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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TDA1 "Author" not acceptable for professional replication? Jay 1 2004-02-27 22:02:10
Question TE25 TMPGEnc with Adobe Encore MediaCrafter 2 2004-03-20 16:47:09
Question TE25 How do I delete tmpgenc Ted 1 2004-02-27 09:40:06
Question TE25 Can`t load P3Package.dll Melanie 1 2004-02-26 21:07:01
Question TE25 Audio desync !!! HELP ! Zibri 2 2004-02-28 17:04:43
Question TDA1 16:9 Menu possible? apachelance 2 2004-02-29 11:03:43
Request TDA1 Audio and Video Synchronization bellard 9 2004-03-12 15:53:14
Question TE25 error message please help uselesspoopie 3 2004-03-04 22:24:18
Bug report TE25 Doesn't join mpeg2 properly whatever 0 2004-02-26 02:57:38
Question TE25 No Audio When converting DivX (Mp3Audio) Moris 0 2004-02-25 18:03:45
Question TE25 invalid pointer operation gam 2 2004-02-25 14:27:06
Question TDA1 What is "Invalid Unit Number"? machie 2 2004-05-19 02:00:45

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Question - TDA1 - "Author" not acceptable for professional replication? No.49058
Jay  2004-02-27 02:41:57 ( ID:fw9sde9qbrg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used Tmpgenc and Tsunami Author to create a DVD+R master and sent it for professional replication by Denon Digital (Georgia, USA). Denon rejected the DVD master for replication and sent the following error info:

"Video Manager IFO and BUP files in the same ECC block"

"The DVD-Video specifications require that Video Manager Information file (VIDEO_TS.IFO) and its backup (VIDEO_TS.BUP) NOT be recorded in the same ECC block."

"...If the two files overlap within the same ECC Block, it is possible that if the ECC fails, it will cause both files to be unreadable".

"This problem is caused by the authoring system that created the image. It is the responsibility of the authoring system to ensure that these files do not overlap within the same ECC Block."

"With normal use, a disc may develop scratches and other physical defects over time. If an error should occur in the ECC Block where both of these files are recorded, then in may render both files unreadable. It is for this reason that this rule is set to Warning SEVERITY."

Hence the DVD was rejected for professional replication by Denon.

I offered to reauthor the DVD in Sonic, and Denon said yes to try that - they hadn't had any problems with professional replication of DVDs authored with Sonic. I reauthored in Sonic and this solved the problem. No red flags or even yellow flags.

Fortunately I had encoded the video using my default parameters in tmpgenc set up to exactly match the parameters required by Sonic authoring to prevent re-encoding by Sonic (those parameters are 8000kbps max, VBV=224, and more).

I prefer the versatility of TMPGEnc Author over Sonic, and home duplication of TMPGEnc Author DVDs has worked fine. But TMPGEnc Author apparently doesn't pass the test for PROFESSIONAL REPLICATION. The Denon plant is huge, cranking out hundreds of thousands of DVDs like "Lord of the Rings", Britney Spears, etc. - so I'm not talking about a local dupe house, but a facility the replicates DVDs for worldwide use.

Does anyone know the scoop here or have a solution? I want to use "Author" for my professional replication jobs, not Sonic. But for now, Author is out for that.

Thanks for any help, Jay

B_Racer  2004-02-27 22:02:10 ( ID:qkyo0nicg8j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This happens only if you use the Burning Engine of TMPGEnc DVD Author. The use of an other Burnin' Application will prevent this.

I do it this way:
Authoring with TMPGEnc DVD Author
Maybe some Color-Corrections with IFOEdit and/or VOBEdit <- That's only for my Ego ;)
Burning a DVD with Nero 5.10.xxxx

I only use Verbatim DVD-R, Sony accepts those Discs for Replication.

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc with Adobe Encore No.41055
MediaCrafter  2004-02-27 00:06:05 ( ID:rzkj/ey1fl. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is anyone successfully using TMPGEnc with Adobe Encore? So far we've been unable to get a TMPGEnc MPEG-2 to be in sync with its audio track in Encore.

Sorenson Squeeze is perfectly in sync.


gregw  Home )  2004-03-20 16:37:11 ( ID:gny7maohuur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have done it successfully after encoding using the settings found here:

Make sure you follow them exactly and you will end up with some pretty nice MPEG-2 files. I haven't noticed any audio sync problems.


gregw  2004-03-20 16:47:09 ( ID:gny7maohuur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

One more thing:

Be sure to encode only your video with TMPEG (select stream type as ES (video-only)). Export your audio as an AIF or WAV file from your editor and lay the video and audio as seperate tracks in the timeline. Let Encore encode the audio for you.


Question - TE25 - How do I delete tmpgenc No.41053
Ted  2004-02-26 20:48:20 ( ID:eiocm5m2ljh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried the free version of TMPGENC and wish to delete it from my system.

I do not find any referece to it in the control panel delet programs or in the TMPGence file folder.

Does one just delete the files since there were no registry entries?


mickyjuice  2004-02-27 09:40:06 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Does one just delete the files since there were no registry entries?

yes just delete all files, there are registry entries left over from free version concerning the 30 days free m-peg2 encoding, these entries cannot be deleted

Question - TE25 - Can`t load P3Package.dll No.41051
Melanie  2004-02-26 19:36:34 ( ID:nztb0jcosbl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello could someone tell me please what I have to do or what I did wrong ?
Am I missing a driver?


Melanie  2004-02-26 21:07:01 ( ID:nztb0jcosbl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I found the problem Thanx anyway :)

Question - TE25 - Audio desync !!! HELP ! No.41048
Zibri  Home )  2004-02-26 19:24:39 ( ID:frn6lewlipr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well I downloaded many TV SHOW episodes (star trek, for example).
They are MPG NTSC.
With TMPGEnc DVD Author I can add those files to any track and author a DVD.

The problem is that AUDIO is synced at the beginning bet gets more and more desynced during the playback... at the end of the episode audio is BADLY desynced.


Please semd me a shor e-mail !

ashy  2004-02-28 09:12:17 ( ID:urognazc8yl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is the original source material in sync or not?

Zef  2004-02-28 17:04:43 ( ID:2jy5nw6ruw6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Load the source file into "Vitualdub mpeg2" and view a later part of the file where you can see the sync clearly. If it is out of sync you need to re-encode the file before using DVD Author

Question - TDA1 - 16:9 Menu possible? No.49055
apachelance  2004-02-26 12:26:40 ( ID:5ur4qxqjw.w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi everybody,

I'm using the trial version of DVD Author and I've got a question regarding menu settings: Is it possible to create a 16:9 format main menu? Because creating a standard menu in TDA causes the menu on a 16:9 tv to shrink.


B_Racer  2004-02-27 22:03:51 ( ID:qkyo0nicg8j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That's possible, but only if the movie is 16:9 too.

On 4:3 Movies, you can only create 4:3-Menus (or you have to be a Wiz on IFOEdit).

apachelance  2004-02-29 11:03:43 ( ID:.e.lumeuie2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

And how can I realise this? What resolution is necessary for the background pic?

Request - TDA1 - Audio and Video Synchronization No.49045
bellard  2004-02-26 04:34:03 ( ID:evqvwrtxkza )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After reading some posts on this BBS about TEMPGEnc out of synchronization, I have seen that's the same problems of mine. My capture card is the Flyvideo98 and my video card is the 3D Phantom XP-3800 Pro with 64MB memory, OS Win 2K Pro, 40GB HD, AMD Athlon 1GB CPU, audio card PCI Avance (ALS4000). Programs I'm using: Power VCR II 3.0 SE, WindDVD, Nero, TMPGEnc DVD, Ulead movie factory and so on. Capturing from VHS in DVD NTSC 720x480 or DVD PAL 720x480 profiles, the resulting captured file is perfect. No problem with audio and video synchronization. But when using any authoring program to convert to VOB file, the standard for DVD profile, audio and video get out of synchronization. I have tried any single option on DVD format and no success. It seems the only format that has no problem is VCD format, but quality is very poor. And it's no sense having a DVD drive to burn DVDs and recorde files in VCD format. WinDVD has an option that gets no problem but resolution is only 352x288 and the result video is not so good. What one should do to have a good resolution without audio and video synchronization problem? What software(s) does the standard industry use? What are we simple mortals going to do? Any one has a good solution to put an end to this problem? Hope someone can answer. Seeo then

B_Racer  2004-02-27 22:08:07 ( ID:qkyo0nicg8j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That's always a problem with those crappy MPEG2-Capture-Programs. They all are producing *shitty* MPEG-Streams with lot's of DTS/PTS-Problems.
That's not a problem for Software-Players, but DVD Athoring Tools do need propper Streams. Try Project X for demuxing and correcting you Stream, i bet, this will work.

bellard  2004-02-29 05:52:21 ( ID:evqvwrtxkza )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tks for the reply and for the tip. Indeed you're right. But where can I find Project X?

Borax  2004-03-03 11:06:36 ( ID:lhftqaoa9cm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

bellard  2004-03-05 13:42:47 ( ID:..oaslkvisk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tks so much Borax!. But do you know where I can find documentation in English> That site is in german and i can't read german. Tks

Borax  2004-03-05 18:01:12 ( ID:p4bakfomxpk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, sorry AFAIRC there is no English documentation. But you may ask for specific questions in the forum. The author (dvb.matt) will help you in English too. There are already some English topics...

bellard  2004-03-05 20:35:39 ( ID:..oaslkvisk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok Tks. By the way, what OS is that program for? Would you know?

Borax  2004-03-05 23:17:50 ( ID:fzvlab1ptwg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, of cause I know :-) I use it every day to demux my DVB captures. ProjectX alias X08 (former ds.jar) is a java application. Therefore it runs in every OS with a Java virtual machine. For Standard Windows get the JAVA Runtime from SUN: and install it on your computer.
Next, download a precompiled version of ProjectX from (not the EXE, but the for example) Double-click on the jar file, accept the licence agreement (ProjectX is GPL) and click the register "main". Drag your video file in the right upper white window. Click on Go! This is the very fast guide to ProjectX...

Borax  2004-03-06 10:53:39 ( ID:fzvlab1ptwg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You may also use googles translation tools to get the docu in English:

KathyinVA  2004-03-12 15:53:14 ( ID:lf8bomhf4rj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I am having trouble downloading VirtualDubMod. One of the files (corona.dll) can't be read by my system after it is extracted because it is archived. How do I get my system to read an archived dll file?



Question - TE25 - error message please help No.41044
uselesspoopie  2004-02-26 03:49:48 ( ID:dyhojouudzh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i got this error message earlier right before it started encoding the file it reads
-error message 00012f40 of module tmpgenc.exe with 20656850-

Please help <any ideas?

ashy  2004-02-26 19:01:07 ( ID:urognazc8yl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it XVID?

nahtanoj  2004-03-04 10:54:47 ( ID:iiilprn9oha )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I encounterd the same problem with an XVID avi file, anybody got any ideas?

ashy  2004-03-04 22:24:18 ( ID:uvjw5yxxihr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, install FFDSHOW then configure it to decode all MPEG4 coded sources such as XVID,DIVX, MS, 3IVX.
Next raise the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2 in the 'VFAPI plugins'.

Bug report - TE25 - Doesn't join mpeg2 properly No.41043
whatever  2004-02-26 02:57:38 ( ID:tkn5khvwjnr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It seems only able to join some mpegs - i've just tried some and they go out of sync when you join two clips. The sound of clip 2 start about 30 seconds before clip 1 has finished! Why is that?

Question - TE25 - No Audio When converting DivX (Mp3Audio) No.41042
Moris  2004-02-25 18:03:45 ( ID:ayesizgp9qg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I convert a Divx Video file to VCD there is no audio - Why ?

Question - TE25 - invalid pointer operation No.41039
gam  2004-02-25 05:02:17 ( ID:aqthpebepll )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is a error window(invalid pointer operation) whenever i press to encode or set option.
Can someone help?

mirella  2004-02-25 08:30:52 ( ID:ayesizgp9qg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

did u get any replies ? it seems like a new message i never got it before and i use it for a few months

mickyjuice  2004-02-25 14:27:06 ( ID:zqigxf3uunk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>There is a error window(invalid pointer operation) whenever i press to encode or set option
>the ol' divx/xvid error

your source is corrupted or youve used something like divfix on a partially downloaded file or/and........

dont ever use wizard, load ur file manually that may help, also uninstall any evil codec packs (yes they are evil, im a convert) only install the codecs that you actually need. i only ever got that error when a codec pack was installed, but since uninstalling that flith, tmpge runs perfectly, even on my P.O.S p2 350

Question - TDA1 - What is "Invalid Unit Number"? No.49042
machie  2004-02-25 01:34:02 ( ID:npbmc7agmuk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am getting this error as soon as TDA starts burning the movie to dvd. The authoring process goes smoothly. I have authored a few dvds in TDA that have burned ok. I am using Memorex & TDK -R blanks, both of which I have used previously with no problems. I authored the movie to a -RW first & had no problems, but when I tried to burn the same movie in TDA to a -R, I got the error message. I tried copying the -RW to a blank -R in another program & it copied but I got an "Invalid Disk" error when I tried to play it in a stand alone player. The -RW plays in the stand alone. I am confused about what the error means & how to correct it.
Movie was captured using an ATI All In Wonder 9000 Pro in the TV application. I don't understand why it burned to the RW but get the Invalid Unit Number errors when burnig to a -R. I even tried re-authoring the mpeg file & got the same error.
I'd appreciate any help/suggestions.

smoothwallsamuel  2004-05-05 12:05:38 ( ID:gichnmtwl32 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I presume that you are burning a .iso file, i had this exact problem and i solved it by creating a dvd folder instead of the .iso
You have four options for this.
1. Make your authoring program output to dvd folder.
2. Burn the iso to a rw disc and copy the disc to hdd using windows explorer
3. Use a tool like dvd shrink with no compression set and output to dvd folder (my personal favourite option)
4. Use a cd/dvd emulation program to mount the iso file as a virtual drive.


Judd  2004-05-19 02:00:45 ( ID:rpnlfhkmawh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]



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