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Question TE25 illegal format error in 2.59: Again I ask my Question ... Que2 5 2003-01-07 15:26:21

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Question - TE25 - illegal format error in 2.59: Again I ask my Question ... No.32954
Que2  2003-01-06 15:13:03 ( ID:vcukkbaymso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Que2 2002/12/30 (Mon.) 12:14 ( IP: )

I want my option back to work with all decoders. I am a REGISTERED USER I DEMAND THIS! V2.59 IS GREAT IF ALL THAT YOU DO IS CREATE DVD OR VCD CONTENT, BUT YOUR PROGRAM WAS A GREAT FORMAT CONVERTER AS WELL. The versions after this change seem to not even check the format of the file but only the extension of the file in selecting a decoder.

It also seemed that 2.54 and earlier versions actually checked the format of the file, not just the extension, before saying that it could not do anything with it. In working with all the decoders on your system it was a unique tool that had not blocks nor restrictions. If something didn't work ok it just doesn't work but sometimes you were able to do some surprising things such as asf -> mpeg2.

Minion ( Mail ) 12/30 (Mon.) 18:23 ( IP: )

I don"t Know what you are Talking about..Nothing has Changed as of Version 2.54, the Only Change that there has Been is that Tmpgenc Now Supports More Mpeg2 decoders, and this change was Made in the 2.57 version..You can still encode ASF files and WMV files and any format that it has allways encoded...I
capture Video to WMV and ASF sometimes and encode it to Mpeg and Tmpgenc Handles them Without a Problem...I think it is Your System that has Changed and not Tmpgenc...You wouldn"t By Chance have Downloaded the Media Player 9 version??? Cuz this can cause the Windows Media Codecs to Not work and make other codecs Not work properly.....

Que2 12/31 (Tu.) 15:47 ( IP: ) [ Edit / Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry, for my Rant.
You sound like a resonable person.

I only have exp. with 2.54 and lower because they do not link downloads of the 2.57 version. I have tried various other places on the net but no luck in
another non-site link for downloading this version for plus. They should have links to the older versions??

I was using the 2.54 version to create mpeg files.
I then was able to open the mpeg files again using browse.
(Note I did not do this using the mpeg tools because it would give me mpeg
video and mpeg audio and not the wave export that I was expecting.
Both video and audio would be availible. I would then use the export audio to wav option to export to wave so that I can encode this to ac3.

I upgraded straight to the 2.59 version.
The good thing is that I can generate pcm/wav audio right from the get go. (Cool saves me a step.)
The bad thing is that I still had quite a few mpeg files to do the above process on.
I tried to load the mpeg files created with 2.5.4 through browse with this
version and 2.5.9 told me that these were no longer valid files!
Using Mpeg-tools again was not a option because it only allows me to split the stream not export to wav.

I know you will prob. say that I can use some other tool to do this but I ask why? 2.5.4 did this fine and 2.5.7 might (I do not have this version)

I loaded the old 2.5.4 version alongside in another directory and tested quite a few different files and there were a few that could load in 2.5.4 which
2.5.9 seemed to out of hand reject.

So considering the changes involving decoding it seems to me the problem ...:)

Que2 12/31 (Tu.) 15:52 ( IP: )

As far as danilkadan's problem, it is the similar situation as being described here.

*I have not installed Media Player 9.
*I have tested the above on each of my 5 systems.

Que2  2003-01-06 15:14:48 ( ID:vcukkbaymso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I ask my questions again since there was not any responses to my response.
I am still having problems with 2.59 plus not reading files like 2.54 plus (I would like to try 2.54 plus (I am a registered user. So if I can find another place or link to download 2.57 plus it would be legal.)

etc. for example 2.54 you can browse a .vob and export either the audio and/or video in avi. If you load up the same .vob in 2.59 it says that it is an illegal format. Why is this? I know DVD2AVI is the recommended way but if I could do this with 2.54 and not with 2.59 isn't it a cop out to just say use DVD2AVI. I paid for TMPG and it did it fine enougth for me before why do I have to

frameserve through DVD2AVI (I could do a export through there without using TMPG if the dumb thing didn't break things up into 2GB/4Gb segments as if people doing video work would be using NTFS and a codec that could handle 4GB+ I think DVD2AVI is a poor program. But who asked what I thought about it anyway;)

Minon I know I am not out of my mind here that how 2.59 or 2.57+ has changed in how it reads files. It just seems that it just doesn't check the format of the files like the previous version. I just want the authors and or commenter to at least own up to that. Try the same yourself and compare the 2.54 or 2.57
(untested) version with 2.59 or 2.57+ and you will see for yourself the strangeness of the changes. (Or you may disprove me. At any rate I hope you actually compare 2.54 to 2.59 in real world tests and in consideration of the problems I have pointed out and not just depend on "faith" in 2.59.

Que2  2003-01-06 15:24:00 ( ID:vcukkbaymso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I ask the other people who are asking why do I get an illegal format with this or with that, try and use the versions before 2.57 such as 2.54 and see if your file doesn't load without error. I mean in 2.54 I can load in a vob and recrop it or use any of the other filters at my disposal.

(I will not argue over issues of quality loss and/or other issues but my point is that 2.54 did this and why no 2.59. If you quote this being the same, not having changed, and having the same functionality explain why files loading perfect under 2.54 are label "illegal format" under 2.59.

It is just a cop out to recommend DVD2AVI.

Just he facts Sir/Madame..

Que2  2003-01-06 15:26:53 ( ID:vcukkbaymso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just the facts Sir/Madame.

Minion  2003-01-06 22:49:26 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sory But I don"t have the Problems you are Describeing..I have never Been able to Get Tmpgenc to Decode the audio in a VOB file(AC3)..Sory No Help here...

Que  2003-01-07 15:26:21 ( ID:vcukkbaymso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No. Not the audio in a .vob I was just talking about avi export of the video.

I must not be asking clearly or clear in the presentation of my question.

My primary problem is that I can "load" a file in one version and not in another.
In 2.59 I get a illegal file format error and in 2.54 it loads the file.

I get the same error (illegal file format) if I load a interleaved .mpeg file (with mpeg2 video and mpeg layer 2 audio.. Like the earlier versions would create).

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