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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have problems converting xvid videos in TMPGEnc. I want to burn these movies into a DVD-R. I have the newest Xvid codec, but it keeps saying that the file is unsupported. Does anyone else have this problem? I tried searching on the forum, but none of the answers in the searchresults could help me fix the problem. Can anyone help me with this?
TMPGEnc CAN read XViD. All you have to do is to raise the priority of the DirectShow-VFAPI-PlugIn as descriped many often here.
An other Way is to use AVISynth or VirtualDub as Frameserver.
I'm trying to turn my xvid file into an mpg/dvd file. I followed the tutorial but when it gets to the last screen, bitrate settings, at the top it says the movie is 241 minutes when it is less than 2 hours... it won't let me drop the disk capacity % below 141.63%. Any idea why it is doing this? It's an NTSC 16x9 file and that is what i selected at the beginning of the wizard. I can't convert it to DVD because i can't get past this part. Thanks in advance!
VBR-Audio, that's the Problem. Use Advanced -> Source Range to set the Correct Ending-Ponit of the Video.
The better Way is to use VirtualDub to demux and convert the Audio-Part to WAV first.
Search the Board here, it's a often asked question.
Sadly, it is often asked, and usually answered in a very surly fashion. If its that common, they need to put it in the FAQ. The search engine output is godawful when you try to do a search. It shoots text salad out.
I was wondeing if its possible to rotate the video 90 degrees to the right that way when i convet my music vidoes and whatnot i can take full advatnge of the side of my screen on my cell phone
When i got into settings/audio in the drop down menu for channel mode there is no option for Mono , just stereo, dual channel and join stereo . How do i get Mono set ????
any type of video I try to convert: mpg,wma,avi (several types), etc.. it will not work. I get a error message: "Read error occurred at address 00402F40 of module 'TMPGENC.EXE with 20656850". It worked fine before when I had the older version then one day it crashed then I tried the newer version (over lap and fresh install)and it still does it. I have a funny feeling it might be a dll or something (out of date or something) or reg entry currupted. but I don't know were to start. any help to help me trace it down would be greatly appreciated... Also direct show is the highest priorty setting. Again thx 4 any help.
fixed it. I found a post that said the put a fresh copy of TMPGENC.exe so I re installed a fresh copy of that execution file and it works. Why the older version and this one both caused the same thing? Probably both downloads went sour. What are the possabilities of that happening back to back. thx if u were considering answering anyway! :)
So, I've gotten that sorted out, except the previously mentioned post in referring to video that must be resized. What are the best settings for video that is already at the proper resolution? Why doesn't a 4x3 aspect ratio give the proper output?
You are making a wrong setting some where. After you load your source file load the DVD NTSC template and I guarantee your output will be 720x480.
Before you encode just check that the output resolution is 720x480 under the 'Video' tab and you should be OK.
Well, I tried any number of possible settings. If I choose MPEG-I, the video comes out as the desired 720x480, but as soon as I switch to MPEG-II, it changes to 720x540.
Maybe I need to look again. Are there any known problems with encoding video from HuffyUV files?
>If I choose MPEG-I, the video comes out as the desired 720x480, but as soon as I switch to MPEG-II, it changes to 720x540.
That's impossible. If it says 720x480 under the VIDEO tab, it will be 720x480 no matter what the input resolution is unless you have a corrupted version of TMPG.
How are you determining the resolution of the resulting file?
Hi All,
I'm trying to merge 4 MPEG 2 files into 1 using TMPGENC but get the error "BOBFEST2.mpg IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER MPEG FILE" where bobfest2.mpg is the 2nd file I had added to the merge cut window. If I remove the bobfest2 file I get the same error w/the next file. Avicodec
list all 4 files as
File : xxx MB (0.0 B), duration 0:00:00, type MPG, 1 audio stream(s), quality 80 %
Video : 0.0 B, 2520 Kbps, 25.0 fps, res. 480*576 (16:9), MPG2 = MPEG 2 (SVCD/DVD), Supported
Audio : 0.0 B, 192 Kbps, 44100 Hz, 2 chan., 0x51 = Mpeg-1 audio Layer 2 [0xc0], Supported
I'd tried using both MPEG2 PROGRAM and MPEG2 SuperVCD in "type". Any help w/getting around this error is appreciated. Thanks!
Hello there
TMPGEnc is a great application. I'am very sad about the fact that TMPGEnc is not available for MacOS (X).
I think it would be a great addition for any Mac-User.
i've got a problem here... i'm trying to make a VCD out of some AVI files. most of them work, but w/ 2 of them i get some funky visual distortion where the pictures kind of leave trails and turn all green and stuff, kind of hard to describe. anyway, it's only 2 of several files that do this. they work fine when i play them in windows media player, but when they go through TMPGenc they get this distortion. what's the problem here? is it fixable?
I've seen that before kind of looks like what I imagine a crazy acid trip to look like. I uninstalled all my codecs that I had installed at the time, and reinstalled just the ones that I knew I would need, and the problem went away.
My captures from my Hauppage card are 704x480 (broadcast D1) MPEG2. When I try to re-encode them in TMPGEnc to a lower bitrate (using 2-pass VBR) TMPGEnc will hang after a few hours, making no progress. This is during the analyze phase. This doesn't seem to happen if I choose 720x480 or 352x480 for the output, but I would prefer to keep the resolution unchanged during the conversion. What settings should I be using?