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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Removal of Quicktime DirectShow File Reader Support? Dave 2 2003-04-09 15:56:14
Question TE25 SVCD to VCD header trick gbagman37 2 2003-04-10 03:57:47
Question TE25 USING WAV FILE BUT STILL HAVE NO SOUND? bigjeffy 1 2003-04-13 21:28:48
Question TE25 SVCD to VCD header trick gbagman37 1 2003-04-08 21:07:52
Question TE25 USING WAV FILE BUT STILL HAVE NO SOUND? bigjeffy 1 2003-04-08 20:55:24
Question TE25 Get the mpeg file may exceed the file size of media you are gonna write to Shayla 1 2003-04-08 00:11:50
Question TE25 Risk of sounding thick mleary 2 2003-04-08 14:13:34
Bug report TE25 Xvid to vcd _Bon 1 2003-04-07 21:38:18
Question TE25 Downloaded & installed, no text??? Chauncey 2 2003-04-10 19:54:01
Question TE25 Sound loss on merging Dungeon Raider 3 2003-04-15 06:39:13
Question TE25 HOW CAN I CONVERT A MOVIE FROM 16:9 TO 4:3 JOHN INK 9 2003-04-12 14:06:46
Question TE25 Will there be a 64-bit version of TMPGEnc? Herakles 0 2003-04-07 14:08:58

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Question - TE25 - Removal of Quicktime DirectShow File Reader Support? No.36153
Dave  2003-04-08 03:52:48 ( ID:ylxv.ixphpf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've recently updated to the latest version of TMPGEnc 2.510 from 2.53 and have noticed that the DirectShow Multimedia File Reader (under VFAPI Plug-in) no longer supports .mov files.

Why has the support been removed?

Is there anyway to support it again in 2.510?

I've tried using the QT Movie Reader and that didn't help (not that I expected it would).

If anyone can help that would be great.

Thank you in advance.


Minion  2003-04-08 21:12:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t know what you are talking about , MOV support was only possible with the "QT Mov VFAPI Plugin" and it has allways been this way, at least since version 2.51..The only way to get Tmpgenc to support Mov files is to use the Plugin...

Andrew  2003-04-09 15:56:14 ( ID:i84zzdk3cah )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I've recently updated to the latest version of TMPGEnc 2.510 from 2.53 and have noticed that the DirectShow Multimedia File Reader (under VFAPI Plug-in) no longer supports .mov files.
>Why has the support been removed?
>Is there anyway to support it again in 2.510?
>I've tried using the QT Movie Reader and that didn't help (not that I expected it would).
>If anyone can help that would be great.
>Thank you in advance.

Go here:
Download the plug in, put it in the same folder as you installed the app, close and restart tmpgenc and you should be fine.

Question - TE25 - SVCD to VCD header trick No.36150
gbagman37  2003-04-08 02:40:21 ( ID:gfs3fzybyzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to make SVCD's. My stand alone DVD player will not play them. I have made several hundred VCD's but the quality just isn't good enough for my taste. I do DVD's now but the blanks are still too expensive. I have run my SVCD thru Multiplex in Tmpegnc to create a VCD header that will "trick" my player to playing it. I have had success somewhat, but the video stops for several seconds then catches up to audio. it does it all thru the movie. It played perfectly with Win DVD on computer. I have 512 MB RAM and a 2.13 Ghz Athelon processor. I used Easy VCD to burn because it was the only one I found that would except SVCD with A VCD header.(Stomp RecordNow Max and Ulead Movie Factory are the two I have most success with in the past. ) Any ideas why the video stops and starts??

I have also tried making a bin/cue image and then burning it.

B_Racer  2003-04-08 09:07:25 ( ID:gxmkoa4dlnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Bitrate is to high. Some Players are not able to Play VCDs (also faked ones) with higher Bitrates. So, the Headertrick is no choice for you, no chance.

nerys  Home )  2003-04-10 03:57:47 ( ID:axlweef8l8. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can you tell me how you did this header trick ? I want to do something similar.

I want to make ulead moviefactory THINK that my 33khz and 44khz mpeg1 files are 48khz mpeg1 files so I can burn them to DVD without the HOURS longer conversion that this usually requires.

Chris Taylor

PS the e-mail address on this message is valid you can reply to it.

bigjeffy  2003-04-08 02:35:53 ( ID:xvdsonvzwnr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used DVD2AVI to produce a video file and a wav file from the movie inspector gadget 2. The audio file is a conversion from ac3 to WAV audio. When I play the file the sound works perfectly. But when I run TMPGenc to create a mpeg2 movie the audio disappears. I try to play the file and I get error message_unsupported audio source. Why does it work fine, then when it's run through TMPGEnc it doesn't have sound? I have read it must be a wav file and it is. I have tried everything, even using an older version of TMPG. I have made other movies, with no problem using the same settings. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, I AM LOSING MY MIND...I HAVE TRIED THIS 12 TIMES NOW...PLEASE, PLEASE HELP.

briggidybrizzad  2003-04-13 21:28:48 ( ID:n5deb1si8pl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am having the same problem. For some of the newer movies, when I go to create a vcd using TPMGEnc, the audio drops out. This has been happening to many of the newer movies. HELP!

Question - TE25 - SVCD to VCD header trick No.36146
gbagman37  2003-04-08 01:50:18 ( ID:gfs3fzybyzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to make SVCD's. My stand alone DVD player will not play them. I have made several hundred VCD's but the quality just isn't good enough for my taste. I do DVD's now but the blanks are still too expensive. I have run my SVCD thru Multiplex in Tmpegnc to create a VCD header that will "trick" my player to playing it. I have had success somewhat, but the video stops for several seconds then catches up to audio. it does it all thru the movie. It played perfectly with Win DVD on computer. I have 512 MB RAM and a 2.13 Ghz Athelon processor. I used Easy VCD to burn because it was the only one I found that would except SVCD with A VCD header.(Stomp RecordNow Max and Ulead Movie Factory are the two I have most success with in the past. ) Any ideas why the video stops and starts??

I have also tried making a bin/cue image and then burning it.

Minion  2003-04-08 21:07:52 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your Problem is that the Bitrate for SVCD is to high for your Player to handle..I have experienced the Exact same Effect on My Player when trying to find out the Max Bitrate my Player can handle, in My case It could handle up to 5000kbs but mine is Made to play SVCD"s were your"s isn"t..There is only one thing you can do to fix this and that is to get a New DVD Player that Plays SVCD"s...Or you can try useing a Lower Bitrate in your SVCD"s but then that would defeat the Purpose of Makeing SVCD"s, you can also Try makeing higher Bitrate VCD"s or XVCD"s..

bigjeffy  2003-04-08 00:28:26 ( ID:xvdsonvzwnr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used DVD2AVI to produce a video file and a wav file from the movie inspector gadget 2. The audio file is a conversion from ac3 to WAV audio. When I play the file the sound works perfectly. But when I run TMPGenc to create a mpeg2 movie the audio disappears. I try to play the file and I get error message_unsupported audio source. Why does it work fine, then when it's run through TMPGEnc it doesn't have sound? I have read it must be a wav file and it is. I have tried everything, even using an older version of TMPG. I have made other movies, with no problem using the same settings. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, I AM LOSING MY MIND...I HAVE TRIED THIS 12 TIMES NOW...PLEASE, PLEASE HELP.

Minion  2003-04-08 20:55:24 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

"If all else Fails Use something else" Is My Moto, Just use a seperate Audio encoder to encode the audio then Mux the audio with the Video you allready have encoded..There are Quite a Few Good Quality Audio encoders, I use "Headac3he" to encode My Audio, It is a Very High Quality audio encoder and it is Freeware But it is Pretty Slow, there are Many others, a Couple Pages Back there is a Post By "Ashy" that has some links to MP2 Audio encoders..

Question - TE25 - Get the mpeg file may exceed the file size of media you are gonna write to No.36142
Shayla  2003-04-07 22:16:25 ( ID:wvdkmridzvf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

this is what I get in some files I'm trying to convert from avi to mpg: The MPEG file you are about to create may exceed the file size of media you are going to write to, thus you may not be able to write the data onto the disk. Do you wish to continue?

The file size is 340MB and less than 45 min. It's a tv series and all the other files I had no problem with. Can't change the bitrate, it changes it back. I've tried vcd and svcd but no difference. It says estimated file size 1192MB,average video bitrate:1150 kbit/s, audio 224 kbit/s. make the file size 163,74 % of disk capacity. What do I do? I have recently had the same problem with a couple of other avi's but from a different program.

How do I fix this?

Minion  2003-04-08 00:11:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well if you know for a Fact that the source file is Only 45 minutes then Just encode it anyways,It should be OK....And to change the settings Like the Bitrate and other settings you just have to exit the Wizard then click "Load" and Navigate to the "Extra" Folder, it should be inside the "Templates" Folder, then Load the "Unlock.mfc" Template, this will unlock all of the settings....

Question - TE25 - Risk of sounding thick No.36139
mleary  2003-04-07 21:32:59 ( ID:6z0pxcas1f2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My DVD player (not on PC) won't play the file in the single mpg format. It requires multiple files such as CDI, MPEGAV, VCD etc. Can this be done if so how? Thanks!

Minion  2003-04-07 21:43:43 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need a Program that is For Burning VCD"s, Every VCD/SVCD Burning Program formats the files this way so your DVD Player can play them, You can"t just burn the Mpeg file to a Disk as a Data Cd..Nero Can burn Plain VCD"s and SVCD"s with no Special Features and VCDEasy can burn VCD/SVCD"s with Chapters..And there are Many other programs that can add Menu"s and Chapters and other special features to your Movie But none are Free..And when burning as a VCD or SVCD you can fit up to 800mb on a 700mb CD-R were you can only fit 700mb as a Data CD...

mleary  2003-04-08 14:13:34 ( ID:i062gafzpk6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What a stroke of luck I have Nero.

Bug report - TE25 - Xvid to vcd No.36137
_Bon  2003-04-07 19:33:48 ( ID:5c0gzfq8p5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I Try coverting a xvid to mpeg1. when i covert it i cant see any frames of the movie being converted in the preview window of TMPEGEnc 2.9. The movie converts into pink color or just blacks out and TMPEG crashes. I have the codecs for all of the files because i watch the movie 1st b4 i convert it.

Minion  2003-04-07 21:38:18 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you tried Raiseing the Direct show file reader in the Vfapi Plugins??Go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi Plugins" and raise the "Direct show" to "2", and if this doesn"t work try installing the FFDShow Filter....

Question - TE25 - Downloaded & installed, no text??? No.36134
Chauncey  2003-04-07 18:32:02 ( ID:boqsw.liazl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just downloaded & installed TMPGEnc, from the English version of the website, and upon installing it, the program runs...but without any text??

According to the readme, this is Version 2.510.49.157, if that helps. The menu's all have text, its all the "point & click" things that are blank. I've used the program on my old computer, but never had a problem like this. I also went to "option", "language", "English (United States)", and restarted the program, but that didn't help either.

Anyone got any suggestions??

Minion  2003-04-07 21:36:08 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have never heard of this Problem, when ever I download Tmpgenc it is in English and works flawlessly, Try downloading it again and installing it...

Chauncey  2003-04-10 19:54:01 ( ID:boqsw.liazl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My old computer was WinME, the new one is WinXP. Dunno if that had anything to do with it, but...

Just in case anyone runs into this problem like I did, I found that after going to "option", "language", "English (United States)", I had to reboot the whole computer to get it working properly. Dunno if that was the problem, or if the problem corrected itself & it was coincidence, but its up & working again.

Question - TE25 - Sound loss on merging No.36130
Dungeon Raider  2003-04-07 16:34:35 ( ID:onfukp43fkf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an mpg VCD thats in 5 parts and am attempting to merge them into a single file using tmpgenc.

All parts play flawlessly when played individually but when merged part 3 loses sound about a third of the way into the file.

If I seperate the audio and video of part three I also get an audio stream that works individually but if I merge with the other audio streams then part 3 jumps straight to part 4 at the same point.

I can't see anything different in the properties of the pt 3 audio stream and it continues to play perfectly as an audio stream and mpg but only if played individually... so the problem has to relate to the merging as far as I can tell but I'm clueless how to fix it.


Minion  2003-04-07 21:34:09 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the Merge & Cut doesn"t seem to work for you there isn"t much you can do about it, there aren"t any special settings that will make everything better again..What you should do is find a New Better Mpeg editor/Joiner, "Womble Mpeg2VCR" is a Very good editor and Joiner...

Dungeon Raider  2003-04-08 21:51:50 ( ID:onfukp43fkf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tried Womble but it wouldn't cooperate (or I was missing something) but was able to do it with MyFlix. Wish I knew what the problem with TMPGEnc was though.

greenie  2003-04-15 06:39:13 ( ID:feryvcevyij )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm having the same problem too, merge 3 parts and the middle part towards 3/4 will lose sound then come back in part 3.

Is TMPG buggy?

Question - TE25 - HOW CAN I CONVERT A MOVIE FROM 16:9 TO 4:3 No.36120
JOHN INK  2003-04-07 15:01:14 ( ID:oym/mr6d9fj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Who can help me?
I want to convert one file mpeg from 16:9 ratio to 4:3.Can i use TMPGEC AND WITH WITCH WAY


wcpaul  2003-04-07 19:10:29 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The aspect ratio in an Mpeg file is made up of three components. The pixel dimensions, whether letterboxing bars are actually encoded in the frames, and simple flags that tell the decoder what the ratio is.

Anamorphic ("Widescreen") Mpeg is 720x480 (NTSC), no black bars, and a 16:9 ratio flag.

If your video fits that description except for the flag, programs like DVDPatcher.exe and PULLDOWN.EXE have options to fix the flag. Be careful to configure these tools so no other settings change.

Re-encoding would be needed only if, for example, you wanted to get rid of black bars and create true anamorphic Mpeg.

wcpaul  2003-04-07 19:14:43 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I got the conversion backwards in your case. If you want to add black bars, you need to re-encode. But this does not make sense to me because resolution is lost. Most players either recognize the 16:9 flag or allow manual adjustment.

Ashy  2003-04-07 22:24:10 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Now I'll give you the simple answer.
Under the 'Advanced' tab you need to set your 'source aspect ratio' to 16:9 NTSC or PAL whichever is appropiate, the 'Video arrange method' to 'Full screen keep aspect ratio' and then under the 'Video tab' set the output aspect ratio to 4:3.


holman3rd  2003-04-09 18:47:02 ( ID:wcahpferauw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I'm a newbie at creating widescreen dvds....

I'm using a Canon GL-1 with an anamorphic lens to shoot in 16:9 without loss of resolution.

I edit the content in Media Studio Pro 7.0, which supports widescreen format. I then encode the resulting AVI file using TMPGEnc and burn it to a DVD. The disk plays perfectly on my 16:9 tv, but appears squished on my 4:3 tv. Are there any settings that I can use in TMPG to have my dvd players automically know how to correctly display the video. In other words, I'd like the video play as is on my widescreen tv, but have black bars inserted when it's played on my 4:3 tv so it appears in the correct aspect ratio. Or, do I have to encode two separate files and label them as "widescreen" and "full screen" selection in the dvd's intro screen. If so, what are the settings for those files.

I give a lot of my DVDs to family members and most of them don't have widescreen tvs. I want them to just be able to insert the dvd and hit play.


Ashy  2003-04-09 23:01:39 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What software are you using to author your movies to DVD?
This seems like a problem with your authoring software which doesn't seem to setting the correct flags for your DVD's.

16:9 flags should be put into the MPEG by your authoring software which should allow your DVD player (which needs to be set to 4:3) to decide what to do with the output so it is displayed correctly on a 4:3 TV.


Ashy  2003-04-10 00:55:29 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If your source is 16:9 did you make sure you set the input AND output aspect ratio to 16:9?

You can check with 'Bitrate viewer' what aspect ratio your movie is.


holman3rd  2003-04-11 18:46:03 ( ID:wcahpferauw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Thanks, I figured out the problem based on what you said. I'm using Ulead MovieFactory (the version that came with MediaStudio Pro 7.0). Orginally, I was setting the "source" to 16:9 and the "output" to 4:3. Now, if I set both to 16:9, as you suggested, it displays full screen on my widescreen tv and letterboxed on my 4:3 set. Thanks a ton.

By the way, why don't these posts get bumped to the top of the forum list when a new post is added?

holman3rd  2003-04-11 18:49:20 ( ID:wcahpferauw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

A follow up question that's related to what I just accomplished. I have a lot of older home videos shot in 4:3 format that I'd like to transfer to DVD. Can I use a similar procedure as above to get them to display full screen on a 4:3 tv, but with side black bars on a widescreen tv? In other words, would it work it I set the "source" as 4:3 and the "output" as 4:3? Perhaps by selecting the correct "mode" on my widescreen TV, the side bars will be displayed.


Ashy  2003-04-12 14:06:46 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, setting both to 4:3 should work no problem.


Question - TE25 - Will there be a 64-bit version of TMPGEnc? No.36119
Herakles  2003-04-07 14:08:58 ( ID:y.m0uxxm5tm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a reason to believe there will be an X86-64 version of TMPGEnc.
The Opteron will be launched on the 22nd of April,
Microsoft will introduce it 's 64-bits anvil OS.

A 64-bit dual opteron could do wonders for MPEG-2 encoding
and DVD-authoring.

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