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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I'm using TMPG Enc to convert from AVI to VCD. I Loaded the video CD NTSC template and everything is running smoothly. When I burn the new Mpeg-1 file on the cd and try to watch it, I only get the sound on the computer and the cd is not recognized in the DVD player. I do know for a fact that my DVD reads VCD where I have played them before.
Seeing as you have Done this before you Know that you should watch the Mpeg file before you Burn it to Disk so you can be sure that everything has Gone OK...Right?? WHAT You didn"t watch the Mpeg file before you Burned it to Disk?? A Big No No...There will Usually Be an image in the Mpeg file if you can see the Frames go By in the Tmpgenc screen while Tmpgenc is encodeing the AVI File to mpeg...and if there is NO image then to fix it you should go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct Show Multi-media File Reader" to "2"...this should fix your Problem ,Unless you don"t have the proper codec installed....
i use Sefy's templates and usually adjust the CQ_VBR setting (1..100) to make the .mpg file larger or smaller.
lately, this reliable adjustment is having NO effect...why?
It depends on what you are makeing and what version you are useing, the 2.59 version has a Bug in it that will not let you lower the Bitrate lower than the VCD Standard use the New version, the Bug has been fixed...
What do you mean By "The Mpeg Compressor I am Useing"???The Mpeg compressor you are useing is Tmpgenc isn"t it???? If you are setting the Bitrate so that the Final size is Lower than the VCD standard you Have to change the "System" setting to "Video-CD Non-Standard" or Tmpgenc will add Padding to the stream to make the Bitrate VCD Compliant...
i've always assumed that the compression software is independent of TmpgEnc... that is why you can compress/ mpg avi divx... I'm sure the programmer is awesome, but it seems unlikely that he had to himself...all the different compression methods.
Still... I think making the change to the "system" thing you mentioned may solve the problem. I used to be able to hit a desired file size (802) to within 5-10 I'm lucky to get with 100-200 megs...very frustrating.
thank you.
The Only Actual Compression that Tmpgenc does is the Mpeg1/2 compression any other format that you can encode to with Tmpgenc has to do with the Codecs that you have installed on your computer Mostly all AVI formats..There aren"t any Mpeg Codecs that Can actually compress to a Standard Mpeg file..If it did have to do with the Mpeg Codecs you have on your Computer then You could use something like "Virtual Dub" to encode to mpeg, and the Quality of the Mpeg files encoded by Tmpgenc would have nothing to do with Tmpgenc But the codec you have installed....
i am not able to add any avi files to mpge with both stream. Tmpg reads only the video stream. It can not read the audio stream. I am getting the message "File can not open, or unsupported" What is wrong with my configuration?
That doesn't help very much...I get the same problem. What codec do I need to get if my computer will play the file? My computer plays the files fine in media player, but tmpegc can't open them, same error as above.
Handy to use VirtualDub or NanDub and OPEN the .AVI, then goto "File->File Information" and it'll tell you the Video & Audio codec used to compile the .AVI.
This doesn't help at all. I don't need to know what codec it is encoded with. I need a DECODER for tmpegc so that it can encode from mpeg4. Where do I get one?
If the Problem is that the Video WILL Load but the Audio WONT then it is Because you either don"t have the Correct Filters or codec to decode the audio or the Audio is of an unsupported Format...If it is a DivX file then the audio could be AC3 or VBR MP3, both of which Tmpgenc has Problems encodeing..Use Something like "Virtual Dub" to extract the audio from the AVI File to a WAV file and use the WAV file as the audio source in Tmpgenc...
I am trying to encode to a vcd. TMPGEnc gives me the error shown in the title in the middle of converting a .d2v file and a .wav file to an mpeg1 vcd file. I have no idea what the problem is. I have tons of thoughts on the problem, but none of them are the right ones. Any thoughts out there? This one has me stumped. Thanks!
It looks like the error is happening with the DVD2AVI Plugin..Which could mean that the D2V file has a Glitch in it or the Plugin has a Glitch in it, there are a Few things you can try that might help like ,You can go to "Options" to "enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and raise the "DVD2AVI.vfp" Plugin to 1 or 2...if this doesn"t work you can try Makeing a New D2V file with DVD2AVI....
Can anyone tell me how to install the VFAPI plugins .. i have instructions from a guide that require it ..but im at a loss as to how to do this.
First you need a DVD ripper. I've tried several, and the best to me is SmartRipper
Then you'll need a tool to convert the VOB to something TMPGEnc will understand : I suggest DVD2AVI which has very interesting functions regarding TMPGEnc as it use the VFAPI.
Important note : you'll have to install the VFapi plugin for TMPGEnc and do not run DVD2AVI from its zip file but extract all files in a proper directory (ie : C:DVD2AVI) as the DVD2AVI plugin will register himself from this dir the first time you launch DVD2AVI.
There are Many Different Types of Vfapi Pligins, so what one do you Need to install?? if it is the "DVD2AVI Vfapi Plugin" then you just need to Copy the "DVD2AVI.vfp" file from the DVD2AVI folder and Put it into the "Tmpgenc" Folder...Remember you Can not delete the VOB files or Moove them untill after you have encoded the VCD/SVCD..But I have a Feeling you are going to Need a Lot more help than This....
i need major help people im a yonug person lol and i keep downloading the program and then it wont be the program it will come up liek if you save a picture and u have to pick what to open it as im not sure what to do if you can help
I don"t Really understand what you are Talking about But I have the feeling that you Do not Know what Zip Files are..When you download Tmpgenc it is in a Compressed File called a Zip file and you need to UN-Compress the File with a Program called "Win Zip" if you Do not Have "WinZip" then you need to get it or something simular like "WinRar" to Extract Tmpgenc...
ok i will try that thanks and what im trying to say is a box comes up with all sorts of diffrent programs and then i have to choose one but i choose the wrong one and everytime i download it again it opens as that but doesnt work.
It seems you are trying to open the Zip archive and you don't have unzipping software installed. This is why windows is asking you which program you wish to open the file with.
hello everyone
I need some help here i have just installed the tmpg software to encode a svcd fiel to a vcd file and the program gets to approx. 23% completion and then freezes up and i have to use the window stask manager to cancel the program. Any on eknows whatr to do and what is happening? I thought it was not compatable with windows xp and changed the compatibility to windows 2000 and windows 98 and same thing occures at 23%. can anyone help me please?
Well the SVCD File is Probably Corrupted in some way at the 23% point..The Best way to encode Mpeg2 file with Tmpgenc is to use DVD2AVI to frameserve the File to Tmpgenc...
It appears that the missing .dll's are causing read failures when loading mpeg-2 into the encoder. The files are cpuinf.dll, mplvpx.dll,cpuinf.32.dll,and mplapx.dll. After doing searches most of the info I find is in German. I don't speak German. I will next search Nimo and other codec sites.
I have recently converted from 98 se to XP, perhaps these files are not in XP/NTFS.
Does anyone else out there have any idea where to get these files?
A Lot of those files you mentioned are included as Part of the Operateing system, Like I think the "mplapx.dll" is used For Decodeing Mpeg1 layer 2 audio..Most of these Files can be downloaded Here: ...
It seems your upgrade has not been successful. It's always a bad idea to upgrade to XP from an operating system such as 98. I have tried this on more than one occassion for others and it never works out properly. There are always problems somewhere along the line.
My advice to you is to save any files you need then re-format your drive and do a clean install of XP. This will solve many problems you are likely to have soon.
i have a downloaded avi file that i converted to mpeg using virtualdub to exctract the audio. agter the conversion is done the audio is way out of sync with the video. how do i fix this?
TMPGEnc, Source file encoded in VirtualDub 1.4.8. with DivX 5.02, Options: 2-pass (variable bitrate), slow performance
The first problem occures when I load DivX files with the variable bitrate (Audio uncompressed) using the project wizard. TMPGEnc hangs with 'Judging field order' at 8% if the file is about 3 GByte. With a smaller file (50 Mbyte) 'Judging field order' stops just for a while and goes on with the next 10% and so on. As a result the source file is identified as 'Interlaced, Bottom Field First'. But that's wrong because the source file was already deinterlaced in VirtualDub. If the DivX source file is encoded as '1-pass' everything in TMPGEnc works fine.
Second problem:
After I tried it with the DVD (PAL) template instead of the wizard the sound stopped for a while and came back. But audio and video were playing 5 Minutes off. In this case I have tested the following custom settings: 352x576, 2-pass VBR and 1-pass CBR, Audio 192 kbps. If the DivX source file was encoded as '1-pass' everything in TMPGEnc worked fine.
TMPgenc Will not accept VBR audio....And useing the "De-Interlace" filter in Virtual Dub or anyware Does NOT Make a File NON-Interlaced..You can"t use a De-Interlace Filter to Make a File Non-Interlace/Progressive, all the De-Interlace filter does is Blend the Fields together so you Don"t notice any Interlace artifacts But does not Make it Non-Interlace/Progressive....
There is No Plugin so you can encode RM Files with Tmpgenc..You would have to convert the RM Files to AVI with something like "Tinra" or "EO-Video" then encode the AVI file to mpeg..
Thanks for the reply. I thought as much! It is a shame nobody has created a RealMedia plugin for TMPGEnc. It must be possible, after all it's been done for the two bits of software you mentioned.
Thanks, Darryl