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What you can do is go to "Settings" to "Advanced" and double click on "Source Range" and use the Mark in and Mark out buttons to choose the Beginning and the end of the file then Tmpgenc should report the Correct Length and if not just encode anyways as there is Probably an error in the header of the avi file that is telling Tmpgenc that the file is too long...
First time on the board. I've done a search for this problem but haven't found a solution. I know it's common:
I have the QT reader plug-in. When I try to encode a QT ref file made in Avid XDV3.5 to MPG1, TNPGEnc closes down with no warning. Any thoughts you guys? The AVI to MPG1 function works.
The QT Plugin isn"t really supposed to be for QT referance Files, and the Fact that some poeple have been successfull is Just a Fluke...The QT Plugin is not Supported anymore as the Author of the QT Plugin doesn"t have anything to do with Tmpgenc and he does not update the Plugin anymore...I guess you can try raiseing the Priority of the QT Plugin in the Vfapi Plugins But if it doesn"t work there isn"t much you can do about it, You can use a Program to encode that does support QT files Like CCE, of you can exrots your Files as AVI as opposed to QT Ref files...
Problem solved. When exporting a QT ref file from Avid XpressDV, deselect the Avid Codec button. Using the setup information at, the software doesn't crash and the quality is stunning. QT ref files rule! It means that there is effectively only one compression pass going on, avoiding the conversion to AVI first.
Well it is Probably because the Audio in the AVI files is of a Format that is not Supported By Tmpgenc..You need to use something like "AVI-Mux" to extract the audio to Wav format and then use that as the audio source in tmpgenc...
I've been using TMPGEnc for almost a year and am very experienced in video editing, encoding, etc. However, the "read error" problems of TMPGEnc have stumped me for a few months. It would seem that there are several different read errors, but the most common one that I stumble across is "Read error occurred in address x of TMPGEnc.exe".
First, I experienced the problem converting SVCD (previously frameserved, so really a d2v file) to DVD. And just recently I experienced the problem converting a .AVI compressed with the PicVideo MJPEG codec. It would seem that the error is somewhat random as I have successfully converted these files before (PicVideo MJPEG especially, as this is the codec of choice for captures that I make), so I was wondering if there is any real knowledge known about its cause?
Further details will be posted if needed. Any help/feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you.
>I've been using TMPGEnc for almost a year and am very experienced in video editing
If that is the case then you will have/know that any serious Video creation requires a seperate and defragged drive (or at least a seperate partition). How's your drive health, defragged it lately?(yes a fragmented drive does cause this problem, this is from experience).
Have you raised the priority of the codec in the vfapi plugins?
Yes, using a separate drive is of course ideal, but this is not available to me. My drive health is fine and my priorities haven't been changed before or after the problems arose. It would seem that .d2v SVCD serves seem more prone to the problem than the PicVideo MJPEG codec (This was the first case that arose using the PicVideo MJPEG codec).
Anyway, I just run the same video (PicVideo MPJEG AVI) that recently caused the error through TMPGEnc again and no problems arose.
Well Try Frameserveing to PicVideo file to Tmpgenc with AVISynth or Virtual Dub, that way tmpgenc is not decodeing the File and will Probably will not give you as Many Problems..and Make sure in the PicVideo codec settings that the "Output to YUY2" Is NOT Checked.....Cheers
Hey, I had the same problem a few months back and started having it again a few days ago. If you look through this bb long enough you'll find others that have it as well. I solved my problem quickly this time while the last time it took me a week. My problem (both times)was dust build up in my heatsink. You might need to clean yours also.
1. Be sure to unplug your computer before you start.
2. Take your side panel off.
3. Unscrew your fan from your heatsink (be sure that your fan is clean too).
4. I then GENTLY vacuum my heatsink with the bristle attachment to wisk off
the hard to get dust.
5. Put the cleaned fan back on.
6. Close your case.
7. Plug in the power and try again.
Also like Ashy said defrag your drive(s) and check your defrag %, I use an online computer check-up at to check for hard drive problems and other possible problems also. You can check your computer overall health for free.
I hope this helps.
I have this video where the audio was AC3. So I used Goldwave to extract the audio and save it as a WAV. Then I converted the video with the new WAV. On the computer, the MPEG played fine. But after I burned to VCD, the audio kept on halting, but the audio and video weren't out of sync (well, the video was unusually slow, unlike the playback on computer). How can I fix this without having to go back and reconvert?! :(
Well If you get a BufferUnderflow error then it is Because you did not encode the File as a VCD, You encoded it as a Plain Mpeg1 file with VCD Charicteristics...Try this Take the File and Put it in the "Merge & Cut" and Choose "Video-CD Non-Standard" from the Dropdown Menu and then choose an output file name and then click "Run" and it will make a New file with the Correct VCD header on the File without giveing you the BufferUnderflow error...
Thanks. I'll try that. Why is the audio having problems on the DVD player but not on the computer? Also, why don't I need to do this step for normal VCDs without AC3 audio? What is the function of Simple Multiplex, Multiplex, etc.?
Nero 5. I used AviMUX (the last time I used it on an AC3 audio-AVI file, it didn't work so I'm trying it again this time) and set the fields at 100ms. And it works in the test MPEG! Let's just hope it works for the entire thing. Also, did you know you could extract the AC3 audio in AviMUX and then when you're converting, you set the WAV file as the audio source. And under the "Audio" settings, at the bottom, you select "Audio Editing" and click on the button. Then click "Normalize" and press play to test out your audio volume. I never knew that! I was using Goldwave. Thanks anyways!
I need overburning help. I am using Nero to burn VCDs. Under "Expert Features" and "Overburn", what do you put for "Maximum CD Length"? Right now, I have it at 84 minutes. After I select "overburn", somewhere along the process it said:
Was that 806mb Total file size what Nero says the File size is, or what the File size is if you just add the 2 files together??? Because there could be a Little Overhead that nero adds so the File might be bigger than you think..And the Amount you can overburn totally depends on the CD-R some of the really cheap One will not have that much extra space to overburn and some of the Higher Quality CD-R"s will allow you to Burn a Bit more than some other CD-R"s, The Most I think I have gotten was about 820-830mb...But yes you should just have it set to 82 minutes, and you never know that Disk that Failed Might still Play as I have had disks that Failed that still Played Fine..Like Right now Nero Has been haveing Problems Burning DVD"s For me and it allways Fails when Finalizeing the DVD But most of the DVD"s still Play.....Cheers
When I added the 2 files, it was 806MB. What Nero said when burning was 814MB. And when you add the duration of the 2 files together, you get around 55 minutes (but the duration for the entire disc somehow got to 81 minutes, my DVD player shows the duration of the disc at the top-right of the menu screen). Anyway, yes it played fine even though it said "burn failed" but the only problem is the audio. I'll try the merge and cut function and burn again.
It still won't work! :( The audio still halts. I tried making a normal music CD and added the WAV that I extracted using Goldwave. It was not halting and played smoothly. So maybe it has something to do with the conversion? For the video source, I used the original AVI file. For the audio source, I used the WAV. And the result was that the audio halted every few seconds. :( Please help some more! Thanks!
OK..You say that the audio Halts, Is this on your Computer or on your DVD Player??? Because if it is on your DVD Player and Not on your Computer then It could be that you are useing to High of a Bitrate to encode the Video, Something is the Bitrate spikes to high the audio will Cut out..So Try playing the File on your PC before you Burn it to disk and see if there is a Audio problem and if it Plays fine then it could be a Bitrate Problem..And do not Burn your (S)VCD"s at a High speed, you shouldn"t burn at faster than 8 speed and 4 speed would be ideal, and you should set the Overburning to 82 minutes as that is about the Max you can get even with High quality disks...
Thanks. The audio only halts on the DVD player. It plays fine on the computer. I used AviMux to extract the audio as WAV, and then reconverted. It works fine now. Thanks for your help!
Ok, after I reconverted the 2 files, their sizes were pretty high once they were added up. So I cutted out the ending credits and the opening credits (sob sob). And when I added them both up, it came out perfectly 820MB! But it still won't work! :( WHy is that!? I can't cut anymore.
Because you are not taking into account the overhead when burning.
820mb is the max including the overhead. The overhead is usually about 6-8mb, so your file needs to be about 813mb.
To reduce the file size even more just re-encode the audio at a lower bitrate. For example if your audio bitrate is now 224kb/s then you could encode it at 128kb/s and still maintain enough quality in the audio while reducing the file size.
Hi, Guys, I can not get DVD Author to recognize My DVD Burner, It is Just blank were it says "Recorder", But the Funny thing is When I go to the help File it has a screen shot of the DVD writeing Module and the Burner shown in the Picture is the same model as the one I own, a Sony DRU-500A, all my other Burning Programs Recognize it like Nero, But I can"t use Nero Cuz It has been giveing Me errors at the end of the Burn saying it can"t Close the Disk, But the Disks still work But I don"t want to Risk it...And when I point the Burning application to my Video_TS folder, it gives me a message saying there is No Video_TS Folder in this Folder...Ohh well I didn"t expect much From Tmpgenc DVD author anyways so I wasn"t dissapointed....Cheers
Pity about this. I have exactely the same burner. It worked plug and play with TDA. I have been using Nero up to now. As I said somewhere else, this TDA burning tool does not have the most professional look but it does its job perfectly as far as burning is concerned.
This is the second movie that I've downloaded in Xvid format and I still can't get the sound to work... TMPGEnc won't even accept it as a sound file and VirtualDub says that 'there is no decompressor to extract the audio file' - No compression, 44100, full processing mode, of cource.
I've downloaded all kinds of codecs and stumbled on GSpot Codec Information Appliance which said that the sound codec used was "ac3 (0x2000) Dolby Laboratories, Inc" and that I have 3 compatable codecs.. I mean the original file plays just fine in MediaPlayer. Is there any other way to extract audio or does anyone know where to get this codec?
>I did that but it simply extracted the AUDIO - total of 220mg from a 650mb file... It's still compressed
Because you didn't extract it to a wav like I said. You simply extracted it as an AC3 file.
1. Load the AVI file into AVIMUX
2. You will should see 2 streams the Video and Audio stream. Uncheck the video stream.
3. Highlight the Audio stream then right click it, choose 'select compression' then select PCM. In the next box choose - 44.100khz, 16bit, stereo 172kb/s
4. Set the audio preroll and interleave to 100.
5. Click the Output AVI button and select where you want to save the audio. Make sure you give the file a .WAV extension and not .AVI
6. Now click go. If you did everything right the result should be a wav file.
Bruning DVB-Files from Haupauge NExus S in 2 channel stereo works well, error message about non conform dvd ignored, burned, worked. If files are created with AC3 included, DVD Author says "illegal format" and does not accept MPEG file.
Thank´s, I will try this. But I suppose it should work as it does with 2 channel also, seems to be an error in the checking routine of TMPEGENC DVD Author. When I record AC3 seperately, DVD Author accepts the stream but they are out of sync. Any possivility to sync the audio (add delay of x ms) ?
Look under the GOP structure tab and make sure the 'Output interval of sequence header' is set to 1
If it already is and it still gives you an error then it is probably a bug in your software.
Try importing the video and Audio stream seperately.
Take a look at It has detail explanation and suggestions for TMPGEnc setup.
I used what's suggested there and it works like a charm...
Thanks to all of you. I have successfully been able to create a new template for myself having used a variety of your answers and a little other tweaking.
I keep getting various write errors and access violations with module ntdll.dll. I am using version TMPGEnc-2.513.53.162-Free on windows XP. Does anyone have any idea what this problem is?
You Might Get NTDLL.Dll Errors when encodeing XviD files because of some sort of Problem with the Xvid Codec..If this is the Problem you are Haveing you might want to install the "FFDShow Mpeg-4 Decoder" and configure it to decode XviD and all Mpeg-4 formats....