This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
In case you need official support, please contact TMPG Inc.
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I've noticed that there are only a handful of questions and comments being amde in this forum but there are also a handful that just aren;t even being acknowledged, including mine. Being as we, the potential customer, have taken the time to let our thoughts be heard, I think it is only fair that we get some type of response back. Thank you.
May be it has to do with holiday time !
I would have expected more coaching by the software makers. For myself, I really like this TDA. It has a great potential.
You have a greater chance of winning the national Lotto three times in succession than you do of receiving any form of reply from Pegasys on this forum - the objective being that users with experience help others who are having problems.
The lack of participation on this forum is an indication of the worldwide usage of TDA.
As a registered user you could send a request for support via Email but, don't hold your breath.
I just started used TMPGEnc for encoding my avi files to mpeg so i can burn to a vcd. When i used smaller files of approximately 150,00KB my vcd was distorted in regards to voice matching video. However if i encoded a larger file of approximately 325,000 KB it seemed to work better. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong. Also what do you do if your file is too big(approximately 700,000)like the whole movie. It says that you cant fit it on a cd-r. How do you make it smaller or can you split it in two so it will go on 2 cd-r thanx for your help Binnie
The Size of the AVI file has absolutly nothing to do with the Size it will be if you encode it to Mpeg, What Matters is the Bitrate used to encode the AVI file and the Length of the AVI file..Your Problem is probably not to do with the size of the Files But of Something else, Knot knowing what type of AVI files they are I couldn"t really tell you what the Problem is..
When using the wizard to batch AVI files to MPG, every so often when I check the Input Range box, the program just shuts down. Reloading the program doesn't fix the problem - as soon as I check the box, same thing. I will come back the following day and everything works fine.
converted an avi-file to svcd, everything seems right, but sometimes when things move in the movie they leave a pink to purple shadow in the screen. They are gone with the next scene change in the movie. Any parameter in TMPGEnc to correct this?
ok,ok, shoot first, ask later ;-) Anyone having problems with this should search for the word 'purple', plenty of info coming up (angelpotion or directshow issues).
ok, guys, no angelpotion on my machine, set the direct-parameter to 2 and still no luck. I am using Tmpg with DVD2SVCD, but have an .avi as input. Does DVD2SVCD probably chnage the parameter away from 2? Any other things to consider? Many thanks.
And the "Angel Potion" codec will not usually show up as "Angel Potion" it will show up in your Device Manager under "Video Codecs" as "apmpeg4v3.dll", and what might also help if you do Not have this Codec installed is If you Raise the "Direct Show" to "2" in the "Vfapi Plugins"...
I for personalty prefer the use of AVISynth to open such Videos. That's because i can use it to do some other things like Resizing and Filtering a really good and fast way.
Do you have a special Reason for using the VFAPI-Plugin?
I guess you Might have Misunderstood My Responce...I just meant to Raise the "Direct Show" to get rid of the Purple Discoloration..I personally use AVISynth also as I prefer To use there Filters as they are Much better, But most Poeple Don"t Understand How to use AVISynth as there is a Bit of a Learning Curve...Cheers
Having been playing around with the various settings and finally getting what I think I am after, I have tried to encode a couple of movies from xvid.
In the first instance, I used 2-pass VBR(VBR)
The second movie, I used Constant Bitrate
Both times I used Motion Estimate Search (fast) becuase I didn't want it to take the estimate 20 hours to encode using the highest quality.
In both instances, I came back to my computer around the time I expected the encoding to have comlpeted. In both cases, the time remaining was 0.00 yet the elapsed time was still increasing. When checking the file, the size wasn't increasing. When I tried to stop the encodnig, the usual message asking if I am sure popped up yet when I clicked okay, nothing happened. After that the only way I could quit the program was through task manager.
Admittedly when I have used this in the past, I have done the encoding overnight, ao this might be part of the actual process. Is it a bug, am I just having problems or should I just leave it as it is incmomplete?
Well there is something wrong But Don"t know what it could be..I do know that Tmpgenc doesn"t like to decode XviD Files useing the XviD codec, It prefers if you use the "FFDShow Mpeg-4 Decoder"..You might also Try Frameserveing the File to Tmpgenc with Virtual-Dub or Avisynth...well good Luck
I am unsure what I have done, but the encoding seems to be working successfully now :-)
Despite not being able to use the DVD Authoring Software that I liked so much, I have found that TMPG DVD Author isn't too bad and has successfully written DVDs for me :-)
You have asked this Question a Bunch of times and If someone Knew about it they would have answered you..I do not think it exists as the web page you posted for the Software is over a Yesr old so Maybe the Company went out of Buisiness....
I made a SVCD at 2500kbps [short movie] and it plays fine for the most part... Problem is it freezes for a second about every five minutes [not the file itself because if I rewind playback's fine at the same spot]. I think my dvd player is simply unable to read the cd fast enough... I'm sure it varries from player to player but what are the limits for SVCD bitrate in order for it not to skip?
Well you are Right ,that is Probably the Problem..You are Useing the Max bitrate for SVCD But the Problem is That Tmpgenc doesn"t really care what you set the Bitrate at if it feels like Useing More bitrate that it is supposed to then it will, It is Probably the Biggest Problem that Tmpgenc has and the Only things you can try is Maybe use a Lower Bitrate and Use "CBR" instead of a "VBR" encodeing Method, Or you can use a Different mpeg2 encoder that will Obey the bitrate that you set, or Get a DVD Player that can handle a Higher Bitrate.Usually the Cheaper No Name DVD Players are the Most compatible with the Most formats and highest Bitrates, Like the Apex Players are really god that way and they are Dirt cheap(I"ve seen them for as Low as $30 on EBay)...Well Good luck
Hi... I'm new to this. So how to I get started? There's no help files whatsoever so I'm really lost. Anyone can help me to get started? Anyone can give me a detailed help on how to get started? I'm trying to convert Divx (AVI) format to VCD (MPEG). URGENT help required.
Cone On it isn"t hard at all as it has a "Wizard" that is For poeple that don"t know what to do and it is so easy to figure it out...The First Screen Pops up in the "Wizard" and asks you to pick what you want to Make(EG: VCD or SVCD or DVD and Pal(Europe) or NTSC(North-America), then after chooseing you click Next and then load in your AVI File, and From here you can get away with Just clicking next till you get to the end and then choose your Output directory and Click "OK" and it will start encodeing your File and at the end if the File is to big for a CD-R(800mb for a 700mb CD-R) then go to "File" to "Mpeg tools" to "merge & Cut" and here you can cut your movie in Half..Now you just burn it to Disk as a (S)VCD/DVD with Software that is made for those formats...If you are Haveing a Specific problem then Post it...
i have an avi file with some bad frames. i masked the frames the save the avi file and it works well as an avi file. when i encode the file with source video/wav audio into mpeg, the audio gets out of sync after the bad frames section. when i watch it in media player the section comes where the masking is and the time stamp jumps ahead by 10 or so seconds. i have tried lots of things but can't get the new mpeg to stay in sync. Any ideas, thanks.
You could try cutting out the bad frames - split it into several files and put on the cd.. Sure it would take a second or so for dvd player to read the next file [you'll be able to tell when there's a new file played] but that's how I handled the same problem as you have.
Well That shouldn"t happen Cuz Virtual Dub adds Blank or Dummy Frames in the Corrupted Frames Place so the audio doesn"t go out of sync..I guess you can Cut the Mpeg file at the spot that is goes out of sync then cut out any Bad Garbeled areas then use the Muxer is Something like "Mpeg2VCR" to Sync the Second part as it has a Feature to move the audio ahead or Back so you can sync it..I have had simular Problems with Corruped Mpeg files ripped of of damaged (S)Vcd"s and it is Very Tricky and even Impossible or not worh doing if it is Too Bad....Good Luck
thanks for the advice. i split the file into two, and re-joined them and the sync was by a send or two. i'll keep fiddling with it until it's right. I am bound and determined to beat the disease of corrupted avi's! thanks again.
This shouldn't really happen if you have used Virtualdub correctly. Maybe you didn't catch all the bad frames.
In any case if it plays ok in Virtualdub after fixing the AVI then rather than saving the AVI again and a seperate wav just simply frame serve both the AVI and audio to TMPG from Virtualdub. This way everthing should encode exactly as it is in Virtualdub and should stay in sync.
i am converting rocky 1 to vcd and it looks like it will take up 2 cds, i want to add a video chapter saying "please insert disc 2" how do i do it so that that plays after the movie
That's not a thing, TMPGEnc can do. Use VCDEasy to do that. That's a kind of Authoring-Tool vor (S)VCD. There are several Guides on and
There are also (S)VCD/DVD Authoring Programs like Ulead DVD workshop that can add menu"s like that or you can even make a Little Movie telling you to Insert disk 2 , Or you can use something like Ulead Cool 3D and Make a Little animation in AVI format that you can encode to Mpeg and you can save it for all of your VCD"s that are on 2 or more disks...
Is there a way to import audio for the menus? Also, while I'm here, are there plans for more menu templates in the near future? The ones available right now are very lacking. If both of these features are taken care of, you may have a winning application.
Any chance of this changing soon? I don't mind converting music to the appropriate format, but it should be possible to insert this in a menu without having to have motion menus...
I converted some JPEG files to MPEG's to make a Video CD, and that worked great, But, in error, I deleted my original JPEG files. Is there any way to convert the MPEG back to JPEG?
Easy, Load your Mpeg into Tmpgenc, then go to "File"
to "Output to File" and choose "Sequence BMP/JPEG/Tiff/ECT" then choose Jpeg from the File type menu....This will Out put every frame of your Mpeg file as a Jpeg Image...