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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Ashy you mean headache3he? what i did was using virtualdubmod to save it as ac3. then used besliced to fix the file header. then i copy the parameter i set in besweet gui to besweet command line version & encode it to wave/mp2....
Jaysus what a lot of faffing about you seem to be doing.
Where is the Ac3 located? In an AVI or a VOB?
If it's AVI then AVI mux can extract the Ac3 directly to a wav.
If it's a VOB then VOB2AUDIO will extract it to a wav.
Then to encode to Mp2 at lightening speed use MPEGDJencoder. This app encodes a 2 hour wav to Mp2 in about 3 minutes or you could just use TMPG to encode the wav to Mp2 in about 25-30 mins.
I use Tmpgenc with a processor Amd xp2000+ and W2k pro (Os).
After a few minute (5 or 10 mn) Tmpgenc cause a system hangup ( no message and black screen) and i have to restart the computer.
Does someone have an idea for this issue ?
Have a question.
Trying to encode a movie onto dvd which has alot of explosions and fast movements on screen. now ive experimented w/ Constant Quality and other Variable Bitrate setting and it looks fine on my settop dvd player w/ my TV. BUT if played on something like a Playstation 2 or even the burner that I use to create the dvd (Pioneer A05) the playback is unwatchable. Jerks and freezes. Constant Bitrate is fine but for the scenes that have a lot of movement I'm getting artifacts.Tried using 2 pass VBR (3000 min/5000 ave /8000 max) and that seems to be ok. clips that ive made using that will play in my burner and playstation w/ no problems and the quality looks great BTW.
Is there a reason why some players wont read disks that were encoded w/ the normal VBRates but will accept 2-pass VBR?
Just Curious
It is probably More a problem with the DVD Player Being Too Picky with the Disks it will play than a Problem with Tmpgenc or VBR, VBR is a Part of the DVD Standard so there shouldn"t be a Problem there, But Your CQ VBR settings can be causeing the Jerking ,For example if you set the CQ settings to say "2000kbs min and 8000kbs max" this can cause the Jumps when playing Because if the Bitrate Jumps from 2000kbs to 8000kbs to Quickly the Disk can not speed up fast enough to read from 2000kbs to 8000kbs in say 1/10 of a second..This exact same problem happens with VCD"s and SVCD"s if there is not very good Bitrate controll, You don"t get this Problem with 2-pass VBR Cuz there Is Much better Bitrate Controll with 2-pas VBR, try CQ VBR setting were the Min and Max are Much Closer together like 4000kbs min and 7000kbs max and you Might not get the problem with Jumpyness.....
Thanks for the response....
well a disk that i just made (2 pass VBR 3000 min, 6080 ave, 8000 max) is having the same jerkyness probs in my Pioneer A05 burner but not as bad as the other disks that i burned using the other variable bit rates. Have yet to try the disk on a playstation to see how it looks but i have a feeling it will also be jerky on the that one as well
will try your suggestion though about the minimum and average bitrates though.....
something interesting that i forgot to mention. Ive already made a few dvds that were encoded by DVD Complete. I used the default setting in the encoder of a VBR (2000 min, 4000 ave, 6000 max) and both the playstion and my dvd burner will play them w/ no problems.
will try and encode a few short clips using the same settings for TMPGEnc and see if that might help. will be interesting to see what happens
I am having trouble converting certain avi files. The error message stating file can't be opended or supported. The file can be opened in a number of formats and the video and sound is fine. Also having converted the the file into mpeg and playing it i have this character which appears on the image and constantly moves around the screen whihc is very annoying. Any ideas?
Well if you get an "Unsupported Error" you can useually get you file loaded by going to "options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct show File Reader" to "2"...What do mean By "<i have this character which appears on the image and constantly moves around the screen whihc is very annoying>" What does this "Character" look like???
get an application called AVI Audio Decompressor to extract the sound to PCM stream, avi files will get alot bigger....nearly 2 gb.
I had the same problem and TMPGenc always crashed near 20%.
Eric ..If your Mpeg file is 3200mb you are going to Have to put it on 4 CD-R"s and you will have to Cut the File into 4 parts..It must have been a Very Long Movie, if it is a Standard VCD than it is Close to 5 hours Long, and if it is a Standard SVCD then it must be close to 3 hours Long..You can edit the Mpeg file by going to "File" to "Mpeg Tools" to "Merge & Cut", But this editor is Not very Reliable you would be well advised to get a Real mpeg editor...
You can use a program called Easy Video Splitter from, it is only a 10 day trial, but very easy to use and does what it says on the tin :)
Have had several floating point errors on my win xp machine with Tmpgenc.
I had 1.0 gig of ram non-ecc, Took out 512 meg and just left 512 of ram on board.Now it seems to run ok for a ripped movie.
Anyone else have floating point error and try and different combos of memory ?
Am I the only one who find TMPGEnc's Cut option confusing? Their numbers "00:00.00" doesn't mean "hours, minutes, seconds" does it? I get it all wrong and don't know where to cut my file in half!
You can use a program called Easy Video Splitter from, it is only a 10 day trial, but very easy to use and does what it says on the tin :)
I think you are the only one that doesn't understand it.
It's quite simple. Move the slider to the point where you wish to cut. Click ' } '
The time at bottom left is in hours, mins and secs.
The time displays at the top are in Mins, secs, and hundredths of a second. For example 50:26.12 would be 50 mins 26 secs and 12 hundredths of a second.
When the top time displays reach 60 mins the display will then be in hours, mins, secs, and hundredths of a second
Hi Folks, As you will Notice the Forum has Been down for the Last 5-6 days, it took me this Long to Convince the Poeple at Pegassus that there was something wrong with it, But thankfully after some corespondance they have Fixed it.......
They Told me the Same thing and I had to Practicly Spell it out for them before they finally looked into it...It goes to Show you that they Don"t Really Pay Much attention to what goes on in here or they would have noticed that there werent any new posts for allmost a week..Ohh well
Well if you look a right under your nose a few posts down you will see my previous post 'Question - Info on TMPG settings for newbies' which will explain this and more. (Sometimes I think I'm wasting my time on this board)