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I just wanted to Merge two mpg-Files (2 SVCD´s) but when I do the part that is supposed to be the End of the Movie is in Front and the part that is supposed to be the Start of the Movie is at the End!
If they are coming out so that the end is in the front and the front is at the end, then try reversing the order you select them in TMPEnc. Also, select only one file at time, meaning don't select the files by highlighting them all at once, but input them one at a time. Once they are all entered then have TMPGEnc merge them.
Excellent program , easy to use , does exactly what its supposed to without any fuss.
I've been capturing video and audio Separately . After a lot of trial and error , I get good quality results at the end of it.
But because I'm using separate files (not started at the same time) , I have to keep quitting TMPGEnc DVD Author , trim the start of the audio file in a separated audio editor restarting TMPGEnc DVD Author to view the files , until , finally I've got them in sync.What with having to save large files over and over ,it probably costs 15-20mins getting it right this way.
What would be real handy would be the ability to be able to alter the audio sync in the Chapter Cut Edit page. Maybe work with sound files up to 5 seconds longer than the start of the video file.
I know there is a section in TMPEnc plus where you can alter the audio sync but its not really that usable because you dont hear the sound , you see the sound bar so, until youve encoded a file, you still dont know if its in sync or not.
Seconded. It would even better if it allowed to the correction of typical lipsync problems such as start times being wrong through to the drift that sometimes happens through a recording thanks to the sound capture not being 100% acurate on its clock. From comments I've read elsewhere, this happens all too often but I have not been able to find any easy fix or means of correcting without a lot of work.
Ideally, it should allow,you to hear the sound and be able to mark a frame then as you play it tap a key when the sync sound occurs (or the other way around) - and then repeate a few times if needed throughout the recordings. The software then takes it into account when producing the finsihed video to bring it all into sync.
I have files saved in .avi format and this program does not recognize the video portion of the file. I have downloaded all necessary codecs and am able to play it in my various players in full, just not able to convert it to mpeg to make VCD.
Any advise?
I do, however, enjoy using this to trim up and edit the mpg files I have - very tidy and reliable!! They have created great VCD copies using Nero to burn.
This usually has nothing to do with not haveing the Right codecs ,This can usually be fixed by going to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raiseing the "Direct show File Reader" to "2"...
I am trying to convert DVD to MPEG1 with Tmpgenc 2.5 Plus for my IPAQ H2210.
I tried several Settings and found that MPEG1 is the best Result for IPAQ.
But still i will be glad if someone can give me few Tipps.
I am Convert my DVD to VOB Files with DVD Decrypter and then create D2V with DVD2AVI which works out very good. Now I use HeadAC3 to convert my AudioFile(AC3) to Wave and Finally i use TMPGenc to craete the MPEG1 File with Project Wizard (because it shows me the Approx. File Size before Encoding) with following Settings:
Expert Setting for Source: Non-Interlace
Field Order: Bottom field first (field B)
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 625 line PAL (DVD is 16:9 Format & PAL)
Stream Type: MPEG-1 Video
Size: 352*288
Aspect Ratio: 4:3 625 Line (PAL)
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Rate Control: Constant bitrate (CBR)
Bitrate: 600
VBR buffer: 40
Motion Search: Highest Quality (very Slow)
Advance Settings
- Video Source Type: Non Interlace (Proggressive)
-Field Order: Bottom Field first (field B)
-Source aspect Ratio: 16:9 625 line (PAL)
Video Arrange Mode: Full Screen (keep aspect Ratio)
GOP Structure:
I Pictures: 1
P Pictures: 3
B Pictures: 2
With this settings Projecr Wizard shows me 5,30 MB Average / Minute.
The quality is fine (not fantastic)
Only problem is the Final size of MPEG1 becomes fast double as Estimated from Tmpgenc-Wizard.
It will be great if i get some Ideas regarding my settings or Tipps for Size-Problem.
I have got 2 divx cd´s and tryed (first time) to make a svcd-cd to visit it at the dvd-player. I only made 1-2 min and burned it on a cd-rw.
the dvd-player plays the track without problems in fine quality. But there is no sound at all.
Can anybody tell me what i have to do to fix this problem. Do i need another program or must i change some settings in tmpgenc
I know this topic has been discussed before. Because I did a search. But none of the answers worked for me. My question is, whenever I try to split a .mpg file that I have already converted with TMPGEnc, it says cannot open,, or unsupported. I have all of the codecs I need. I convert and encode other .mpg files. The only ones that give me this problem are the ones I encode with TMPGEnc.
>My question is, whenever I try to split a .mpg file that I have already converted with TMPGEnc, it says cannot open,, or unsupported.
TMPG would NOT give you this error if you were trying to cut the file. Don't you mean re-encode it?
Where are you actually trying to load the MPEG to cut it and what format is it MPEG1 or MPEG2?
I have an mpg file that I demux using the mpg tools. After it is demuxed there are 2 files a video m1v and an audio mp2. I want to do some editing to the audio file so I was able to open it in one of my editors but had to convert it to a wav to be able to use the audio software that I wanted to edit with.
So now I have a wav file that I assume needs to go back to an mp2 file so I can multiplex it back with the video but neither of my editors have this option.
Every time i try to convert from .avi to SVCD i get this | Write error occured at address 77F8336F of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000 | when i am starting and if i try to change "source range", "Clip Frame", and "Noise reduction"
trying to get to grips with converting my downloaded movies to KVCD. Have TMPGEnc and the kvcd templates, however when i try to load the video and audio files, a message appears saying that the file cannot be opened or is unsupported. Where am i going wrong?
Green as the grass at the moment about this, so make it simple for me..
I have D2V & Wav Files (which i made with DVD2AVI and HeadAC3)and want to Convert to MPEG1 with TMPGenc Plus 2.5 for my Ipaq. I tried to use my owmn Template with these settings: Video 352*288, Constant Bitrate 600, Audio 128,44100 Joint Stereo. Source File is 108 Minuts i.e. when i start Wizard and take my Setting (Template) it shows me "Produces 5,30MB average / Minute. But the MPEG1 file becomes almost double /ca. 10,23MB / Minute. Even the last Wizard Window Shows the Estimated file Size = 575,86 MB but after 5 Hours Job it produce 1,2GB File. Now i went with this problem to one of my freiend who has the same Version (Tmpgenc) and we tried the same Files / same cofiguration also same Windows (2000) and i was so surpriced this time the MPEG1 File is correct as the wizard shows (575,86) Now at my PC i tried it again and again but the size is always double. Even i tried with different files but result is same.
Any Ideas ???
>I have D2V & Wav Files (which i made with DVD2AVI and HeadAC3)
Why did you use HeadAC3 when DVD2AVI creates it's own wav?
The next time you want to change the bitrate of an MPEG1 from standard VCD settings make sure you change the stream setting to 'MPEG1 VCD(non standard)' under the 'system' tab in 'settings' or padding will be added.
To remove this padding from your current MPEG1 file just run it through the 'simple multiplexer' with the above setting and the padding will be removed. Your file will then be the size it should be.
thanks for Mail..
Why I use HeadAC3 tool for WAV because I had Synchronise Problem with MP3 File (From DVD2AVI)
My main problem is still not solved. I tried just now the same way as you wrote. I Used Standard VCD Template and change in System to "MPEG1 VCD (Non Standard). This MPEG1 File I run with MPEG Tools / Simple Multiplex / Type - MPEG-1 VideoCD (non Standard) Video/Audio Input - MPEG1 File and output saved with another name.
But it didnot work out. My File Size has become from 7,824 MB to 7,819. This should be almost half. Because 352*288 Resolution / 520 Bitrate/ 128kb Audio the File schold be approx. 5,67 MB (Project Wizard calculate 5,30MB per Minute) The Quality is exellent and all other setting are very good only the File Size becomes almost double.
It will be great if you can send me few other tips...
>I Used Standard VCD Template and change in System to "MPEG1 VCD (Non Standard)
Did you unlock the template first and then change to 'MPEG1 VCD (non standard)'?
If this did not work then you have not encoded the MPEG at the bitrate you think you have, but have encoded it at standard bitrate. I can guarantee to you that if your MPEG was indeed encoded at 520 Mb/s then the above setting would create the correct output size.
Do NOT use the wizard.
Just load your d2v and wav into the main window, click 'Load' and select the VCD template. Then do as suggested above and unlock the template by double clicking the 'unlock.mcf' in the 'Extra' folder.
After that change the stream type setting to 'MPEG1 VCD (non standard)' as previously advised.
Yes i unlock the template otherwise i cannot change the settings.
Yesterday i tried another film and as you said with "MPEG1 VCD - Non Standard" and it worked out very well.
This was a 124 Min. and with my MPEG1 Settings (352*288 ,Constant Bitrate = 520, Audio =128 Joint Stereo) Estimated File Size was 585,93 and Finally it became 597,54. Actually i wanted a MPEG1 File less than 600 MB (Rest Space on my Micro Drive)and i played this MPEG1 File (with PocketTV) on my Ipaq H2210. The Quality is excllent just like DVD.
This time File size has become just 2% more than estimate which i quite OK.
I will try some more films and let you know on Monday..
Thanks again.