Pegasys Products BBS

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This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 807 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 DVD Problems Johnny 6 2002-07-07 15:39:51
Question TE25 Can TMPGenc create files for Nero ??? a1sy 8 2002-07-02 02:43:48
Question TE25 Can't open Mpeg2 even installed Mpeg2Codec NightBird 4 2002-07-01 15:51:37
Question TE25 TMPGenc "Vfapi Plugins" ? Rick 1 2002-06-30 22:51:56
Question TE25 Error Messages when encoding Lucegost 6 2002-07-02 13:32:21
Question TE25 Can TMPGenc create files for Nero ??? a1sy 3 2002-07-07 18:44:10
Question TE25 Audio problems Fernando 3 2002-06-30 17:26:32
Question TE25 Help with subtitles johnnie 1 2002-06-30 15:50:18
Question TE25 DVD Copy Neville 3 2002-07-07 19:05:33
Question TE25 TMPGEnc and Nero...Question from Newbie Tony 2 2002-07-01 20:22:56
Question TE25 Cut mpegs adi 9 2002-07-01 16:10:28
Bug report TE25 WinXP Visual Styles Ryguy@Home 1 2002-07-01 00:10:44

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 807 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Question - TE25 - DVD Problems No.24185
Johnny  2002-06-30 22:27:33 ( ID:11woevyb5zm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Help, I'm trying out the demo version of this program, don't want to buy it unless it does what I want, and I can't figure out how to create files that will run on my DVD player. I've converted a few files but they just don't play.
Any help would be great, you can email me at or just respond to this question here.

ASHY  2002-07-01 15:55:39 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to


ASHY  2002-07-05 20:14:43 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Who is this guy?
VCDhelp has very comprehensive info how to dreate DVD/VCD/SVCD using programs such as TMPG which is what the guy is asking for...sheese.


ASHY  2002-07-05 20:14:49 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Who is this guy?
VCDhelp has very comprehensive info how to create DVD/VCD/SVCD using programs such as TMPG which is what the guy is asking for...sheese.


ASHY  2002-07-06 13:32:52 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Granted no one site is all encompassing, and I myself am a regular user of, but I find the layout of the site for beginners a little confusing which is why I suggested VCdhelp.
It has an easier to understand approach and deals with people as total newbies who have no prior experience. Which I thought would be more relevant to the original poster and VChelp has exaxtly the info the person needs.
He didn't ask for sites to research just a guide.

So in retort to your jibe about research, maybe you should try reading the posts more clearly before making assumptions of things you know little about as I have probably done more research into encoding over the last 3 years than you have had hot dinners sonny.


ASHY  2002-07-06 16:26:55 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Maybe you should do a little research into your spelling.
If this is the line in question 'VChelp has exaxtly' to which you refer, may I just explain that it is not my spelling that is at fault, but my typing. I do not claim to be the worlds greatest touch typist and find that remark rather pedantic coming from ,as you say, someone so distinguished as yourself (hmm yeh right).

Regarding your remarks concerning the fact that it is up to the user to make a choice, then you are absolutely right. The reason why your posts offend me is that I have been using this BBS for a long time now and have seen many 'chumps' like yourself come and go who think they know it all and seem to contradict every post anybody else makes.

This BBS is about helping people and giving incorrect advice doesn't help. The way you make your posts it seems you like to sham the advice of others as you think yours is more relevant. Advice on this BBS should be given in addition to not instead of and trying to throw your weight around by claiming you are such and such a person is just laughable as it means diddly on this BBS and won't impress anybody, least of all myself.

Anyway keep researching and pay a few more visits to this BBS you may learn something from my posts.


Griff  2002-07-07 15:39:51 ( ID:hrx7erbzyah )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Anyway keep researching and pay a few more visits to this BBS you may learn something from my posts.

Hmm, yea you're right ASHY as usual...


Question - TE25 - Can TMPGenc create files for Nero ??? No.24176
a1sy  2002-06-30 21:08:00 ( ID:fmpl.kohmzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I got problem with my audio by burning DVD with Sonis myDVD. Audio disappear after 80% of movie. I'd like to try NERO.
Now, when I come to burn it onto the DVD using Nero I get these error messages in Nero: Required file VIDEO TS.IFO IS NOT PRESENT and
DVD VIDEO FILES Compliance Test Failed
But after TMPGenc I'm getting single mpg.file.
Any suggestion ?

Minion  2002-06-30 22:58:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to use an authoring program like "spruce up" or "dvdit" to make the Video.TS folder for you then you can burn it with nero,it is good to author it so you can put chapters in...

a1sy  2002-06-30 23:59:32 ( ID:fmpl.kohmzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for reply.
So,doesn't mean TMPGenc doesn't create those files for NERO even I choose
DVD settings ? I'm not so happy to use one more software , but if you say there is no other way, I'll try.


a1sy  2002-07-01 01:48:04 ( ID:fmpl.kohmzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for reply.
So,doesn't mean TMPGenc doesn't create those files for NERO even I choose
DVD settings ? I'm not so happy to use one more software , but if you say there is no other way, I'll try.


a1sy  2002-07-01 02:52:09 ( ID:fmpl.kohmzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for reply.
So,doesn't mean TMPGenc doesn't create those files for NERO even I choose
DVD settings ? I'm not so happy to use one more software , but if you say there is no other way, I'll try.


Minion  2002-07-01 03:36:39 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If anything Nero should make those files out of your mpeg file,but if you really
want to have a dvd that plays like a dvd then you Should author menu"s and do chapters I even do them with vcd"s and they make watching a movie more enjoyable and whith out chapters how would you skip to the next scene or fast forward or rewind with any acuracy at all.....

a1sy  2002-07-01 16:08:00 ( ID:fmpl.kohmzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Minion
Well last nigth I did some more work.
I found out that I have a problem with Sonic myDVD program - audio disapear after about 80% ov movie. So, I did download Ulead Movie Factory trial version and it's working fine.I'm doing all chapters and no problem with audio.
So,this is just trial version of Ulead and I have Nero yet.I saw explanation in how to author DVD with Nero.But my question again about TMPGenc:can I get those files in TMPGenc for NERO without additional software,

Minion  2002-07-01 19:47:15 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes you should but for some reason you can"t, nero should make those files while proscessing your file, but tmpgenc isn"t a DVD maker it is a mpeg and it is up to your authoring software to put it to disk, but if you got dvdit and ulead dvd movie factory then you don"t need Nero cuz they will burn it for you....

a1sy  2002-07-02 02:43:48 ( ID:fmpl.kohmzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'll find a ulead Movie factory works just fine.
Thanks a lot


Question - TE25 - Can't open Mpeg2 even installed Mpeg2Codec No.24171
NightBird  2002-06-30 20:23:19 ( ID:r0joew0uil2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can anyone help me please?
Now, I can't browse Mpeg2 file, it can't open or unsupportted. Even I tried every way, re-installed Mpeg2Codec from or tried to make new VFAPI setting with the Direct Show file reader at 2 priority!

Actually, last week it still worked fine until yesterday, I bought a new Dazzle DVD.Master and installed everything, Boom! my TMPGE could not open MPEG2 from then!!!!!

Thank you in advance

Minion  2002-06-30 22:55:39 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well to get the program to read the mpeg2 file you would raise the mpeg2 plugin no the direct show plugin, but try this ,de-multiplex the mpeg2 file and load the video in seperately,This works cuz the mpeg2 plugin reads "m2v" files not mpg files......

NightBird  2002-07-01 13:05:27 ( ID:r0joew0uil2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you for your advice,

I've tried, it still doesn't work!!!! In my idea, I think the XP must be the cause! This afternoon I tried to browse the same Mpeg2 file with another PC (Windows Me). There's no any problem!!! everything runs fine!!!! Well, I think the last choice I would do it is re-install the XP, as everyone knows, it's cost a BIG time to backup everything!!!!!!!!! huuuuuuh.................................................................

any solutions??? please help!

Thank you again,

yosik  2002-07-01 14:39:23 ( ID:eluw.nw.xrc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My 2c worth.
Confilct of codecs. Try and check one thing at a time before you reinstall windows. Like uninstalling codecs or program that came with DVD master.
I had the same thing with Ulead. Once I uninstalled it, everything was back to normal.
Good Luck

ASHY  2002-07-01 15:51:37 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would also gues it is Dazzle DVD Master causing the problem. For some reason some other encoding or editing programs can cause a problem with TMPG. I don't think it is down to XP, but as the previous poster said, it is more likely a codec conflict.


Question - TE25 - TMPGenc "Vfapi Plugins" ? No.24169
Rick  2002-06-30 19:39:17 ( ID:q7u5woyp1aa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can someone please tell me the purpose of the "Vfapi Plugins" in TMPGenc ? I've looked in the FAQs, etc. and see nothing about it. I able to use the software (ver 2.56) in Win XP just fine, but wonder if I'm missing something?


Minion  2002-06-30 22:51:56 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

With out the VFAPI plugins you wouldn"t be able to use Tmpgenc, tmpgenc uses them to access certain file types, like the "direct show" accesses direct show formats and the mpeg2 plugin accasses mpeg2 format and so on ect, the more plugins you have the more file types you can encode to mpeg...

Question - TE25 - Error Messages when encoding No.24162
Lucegost  2002-06-30 18:44:59 ( ID:engnojhmxhw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When converting a Avi over to vcd I keep getting a error (-537403781 1983760) anyone know how to solve this problem?

Tony Pirog  Home )  2002-06-30 19:23:32 ( ID:putoe8c3hom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I found the following below - tried it and it got rid of the error :O)

Question - Solution to P3Package No.24106

Nev ( Mail ) 2002/06/28 (Fri.) 14:04 ( IP: ) [ Edit / Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Seems there are a lot of people looking for a solution for this error. After trawling the forum, came across minion's solution:

Go to Options - Environmental Control - CPU
Make sure only the MMX box (NOT MMX-2 or SSE) is checked and voila, should work

Many thanks to minion's entry on 06/24


champ  2002-07-01 00:59:01 ( ID:q0gitfcafw2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That error message still pops up for me even after i unchecked MMX-2 and SSE
Will anything else work?

champ  2002-07-01 01:54:56 ( ID:q0gitfcafw2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My problem sounds similar to this but isn't fixed by that method, so if anybody does know how to keep an error message that says: -537403781 180576 from popping up reply ASAP cause i'm in the process of converting now.

Minion  2002-07-01 19:53:49 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try useing a different file and see if it comes up with those files cuz the problem could be due to your avi file and if it is then you just can"t encode that avi file to mpeg but if it happens with every file then you should try re-installing tmpgenc and see if that works......

Akaid  2002-07-01 20:46:10 ( ID:eeylgaggea2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there.

I keep getting the following error when i encode Avi's and div's to vcd.

It says "can not be used as an external encoder " ??

Does you any if this is a bug or a user error ?


ASHY  2002-07-02 13:32:21 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Obviously you have have selected an external encoder that can't be used with TMPG. Goto the enviromental settings and disable it.


Question - TE25 - Can TMPGenc create files for Nero ??? No.24158
a1sy  2002-06-30 17:22:53 ( ID:fmpl.kohmzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I got problem with my audio by burning DVD with Sonis myDVD. Audio disappear after 80% of movie. I'd like to try NERO.
Now, when I come to burn it onto the DVD using Nero I get these error messages in Nero: Required file VIDEO TS.IFO IS NOT PRESENT and
DVD VIDEO FILES Compliance Test Failed
But after TMPGenc I'm getting single mpg.file.
Any suggestion ?

Minion  2002-06-30 22:48:09 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been looking arround for a solution for your problem cuz there have been a couplae of poeple asking this ,I don"t burn dvd"s so I"m preety much as lost as you but from what i have been reading you need to "Author" your mpeg file with an authorong program(would be a good idea so you can put in chapters)and the authoring program will put your mpeg into a Video TS Folder and it is this folder that you burn to dvd=r, go to and they have step by step instructions on how to author menus and chapters with authoring programs...

a1sy  2002-07-07 16:19:03 ( ID:fmpl.kohmzn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Griff for reply.
You know I foiund the way to create my DVD's.
Sonic my DVD has a bugs - the audio disapear after 60-80% of movie .
Ulead movie factory works fine and can creat all those files for NERO.
So,why I need to take all files and burn them with NERO if I can do it in 1 click with Ulead Movie factory.
So,my way is :
Studio 7 - capture and editing with MP3, save as AVI.Then TMPGenc with aver.8000kb/sec,max9000 and min 2000kb/sec- 2VBR,very slow motion.Then Ulead Movie Factory.

Everything fine - just one complain - speed of encoding !!!
I've got a new Computer 2 weeks ago , and anyway 10min of movie -3.3hours of encoding! I have Pentium - 4 , 2Ghz,512 Mb memory,Geforce4 TI4400,DVD burner Pioneer -04.

Griff  2002-07-07 18:44:10 ( ID:jjuoli2e8m. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Everything fine - just one complain - speed of encoding !!!

Encoding speed is a big problem. I recently encoded a 3 hour film, admitedly using absolutely top quality from TMPGEnc, and it took 2 days!

Computing power is not the total story though. I've used a custom-built Athlon-based machine at work (1.4GHz), and I use a Pentium 450 III at home, and there's not that huge difference in encoding speed between them.


Question - TE25 - Audio problems No.24154
Fernando  2002-06-30 12:57:08 ( ID:chvxez5p8dh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I have a problem. I have captured a movie in VCD format (MPGEG1-1, 352x288, 25fps.) and it is ok. If I would like to modify it with the VCD options in the principal menu from TMPGENC, the result is that the sound seems to be faster and the program delete some little portions of it to make a perfect correlation between video and audio. Somebody knows something about this? Thanks. Fernando

Hataian  2002-06-30 16:56:45 ( ID:ceso8j9ek8a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do you modify it?

Fernando  2002-06-30 17:14:51 ( ID:chvxez5p8dh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Hataian!
I have used the "clip frame" option to delete a black bar at the bottom of the recording.
Thanks for your help.

Fernando  2002-06-30 17:26:32 ( ID:chvxez5p8dh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Hataian!
I have used the "clip frame" option to delete a black bar at the bottom of the recording.
Thanks for your help.

Question - TE25 - Help with subtitles No.24152
johnnie  2002-06-30 12:47:37 ( ID:6v0mlexcfsc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How can I add *.sub files in AVi or MPG file with TMPGenc?
I want to convert DivX with sub in MPG ( VCD or SVCD or DVD ) and
to watch on my home DVD/MP3/VCD/SCVD player.

ASHY  2002-06-30 15:50:18 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

See this post:

Question - Subtitles with TMPGEnc... No.24095


Question - TE25 - DVD Copy No.24148
Neville  2002-06-30 03:55:57 ( ID:oycyzbxb0cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi All.

I have just downloaded TMPEG software but I don't seem to copy DVD's What is the correct steps to do this

Minion  2002-06-30 04:21:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tmpgenc isn"t for Copying DVD"s,it is for encodeing avi/mov/d2v files to mpeg1/2 format, if you want to copy DVD"s you need more software, like "Smartripper" and "DVD2AVI" and a burning program like "Nero" or "VCDEasy" Go to and you can download the software and read a help manual on how to get a dvd movie on to a couple cd-r"s....

Neville  2002-07-02 07:42:59 ( ID:oycyzbxb0cc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks I will try that

Griff  2002-07-07 19:05:33 ( ID:jjuoli2e8m. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I have just downloaded TMPEG software but I don't seem to copy DVD's What is the correct steps to do this

You don't use TMPGEnc for DVD copying.

This is probably the quickest way, and discards the DVD menu:

i. Get a copy of SmartRipper and copy the DVD onto your hard disk

ii. get a copy of IFOEdit and open the first VOB (using the "creat IFO" button) of the movie - smartripper will only rip the movie VOBs if it's in movie mode.

iii. tell IFOEdit which folder you want to put your newly created VOBs in

iv. when IFOEdit's finished, re-open the VTS_01_1.IFO (or whatever the first IFO of the movie is) and click get VTS Sectors.

v. Copy all the files in the new folder into the VIDEO_TS directory created by Nero (assuming you use Nero to burn the DVDs).

vi. Burn the DVD

vii. watch the movie on your DVD player.


Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc and Nero...Question from Newbie No.24145
Tony  2002-06-29 22:46:55 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Group

I am having problems converting an AVI file to DVD using TMPG and Nero.

I have downloaded an AVI movie and want to put it onto a DVD, I have had to rip the sound track from the AVI using V/Dub..all o.k..then I started to convert the AVI to DVD, adding the ripped Wav file. This was completed o.k.

Now, when I come to burn it onto the DVD using Nero I get these error messages in Nero: Required file VIDEO TS.IFO IS NOT PRESENT and
DVD VIDEO FILES Compliance Test Failed

These error messages appear when I have pressed the 'Burn' button in Nero

TMPGE did the conversion,set as follows: DVD PAL (MPeg-2 720x576 25fps CQ65,LAYER-2 48000Hz 384kbps) (This data is at the bottom of the conversion screen)

My DVD burner is a Pioneer DVR A03
The original AVI file was sized at 733,968,384 and the converted MPeg file is now 1,849,249,796
The MPeg file plays o.k (with sound) in Media Player and Real One player

Any ideas what I have done wrong please ?


Hataian  2002-06-30 16:59:04 ( ID:ceso8j9ek8a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't know what the problem is,but you could try Spruceup.
It can create a DVD profile and burn it itself.
In this case,the profile should be correct and be burned correctly
to DVD.You can download a trial version on the Internet.
Search for Spruceup at

Tony  2002-07-01 20:22:56 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your help....will give it a try..



Question - TE25 - Cut mpegs No.24135
adi  2002-06-29 21:55:08 ( ID:hopuwio3fbn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hy .

Anybody know how can i cut the mpeg to can burn it on CD.I convert a movie and size is 1,4 GB

Minion  2002-06-29 22:40:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

"File" to "Mpeg Tools" to "merge and cut" and if it don"t work find a mpeg editor....

Paul Memoli  2002-06-30 16:20:38 ( ID:/1isfusp3aa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

these BBS messages have been very helpful. I read about the mpeg editor DVTools on this board yesterday and was able to make 2 -3 smaller mpeg files from SVD coded files for several movies. The only remaining problem is that Nero Ver 5.5.7 says that it needs a SVCD encoder plug in.
If I simply take the SVCD mpeg file that I made using TMPG and slice it to fit a CD-R and then burn it with Nero the result is something like a slide show - a series of short, choppy video bursts with scattered sound. This happens whether I set NERO to "SVCD" or non-compliant CD.
Now NERO offers the SVCD encoder for $16, it is not the cost of the software, but the question is whether I really need it. Will Nero burn a TMPG SVCD mpeg file without the SVCD encoder?

Rick  2002-06-30 19:33:11 ( ID:q7u5woyp1aa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cannot burn an SVCD with Nero either, but VCDeasy (free software) works great. Can see tips on using it at

Here's a download site (although it has many "pop-ups"; might want to disable cookies first.)

Rick  2002-06-30 19:34:52 ( ID:q7u5woyp1aa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry, I forgot to paste the download site:

Paul Memoli  2002-06-30 21:40:37 ( ID:/1isfusp3aa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

VCD Easy does not seem to support my Dell Dimension CD-RW.
That's ok, I realized while reading thru some of these posts that the problem may be that my Panasonic "Progressive scan" DVD, Video CD, CD and MP3 player may simply not support SVCD. I had thought that "progressive scan" meant that it could read anything...
I went to Circuit City to ask the sales help for advice, but they were clueless. There were no DVD players that also stated that they played SVCD so I could not test out the SVCD disc that seemed to "skip" when played on my machine. For the time being, I am going to cease trying to make SVCDs - my next venture may be to buy one of the AT1-All in Wonder boards so that I can capture TV signals and digitalize them at high resolution. It seems that hi-res avi files make sharper TV pictures even when recorded as a VCD, so I guess I'll try to increase picture quality from the front end, rather than the rear end!

Minion  2002-06-30 23:14:53 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you want to increase the quality of your vcd"s I don"t think a capture board is going to help much,get a dvd rom and rip dvd"s if you want quality, it is easier and will give you better quality than captureing, and you don"t have to fork out a bunch of cash on something that might not be what you want, i"m just saying this cuz I bought a "all in wonder" a couple months ago and it wasn"t what i expected and I had problems with it from day one...

Paul Memoli  2002-06-30 23:45:40 ( ID:/1isfusp3aa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Minion, I'm just not happy with the quality that I have been able to achieve with burning VCDs from KaZaA files. The best quality vcd came from an erotic file called Dark Angel by a guy named Andrew Blake. It had been encoded in a higher resolution to start with, AVI at (740 x something that I can't recall) and made a really sharp VCD. Most avi files of tv shows or movies are at 320x240 and even when I use TMPG to encode them as MPEG and then use Nero to burn them the images on the TV screen are still somewhat blurry.
ANIME is always sharp.
So I want to be able to watch clear and sharp network tv shows and movies on disk. I thought I could invest $200 in a ATI "All in Wonder" board and run my tv cable into the computer, and then digitalize the cable output at a hi resolution.But now I wonder if I shouldn't simply get a stand alone DVD recorder....
So much to think about, so little cash!!!!

Minion  2002-07-01 03:47:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi ,Just get a dvd-rom (about $75)not a dvd-burner ,then all you need is your cd-rw and you can make vcd/svcd"s that look like dvd"s, the ones I do are at high resolution(704 by 480)and have menues,chapters and look awesome, and you don"t have to spend $700 on a dvd burner and $5-$10 for each dvd-r, I wouldn"t spend that kind of cash on something unless I was sure i needed it and if you can get simular results with a tenth the cash I think it is worth the investment,Just a thought....

ASHY  2002-07-01 16:10:28 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In answer to the guy who is having problems burning SVCD's with Nero after using DVtool to split his files.

The simple answer to your problem is that you can NOT just simply cut the file in three and then burn in Nero.

All SVCD and VCD MPEG files need to have a header attached to them in order for them to be recognized as a SVCD or VCD. DVtool does not do this and I'm pretty sure this is the reason for your choppy playback.

Once you have split those files you need to run them through the simple multiplexer in MPEGtools to attach a SVCD header to the files and then burn in NERO using the SVCD option.
I guess also that nero gave you some sort of warning when you loaded the file. The NERO SVCD plugin is for re-encoding files and is crap, so dont bother.

All you need to do is load the MPEG files into the simple multiplexer and choose 'MPEG2 Super VCD(VBR)' as the type and then run, then burn in NERO with the SVCD option.


Bug report - TE25 - WinXP Visual Styles No.24133
Ryguy@Home  2002-06-29 21:47:24 ( ID:y0cv6nkdwhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First of all I'm using Windows XP and am a big fan of the ability to change the visual styles. In the main windows of tmpgenc(all versions I think), if you drag the windows up from the buttom right corner until you can't make it any smaller, the window(just tmpgenc not any other parts of winxp) will change the visual style back to the default classic style(which looks like crap). I really don't care about this. I just think it's odd. If anyone understands what I'm talking about I'll be suprised. If anyone has winxp try it out.

willyiam  2002-07-01 00:10:44 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not exactly a bug - Cosmetic more like. More to the point, why do you want to do such a thing? Seems absolutely pointless to me!

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