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At first I want to say, that TMPGEnc is a very nice programm.
But I have one question. After encoding a Video-File (.mpg) to VCD format the new file is much bigger than the source file.
My question is now: How can I shorten the new VCD video file with TMPGEnc so that I can burn it on a 700MB CD?
yah, I too, would like to thank you for this great software. but I have the same problem, when I convert .wmv/avi files the output file size is always much bigger than the source size, is there any way to shorten it? please help.
thats because you are trying to go from a modern mpeg-4 based codec to a circa 1992 codec so expect a 2-4x increase in size for comprable quality, you can make the resulting mpeg smaller, but with HORRIFYING results. this rule holds true assume you are not changeing any resolutions (ie 352x240 to 352x240)
As I'm a newbie on this BBS first of all I would welcome everybody here.
Here is my problem I could't find a definitive solution and asking for help.
I capturing images directly from my TV set to a avi file.
The format captured is PAL, 25 fps.
(The TV is a standard old 1996 4:3 29" SONY)
GSpot informs of the resolution 720x576 of captured file.
I'm trying desperatly to encode the file in a SVCD format with the following parametes:
Source Aspect ratio: 4:3 Display
Video arrange method: Center
Frame is clipped to 720x570 (cut the noise at the bottom @ top)
Video stream is set:
Size: 480x576
Ratio: 4:3 Display (the same as source then)
The trouble is after encoding and authoring to a SVCD disk I'm obtaining (while playing in my DVD player) large black bands on the top and the bottom of the screen.
So - the picture is squeezed.
This happens when the settings of the DVD player are set to 4:3 LetterBox or 16:9 Wide. If I change settings to 4:3 Pan&Scan the bands are over but the with of the image exeedes the screen (but the height is perfect)
I guess sure there is something wrong with the encoder settings but I really do not know where is the error I'm making.
What settings should I put in the encoder in order to obtain a normal (without bands) picture?
Does anybody help me?
Thanks (and please do not shout on me too violently if the answer seems for you evident - this is my 3rd night I'm trying to solve the problem)
1. Wrong cropping. Unly use 8,12,16,18 and so on, never 2,6,10,14... Crop to 720x568
2. Wrong setting. Use Center (Custom size) 480x568
3. Use 480x576 (4:3) as target size
>1. Wrong cropping. Unly use 8,12,16,18 and so on, never 2,6,10,14... Crop to 720x568
>2. Wrong setting. Use Center (Custom size) 480x568
>3. Use 480x576 (4:3) as target size
>That's all
Hello again,
Thanks B_Racer for the suggestions. I spent some time to reencode some test files.
Unfortunately there is no improvement. I still have that black bands on the top & at the bottom of the screen.
Before I'll ask for more help I will however check the burned CDs on an another DVD player and TV set (in case of a problem with the hardware).
I'll come back soon.
I'm using these settings since years - they are working if the source is correct.
If your TV a 4:3 one, you can't use 16:9 or 4:3 letterboxed settings on the Player - it always will squeeze the picture. Only pure 4:3 is the correct choice.
And ANY CRT-TV will cut off the edges of your pic/video because of the overscan area. That's also why on DVD authoring tools an safe Area is used.
Forget about what it looks like on your TV for the mo.
What does the picture look like when played through a proper MPEG2 player like WINDVD on your PC?
>Forget about what it looks like on your TV for the mo.
>What does the picture look like when played through a proper MPEG2 player like WINDVD on your PC?
Hello Ashy... and Happy New Year to all of fellows here.
Sorry not replying quickly - I've been out from home for a couple of days
Answering your question: while playing movie on a PC I have a perfect 4:3 picture. No bands - no squeeze - no edges cut.
This is an issue with your DVD player not the encoding.
Try this, set the DVD player to output 16:9 then play the DVD. Now set your TV while the DVD is playing to 4:3.
I would guess that 4:3 pan&scan is the correct setting for your DVD player to output a 4:3 image in the proper dimensions.
The loss you are experiencing at the sides happens on all TV's and is simply overscan.
If the image is like you say perfect height wise and the image is not distorted in any way then the image is being correctly displayed.
How much of the image do you actually lose from the sides?
>This is an issue with your DVD player not the encoding.
>Try this, set the DVD player to output 16:9 then play the DVD. Now set your TV while the DVD is playing to 4:3.
I did it and IT WORKS!!
a) first set 16:9 output on DVD
b) run the my test SVCD movie
c) controlled TV settings (was 16:9 - bizzarre!?!) and set to 4:3
d) bingo! it works!
I think DVD output signal switch automaticaly the original TV 4:3 settings to 16:9. When I turned off the player and switched on again I had once again set the TV to 4:3.
>How much of the image do you actually lose from the sides?
Around 1÷2 cm from each side. Do you think it is possible to display all the image on the screen?
I am still requesting the the feature to get a DVD burnt with SVCD/VCD standard videos on it (see request as "Bug report" >>> SVCD on DVD medium, filenames as menu chapter names by Tom, 10/29 (Fri) 05:16 <<<).
Further I am searching for a tool to make DVD menu for a "DATA DISC" / "DATA DVD" with DivX videos (avi, wmv, mpg,...) which is playable in a HiFi DVD Player (TVset).
The idea is to start the DVD with this menu for selecting the video file to get played on TV.
This could be another media option in "DVD Author":
[X] DivX DVD (leaving video files "as are" / burn as data files)
[X] DivX CD (leaving video files "as are" / burn as data files)
Guess you have MPEG-Audio? Maybe your DVD-Player does not like this.
On NTSC-DVDs MPEG-Audio is only alowed as additional Track, not as the only one. Most Players should work with MPEG-Audio, but some of them won't play it.
I am using PAL system, I am using WMP or WINDVD on PC to play the disc, only the disc that I made does not have the sound,( The MPEG2 file can be played fine, only after DVD author, the VOB file has no sound )and I had no problem make VCD or SVCD by using TMPGenc and NERO.
Anything could be wrong? I am simply can not figure it out.
Everytime I try to use either a still capture from a video clip or an imported graphic as a menu thumbnail, it's always blurred. This seems to be at any size frame. Any ideas on how to correct this?
Try using a program that shows the nature of the frame it will capture, then
make the capture on an "I frame" and on a "P frame". For some reason I've had
better luck with "P frames".
Okay, I can encode in TMPGEnc just fine (using the Super VCD template). The resulting MPEG looks perfect, sounds perfect. It plays perfectly in Windows Media Player...but, if I try to 'fast forward' it, or click to another scene in the file, I get a "Windows Media Player has encountered and unknown error", with a close dialog box. This has happened with multiple versions of Media Player and with about several MPEGs I've tried to make now, all with varying lengths. Anyone know what the deal is here?
Guess you need other DirectShow Filters for MPEG-Playback or an other Player.
Try Media Player Classic or VLC (Video Lan Client). Both of them do include theyr own MPEG-Decoders.
K(S)VCD are simply VCDs encoded with a diffetnt bitrate with new templetes for TMPGenc 2.5 (I don't know wat to do to XPRess).
They have the same viewing limitations of (S)VCDs.
Little help here - I cannot author DVDs anymore using DVD author. I get an error in resample.dll
I can author these files using the same version of this program on another computer, but I'd really like to use my fast main one for it. Anyone else seen errors in this file? I've uninstalled/reinstalled/gone back to older versions/etc - not sure what to do next....