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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I'm trying to encode/cut avi/mpeg files.
I used tmpeg enc. for a long time, but since the last week I didn't get any sound/audio on the encoded/finished file.
Therefore I didn't had any problems. Can someone help me pls?
Can you explain your problem a Bit better??? Is ther No sound in the Cut AVI files or is it in the Cuz Mpeg files or is it in the Encoded Mpeg files???? and tell us what format your AVI"s audio is and what exact Proscess you are going through to and were the Problem pops up....
what's an easy way to batch encode several dozens of files?
I want to use the batch mode but would rather not go through selecting each file one by one since I want to apply the same settings to all the files.
I can imagine that I can save a text .tbe file for one and duplicate it for all the rest of them using a text editor.
Is there a better way through TPMGenc? like selecting multiple files at one and converting all?
Well I guess you can make a Template with the settings that you will use for all the Files, then load in each file and load the template and save it..This way you won"t have to Do the settings Individually Cuz the settings will allready be done in the Template...There is a Little tool Called something like the "Tmpgenc Batch List Maker" you Might be able to get it here : ...
Morcos, the easiest way is using AVISynth. There are tons of informations in the Internet how to use and where to get. You only need a little command line, written in Notepad for example, and then you can link a dozen avi files and tmpgenc will encode it flawlessly. If you cannot find the package (freeware) let me know and I can send you the files by e-mail with some hints.
I don"t think AVISynth is what he is looking for, he Wants to Encode a Bunch of Seperate Files, there is allready a Feature in Tmpgenc that will Encode a Bunch of avi/Mpeg files into one file...
Avisynth ( is what I use to join multiple avi files together and encode with Tmpgenc plus. They work great together. It is not difficult to use.
I don't think either of you guys are reading the posts correctly or listening to Minion.
It is quite obvious morcos requires to convert a bunch of files seperately not join them as one complete encoded stream.
AVIsynth is not the tool for this.
The tool that Minion has posted is, and will do exactly what morcos requires.
Thanks all for the very useful information.
What minion suggested is what I'm looking for. I successfully downloaded the tool TmpegBatchList v3.0.exe which allowed me to create a Tmpgenc batch file for all the files that I wanted to convert from mov to mpg. It worked great.
I suppose tmpgenc can consider making it an option in the application itself for selecting multiple input files and converting all in one pass. But the tool above serves my need for now.
I have noticed that when I switch my encode setting from CBR 2300 to CQ 75 that the end video ends up having a length of about twice the actual length of video within Windows Media Player. I was wondering if there is any way I could remedy this with my encode settings. Any help would be most appreciated.
Xtra Things
Does Media Player Just say that it is Twice as Long But it actually doesn"t play twice as Long???? if this is the Problem then It doesn"t seem like a Big deal at all...But if the actuall length is twice as Long then what is in the Extra Video??? Maybe you can Just Cut the Extra Off with the Mpeg tools???
It just shows the extra time though it does not actually exist. I know it's not really a problem, it just kinda bugs me. Thanks for the help Minion.
Xtra Things
I had problems with my purchased copy of TMPGEnc I could not change an AVI File into a mpg1 or mpg2 format. The source was coded with the codec which came with Fast AVMaster2000 board. I have to add, that TMPG runs on a WIN XP machine, while the AVMAster2000 runs on a WIN98 SE machine. As my XP machine is three times as fast as my old WIN98 computer I had in mind to use the faster one for encoding purposes, as I think everybody can understand.
But: The AVI file was rejected by TMPGEnc continuosly.
I tried two other mjpeg codecs of different well known companies - no way that I could TMPGEnc convince to accept the mjpg-video codec and start working and encoding my AVI file, which was produced on my WIN98-machine running the FAST program. Funny and mysterious was, that my old copy of beta 12 a TMPGEnc did the job of encoding flawlessly. Well, but I bought the latest version for better performance, so it was not a brilliant idea to run the old outdated version instead.
Please continue to read on my website
You find there a very interesting view regarding my problems, which came
from the support line of, where I licensed my copy of TMPGEnc.
A friend of mine has a Fast DV-Master and i'm not sure if this applies to the AVMaster, too.
With the DVMaster the Audio is encoded in a proprietary codec, while the video is standard (mini-)DV format (and the audio codec beeing not supported on newer Windows-versions for a hardware that old). But there is a tool included to save the Audio as a WAV-file.
Try to convert the audio to a separate wav-file and save the video without audio (using Virtual-Dub?) on the Win98-machine, then feed it separted to your TMPGEnc on WinXP.
Thanks Oliver. Did you read the whole story on my website? I managed to install the mjpeg video codec of FAST finally on my XP computer, by using the install routine for Windows NT. That's all on my website - please use the link. Reinhard
If you Have the Correct Codecs installed on your Computer to Decode your File then The Problem is Most likely that you Need to raise the VFAPI Plugin that Coresponds to that Particular Format...Meaning if the Codec is a "Direct Show" Codec then you would have to raise the "Direct Show File Reader", and if the Codec is of an "Open DML" Codec then you would have to raise the "OpenDML File reader" ...and if it is a "Video For Windows" Codec then you would have to raise the "AVI VFW File Reader" ECT... These Plugins are in tmpgenc at "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and raise the Plugin that coresponds to your Particular Codec....
Thanks Minion for your comment. Did you read on my website (see the link in my posting) how I managed to solve the problem and what the support said?
I read it And don"t think Support really knows what they are talking about when it comes to Tmpgenc But if you solution worked then that is Great...cheers
When I try to encode some movies, like Harry Potter 2, or Fast and The furious, very nice quality, I put it in tmpgenc and when i select the vcd or svcd original templates that came with tmpgenc. When I click next all is good but when I get to the file output size it says its 2 gigs. The .avi file I downloaded was only 670 mb. Any help would be nice. Thx.
I don"t understand what the Problem is...The Size of the Source File has NOTHING to Do with the Size of the resulting Mpeg file, so it doesn"t matter that your Movie is only 670mb what Matters is How long the AVI movie is..I did a DVD Rip of Harry Potter a While Back and encoded it to SVCD and I had to put it on 3 CD-R"s..SVCD takes about 20mb per minute of AVI file so if you have an AVI file that is 2 hours long and you encoded it to a Standard SVCD the Size of the SVCD will Be 2.4GB, which you would Have to Cut into 3 pieces and Put on to 3 CD-R"s at 800MB per Part.(you can get 800mb on a 700mb CD-R in SVCD/VCD format)..Tou Can Cut the SVCD into Parts by going to "File" to "Mpeg Tools" to "Merge & Cut"...
I have had this same problem before and I'm having it again. I'm trying to enode LOTR and others and they're coming out to 2 gigs plus for just half of the movie. I recently had to reinstall WIN XP pro and that's when this problem started.
I went back and checked another avi that i've previously encoded and something is definitely messed up. I've tried several different versions and I'm getting the same problem. A 50 min avi should not be 2 gb. I think it's something in my OS but have no idea where to even start looking.
I can never get any audio when making anything. I do not even see a green line! Is there any way to be able to make MPEGs with audio? I have found that if I increase the priority of "Direct Show" i can get a green line, but still no sound. Can someone please help me solve my problem?
I can never get any audio when making anything. I do not even see a green line! Is there any way to be able to make MPEGs with audio? I have found that if I increase the priority of "Direct Show" i can get a green line, but still no sound. Can someone please help me solve my problem?
In a Lot of cases you Have to Extract the audio from the Source file to a WAV audio file with something like "Virtual Dub" then use the WAV file as the audio source ...You either Din"t have the correct codecs or filters to decode the audio or the audio in the file is of a Format that is not supported By Tmpgenc....
After splitting a recently coneverted Mpeg, I can play the first half of the vcd, but the when I attempt to play the second half, it appears that it is in fast worward, both audio and video. Do you have any ideas what could be wrong with the file...In dont think it is anything Iam doing wrong cause the first part plays fine.
I'm experimenting with DriveCrypt to see if I can encrypt video data before burning a DVD-R(RW). Obviously, having a highly encrypted DVD-R provides greater security should the DVDs fall into other hands.
My goal is to launch the encrypted drive as a new logical drive and then play it from my computer using, say, PowerDVD. So far, I seem to be bumping up against one or more limitations of the software that I'm using.
Has anyone gone this path before?
MPEG tool: TMPGenc
Authoring Tool: Nero - or - MovieFactory
Encryption Tool: DriveCrypt with fast Blowfish or Rijndeal. DriveCrypt is a very good product that mounts encrypted data as a new logocal drive with encrypted file sizes up to 70 GB.
Burning Tool: Nero - or - B's Recorder Gold
Process is 1) create .mpg, 2) either use raw .mpg or author to Video DVD standard, 3) encrypt (create a new single encrypted file on the computer, 4) burn the file to DVD-R, 5: insert the DVD-R and mount the single file as new logical drive.
Steps 4 and 5 are the trouble areas. 4: Nero and B's have an upper limit on the size of a single file, ranging from 4.0 GB to 4.3GB. 5: The mounted (decrypted) logical drive is reported as being a read-only, removable media drive; Windows Explorer cannot show the contents of the mouted drive. Note: the expected behavior is a FIXED logical drive that is READABLE.
Hi, I've tried decoding an AVI file to an MPEG file, but whenever I try to start it, an error occurs "An error occured when audio is decoded". What shoukd I do? Please, help me out here!
Hi, I've tried decoding an AVI file to an MPEG file, but whenever I try to start it, an error occurs "An error occured when audio is decoded". What shoukd I do? Please, help me out here!
I would just want make it official that installing Windows Media Player 9 on a WinXP system causes TMPGEnc not to accept MPEG2 files in the program. This is fixed by going back to a restore point where WMP9 is not installed.
This is Not a Tmpgenc Problem But a Media Player Problem seing that Tmpgenc Came out Long before Media Player 9...Media Player 9 Causes a Lot more Problems that Just with Tmpgenc, it can Make a Whole Bunch of Programs not Run Correctly, Maybe They will have a Fix for Media Player9 in the Future...