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The new version does not seem to report a poor audio input file? Is this a bug or is it a bad setting on my behalf
I had encoded and burned a movie file only to find no audio? Then I opened it in an older version this version gives the error "an error occurred when audio was decoded" whereas the latest version reports nothing and merely creates a file with no audio
tmpgenc isn"t even supposed to load incompatable audio files but it still does sometimes especialy if the audio and video are in the same file...I guess you just got to be carefull what kind of audio you use in your avi files....
Please can some1 help.
I can convert an AVI to mpg ok, basically by selecting Load,then one of the options.Firstly i uncompress the avi file, then select a standard Videocd(pal) setting.When the film finishes and i play it through 1)hardware mpeg card 2)Winmedia player or 3) a software dvd player. The quality and sound are fine. But the stream motion does not run right, it freezes for a ms ever 1 or 2 seconds causing a jump in the picture as the film is running.
Has any1 else had these problems and what setting should i be changing to remove this fault.
You get this problem sometimes when you encode your avi to mpeg to a different frame rate from each other,I am actually experienceing the same thing right now trying to encode a 15fps avi to a 29.97fps mpeg,and it just stops and starts every half second,so check what the frame rate of your avi file because the ntsc-vcd templates encode at 29.97fps and could make yor avi jump if it isn"t 29.97fps too....
I'm trying to take a mpeg that isn't video Cd compliant and make it Video CD compliant in doing so I got an eror right when I tried to start it saying "Can't load "P3Package.dll"" Any help would be apreciated.
Thank you,
To get rid of the "p3p package "error ,go into your "tmpgenc" folder and there should be a file called "p3p package.dll" copy and paste that file into your "system" and "system32" folder this should get it to work....
Well, my problem is that after codify a film I can see the images (video) but i can't listen the sound (audio)
I don't know why? could you help me,please?
There are a few things that it could be,I"t could be that the audio in your avi file isn"t compatable with"tmpgenc" check your avi file and see what your audio format is and post it back and maybe we can fix yer problem,and your audio has to be encoded to 41000hz for it to play on your dvd player....
Im just playing around with different more or less weird VCD settings.
Out of curiosity I made an quasi VCD template with mpeg2 VBR instead of mpeg1.
Since an mpeg2 template cant be forced to VCD nonstandard I abused the Mpeg Tools Merge&Cut feature to change the Type to VCD (nonstandard) afterwards. Suprise suprise! My Yamakawa DVD Player plays that beast without a hitch.
I did a fast test with the following settings
Standard VCD PAL resolution
2Pass VBR(Plus Version) 550/1200/1750 padding enabled
VBV buffer: 40
Motion search precision: Highest Quality
Soften block noise enabled
No motion search for half pixels disabled
As a test scene I used frame 13200 to 14700(1 minute) of the Starship Troopers Region 2 DVD(first ~30 secs mostly still scenes and the rest the Football Match with lots of fast action scenes.)
I might be wrong but with mpeg2 I see slightly more 'big' macroblocks even in still scenes but slightly less 'tiny' blocks compared to mpeg1. I recon I have to redo these tests without soften block noise and with a lower bitrate to get an better comparison sometime in the next few days. Theoreticaly mpeg2 should bring the same quality as mpeg1 with lower bitrates. Anyone has more input/suggestions?
the fact that your dvd player plays it is normal... some dvd players play noin standartr formats... some can even play mpeg4 iso ;) Or even 48Khz sound.. ene though its not standart :\nBut most players wont play it.
i'm not teasing u guys... its actually true... just look arround and i'm sure you'll find the info i'm talking abuot... actually its quite simple... there are those that play mp3 and other crap... so mpeg4 iso is just another standar... dont expect it to play divx4 nor divx5... it'll play xvid and opendivx though :)
Also wmv7 is mpeg4 iso. :)
So just wait for this to get standartaised... and you'll be able to load your divx int oyou standalone :)
Hi, I've tried to encode an avi file (ntsc) into works fine, but then when i open it with windows media player/quicktime player, i get sound but a black screen for video!! Please help me solve this problem.
I guess it really doesn"t work fine cuz you can"t watch it,what it could me is that you don"t have the right codec to play mpeg2 in media player,get dvd playing software and you will get a better picture than "media player" could ever give you....
the title pretty much says it all. i can encode mpeg2 using the default template settings, but if i change it to VBR 2-pass, it just sits there and keeps adding time without processing anything. any ideas on how to fix this?
VBR means that the encoder will first go over the whole movie to determine what Bitrate to use at which time. This means that you will see the actuall processing of the movie started at 50% enocding time.
Since especially VBR takes so long make dont encode your movie without making some tests with 1 minute scenes first(look under Settings -> Advanced -> Source Range). If youre satisfied with the quality, sound is in sync and your DVD player can handle the stream you can encode the whole movie. Its plain embarassing to see 16+ hours wasted e.g. because you forget to check 2:3 pulldown with Inverse Telecine ....
Ok guys, here goes my first post here. I have 3 MPEG files. They are all SVCD (but when I load it up on TMPGEnc it shows MPEG-1 on the bottom.) However, that is not the problem. I want to Simple De-Multiplex all of the files individually so that I can burn it on a DVD-R(W). Now I tried merging all three files so that I can do Simple De-Multiplex with one LARGE file and then burn it, but it wasn't successful. All 3 MPEG files total 7200 seconds, and when I tried merging them together it came out to a total output of only 5400 seconds. So clearly I was missing a lot of the movie. Now I tried merging two together (thinking that 3 might be too much or whatever..) and I got the same results. 2 files merged is supposed to equal 4750 seconds and I only got about 3400 seconds. So I decided to go and do a Simple De-Multiplex on each file individually to see if it would work that way. Well I started off doing a Simple De-Multiplex on the 1st file and it went through perfectly. I checked and everything was there..all 2400 seconds of it and the audio was there too. I was pleased until now. Then I did a Simple De-Multiplex on the 2nd file and the total output was missing 300mb (roughly 20 minutes). I did it again and this time I watched it carefully and I saw it got to around 309 MB at 50% (good so far..) and then when it got to 51% (311 MB) it skipped to 100% as if it was done. (I don't understand why it went from 51% to 100%) So now it's at 311 MB and I only have 20 minutes of the file, instead of 40 minutes. Please guys I really really need your help with this. I know this is very long, but I also had to write it, and I need help with this ASAP. So if anyone can help me out with either fixing the problem I had about the merging or the 2nd problem with the 2nd file Simple De-Multiplexing only half (300MB instead of about 640). Thanks again, I appreciate anyone who can help. My e-mail is or just reply here. Thanks again!
maybe try this, load your problem file in to the "merge&cut" and just make a copy of your file,dont edit but look through the file with the edit slider to see if it all seems to be there and it reads all to frames,and just click "run" with out choosing edit points.this should make a copy of your file, and useing this file to de-multiplex.What I"m thinking is that the there is an error in the statistics of your file and "tmpgenc" isn"t reading your file just the statistics and there for thinks your file is one size when it is another...It"s worth a try...
hehe. I can guess what 3 cd SVCD that is Spider senses are tingling..
I had the same problem, first cd is fine but 2 and 3 stop encoding early. I fixed this! What you can do is use DVD2AVI to break it into video and audio parts, then re-encode to SVCD using tmpgenc vbr 2250 pal. When that is done mux them again to give it VCD headers. Worked for me :)
Good to you!
and remember, there can't be slaughter without laughter
Hello, when trying to encode a mpg1 into a mpg2 file TMPGEnc always searches for "m2v_dec.dll". Does anybody know where to obtain this dll?
I have a 100mhz pentium, 66 mhz bus, 32mb EDO ram, 1 mb video memory, windows 98 packard bell old junk. I am trying to convert Divx quality AVI files to VideoCD. It works but it takes a long time. Does anyone have a equation for figuring out how long it will take and how space the new file will be? Is there anyway to make the process go faster, when it's encoding it only uses like 5% of my resources and the processor light doesn't flash very often. Please tell me all the ways to rig TMPGenc so that it goes faster even if it means not using anything else and closing every application including the systray. I need all the speed I can get. Thanks.
I"m supprised it works at all on your system,"tmpgenc" is designed to use pretty much all your resourses while encodeing,so if it only uses 5% of yours it must take long,one hour of avi file takes 5 hours to encode to mpeg2 on my 800mhz system so it must take like a month on yours,The only way for it to speed up is for you to get a faster computer and more ram.but to figure out file size ,if you are useing the standard video-cd template 1150kbs this equels out to 1 minute of avi is 10mb of mpeg,so you can fit 80 min on a 80min 700mb disk........
I think you will find it was your hdd light that was occasionally flashing and your processor was going flat out at 100%. You can't speed up the whole process unless you want to loose quality.
processor light... LOL... sorry but i actually did laugh a lot... not offence though... some people are into computers and some are not... thta light is your HD activity light... and its normal not to flash too much... specially on your slow system... and i think your processor was on 100%... BTW how did you know it was usinf only 5% resources... must be sore really weird resource metter u have there m8.
Well, TMPGEnc is not thought to be fast, but to have high quality output... so just use anyother program to do it if you want to be fast... but the fastest setings in TMPGEnc are the realtime something... if it says real time then its fast... try the constant quality...
More i cant say... unless... buy a new comp... i have my baby fomr 9 month now... and she's already way too old (yes i'm talking about my computer) and even though she's 9 months already she's a 1200 athlon with 512 ddr pc2100 ram... HD are all 7200... and still tmpeg takes me way too long to encode... but i'm really happy with the necoding quality... I really HATE MS DV codec... makes me script a hole shit of stuff to fix the probs and takes wayyyyyyyylong to encode : but thts not the issue here... so try trhe above and then tell me how it went.
I have a problem that I can't solve by myself. I have a divx-file with a compressed sound that I haven't seen before. The sampling rate is 48000 Hz and comression unknown (in VirtualDub). I've read in previous posts that it might be ac3-codec and that it can be decompressed to wav with Goldwave. I can't figure out how to do that, anyone who has done this?
With "goldwave" I think you need a AC3 plugin but go here: ,and you can download a ac3 decoder, it is shareware but runs for 30 days........
I posted some freeware AC3 decoding software on my site (temp. - I would give you the direct link but I don't honestly remember where i got them from...
u'r a lucky one... avi with ac3... he he he... dolby digital on the avi... lucky m8. :)
Anyway, there are some really great sites with lots of info about that... the decoder i advise u too use is azid... free and the best in quality output.. into pcm wav... and then use tooLame to encode the mp2... also free and the highest quality u can find :)
Go to or or even and all the help u need you'll find there... lots of tutorials for newbies :)
I could tell you how... but i hate being too long typing on the comp.. gomennasai ne :)