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I am cutting an mpg and when it is cut and I play the cut version, the video part is there but the sound is gone. Could you please help me with this matter.
I have just lioaded anavi movie and want to split it in 1/2 to make 2 mpg movies so I can convert them to vcd. I can load the avi and do the setting but when I select START I get the following ....{ Write error occured at address 77fc90cd of modual ntdll.dll with 00000000 }
And the app locks up or closes on me is there a way I can fix this problem .
Sometimes I get Avi files that I can only play with the so called DivX 5 player.
But when I want to encode these files with Tmpgenc. it doesn't work.
He refuses to encode it saying that is not a correct file ??!!.
Does anyone have a solution for my little problem ?.
To encode DivX 5 Files or any AVI file you have to have the Correct Codec installed, so make sure you have the DivX 5.02 Codec installed, and Try raiseing the "Direct Show File Reader" to "2" in the "Vfapi Plugins"...
Try going to "Options" to "enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and raise the "Direct Show" to "2"..This will hopefully get the Image to show while encodeing and in the Mpeg file...
My Mini DV Camcoder shows recording Date and Time on the Video. I am told that the Date & Time info is also present in the AVI file. Is there an option in TMPGEnc to show this in the encoded MPEG file?
This won't work i have played with it for 7 hours stright and i can't put no movie on a cd-r, i have nero but i can't get it to work some one please put step tp step exacly what i have to do for this to work please i have a bunch of movies and i want to put them on a cd-r. This will be very well apshated i know i spelled that wrong.
Why Don"t you Tell us what you are trying to do(Make a VCD and SVCD)What you did and What problem specificly you are haveing....You basicly just load in the Source file(It can"t just be any file) then Follow the directions the "WiZard" gives you, then Burn the File as a VCD/SVCD ect with a Program that supports burning that format, like Nero or VCDEasy and any number of Programs.....Go here :
Hi again and thanks for the help last time! I went to test out something to see what other things that TMPGEnc can do. What happens if I went to do the Unlock extra in the "Load" menu and then set the settings to that of a SVCD but the output file is MPEG-1? I'm curious, I'm the experiment type. The display area shows that the video is shortened. Perhaps this is widescreen?
Um I guess that's not supposed to happen and after the video finished encoding, there was only audio heard with a black screen. So I followed Minion's directions at raising the bitrate to 1600.I had the size at 352x240 is that ok? I'm wondering how come there are 2 large black spaces on the sides and the video seems to be squished in the middle and sort of elongated?
Are you watching this Mpeg file with Media Player???Cuz if you are then that is why it looks wierd, Use DVD Playing software Cuz Media Player Plays mpeg files with incorrect aspect ratios....but if you want to change the way the picture looks in the screen then use the settings in the "Clip Frame" settings...
I need to transcode an MPEG audio/video file with an audio bit rate of 192K to another file with audio bit rate of 224K, so as to make it VCD 2 compatible. The coding works fine, but while the original file had more than 1700 valid entry points to set chapters, the trancoded file only has just one! Anybody can explain me why this happens..and what I can do to fix the problem?
Well that is Impossible to Not have any Valid Chapter points..Any I Frame can be a Potential Chapter Point.and Why encode the Whole File if you Just need the audio to Be 224kbs???Just de-mux the Mpeg file and Just encode the audio to 224kbs and Mux it with the Video and you will have your Totally VCD Compliant file.Re-Encodeing it Just for the audio is Just going to Degrade the Quality of the File and VCD Files are bad enough ...What are you useing to Put in Chapters????
There is no need to change the bitrate to 224kb/s. The bitrate 192kb/s is already VCD compatible. You won't improve the quality of the sound, but will likely reduce it. Any of these bitrates, 128, 192, 224, or 384kbit/sec can be used for making compatible VCD 2.0 MPEGS.
i'm relatively new to tis, but i believe if you go into the settings page, under the gop structure tab check the close gop box that should solve the problem
I know it sounds strange, but that is exactly what happens.
I use vcdcomposer to author my vcd - when I scan the mpeg file it tells me that I just have...1 frame, so all chapters are linked to the closest valid entry point which happens to be the origin of the file.
In the meantime I managed to fix the problem by simply loading the settings for a VCD-PAL file, while previosuly I was just changing the audio bit-rate. When I encode the file in this way, I get my entry points back in place. I have no good explanation as to why this happens.
Thanks for the hint to just encode the audio part - I will try to do so.
By the way, if I play back my vcd without reencoding audio at 224K, the audio is distorted and all chopped. The re-encoded file plays back properly.
>Well that is Impossible to Not have any Valid Chapter points..Any I Frame can be a Potential Chapter Point.and Why encode the Whole File if you Just need the audio to Be 224kbs???Just de-mux the Mpeg file and Just encode the audio to 224kbs and Mux it with the Video and you will have your Totally VCD Compliant file.Re-Encodeing it Just for the audio is Just going to Degrade the Quality of the File and VCD Files are bad enough ...What are you useing to Put in Chapters????
You have one small mistake, for VCD only 224kbps audio is supported in the VCD 2.0 standard. 128, 192 and 384kbps are only supported for the Segment items, not for the main video tracks.
Actually you are probably right there. I'm getting my SVCD specs mixed up with my VCD specs.
VCD 2.0 should be fixed at 224kb/s
It's been a while since I looked at any specs and just assumed from what I could remember about SVCD audio specs that these would also apply to VCD, but apparantly not.
I have some video which was shot using multiple aspect ratios. I have no problem using TMPGenc to get any of the individual parts to work, but I'm not sure what is the best way to use them together.
Suppose I have a video that starts off in 4:3. That's pretty simple. I know how to create an MPG of that from my AVI, and it's fairly trivial to use Source Range to get just the 4:3 part. If the next part is 16:9, likewise I have no problem with the correct settings or getting the source range.
What I want to do, however, is to be able to specify that the first part is 4:3 and that the second part is 16:9 and come up with a single MPG. I'd like to know how to do this with either TMPGEnc or another tool if it's more appropriate to splice them later.
Also, since I'll probably be putting much of this on a VCD, I don't know if it would get around my problem to just put several consecutive MPGs on the VCD. I haven't tried that or read anything about it so I don't know that it's even an option. If it can be done, I'd like to know. But even if it's trivial to do it that way, I'd still like an option with a single MPG for use on the web.