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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 wuts "The resolution of the Video is illegal" mean? John 1 2002-07-04 22:09:10
Question TE25 How to cut a file MPEG in some files? silver.blue2 1 2002-07-04 22:01:08
Request TE25 Mr Jim Hauxwell 1 2002-07-04 21:57:20
Question TE25 Opening & Encoding DV (Type2) files MB 2 2002-07-07 10:33:17
Bug report TE25 TMPG creates video file that causes players to freeze Fused 5 2002-07-09 00:32:47
Request TE25 Sound Sync Calvin' 1 2002-07-06 09:09:00
Question TE25 movie freezes Nightcrawler 0 2002-07-04 04:08:59
Question TE25 Index of scan line? larzilla 0 2002-07-04 03:12:55
Question TE25 VBR Audio out of sync Steven 1 2002-07-04 03:53:04
Question TE25 30 min AVI turns in 45 minute MPEG jstevens 1 2002-07-04 01:26:43
Question TE25 how to extract sound from avi in ac3 format? Bagatur 11 2002-07-12 13:49:01
Request TE25 AC3 support using besweet ? Asok 1 2002-07-03 20:37:21

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Question - TE25 - wuts "The resolution of the Video is illegal" mean? No.24459
John  2002-07-04 18:05:08 ( ID:m4mpdoui/nh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i tried to encode to mpg and it said
"the resolution of the video is illegal"
is that mean i never gonna encode that

Minion  2002-07-04 22:09:10 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What it means is that the "output" resolution is Illegal, mpeg files have to be in resolutions that can be multiplied by 8, and your avi file probably has a resolution that is not supported, but if you load a "template" then the resolution will be set to a mpeg specification, you probably just loaded your file in and tried to start encodeing without loading a template, if you do this the mpeg resolution will be set to your avi resolution, so load your file in tmpgenc load either a vcd/ svcd/ or dvd template and then encode and the resolution will be set to the format you are encodeing to.....

Question - TE25 - How to cut a file MPEG in some files? No.24457
silver.blue2  2002-07-04 16:05:49 ( ID:yc5o5ipmcqw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I employ the last version of TMPEnc and I have a question.Can somebody help me and to explain how I then to cut a file MPEG in some of the same files cuts?

If I can employ another software to cut my videos, which is his name?
Thank you in advance.

Silver.blue2 (email :

Minion  2002-07-04 22:01:08 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t really know exactly what you are talking about but it sounds like you are looking for a mpeg editor, there are quite a few good mpeg editors like "m2-edit pro" and "mpeg2vcr" and "ulead video studio, and, media studio" any of these will do a good job editing your mpeg files...

Request - TE25 - Mr No.24455
Jim Hauxwell  2002-07-04 13:07:40 ( ID:ypjmwqeupca )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it possible to have an option to save out uncompressed audio from TMPGEnc.

I am using it to make DVD's and I would like to use AC3 for audio.

Currently I have to

1, Extract from my Tivo
2, Multiplex
3, Encode and edit in TMPGEnc
4, Demultiplex
5, AC3 encode in BeSweet
6, Multiplex

This has caused an extra encode of the audio in the chain, and will be reducing the quality. If the Audio could be made to come out of TMPGEnc as PCM Then I could avoid step 4 and quality loss.


Minion  2002-07-04 21:57:20 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You could just not encode any audio in tmpgenc just the video, then mux the ac3 after encodeing is done.....

Question - TE25 - Opening & Encoding DV (Type2) files No.24452
MB  2002-07-04 09:47:49 ( ID:.5vk4awimin )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can anyone help me with opening & encoding a DV file?
I have changed the VFW to priority 1 in the VFAPI plugin menu (as suggested at but it won't encode the file.
It says 'Can not open or not supported'


adv_h67  2002-07-05 11:57:58 ( ID:n7xx7gvsr2w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need a VFW DV codec.
Try the shareware MainConcept DV codec (good and fast) or the free Matrox DV codec (I don't know any of its "goodies").

MB  2002-07-07 10:33:17 ( ID:.5vk4awimin )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ps. It used to work, I don't know what I've done.....

Bug report - TE25 - TMPG creates video file that causes players to freeze No.24446
Fused  2002-07-04 09:11:20 ( ID:0h6.xki1idf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an NTSC SVCD video that I have encoded that causes ZoomPlayer, BSPlayer, and WMP6.4 to freeze on the exact same frame. The clip however plays back fine in PowerDVD.

When it freezes the video stops playing immediately, and the sound continues for another second or two and then stops as well, but the time coutners in any of these players continues to run to the end of the file. If I attempt to click anything in any of the players the applications will freeze requiring an End Task from Task manager.

I have re-encoded this video about 4 or 5 times now, and it freezes at the same spot every time.

I have tried 2.55 and 2.56.

It appears to freeze ont he last frame before a scene change.

I have clipped out the relevant section of the file (it's about 8mb), if you would like it sent to you somehow (ftp, icq transfer, irc dcc), or my TMPG project file, e-mail me.

I have encoded many videos with TMPG and this is the first one i've experienced this with.


Minion  2002-07-04 21:54:13 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is odviously a problem with the file you are encodeing as opposed to tmpgenc, there is probably a badly corrupted frame in the avi file at the exact point were it freezes,you can use the "cut editing" feature in the source range to skip encodeing the bad frame or frames were the problem happens....

Fused  2002-07-05 22:58:32 ( ID:0h6.xki1idf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Actually the surce file is fine, and TMPG reads every frame perfectly (i've performed a manual ivtc of this clip, so i've seen every frame).

I can encode the same source with CCE and it produces no such problems.

This *is* a problem somewhere in TMPG.

Minion  2002-07-06 06:38:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So every other file you encode turn"s out fine?It"s just this file that behaves this way when encodeing with tmpgenc?

ASHY  2002-07-06 09:01:26 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It seems strange that TMPG is producing an error in this file.
I don't see why this would affect it, but as a test why don't you encode this movie without the manual IVTC,maybe use the automatic IVTC or non at all to see what effect it has. It may be a bug with the IVTC.


Fused  2002-07-09 00:32:47 ( ID:0h6.xki1idf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've tried everything I can think of to get it to work as it should, I failed to mention this was the first video i've encoded with the new versions and I don't recall what my previous version of TMPG was but it was expired so I had to upgrade and I never had this problem with it.

I now have a totally different source video with the exact same problem, again it freezes at the same specific point every time the video is played back.

It doesn't seem to matter what I do or how many ways I try encoding either of these videos, they continue freezing at the same location.

Request - TE25 - Sound Sync No.24444
Calvin'  2002-07-04 05:42:18 ( ID:yvmo3ty8nio )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Lately, some of the new mpegs i made had a sound sync problem. I'm sure it wasn't a problem with the original avi since that played fine. This is just a suggestion to put something to fix any sync problems in the mpeg tools.

ASHY  2002-07-06 09:09:00 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can find the tool you are looking for in BBMPEG.
BBMPEG will allow you to skew the audio when multiplexing.

As a note, what most people don't realise is that a great percentage of these AVI's which have been downloaded which may play ok and in sync are usually at fault for sync probs not TMPG. The reason being is that a lot of these crappy AVI's are originally out of sync and have been adjusted by skewing the audio to re-sync the movie.
These then play ok, but when it comes to encoding this skew is ignored by the encoding program and thus ends up out of sync.
If the AVI is loaded into Virtualdub first it will usually tell you how much skew has been added. You can then add this skew to the MPEG using the audio gap correct in the source range before encoding.


Question - TE25 - movie freezes No.24443
Nightcrawler  2002-07-04 04:08:59 ( ID:v/fkcvkaosl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

at first i had no problems creating vcd. now everytime i use tmpgenc my movie plays good on my dvd for about 10 minutes and then it starts freezing. the converted version of the movie does the same thing on my computer while the unconverted version plays fine on my computer. PLEASE HELP

Question - TE25 - Index of scan line? No.24442
larzilla  2002-07-04 03:12:55 ( ID:mj6jtm1vlfg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try to combine a .wav file & an .avi file it comes up saying
"index of scan line is out of range (239)" What does that mean? I have other files that seem the same and they work fine. Any help would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks, Larry

Question - TE25 - VBR Audio out of sync No.24440
Steven  2002-07-04 03:08:44 ( ID:r.o1gyof2bc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I use VirtualDub it tells me to reencode the audio as a wav. When I do that and use tmpgenc the movie becomes out of sync in the audio. I have even tried to make the Avi(DivX) a single cd I get a constant error message. I have about ten movies I've downloaded that I have "VBR audio needs to be recommpressed".

Minion  2002-07-04 03:53:04 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can re-sync your mpeg by de-muxing it and re-muxing with a program like "bbmpeg" or "mpegvcr" cuz they have a option so you can off-set the audio or video to sync them up, and there is a function in tmpgenc in the source range that lets you off-set the audio so you can sync up while encodeing...

Question - TE25 - 30 min AVI turns in 45 minute MPEG No.24438
jstevens  2002-07-03 23:00:56 ( ID:vbipbrqd40h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello All,

Just found the BBS.

I have a 30 minute AVI file (actually several) when I conver to MPEG NTSC VCD (using the wizard) I wind up with a 45 minute MPEG the file size is 518mb and should be a little over 300mb if my math is correct.

Any Ideas?


Minion  2002-07-04 01:26:43 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Don"t leave us in suspence what is on the other 15 minutes????is it just the last frame repeated for 15 minutes?usually errors like these have to do with some sort of problem with your file, try useing the "source range" and set the begining and end points of the movie and see if tmpgenc encodes it correctly....

Question - TE25 - how to extract sound from avi in ac3 format? No.24426
Bagatur  2002-07-03 21:37:15 ( ID:2cjarkgbnqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i do have ac3 decoder,
but it wont load any files except ac3 and some other format,
i cant load avi files there...
so what do i do?

ASHY  2002-07-03 23:46:42 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you saying you want to extract the ac3 from the AVI?
You should be able to do this with Virtualdub_ac3 no problem. Just make sure you use the direct stream copy option under the audio tab.


Bagatur  2002-07-08 18:04:47 ( ID:2cjarkgbnqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the problem with this file is that although i can watch it OK in windows media
player, virtual dub wouldnt open it saying that the file is of unknown or
unsupported format :(
how could that be?
what should i do?
help please?

ASHY  2002-07-09 00:44:05 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You may need to install another codec, but it seems strange that media player plays it and Virtualdub won't open it. Do you know what codec it uses?


Bagatur  2002-07-09 19:52:59 ( ID:2cjarkgbnqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

that's the problem - properties of that file wont give me ANY info as for
it's video and audio properties :(( generally, properties say everything,
encoding, bitrate, framerate, u name it... so i dont even know what to think
about this movie file :(
if it helps, tmpgenc can open it, i can play around with it, but when i start
encoding, it gives an error about starting some module or something - sound i
any ideas??

ASHY  2002-07-10 18:57:27 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is this file actually an AVI?
If you can play this file in the old media player 6.4 and click properties it should tell you what the file is. I'm guessing it's not an AVI.


Bagatur  2002-07-11 00:09:21 ( ID:2cjarkgbnqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

here what it says in propertes about media:
media type: video
audio codec: Morgan Stream Switcher
video codec: Subtitle Mixer 0029

does is say anything to you?
weird video codec name, but what the hell do i know about video codecs? nothing :)

any ideas what it could be?

ASHY  2002-07-11 01:25:02 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Unusual. Subtitle Mixer 0029 is not a codec it is a filter for adding subtitles.

Here is a link to a program which will tell you ,more or less everything about an AVI.

It may give you a clue as to what codec the file is using.


Bagatur  2002-07-11 17:42:37 ( ID:2cjarkgbnqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

u were right, dude.
that program said that my file is now avi :(
how can i find out what file is it?

ASHY  2002-07-11 22:05:13 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you mean the program told you it isn't an AVI? or it is an AVI.
Please post the info the program gave you here.
What extension does this file have?


Bagatur  2002-07-12 00:49:42 ( ID:2cjarkgbnqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the files DOES have an extension avi, but when i click "open avi" button in
avi info proggy, and choose that file - it displays a window saying "file is no avi" and "ok" button. that's it.
maybe some smartass changed extension? or what could be the problem?
how can i know what video format it is?

ASHY  2002-07-12 13:49:01 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It sound as though this file isn't an AVI at all.
Maybe it is WMV or MJPEG.

Don't use Media player 7/8 or right click the file for the properties.
If you play this file in the old media player 6.4 and click properties it should tell you what the file is.

Either way I don't think you going to be able to extract the AC3 from this file, if is indeed Ac3 which I suspect it isn't.
How do you know the audio is Ac3?

The only way would be to extract the audio to a wav.


Request - TE25 - AC3 support using besweet ? No.24424
Asok  2002-07-03 20:02:34 ( ID:8wboed5ypwh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Would be nice if Tmpegenc could support AC3 files as input for sound... perhaps using the besweet/Acid/Lame software ?

// Asok

ASHY  2002-07-03 20:37:21 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It can if you install an AC3 filter.


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