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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
No. Not the audio in a .vob I was just talking about avi export of the video.
I am sorry.
I must not be asking clearly or very clear in the presentation of my question.
My primary problem is that I can "load" a file in one version and not in another.
In 2.59 I get a illegal file format error and in 2.54 it loads the file.
I get the same error (illegal file format) if I load a interleaved .mpeg file (with mpeg2 video and mpeg layer 2 audio.. Like the earlier versions would create).
`scuse me.
After my thread before this was six pages back, seemingly lost in the shuffle, and unanswered the only way seemed to post again.
If the default of this board could be to move replies to the top, like most, I would not have to re-post again. On my first post I did as you directed and all of my replies were ignored.
Obviously you looked at my other thread and the only answer you give me is a snide comment. Åook, if you want answers do us and yourself a favour (favor), stick to the same thread and don't create new ones on the same subject. It's highly annoying.EBR>
I just wanted a simple answer to a simple question.
I just give up.
Trying to get help from you is like getting no help at all.
I just hope the way you treated me is the way you want to be treated.
Firstly your previous thread is on the next page:
Question - illegal format error in 2.59: Again I ask my Question ... No.32954
Secondly nit picking about spelling is shallow, also you obviously are unaware that the spelling for 'favor' is indeed 'favour' here in the UK.
My point I'm trying to make to you is that it confuses people who wish help when multiple threads are posted and also breaks the rules of this BBS. Use some etiquette in this BBS and you will have your post respected.
Multiple post and people like myself and the other helpfuls here will just get fed up trying to keep track of the threads and will eventually ignore your posts.
I and so do the other regulars here backtrack through the pages to check up on and answer previous posts, so you needn't worry your post will still be answered even when it is many pages back.
As for helping, I did begin trying to help, but got fed up with your multiple and confusing posting as I started losing track of what advice you had been given before and what other details you had posted.
I did have answers for you, but this thread has become tiresome.
I'm sure a few of the other regulars will agree on most of my points above.
This may be a stupid question, but here's what I want to do. I have an avi (576 X 240) that I want to convert to mpg (not VCD) so I can play it in my DVD player (Apex AD1200). When I convert it, keeping the same screen ratio, it plays fine on my computer, but the image is crammed to full screen in my dvd player. What I want to do may not be possible, but... can I trick the player into thinking it is a full screen mpg by adding the black bars into the actual video using TMPGENC? What I mean is, can I keep the original video at 576 X 240, but 'encode' the black bars into the mpg file so that the entire file is now the same resolution as a television screen (the addition of the bars would change the total resolution of the final mpg)?
Can you see what I'm trying to say? If anybody knows whether or not this is possible please let me know, it could save me a lot of grief.
I have not worked with those exact settings but... Under Video, Aspect Ratio, you could set to 4:3 Display. Under Advanced, Video Source Setting, make sure you select the correct source aspect ratio, then select full screen (keep aspect ratio). Turn on the preview and start the encode. If all looks ok, let it roll. Otherwise, stop the encoding and test with other settings pertaining to the source and output. Hope this helps.
The resoltion (576 X 240) you are talking about is an anamorphic PAL format (cinemascope) 24:10
TMPG does not have a default setting for this aspect ratio, but it can be set manually.
First of all set ur output apect ratio to 4:3 and your 'source apect ratio' to 1:1 VGA(not that it really matters)
Next click setting>clip frame then click the 'arrange' button. Set the 'arrange method' to 'Custom size'
For SVCD set your width to 720 and adjust the height until you are happy with the aspect ratio. Once happy set the width back to standard SVCD size 480.
For VCD set the width to 352 and adjust the height until you are happy with the aspect ratio.
Once you are satisfied with your settings click 'OK' and check the result in the preview before encoding.
Thanks guys, Bubba had it. The only thing I needed to do was switch to Full Screen (keep aspect ratio). It works like a charm. I don't know how I missed that before.
I guess you are using 16:9 as your source ratio. Your file is not 16:9, it is close but not quite, it is 24:10 or 2.35.1.
This will lead to some aspect ratio distortion in the resulting output image, but if you are happy with that then fair enough.
You can't set this. TMPGEnc does it automatic.
If you are encoding progressive Video, the structure ist Frame, if you are encoding interlaced, it is Field.
I know if you've read my previous entries you probably think im retarded or something. But i don't know if you understand where im coming from. I have these avi files that i want to put on one dvd and i can't get tmpgenc to do it. I was recently told that it probably cant do this. reason being is that when the dvd is initially ripped the bitrate and everything is already set, and can't be changed, so when i go to burn it no matter what size the file is now it still decompresses to the same size. My copy of South Park the movie is 403 MB and blows up to 5.33 GB no matter what size or type of file it is. If anybody can help me with my problem or recommend software that works for them trying to do the same thing please let me know about it.
I"M sory But I don"t really Understand what your Post is all about...Can you please Explain What proscess you are going through to Make your Mpeg file, and What the Source file is..I know you said they are AVI files But you also said something about Ripping a DVD...The Bitrate of the AVI file or the Size of the AVI file has Nothing to do with the Size of the Resulting Mpeg file, all that matters is the Length of the AVI file and the Bitrate used to encode the Mpeg file, so telling us that the AVI file is 403mb Doesn"t really mean Very Much..If you Can"t understand How to use Tmpgenc then you won"t be able to use any High Quality Mpeg encoder Cuz Tmpgenc is One of the easiest Encoders to use and is one of the Best encoders there is ,Sencond to very Few others, and it is the least expensive one to get, the One I usually use sells for $2000 and is Much more complicated to use than Tmpgenc...To get a Smaller File size you have to lower the Bitrate you are encodeing to, and if you Can"t change the Bitrate you have to load the "Unlock.mfc" template from the "Extra" Folder then the settings will be unlocked..But it seems that if the File is Only 403MB it can"t be very long or if it is a Full length Movie like 2 hours then the resolution Can"t be Very Large, not large enough to make a Standard DVD, the standard DVD Resolution for NTSC is 720+480 and Pal is 720+576 and if the resolution is a Lot lower than this you will have to Upsize the resolution which will totally Ruin the Quality, and the FrameRate of the AVI file has to be DVD Compliant 29.9/30fps for NTSC and 25fps for Pal and if the Frame rate isn"t one of these then it will be very difficult to make a Standard Compliant DVD Out of it Cuz Tmpgenc doesn"t do Frame rate conversions Very well especially if you are trying to encode a Pal file to NTSC or Visa versa...Why don"t you leave the specs of your AVI File and the Procedure you are useing to encode the File and Maybe we can help you out Cuz you are either doing something wrong or there is something wrong with the AVI file you are trying to encode.....
If you don't mind, I'm interested in knowing what encoder you are using regarding this:
"the One I usually use sells for $2000 and is Much more complicated to use than Tmpgenc"
I am currently looking for a top of the line video editing bundle:
My current choices are Ulead Media Studio 7 or Adobe Premiere 6.5
Right now I have VirtualDub and TMPEGEnc.............and unfortunatly Dazzle (D)Shitgital DVC which is by far, the absolute worst program I have ever encountered an has proven useful for one thing......through it at someone.
The Encoder I use For Mpeg2 Encodeing is called "CinemaCraft Encoder SP 2.66" It also Has a Adobe Premier 6.5 Plugin so you can use it to encode to mpeg right from the Premier Timeline Cuz the Adobe(MainConcept)Mpeg encoder that comes with Premier 6.5 isn"t that Good..It is up to 5 times as Fast as Tmpgenc with Better Mpeg2 Quality But it is More Complicated to use...I didn"t know that Ulead Came out with a Version 7 of media Studio, I have Adobe Premier 6.5 and "Ulead Media Studio 6" which are Both Very good Programs , But one of the Most impressive DV Capture and Editing Programs I have seen is "Pinnacle Edition DV 4.5", I usually Hate Most all Pinnacle Software But this one Is Very Impressive, It is More like an Operateing System than a Editing Program, I own it But Don"t use It Cuz It doesn"t support Captureing Analog Video from an Analog Capture Card But if you only do digital then Maybe check it out But you need an extremely Fast computer to run it, They sugest a p-4 2ghz with 512mb Ram Minimum....
I did a search for apmpeg4v1.dll it was not found. I still get a purple color when making mpeg1 vcd. How can I get this to stop happening its ruining my movies.
I did a search for apmpeg4v1.dll it was not found. I still get a purple color when making mpeg1 vcd. How can I get this to stop happening its ruining my movies.
Okay heres my problem. Since I got a l33t new DVD player a while ago I thought I'd once again step into the realm of SVCD's and see how they play when encoded useing TMPGEnc. I was very happy with this at first, as I encoded some of my anime into SVCD fine. As I moved onto a series I loved to dump onto SVCD and started mucking around with it I noticed one little kink. The subtitles play half way off the screen... I had noticed this earlyer, but it wassent as the serve on the anime I was watching at the time (as the subtitles were set a little higher) but I cant really ignore it if half the sub is off the screen :/
I'm assumeing the video is playing useing the full length of the screen (includeing the inch or so which is under the plasic round the edge of the screen) so this is why subs are playing off screen. I've tried encodeing at all sort of resulutions... 16:9 Pal/Ntsc, 1:1 VGA ect ect (I'm useing a anime set in 16:9 already so thats the reason for the 16:9 stuff heh) but still this problem remains. The only way I can get it in the correct aspect ratio with the subs fully showing is to gointo other options, advanced and set Video Arange Methord to Center: Keep aspect ration. This of corse means that theres mass blackboarders round the image. I can zoom these out with my widescreen TV, but then the movie looks terrible...
What i'm looking for very basically: A way to get anime full screen on my TV, with no streching with the damn subs showing :)
Okay heres my problem. Since I got a l33t new DVD player a while ago I thought I'd once again step into the realm of SVCD's and see how they play when encoded useing TMPGEnc. I was very happy with this at first, as I encoded some of my anime into SVCD fine. As I moved onto a series I loved to dump onto SVCD and started mucking around with it I noticed one little kink. The subtitles play half way off the screen... I had noticed this earlyer, but it wassent as the serve on the anime I was watching at the time (as the subtitles were set a little higher) but I cant really ignore it if half the sub is off the screen :/
I'm assumeing the video is playing useing the full length of the screen (includeing the inch or so which is under the plasic round the edge of the screen) so this is why subs are playing off screen. I've tried encodeing at all sort of resulutions... 16:9 Pal/Ntsc, 1:1 VGA ect ect (I'm useing a anime set in 16:9 already so thats the reason for the 16:9 stuff heh) but still this problem remains. The only way I can get it in the correct aspect ratio with the subs fully showing is to gointo other options, advanced and set Video Arange Methord to Center: Keep aspect ration. This of corse means that theres mass blackboarders round the image. I can zoom these out with my widescreen TV, but then the movie looks terrible...
What i'm looking for very basically: A way to get anime full screen on my TV, with no streching with the damn subs showing :)
First...Thanks to Rick for the heads up about Tsunami Filter. Encoded xvid film w/o it and go junk. Couldn't watch in MP at all. Downloaded Filter Pack and can watch before encoding.
I have Nimo Pack on my computer and want to also download ffcshow. Will I have any conflicts?. It it my understanding that it's hard to unistall Nimo.
I actually have both on my system. I didn't discover the difference until after I had Nimo installed.I'd leave it there and go ahead an install the Xvid stuff, you should be fine.
OK..I have purchased TMPGEnc Plus!
Just one more question, though.
I take Video with my Canon GL1 as I said before.
Onto DV tape.
I have the Pyro firewire Kit, which came bundled with ULead Video
Studio and ULead Media Studio capture and editing software!
I take it, from what I read and my own working experience, that these
software programs are not the state of the art..and sometimes smaller
programs like TmpgEnc, DVD2AVI, Virtual Dub, various file splitters
and joiners are better tools.
Is this true in your own experience?
[So the question I have..Oh by the way, as to the 2 GB file restriction I
am running into..I use JAS file splitter and joiner (free) but it kicks out
if I ask it to make a file larger than 2 GB!
So I downloaded EZsplitter and EZjoiner which are a trial versions..and
the same thing happened..could not handle these large files!
I run Win 2000 Professional OS on the NTFS file system so I really did
not expect this restriction!
Any thoughts?]
But to get back to the main point above!
Since I take good Video, I would like to put (capture) the best digital file
onto my hard drive!
I use Video Studio for this!
Is there a better method or is this irrelevant at this basic stage of
capturing my DV digital video onto my hard drive via FireWire!
Of course I capture usually as an AVI file with DV Encoder-type 1.
USing ULead Direct Show Capture Plug-In!
I am mostly a learn as you go person in all this! The manuals go only so far, and do not answer by deeper questions!
So I do not know the whole landscape, the options, the methods, and
of course I would like to get the best results..without uneccessarily
simply buying the biggest and best without knowing what they really
So, my question is, can I still proceed along a highly artisitc level of
video capture and editing using these various programs such as
TMPGENC, Virtual Dub (which I have not actually used yet..I am still
using Video Studio).
Since most of you on these boards have quite some experience, I was
wondering what some of you might suggest.
I have heard of Pinnacle long ago, and now I hear it 'sucks' so I am very
glad I did not get on board with that, but instead went more slowly, trial
and error.
But now I feel some of you may have the goods and the experience as
to the best route to go to MAKE THE MOST of my Canon GL1.
Am I off here or on track?
Is there a Palette of tools I can use that will give me superior Capture,
encoding and editing..far better than I am getting thru the bundled
ULead software?
Tools I can download, and even purchase?
I also capture off Satellite using my ATI Multimedia file capture programs!
I understand this conflicts with Huffyuv!
So this is something I have to work out for myself!
Any clues and guides to get to where I want to go?
I would like to make high quality MPEG-2 files out of my Camcorder DV
video.(Oh, and capture a pure digital image from camcorder to hard drive --edit-and back to camera..and I assume I am OK with Video Studio, right?)
So TMPGENC comes in handy.
Do you see a better capture method for these DV tapes?
Or does it matter?
Are they all the same?
Is ULead Video Studio as good as any?
Do I even have a choice, given my FireWire card?
I appreciate your reading all this!
I am not asking for you to do all my homework.
Just some helpful tips and hints and the WAY to spare myself
grief and to get on the road to Excellent/ GOOD video rendering,
When Dealing with Digital Video from your DV Cam the Quality of the Captures will be basicly the same no matter what program you use to capture with Cuz the Transfer is (Or should be) an exact Copy of what is on your DV Camera, and Video studio 6 is as Good as any for this, But the Mpeg features of Video studio 6 aren"t nearly as good as Tmpgenc..There is a Video Studio 6 update on the Ulead Web site that Greatly Improves the the Mpeg Quality and makes the Program use Much less CPU to Do it"s job.So if you haven"t allready Downloaded this Update then you should cuz it will Improove the Mpeg Capture and encodeing Quality, But still not as Good as Tmpgenc..And In a lot of Cases a Few Freeware Programs like DVD2AVI and Virtual dub are Better than the All in One software Programs Like Ulead and Pinnacle..But Useing Video studio for DV Capture is good Cuz Virtual Dub doesn"t Capture DV...If you are Captureing Analog Video and Can"t use HuffyUV the Next Best Codec Is probably "PicVideo Mjpeg" Codec ...if you have any specific Questions that don"t relate to Tmpgenc then you Can e-mail me directly if you want....Good Luck...
I encoded a .avi and the picture came out fine, but there is no audio. I checked off 'System (Audio + Video)', but there is no audio. Also, it added like 2 extra hours of complete darkness at the end of the movie. Someone please help.
The Problem is that the audio format in the AVI file is Not being decoded By Tmpgenc,you should extract the audio to wav with Something Like "Virtual Dub" and use the WAV file as the audio source...You can use the Merge & Cut feature to edit off the Black part .... ...after you have extracted the audio to Wav you load the WAV file in were the audio goes in and load the AVI file in were the Video goes and encode it like Normal...when you encode it this time Use the "Source Range" to set the Beginning and End points of the File so you will not get the extra 2 hours of Black Video....OR since you have allready encoded the Movie First Cut off the Extra at the end of the Movie the Load the WAV file you extracted with Virtual Dub in the Audio spot and set the stream type to "Audio Only" and encode it to Mpeg audio then go to "File" to "Mpeg tools" to "Multiplex" and Load the Mpeg file in for the Video and Load the mpeg audio file in for Audio then choose the Output Directory and click "RUN" and It will Mux the audio and Video together....
where's the source range option? would that be faster than encoding it all again?
is option #2 (OR since you have allready encoded the Movie First Cut off the Extra at the end of the Movie the Load the WAV file you extracted with Virtual Dub in the Audio spot and set the stream type to "Audio Only" and encode it to Mpeg audio then go to "File" to "Mpeg tools" to "Multiplex" and Load the Mpeg file in for the Video and Load the mpeg audio file in for Audio then choose the Output Directory and click "RUN" and It will Mux the audio and Video together....) faster?
It seems that you have a BAD AVI file...The header in the File seems Extremely corrupted and is sending all the wrong information to the Software(V-Dub & Tmpgenc)...I have experienced this Before with Files that were Downloaded off the Net(The worst way to get files) and I usually would Just delete the File and Try something else..If the Video and the Audio are different lengths then the audio will be totally out of Sync with the Video...Sory I can"t help you with this one, You should get a DVD-Rom and Ripp DVD"s instead of Downloading Movies cuz they have a Bad habbit of being corrupted and Ripping DVD"s produces the Best Quality and are generally trouble free..Sory there isn"t much I can help you with here.....
well i encoded the audio and video together and it worked. only problem now is the mpeg is 896 MB and won't fit on my 700 MB cd-r's. is there a way i can compress the file size? or do i have to cut it in half? what's a good program to do it?