kind of command line switches, since TMPG returns an error if you just pass two filenames to it, but I just can't find a list in the FAQ.
I'm pretty sure it is avaiable, I just don't know how to handle it... when I pass an AVI file to TMPG in the command line I get an illegal stream error. I mean sure, it's just an error, but it's mere existenece already tells us TMPG has command line support.
I downloaded and extraxcted the files. When I open the program, there are no letters or pictures or anything. Just blank boxes that don't do anything when I click them. When I first entered the site, I had to put in my WinXP installation disk to download fonts to view the site and I got an error telling me it couldn't find one file and skipped it to continue installing fonts. HELP!
Just use Mozilla and forget about Internet Explorer. Version 1.0RC1 is rock-solid and it displays about any language perfectly right, including Japanese, as in case of TMPG. About your problem in TMPG: Try setting your Win installation to English(US). Just an idea, maybe it works. I've got WinXP US Pro OEM installed and TMPGEnc works great!
I had the boxes in mind... coz windows shows them if there is no char with that ANSI code. Asuming he has a win installation with some sort of latin installed, this would mean TMPGEnc somehow switched to japanese, which his system is not capable of showing.
About selecting another language:
The menu at the top should contain three groups of boxes. When English is chosen they read:
File Option Help
choose the boxes in the middle(Option)
Now a menu like this pops up, you will see only boxes but that's all right
Just choose the second line (Language) then, in the menu that pops up, choose the line in the middle. This will set TMPGEnc to English(US) and let you see the menues properly (after restarting TMPG).
>Just use Mozilla and forget about Internet Explorer. Version 1.0RC1 is rock-solid and it displays about any language perfectly right, including Japanese, as in case of TMPG. About your problem in TMPG: Try setting your Win installation to English(US). Just an idea, maybe it works. I've got WinXP US Pro OEM installed and TMPGEnc works great!
>Greetings from Germany
>Hans Schmucker
What is Mozilla and how do I use it? I went to the website and there were no download links. Help!!