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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 266 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Need help--trying to convert files Tara 2 2005-11-03 17:46:14
Question TE25 tmpg carlos999 0 2005-10-26 04:56:50
Question TE30 tsunami mpeg video encoder express sound is delayed Dee 0 2005-10-25 14:35:52
Question TE25 syntax error lut tits 0 2005-10-24 18:37:04
Question TME1 batch convert blodgie 1 2005-11-08 01:39:41
Question TDA2 Tsunami DVD-author Pro Hellen Blatter 0 2005-10-19 15:06:25
Request TDA1 Resize Window Steve 0 2005-10-17 13:44:23
Question TE25 website video adonisxx 0 2005-10-16 21:15:56
Question TE25 What's up with this daft site again? ashy 0 2005-10-15 13:39:09
Question TE25 QTReader and Quicktime 7 tonyfox 6 2005-11-09 14:00:18
Question TE25 How to use Dual-CPU for TMPGEnc (Free Version) Charles 2 2005-10-15 05:02:46
Question TDA2 None D Chapman 0 2005-10-11 18:14:56

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Question - TE25 - Need help--trying to convert files No.43476
Tara  2005-10-28 01:22:38 ( ID:mkrh4m59la6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to convert files, and I get an error message saying that my file is not supported, what can I do to fix this? Let me know.

Fred  2005-11-02 17:00:08 ( ID:p9kkbo6uqer )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used this program succesfully one time but when I later wanted to encode another AVI file I got the same error message:cannot open file or unsupported file. What can we do? Somebody please respond.


ashy  2005-11-03 17:46:14 ( ID:/larvwb4b.6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Download and install FFDSHOW.
If that doesn't solve the problem then change the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' in the VFAPI plugins to 2.

Question - TE25 - tmpg No.43475
carlos999  2005-10-26 04:56:50 ( ID:98ca4bwjzof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use Morgan multimedia codec to capture avi's,the older tmpgenc accepts these avi's.but can only output to ntsc dvd mpgs and pal vcd.The newer versions of tmpenc can output to pal dvd but don't accept my morgan multimedia captured avis, only rgb ?.it is too time consuming to convert in my older tmpgenc to ntsc mpg and then open the ntsc mpg with the latest tmpenc and convert that to pal.WHY can't my latest tmpenc open my avi's so i can make pal dvd format files

Question - TE30 - tsunami mpeg video encoder express sound is delayed No.53507
Dee  2005-10-25 14:35:52 ( ID:kxfg6ar3kla )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the tsunami mpeg video encoder express and have managed to convert my files to mpeg to make them smaller but when I play them back there seems to be about a 2 second delay on the sound?? How can I rectify this?

Question - TE25 - syntax error No.43474
lut tits  2005-10-24 18:37:04 ( ID:o0h6a8dhsh6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hoi, my question is the following:
when running the program a syntax error 761 accurs can anyone please help me
I did read the whole of the faqs but i didnt find a sollution for my problem
i have windows xp professional nd Tmpgenc 2.5 plus
also mediaplayer 10 if that is an issue
thanks in advance

Question - TME1 - batch convert No.54429
blodgie  2005-10-19 18:24:39 ( ID:kx6zsowsqll )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How to convert files to mpeg1 by selecting more than one at a time?
Is it possible to convert many?
Do I have to do them one by one ?

dan witzel  2005-11-08 01:39:41 ( ID:nuppnkrtkfc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

create a new job for each thing and click add to batch , then hit run batch

Question - TDA2 - Tsunami DVD-author Pro No.55682
Hellen Blatter  2005-10-19 15:06:25 ( ID:7pypfs07rek )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it possable to use different time-length to each separate slide in the slide
show function ?

Request - TDA1 - Resize Window No.49448
Steve  2005-10-17 13:44:23 ( ID:52eb4vwcddk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I open up windows within the program they are so large they are behind the task bar. How do you set the windows to open smaller?

Question - TE25 - website video No.43473
adonisxx  2005-10-16 21:15:56 ( ID:uv169bivdhg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i know this has nothing to do with tmpgenc but is there any way to capture video from websites so that you can encode it with tmpgenc ?

thanks guys!

Question - TE25 - What's up with this daft site again? No.43472
ashy  2005-10-15 13:39:09 ( ID:l6myzaw0sv. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I know this will probably get ignored by admin as they usually do, why is it I cannot post on this site unless I access it through a proxy?
I have posted on this site for years and now all I get is 'There is an error in your article'
Reason: 'Restricting it'

'Restricting it'???

What the hell for. Sort it out or lose another valued member or give me a reason why?

Question - TE25 - QTReader and Quicktime 7 No.43465
tonyfox  2005-10-13 19:18:28 ( ID:dcp3cik6wac )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Does anyone know if QTReader.vfp works with Quicktime 7? I have previously successfully encoded QT ref movies (exported from Avid Xpress dv) with TmpgEnc 2.5 Plus. But no success since installing Quicktime 7 Pro. When I try and load a QT source file (either a ref file or a normal file with media)I get a message "can not open or unsupported".

Any suggestions gratefully received

ashy  2005-10-13 21:03:48 ( ID:i/lxpysjv4o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Forget using that old plugin and install 'Quicktime alternative' instead. It's a directshow codec that will work in any directshow compatible program and is much faster than the QTreader.vfp.

tonyfox  2005-10-14 12:47:41 ( ID:dcp3cik6wac )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy

I've tried installing "Quicktime alternative" already. I removed the QTReader.vfp file from tmpgenc and made the Directshow reader top priority in the vfapi window but still no joy.

Any thoughts?

ashyx  2005-10-15 13:20:35 ( ID:nkgkahydadl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try and open the QT file in AVISYNTH first and then frame serve it to TMPG. Should work then.
TBH I've not used Quicktime pro 7, but I've used 6 and it works perfectly in TMPG with the QT alternative codec.

tonyfox  2005-10-17 14:30:39 ( ID:dcp3cik6wac )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy

I'll try it and post a follow up

Teriyaki  2005-10-21 07:40:28 ( ID:dobue5yebuk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are there any extra steps after installing "Quicktime Alternative" that need to be done in order for TMPGEnc to recognize it?

I, too, have not been able to encode QT Ref files after installing QT 7 Pro, and it's really frustrating. I've resorted to re-installing v6.

>Forget using that old plugin and install 'Quicktime alternative' instead. It's a directshow codec that will work in any directshow compatible program and is much faster than the QTreader.vfp.

Jean-Baptiste  2005-11-09 14:00:18 ( ID:qjz3rphdflo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a way to use QT7 without avisynth ?
(and without QTreader.vfp because it crash at the end of each encoding)

Question - TE25 - How to use Dual-CPU for TMPGEnc (Free Version) No.43462
Charles  2005-10-12 04:00:49 ( ID:fj7r3yohn2. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, All,

I have justed installed the TMPGEnc v2.5. When I execute the program, it failed because of the CPU, it reported that I have to set the CPU something, but I don't understand. I am using a Dual-core CPU Pentium D. Before, it executed perfectly in my Single-core CPU. Could anyone help?


ashy  2005-10-13 21:22:55 ( ID:nkgkahydadl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it saying something about the CPU being changed?
It usually does this the first time you run it after installing a new CPU, but should correct itself the next run.

Try deleting TMPGEnc.ini from the TMPG folder and then run the program again. If you still get a problem try messing with the CPU options. Option>enviromental setting>CPU

Charles  2005-10-15 05:02:46 ( ID:fj7r3yohn2. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanks, i'll try.


Question - TDA2 - None No.55681
D Chapman  2005-10-11 18:14:56 ( ID:q/94uk335rg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When will Tsunami DVD Author Pro be available at retail in the U.S.A. It was promised last month. I can buy Tsunami Author 1.6 now, but I want the pro version because it cuts inside the GOPs and it will accept all of my video source files........the additional features are nice also, but not a factor in my decision of which one to buy.

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