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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Sound skipping Chris 1 2003-07-10 20:48:22
Question TE25 Processing all files in a directory mandy 1 2003-07-10 20:55:24
Question TE25 Read error occured... xaros 0 2003-07-10 13:42:11
Question TE25 ac3 sound stops and starts on standalone keywasere 6 2003-07-12 19:44:48
Question TE25 Wizard - size Scorpaen 1 2003-07-10 08:12:58
Question TE25 Problem at start-up of Encoding AVI file Sierra Wang 1 2003-07-09 19:38:38
Question TE25 Size problem aznesboy401 3 2003-07-10 21:11:11
Question TE25 No sound after Divx converted to VCD MPG. Robert1234 2 2003-07-09 06:22:46
Question TE25 Minutes or MBs? smash 1 2003-07-09 10:02:55
Question TDA1 Output to mpeg2 syeager 12 2003-07-15 23:55:47
Question TE25 video and audio out of sync dloffice 1 2003-07-08 21:35:03
Question TE25 What's a good burner to use? smash 2 2003-07-08 21:21:15

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Question - TE25 - Sound skipping No.37886
Chris  2003-07-10 14:28:31 ( ID:gvsqel7wmpj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When i encode a non standard vcd with
bitrate different from 1150 ( like 900,800 ),
awlays the sound skips.Does anybody has any idea
how to fix this.

ashy  2003-07-10 20:48:22 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If this doesn't happen on the PC then probably your DVD player doesn't support bitrates lower than standard VCD.

Question - TE25 - Processing all files in a directory No.37884
mandy  2003-07-10 14:05:23 ( ID:nmqdyrajeaa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Calling all experts..

I have one directory with non-vcd compliant mpgs.

What I want to do is convert all the mpgs (over 500) into mpegs I can burn to vcd in another directory (just one)

Meaning I have these batch of non compliant mpgs in A that I would like to convert to compliant mpgs and save them in B.

I've tried batch processing and my fingers hurt like hell after clicking browse etc for over 3000 times and i still have over 350 mpg files to convert.

Please help. And Thank you.

ashy  2003-07-10 20:55:24 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Download TMPGEnc Batch List Creator from here:

Question - TE25 - Read error occured... No.37883
xaros  2003-07-10 13:42:11 ( ID:pyucito0o5k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am unable to encode in any format. I choose the .avi source file, and every time I press start, the following message pops up:

Read error occured at address 00402F40 of module '00062327.exe' with 3630302C.

Is there anything special that I have to configure before I start any jobs?

Question - TE25 - ac3 sound stops and starts on standalone No.37876
keywasere  2003-07-10 07:24:32 ( ID:xkkr69ocgcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there, Firstly sorry if the answer is allready on the forum, i have looked but cannot find it anywhere.
Im am attempting to create a dvd-r from an AVI release that is 23.97 framrate.
I have seperated the audio/video using virtualdub and converted the audio to ac3 using besweet. Then using tmpg i have selected film movie (23.97) and followed the chain of event to the end.
When i authored the results using dvd movie factory i found that the audio kept on going of and on at different intervals.
I have previously done the exact same convert using ac3 and 29.97 vidoe and got perfect results. I have noticed in the "other settings" section of tmpg that the inverse telecine box is allready checked, should this be??? there are no other boxes checked in this section.
Just to ensure the avi file was not corrupt i have also tried another release with AC3 and 23.97 framerate and got exactly the same results, i.e. audio cutting in and out.
Please help!!!

Minion  2003-07-10 08:29:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well This is Odviously Not a Tmpgenc Problem as Tmpgenc has absolutly nothing to Do with your Audio, You said that you are Useing a Totally seperate Program to encode your Audio so Tmpgenc never even touches the audio.. Are you Muxing the AC3 audio with the Mpeg video file you encode in Tmpgenc?? and if so what are you useing to Mux the AC3 with the Mpv?? And if your AVI file is 23.97fps you Should NOT have the Inverse Telicline Box Checked, as you want your File to come out at 29.97fps not 23.97, You should either use the "23.97(29.97fps Internally)" Frame rate setting, or you can encode it at 23.97fps then after it is encoded use a Program called "Pulldown.exe" or "DoPulldown" which will add 3:2 Pulldown to the 23.97fps Mpeg file which will make it playback at 29.97fps...

ashy  2003-07-10 21:08:59 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Inverse Telecine setting should not be set. Quite why TMPG automatically checks this is unusual as it's not necessary and shouldn't be used, so uncheck it before encoding.
As for your other settings they seem ok except does the AC3 file play OK on it's own and is the audio in the AVI not already AC3?
If it isn't then you may as well just encode it to standard MP2. There is no advantage to encoding to AC3 from standard 2 channel audio.

keywasere  2003-07-11 19:56:59 ( ID:xkkr69ocgcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for this, The original sound file came from an AVI and is AC3 according to avicodec. The original avi played the sound and video pefectly before i seperated them using virtualdub. I have tried loads of different settings but the end result is that the final audio keeps cutting out and in and the dolby digital sign on my amp keeps switching from dd to dpl and back. With regard to inputing the audio into tmpg, the dvd authoring software(dvd workshop/movie factory2) wont except the converted ac3 file unless it has been through tmpg with the video, it just says file format not allowed or something!!. It deffinatley appears to be something to do with the original AVI been 23976 frame rate as any other framerate works perfectly.

ashy  2003-07-12 00:03:42 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can't use Virtualdub for extracting AC3. It can't do it properly. Use AVImux-04. This is why your authoring program won't accept it. Virtualdub doesn't add the correct header to the extracted AC3 file, so your DVD software is rejecting it.

It is totally pointless re-encoding it again to AC3 and it has nothing to do with the frame rate either.

keywasere  2003-07-12 15:31:51 ( ID:xkkr69ocgcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I bow to your supperior knowledge on this Ashy, but i have done as you said and used avimux to rip the audio which gives me a .ac3 file. This file cannot be recognised in movie factory 2 or dvd workshop. I put the avi with no audio through tmpg on its own to give me the m2v video file, its just the audio thats the problem. Do you suggest using a different dvd authoring program???

ashy  2003-07-12 19:44:48 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Maybe there is a problem with the AC3 file itself.
You could try fixing it with AC3-Fix 0.3 or AC3 Cut-Frame 0.1

Question - TE25 - Wizard - size No.37874
Scorpaen  2003-07-10 07:01:28 ( ID:whfexi.3ewj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When using the wizard, i try to change the bitrate on the next to final screen, i try to change the estimated size, etc, but it does not accept my changes.
how do i use the wizard to specify an output size so the movie will fit on a cd??


Minion  2003-07-10 08:12:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You Can"t make those changes in the Wizard Cuz with the wizard you have to use one of the Templates and each template has a set Bitrate, you have to exit the Wizard and then Load the "Unlock.mfc" template then the Bitrate settings will be Free and so will all of the settings..The Wizard is Basicly for newbies and doesn"t alow you to change the settings much from the pre-defined template settings...

Question - TE25 - Problem at start-up of Encoding AVI file No.37872
Sierra Wang  2003-07-09 17:08:25 ( ID:ipb7t2avhyg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try to start encoding of video file (AVI type),an error message pop up
"can't load P3package.dll" even p3package.dll is already exist at c:windowsdesktopTMPGenc- What shall I do to solve this problem? My TMPGenc version 2.513.53.162 , core v. 1.96.149
Computer spec.: Celeron 1.7 GHz,128 DDR,HDD 40 GB/7200 rpm. run on WinMe

Minion  2003-07-09 19:38:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It sounds Like Not all of the Tmpgenc Files are in the Same folder, The Main "EXE" File has to be in the same folder as all of the Rest of the Files that come with Tmpgenc, You can not have the EXE File sitting on your deskTop as a ShortCut...

Question - TE25 - Size problem No.37868
aznesboy401  2003-07-09 09:11:53 ( ID:6cnq1viqlkw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When i tried to encode a anime it showed the size of the anime about 600mb and 66 minutes when its only 22 minutes and 200 mb. Can anyone tell me why this happen ? I don't want to make a file that's 3 times a big of the original.

ashy  2003-07-09 10:10:00 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Must be an error in you file. Try using the source range to set your start and end points in the file.

aznesboy401  2003-07-10 01:18:36 ( ID:ir4wlyuzgf. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i use source range it appear to have around 40,000 frames but when I start encoding it has 120,000 frames

ashy  2003-07-10 21:11:11 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you set to encode just the first 40,000 frames with the source range then it will only encode 40,000 frames regradless of how many TMPG is telling you there is.

Question - TE25 - No sound after Divx converted to VCD MPG. No.37865
Robert1234  2003-07-09 04:26:17 ( ID:khpx5q52nlh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a Divx file with these video and audio attributes.
Video : 170 Mb, 988 Kbps, 23.976 fps, res. 640*480 (4:3), DIV3 = DivX v3 ;-) MPEG-4 (Low-Motion), Supported
Audio : 16.55 Mb, 95 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 chan., 0x55 = MPEG Layer-3, Supported
It play fine but when I put it in TMPGEnc to convert to VCD MPG, TMPGEnc does not recognize the sound. While it's playing in Windows Media Player, I see that it's using the Divx decoder for video part and Morgan Stream Switcher for audio part. I think I need to uninstall the Morgan Stream Switcher to make it work with TMPGEnc since it used to work in the past. What is the file name that I need to delete? I couldn't find it in Add/Remove Programs.

Ronald2438  2003-07-09 04:36:30 ( ID:9fs.uplxi.o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am having the same problem and can't seem to figure it out. I get no sound at all however it plays fine in windows media 9. I need some help as well on the subject.

smash  2003-07-09 06:22:46 ( ID:cykzmkq4zra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPG has problems with encoding sound... Just use Virtual Dub to encode the WAV sound file and then use your source video file with the encoded WAV file. In detail here -

Question - TE25 - Minutes or MBs? No.37863
smash  2003-07-09 01:59:29 ( ID:cykzmkq4zra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm sort of new to this... Suppose I have a 720MB mpg file which is about 72 mins. When I burn it should I use data disk [that way it won't fit] or can I use Video Disk [I use Stomp RecordNow]. Question is, is it the same as audio where only minutes matter not size [128kbs or 192kbs would both fit]?

ashy  2003-07-09 10:02:55 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What would be the point of burning the MPEG as a data disk? It wouldn't be compatible with any DVD players, also you would lose 100mb of disk space. You can fit 800mb of MPEG data on a disk when burned as VCD/SVCD or 820mb if you overburn and my advice is change to Nero for burning your VCD/SVCD disks as it's much better at it.

>Question is, is it the same as audio where only minutes matter not size [128kbs or 192kbs would both fit]?

Hmm...who told you this?

It is *NOT* the minutes that matter at all, but the size. You cannot fit a 2GB Video or audio file on to a disk even if it was, say only 72 mins in playing time. Whoever told you this doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.

Question - TDA1 - Output to mpeg2 No.48644
syeager  2003-07-08 19:40:24 ( ID:4pytp0no/ln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I love this tool. Created several miniDVDs as I do not yet have a DVD burner. I especially like the editor interface for removing unwanted sections of an mpeg2 source file without reencoding. Excellent job.

Is it possible to output the edited video as a mpeg file? Or output as xsvcd? I have some people that cannot use DVD-R or DVD+R or miniDVD, but can use SVCD and XSVCD. I don't know if TDA will write xsvcd or not, but if they could save the mpeg file, I could use another tool, as well as make miniDVD with TDA. I tried renaming the VOB to an mpeg, but the program I was using VCDEasy, failed on analyzing it.

Any suggestions? Good product. Maybe a little pricey, especially for download with no media or manual. Does the purchase of the program allow for free upgrades? How are upgrades handled for registred users?

Thanks again.

willyiam  2003-07-08 23:36:05 ( ID:n2mkjczjyx6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In the Output menu Uncheck "Create DVD folder" this will output the movie to H/D as a MPEG2 file.

syeager  2003-07-10 05:06:30 ( ID:7so6hrdzfda )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, when I uncheck the "Create DVD folder", it disables the "Begin Output" button and will not allow me to click it. Is there something else I should do? I am using version

B_Racer  2003-07-10 09:46:50 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use the "No Menu"-Settings to create your File. Then use TMPGEnc to demux it to MPEG.

willyiam  2003-07-10 10:30:21 ( ID:n2mkjczjyx6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The quickest way. No need to demux.

Apologies for previous suggestion. Wrong authoring tool.

From "Source setup" select "Add DVD video".
Scroll to the VIDEO_TS folder and highlight it.
When Wizard appears click "Next".
Uncheck "Reading chapter information" and check "Copy the clip video data to HDD".
Select a folder to save the MPG in and click "Ok".
After TMPGEnc DVD Author has finished copying the MPG file to HD close it down.
You'll find the MPG file in the folder you selected. It's a good idea to rename it because it's rather long and can be confusing.

Dr. Seltsam  2003-07-11 20:54:15 ( ID:hvbecdq7euo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ah, I didn´t know this before. Thanks !

But be careful: A lot of DVD Stand-alone-players will play SVCD only correct, when the audio is 44,1 Khz. Because DVD audio is 48 khz, you will have to reencode audio. All tools I know will demux video + audio, reencode audio and then mux video + audio again.

syeager  2003-07-15 15:25:05 ( ID:4pytp0no/ln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the input. That works. However, one of the reasons I wanted to use the mpeg was to burn an xsvcd using VCDEasy, and VCDEasy will not take mpeg files ( or the original VOB file renamed to mpeg ) from TDA. It errors but I cannot recall the error message. Remember that I start with an mpeg file ( 352x480, 29.97, 2400, 44.1 mpeg2 ) that I capture ( both VCDEasy and TDA both accept this file ), use TDA to edit out unwanted sections of the clip, create DVD output, then either burn to miniDVD or reload and extract mpeg to use in VCDEasy ( wich now will not accept the mpeg ).

Any thoughts on this? What could it be doing to mpeg that VCDEasy does not like? What other alternatives does anyone have?

willyiam  2003-07-15 17:08:22 ( ID:n2mkjczjyx6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You could try demuxing in TMPGEnc Plus and then remux. This will result in a new header being written which should allow VCDEasy to read the MPG file.

dutchrp  2003-07-15 20:49:07 ( ID:vtiibvf2v72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cut out two batches of commercials from a video clip. I then went through the instructions to save it as an .mpg (by loading the Video_TS). What I got was three .mpgs, each one a segment where I cut out the commercials. Is there a way to have this as just one .mpg instead of three?

B_Racer  2003-07-15 21:16:44 ( ID:f0tdjnbzg.2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Like i wrote before: Let TMPGEnc DVD Author produce your VOB-File.
Open the VOB with the MPEG-Tools of TMPGEnc and just demux it - ready to go!

syeager  2003-07-15 21:56:52 ( ID:4pytp0no/ln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the input. That works. However, one of the reasons I wanted to use the mpeg was to burn an xsvcd using VCDEasy, and VCDEasy will not take mpeg files ( or the original VOB file renamed to mpeg ) from TDA. It errors but I cannot recall the error message. Remember that I start with an mpeg file ( 352x480, 29.97, 2400, 44.1 mpeg2 ) that I capture ( both VCDEasy and TDA both accept this file ), use TDA to edit out unwanted sections of the clip, create DVD output, then either burn to miniDVD or reload and extract mpeg to use in VCDEasy ( wich now will not accept the mpeg ).

Any thoughts on this? What could it be doing to mpeg that VCDEasy does not like? What other alternatives does anyone have?

dutchrp  2003-07-15 23:19:27 ( ID:vtiibvf2v72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks B Racer. What I got was a video file .m2v, and an audio file .wav. Is that what I should expect? I used these two files to encode a mpg using tmpgenc and the audio went fine. The video froze up at 5:16 and stayed on that one frame for the rest of the 20:00 minute video. Any help there? Am I missing something obvious?

B_Racer  2003-07-15 23:55:47 ( ID:uglt.yfgnin )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The two Files you get are so called elemantary Streams. You can encode the WAV to MP2 if you like to spare Bitrate. After that, you can use an Authoring-Tool for further Authoring.
If your Goal is DVD, any DVD-Authoring-Program can handle the Files. Maybe you have to rename the .m2v to .mpv and the .mp2 to .mpa.
If your Goal is SVCD or XSVCD, use TSCV. That programm includes the Muxer MPLEx, which is able to handle the Files to produce Non-Standard-SVCDs. But you have to set the Mux-Rate to 0 which means automatic.

Question - TE25 - video and audio out of sync No.37861
dloffice  2003-07-08 17:16:01 ( ID:lkhkpbqhdmc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After converting an avi file to mpeg, the video and audio are out of sync. Can tmpgenc correct this somehow?

Minion  2003-07-08 21:35:03 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There can Be Many, Many reasons for this, Like if you encode to mpeg to a Different frame rate than the AVI file then you can get audio sync Problems, if the AVI file has an gap at the beginning you can get audio sync Problems, something when encodeing AVI files they will have Bad or frozed Frames in them that Can cause the audio to go out of Sync , If you are encodeing Captured AVI Files they Can go out of Sync because they are captured to a Slightly different Frame rate than you are encodeing them to which can cause sync Problems..If the audio in the AVI file is Compressed something when it is Decompressed durring the encodeing Proscess the Length can somehow Change which causes Sync Problems and I have Noticed that tmpgenc seemd to treat "Drop Frame 29.97fps" and "Non-Drop frame 29.97fps" and regular 29.976fps files the same which can cause a sync Problem over long Movies..Depending on the Type of De-Sync you are experienceing would determine how you would fix the Problem but either way it is allmost allways Very tricky to get Files back into sync ..

Question - TE25 - What's a good burner to use? No.37858
smash  2003-07-08 02:32:03 ( ID:cykzmkq4zra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been using Stomp RecordNow for years for music etc but it doesn't do such a good job on VCDs - they often come off cut off when I create the Visual disks...

ashy  2003-07-08 16:26:36 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nero is the best and easiest in my opinion.

Minion  2003-07-08 21:21:15 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes nero is Good If you Don"t want any Features in your VCD or SVCD, I personally Prefer useing an Authoring Program so I can add Chapters and Menu"s, Something Like VCDEasy(Not freeware anymore) or a Ulead SVCD/VCD/DVD Authoring Program Like DVD workshop..But for Just Putting a Plain VCD on Disk then Nero is Good at it...

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