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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 35 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TAW5 BBS best dvd settings BONLEV 3 2016-03-21 19:59:31
Question TVMW6 GUI - anyway to lighten the interface Mart Brom 0 2016-03-08 00:31:25
Question TAW5 BBS bdmt_eng,xml Errors TomLewandowski 1 2016-08-14 19:10:49
Question TVMW5 BBS Set default output location to location of source files Rob Stow 1 2016-03-01 15:58:14
Question TVMW5 BBS No Sound when loading MKV files heavyend81 2 2016-09-28 11:37:49
Bug report TVMW6 Random Crashes with TMPGENC Duffbeer 2 2016-03-11 09:04:07
Question TVMW6 Creating Constant Bit Rate(CBR) media using Works 6 John Clark 0 2016-02-23 05:08:30
Question TVMW6 TmpgEnc won't import TS files kerumbo 0 2016-02-21 05:53:02
Question TVMW6 Multiple audio stream JackDan 2 2016-02-19 00:54:11
Question TAW5 BBS BD not finalizing DonP 2 2016-03-01 15:50:50
Question TAW5 BBS MKV files are creating a huge project SmeltzerDeltzer 2 2016-02-10 18:14:41
Question TAW5 BBS Vertical Stretching in 16x9 Output yndprod 0 2016-02-10 01:02:52

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Question - TAW5 BBS - best dvd settings No.70253
BONLEV  2016-03-11 21:55:22 ( ID:kstvbk0ogig )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I filmed and edited a carnival here. It's after editing 217minutes long.
I use DVD9 (double layer)

In settings I use 2pass encoding but do I set for example 8000 kbits for average video and hope that TAW5 is trying to reach that setting with the 2pass encoding? I know that this program is a very good encoder for minimal loss of quality.

Or use a online bitrate calculator which gaves me about 4750 kbits for average

Someone experience with this?

Persen  2016-03-15 20:59:14 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you enter a minimum and maximum bitrate under Settings for the track in Source, that will also then be the output bitrate values, that will be forced on the video.

But the 4750 Kbps average you found, is pretty much the normal bitrate for standard DVD quality.
Rarely DVD releases from the various movie studios goes above this.

BONLEV  2016-03-16 19:25:23 ( ID:kstvbk0ogig )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

@ Persen: thank you for the reply!

I changed the average bitrate till it didn't exceed the 8,5Gig bar into red.
4850 was in this case the average bitrate to stay away from red.

I can't change the minimum bitrate, only the maximum and took 8000.
only changing the average bitrate affects the bar below for calculating.

If I had put for example 7000 bitrate for average TAW5 would outputted the same dvd quality like my 4850 average now? If the answer is no than I always will follow my method above.

1 extra question. I had to make blu ray and dvd from this project. First I made the blu ray project and rendered it. (took more than 12 hours! 2VBR and average bitrate of 13500 I thought)

Then I openend TAW5 "open with conversion" and I choose DVD (pal in my case)
I changed the bitrate to 4850 and rendered it and burnt it. But this took again more than 5 hours! why?

I saw after "open with conversion" the bitrates where 9800 or something for maximum and average after "open with conversion".

I remember in the past I had a conversion finished in less than 30 minutes.
So what I'm doing wrong or is my workflow not good?

I have a very fast intel i7 pc with lots of ram. I make/export my 50P files in sony vegas. Than drag them into TAW5.

Persen  2016-03-21 19:59:31 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When wanting to set a minimum bitrate, you have to choose Re-incode all as bellow, works for me every time on both DVD and Blu-ray projects when i do this.

The huge difference in output time that can be experienced depends on, if smart rendering is possible or not of the video files, where then everything then is just muxed (copied untouched). My own personal experience with the video files i have worked with, is that smart rendering for me was only possible with DVD-MPEG and VOB files for DVD projects and M2TS files for Blu-ray projects.

12 hours for creating a Blu-ray sounds normal to me, that's also the time it takes for me, when working with movies that was recorded from HDTV as TS files, which i want to turn in to Blu-ray's with a menu.
But is rare that i do this, because i normally only do such projects with Christmas movies in 1080i, where i then have 3 movies on each disc.

Question - TVMW6 - GUI - anyway to lighten the interface No.70250
Mart Brom  2016-03-08 00:31:25 ( ID:cu2r5lwro.w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there anyway to lighten the GUI color on TMPGenc6 - like the GUI on TMPGenc5. Cannot find anything in the preferences but maybe there is a registry setting?

Any input appreciated

Question - TAW5 BBS - bdmt_eng,xml Errors No.70236
TomLewandowski  Home )  2016-02-25 11:46:11 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TAW5 creates bdmt_eng.xml files for your blu-ray's BDMV/META/DL subdirectory, if you enable it to do so. However, it writes the files, incorrectly. I have SONY BD players and they support thumbnails and disc titles, but TAW5's bdmt_eng.xml file has to have the xml corrected for this to function.

The title is displayed with the xml tag <di:name>PLACE TITLE HERE</di:name>, but TAW5 doesn't include the "di:" portion of the tag, therefore, making it useless. So, I simply add it using Windows Notepad, in UTF8 format.

It also doesn't write the correct path to the thumbnails. I haven't been able to find the proper code for this, though. It appears to write the location correctly, but perhaps using the incorrect code.

This is what it writes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><disclib xmlns="urn:BDA:bdmv;disclib"><di:discinfo xmlns:di="urn:BDA:bdmv;discinfo">
<di:title><name>AGENT CARTER • SEASON 1 [DISC 1]</name></di:title><di:description><di:thumbnail href="thumbnail_416x240.jpg" /><di:thumbnail href="thumbnail_640x360.jpg" /></di:description></di:discinfo></disclib>

The two images are in the same subdirectory as the xml file, so this appears to be correct. However, every other example of code I've seen adds:


I don't know xml, but the "./" seems to point to the same subdirectory as the xml file, anyway. Does anyone have any thoughts on things I might try to get the thumbnail code properly written? The title works find, and I've tried several different ways to write the path to the thumbnails. I've even put them in the root, BDMB, and META directories, as well as the DL directory. Notta. I can get thumbnails with commercial discs that reference an online location, but not when the thumbs are on the actual least not with the path that TAW5 writes.


Tom Lewandowski  Home )  2016-08-14 19:10:49 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks you TMPEnc Team for correcting the '<di:name>' switch in TAW Authoring Works 5's bdmt_eng.xml file.

My SONY BD plays still won't display the images I include, like they do with commercial BD discs. Since I know my players DO display thumbnails when the image sources are pointed to online sources, there has to be something in the syntax of the image location created by TAW5 that is incorrect.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - Set default output location to location of source files No.70233
Rob Stow  2016-02-24 05:57:12 ( ID:pukzkxfjbil )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I *ALWAYS* want my output to go to the same folder as the input files but TMPGEnc always defaults to the last folder I outputted to. Is there a way to stop that behaviour and have it default to the source file folder instead?

Ades  2016-03-01 15:58:14 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Check on Options > Preferences > Work folders >
Default output folder:
there you can set your default output folder.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - No Sound when loading MKV files No.70232
heavyend81  2016-02-23 18:14:19 ( ID:ufsr.l52azr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First post for me guys. I am using TVMW 5 but would like to upgrade to 6 but I need to sort a problem before I spend my money. When loading an MKV video into a project it says No Audio Data. There is audio on the video so can anyone tell me how I can get it to pick up the audio stream. I don't want to be extracting the audio file in another programme and then adding it to this as surely it should be picking it up in TMVW5. Thanks

Persen  2016-02-25 20:56:26 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I guess these MKV's contain DTS audio, correct? That's not supported, unless you give it a little help, by using external direct show filters.
I have DTS and Dolby True HD support, because i let Haali Media Splitter and FFDSHOW (32-bit) take care of the rendering.

Does require to make a few changes of settings to be done first in both TVMW5 and FFDSHOW (32-bit) to get it working:

FFDSHOW Audio decoder configuration Codecs:
TrueHD change to libavcodec
DTS change to libdts
Uncompressed change to disabled

FFDSHOW Audio decoder configuration Mixer, put tick in box to activate Mixer and then:
Output speaker configuration: Change to same as input

FFDSHOW video decoder configuration Codecs:
VC-1 change to wmv9
Raw video change to all supported

Options => Preferences => File input plug-in
Here remove ticks from everything EXCEPT at FLV1 / FLV4 file reader and DirectShow file reader

MPEG => MPEG decoder, here change everything to Standard decoder

Click OK to exit, shut down TVMW5 and reload to make changes take effect.
What is mentioned above, can also be used in TAW5 to get that one to use Haali Media Splitter and FFDSHOW for rendering instead and get DTS support.

Haali Media Splitter and FFDSHOW (32-bit) download links:

Persen  2016-09-28 11:37:49 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Adding to this, if you have elder video, who has been encoded with Dolby Digital, which also contains Dolby Pro Logic or Dolby Pro Logic II, then its possible to force this in to Dolby Digital 5.1
What you have to do in FFDSHOW's audio decoder configuration, is to put a tick at Dolby decoder.
Then TVMW5 will believe that the audio source is Dolby Digital 5.1

Bug report - TVMW6 - Random Crashes with TMPGENC No.70231
Duffbeer  2016-02-23 16:06:59 ( ID:n0o.bbcqi9c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used Tmpgenc for over 6 month now and never had a single crash so far. Everything ran smooth and absolutely perfect. A few weeks ago i decided to update to the newest version and now i have alot of crashes. It's really get's to a point where editing isn't enjoyable anymore. It happens extremly often and i don't get why it happens. You can play your project 40 times and on the 41 replay you have the crash.

When the crash happens it's always the same thing. In the middle of a replay, the preview screen freezes but the project still runs further and the sound stays correct. When you hit the spacebar another time to stop and reposition yourself at the timeline, the whole thing freezes and the programm stays in an endless freeze without response. Only way to get out is to close and reopen the project.

It can also happen when i save or when i change filters on a videoclip. In between TMPGENC often tells me that there is a "problem with a pointer" whatever that means. I am just doing things like i always did....putting filters and effects on text or videos.

At first i thought that something was wrong with my computer, so i made a fresh windows 7 install. Didn't help....

I wanted to downgrade to the version i had before but unfortunately i don't know which version i got back then + the company seems to not provide downloads from older versions. Where can i find them? I would try out some sort of 6.1.x or even older ones, but i can't find them!

Martyn Bromley  2016-03-08 22:07:59 ( ID:cu2r5lwro.w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have just installed V6. Not keen on the non-adjustment of the GUI interface - unlike Adobe where you can alter to a lighter color to accommodate different monitors but that's another story.

Constant crashes using Win10 x64 - SSD and 8gb memory. No problems with V5 using Win10. So in effect the program is not fit for purpose unless there is a fix issued somewhere.

Won't be upgrading again until I've given the trial a really good test run and Pegasys are not very communicative on the issue. Not good.

ReclusiveOrc  2016-03-11 09:04:07 ( ID:f01qy2tvmu2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I also am experiencing system freezing/lockups since installing I did not have this problem with any of the earlier versions and it only happens when encoding with either NvENC or cuda. I submitted a trouble request and the reply was to rename the UtilsIntelMedia.vme and UtilsCuda.vme so that they are not used. This negates the biggest reason I purchased this software(fast encoding using Nvidia).

Question - TVMW6 - Creating Constant Bit Rate(CBR) media using Works 6 No.70230
John Clark  2016-02-23 05:08:30 ( ID:qy0hx8l1xro )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using the trial version of Mastering Works 6. I'm trying to produce a CBR TS stream with either h.264 or Mpeg-2 encoded video (and attendant audio.).

I have processed a clip, but when I' play it via VLC, I still see bit variation around my target 6Mbs setting.

How do I determine that the bit rate is 'constant'. The DVB-T encoder I'm using requires CBR.

John Clark.

Question - TVMW6 - TmpgEnc won't import TS files No.70228
kerumbo  2016-02-21 05:53:02 ( ID:8tmrycvs0kc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I capture video to .TS files using a Colossus 2 card, then import into TMPGEnc as TS titles (or files "as is," doesn't matter). But I find that only the first 40 to 70 seconds import, where the whole video is about an hour. This happens in latest updates of TVMW6, TAW5, and TMSR4. Not sure if this was an issue before recent updates. Here is the Mediainfo description of one of the clips -- do we know if this is a bug, or should I try some different codec, if possible? These clips work fine in Cyberlink Power Director 13, but I am a longtime TMPGEnc user and would like to keep using these products. Thanks for any insights!

ID : 0 (0x0)
Complete name : D:\Colossus Recordings\20160220_0158.ts
Format : MPEG-TS
File size : 7.35 GiB
Duration : 1h 11mn
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
Overall bit rate : 14.7 Mbps

ID : 4113 (0x1011)
Menu ID : 1 (0x1)
Format : AVC
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile : High@L4
Format settings, CABAC : Yes
Format settings, ReFrames : 3 frames
Codec ID : 27
Duration : 1h 11mn
Width : 1 920 pixels
Height : 1 080 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16:9
Frame rate : 29.970 fps
Standard : Component
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bits
Scan type : Interlaced
Scan order : Top Field First
Color range : Limited
Color primaries : BT.709
Transfer characteristics : BT.709
Matrix coefficients : BT.709

ID : 4352 (0x1100)
Menu ID : 1 (0x1)
Format : AAC
Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec
Format version : Version 2
Format profile : LC
Muxing mode : ADTS
Codec ID : 15
Duration : 1h 11mn
Bit rate mode : Variable
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Channel positions : Front: L R
Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
Compression mode : Lossy
Delay relative to video : -9ms

Question - TVMW6 - Multiple audio stream No.70217
JackDan  Home )  2016-02-18 23:38:12 ( ID:b8lidfiyes2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I cannot find an clear answer about this, but i am looking if it is possible to keep multiple audio stream from a blu-ray disk. I want to keep English and French language when creating a .mkv output.

Thank you.

Mel  2016-02-19 00:20:57 ( ID:wojqztvymnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Unfortunately you don't through a normal procedure other than using the advanced tool.
Or you should consider using Smart Renderer or PGMX creator.

JackDan  Home )  2016-02-19 00:54:11 ( ID:b8lidfiyes2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you Mel :-)

Question - TAW5 BBS - BD not finalizing No.70183
DonP  2016-02-11 05:42:00 ( ID:yesuqnpfhur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I tell TAW5 to write a BD after authoring and then wait, it apparently does not finalize the disc (although it writes the data), and teh resulting disc cannot be played in any player or reader I have.

Am I missing some step in this process?

Persen  2016-02-25 21:31:41 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Author the project directly to your HDD instead, that could be to a folder called Video Editing or something like that.
Then you use ImgBurn instead to make the BD disc, where you choose: Write files/folders to disc.

Here you just drag and drop the BDMV & CERTIFICATE folder to the large window.
ImgBurn is so smart that it can see that you want to write a Blu-ray video disc and will then ask, if it should change the settings to write such a disc and give you the option to give the disc a name.

Directing you to a bit older version of ImgBurn, because the later version should be avoided, because it contains ad-ware, who can trigger various antivirus and anti-malware software, because of how the ad-ware is behaving.

Ades  2016-03-01 15:50:50 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This could be also related to your writing device.
Update its firmware and/or drivers and try.

Also check your media disc,sometimes low quality discs
do not let a correct burning.

Also clean your writing device lens.

Question - TAW5 BBS - MKV files are creating a huge project No.70178
SmeltzerDeltzer  2016-02-10 12:52:03 ( ID:0axaxmd3kwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a little over 10GBs worth of .MKV files. But when I add them to the project the total project size shoots to an amazing 131GB!

Please let me know what I need to do to lower the project size. As I don't think the size of the project should go that amount seeing as how thetotal size of the files are only 10GB.

Ades  2016-02-10 16:34:49 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

on TAW5 > Clip properties of your imported files > check what is the Decoder used in the Video section.
Try this:
- go to....Options > Preferences > File input plug-in >
uncheck the AVI file reader and try, also
try by uncheck all except the DirectShow file reader
import your source file and try again.

What is the video stream format of your MKV files?

SmeltzerDeltzer  2016-02-10 18:14:41 ( ID:0axaxmd3kwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank Ades!

The video stream format for the MKV files is MPEG-4 AVC.

Question - TAW5 BBS - Vertical Stretching in 16x9 Output No.70175
yndprod  2016-02-10 01:02:52 ( ID:8ogje1xreql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Contemplating purchase - using the Trial version. When outputting to DVD, getting a slight vertical stretch (with resultant crop) to my 16x9 image. I've tried outputting using "Square Pixels" setting as well as "16x9". Same result with both. Searched around but not finding anything on this for Works 5. Thoughts?

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