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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 702 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 why do I get a black screen when I encode? jmpicardjm 1 2002-09-24 22:02:50
Bug report TE25 Sonic MyDVD 3.51 only loading 16 frames of tmpg mpg2 files John Asbacher 2 2002-09-24 22:20:51
Question TE25 tmpg error Eximili 5 2002-09-25 08:55:54
Question TE25 illegal stream format hobo2000 0 2002-09-23 23:34:40
Question TE25 Shuts down spitfire_53 1 2002-09-24 21:54:55
Question TE25 Splitting Files al 1 2002-09-24 12:40:55
Question TE25 still wont work angels_tears 1 2002-09-24 12:31:22
Question TE25 Using Divx avi (Divx 4 or 5) and tmpgenc doesn't open audio in avi Divxlover 1 2002-09-23 21:55:27
Question TE25 TMPGENC CRASHES WHEN ENCODING MAN HILL 1 2002-09-23 21:52:28
Question TE25 tmpeg error angels_tears 1 2002-09-23 21:44:45
Bug report TE25 Mr Paul 1 2002-09-27 01:26:17
Question TE25 When Is Version 3 Being Released? Kat 4 2002-09-24 01:46:01

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Question - TE25 - why do I get a black screen when I encode? No.28497
jmpicardjm  2002-09-24 01:01:58 ( ID:cvu9yiwkaoh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

help me!

I'm trying to encode some tmd avi's and when I encode all I get is a black screen... what am I doing wrong? I get sound but see nothing.. the avi I can see all but can't encode to a format I can burn...

any help would be appreciated.


Minion  2002-09-24 22:02:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

go to "options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "VFAPI Plugins" and raise the "Direct Show" to "2"..

Bug report - TE25 - Sonic MyDVD 3.51 only loading 16 frames of tmpg mpg2 files No.28494
John Asbacher  2002-09-24 00:44:30 ( ID:0v7sq5pqpmj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am encoding and authoring on the same machine winXP
dual proc athlon 1800+
canopus rexRT hardware for creating .AVI files
tmpgenc to create the mpg2 files (which play back fine in win media player)
authoring with Sonic MyDVD 3.51

So when I bring the files into Sonic MyDVD, 4 of the 5 mpeg2 files all around 500megs in size only load for the first 16 frames. There is one in the batch that actually loads properly.

Any Ideas?!? I've recreated the .AVI's twice now, and the mpegs 3 seperate times.

Minion  2002-09-24 22:01:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My DVD is not a very good authoring program, that is why they Bundle it with DVD-Writers.The problem is that you need to have a sequence header in front of each GOP..Under "settings" to "GOP" "Interval of sequence header" to "1"...Maybe try something like "Ulead DVD Workshop" it is not nearly as picky as "My DVD".

emphand  2002-09-24 22:20:51 ( ID:doblop9nneo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

forget mydvd i went for unlead movie maker, it works far better than the sonic stuff

Question - TE25 - tmpg error No.28488
Eximili  2002-09-24 00:21:58 ( ID:bkjhgolaun2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Okay i use tmpg with my avi movie joy ride. I need to play on a vcd player but it was too jerky so then i selected very fast with lower quality in tmpg, it converted in 2 hours but the thing said there were 6 hours left, after converting the whole video it was up to 36% and i got an error saying some tmpg error. the mpeg file that was converted had all of the video but not the audio? how can i get audio? thnx

hobo2000  2002-09-24 07:03:23 ( ID:1yd0ud.pnm2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when you bring up tmpg on the right side do you have video and audio check on the right bottom corner under stream type

MannaZen1  Home )  2002-09-24 07:45:46 ( ID:bretwi1a3.g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try re-encoding with just the audio option selected at the bottom right hand corner and then multiplex it under file>mpeg tools.

lupy  2002-09-24 12:21:33 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

demux (seperate the audio and video) of your avi. Use virtual dub to save audio as wav (file/save wav...with audio on full processing mode and compression set to none). Play the audio wav first to make sure it has no errors.Add the avi video to tmpgenc and the wav and encode.

Eximili  2002-09-24 20:43:58 ( ID:bkjhgolaun2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

well do u want me to simple demultiplex or demultiplex?
and where i can i find virutal dub, and for the ppl that said is audio and video selected on bottom right hand side, yes it is but i can't unselect it, its greyed out.
and i can't demultiplex an avi file???
plz help thnx

lupy  2002-09-25 08:55:54 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

get virtual dub here and read this video guide and also read through the Q and As of this forum. To demux the avi use save wav as to get the audio. U arn't really removing the audio from the avi just making a copy of it but as a wav. load the wave for audio in tmpgenc

Question - TE25 - illegal stream format No.28487
hobo2000  2002-09-23 23:34:40 ( ID:1yd0ud.pnm2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

what does it mean illegal stream format and how do i get around it

when i click on the file to use this is the error report i get

Question - TE25 - Shuts down No.28485
spitfire_53  2002-09-23 22:15:14 ( ID:anqnsvyihbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When ever I try to convert avi to mpeg, the program shuts down. I've changed the direct show to 2 and the file was downloaded, but works on Media Player without interruption.
I was wondering if you have had this error, and if so can you tell me how to fix it?


P.S. Does the answer lie within Virtual Dub?

Minion  2002-09-24 21:54:55 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You movie is probably corrupted at some point in the file...You can Try to Frame serve it with Virtual Dub or you can try to make a Copy of the file with Virtual dub and use that as your source...Remembe you need to extract the audio to a wav file before you start encodeing...

Question - TE25 - Splitting Files No.28483
al  2002-09-23 22:01:44 ( ID:w29btrivx/m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried encoding a portion of an avi clip using the "Range" in the advance settings. However, after encoding to MPEG1,the start and end of the MPEG1 clip is not the same with the one showing in the preview window in the "Range" options. I have to add a few more seconds of the clip and do a trial and error encoding until i get to the right spot. Is there any way out of this? Encoding takes a lot of time.


lupy  2002-09-24 12:40:55 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i think tmpgenc moves to the nearest keyframe of your avi to start encoding. There is no guarantee that the start point u selected starts on a keyframe. Cut the avi in virtual has buttons that jump to the nearest keyframe

Question - TE25 - still wont work No.28481
angels_tears  2002-09-23 21:59:36 ( ID:elcirghwbn6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok i did what i was told and it still doesnt work ........... i dont know what else to do it still says not supported

lupy  2002-09-24 12:31:22 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

more details.....did u get the dvd2avi reader to show up in the VFAPI plug in list? if so what priority is it set at? u load the d2v for video and the wav for audio. No other combination is right. Keep in mind that the d2v is not a video file...only a pointer to your vob file - keep your vob where it is. However the wav is real.

Question - TE25 - Using Divx avi (Divx 4 or 5) and tmpgenc doesn't open audio in avi No.28479
Divxlover  2002-09-23 21:01:52 ( ID:th5jgoq84y. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there fooks

I got a question and that's:
If i try to load a Divx avi, tmpgenc opens the movie.
But tells me that there is no sound to encode.
But in the original avi there is audio (Used in avi is Frauenhofer mp3 codec at 192kbs).
If i try to make a wav file of the audio first and then try to encode it whith the divx movie to a Svcd Mpeg file it's out of sync :-(
What can i do about it ??
Remember that i don't like to make a seperate sound file, cause they always result in a out of sync movie.
And that movie's made whith the Xvid or the 3.11 divx codec whith mp3 sound work o.k. with tmpgenc.

Biggy thanks for helping out

Minion  2002-09-23 21:55:27 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well you have to Evtract the audio with Virtual Dub, there is No way arround it, Because Tmpgenc will is not going to encode the Mp3 audio..

MAN HILL  2002-09-23 20:09:30 ( ID:l5epxtoxlmf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello. I`d like to rip dvd to vcd. first i use smartripper, then i use dvd2avi then i try to encode to vcd (pal) with tmpgenc. but then the computer freezes at around 30% of encoding. screensavers are already disabled. then i heard of trying to convert the audio to a .wav-format with virtualdub, but how should i be able to do this? virtualdub doesnt accept "AC3 T02 3_1ch 32Kbps 44.1KHz"-files created from dvd2avi, it looks like with virtualdub i can only open a video-file with sound imlemented...
it would be nice if someone could help me. thank you very much in advance.
best regards, hill. and please excuse my poor english.

Minion  2002-09-23 21:52:28 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

IF you ripped and used DVD2AVI correctly then the Audio should allready be in "WAV" format, but it seems that you did something Differently because the audio frequency of the audio file you ripped With DVD2AVI is 44100hz, and DVD"s have to have 48000hz audio.and the Bitrate of the Audio file is totally wrong, the audio file from a DVD should be at least 1gb in size if in WAV format...So it seems that you somehow extracted the audio to the wrong Format, make sure you have the audio setting in DVD2AVI set to "Decode" not "Demux"..

Question - TE25 - tmpeg error No.28475
angels_tears  2002-09-23 20:06:26 ( ID:elcirghwbn6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i installed tmpeg on my computer and got the aspi plug in but when i try to put the d2v it gives me an error sign that says can not oppen or unsupprted and i cant get it to work did i miss something else i need to ?

Minion  2002-09-23 21:44:45 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is no "ASPI" plugin for Tmpgenc..Tmpgenc has no use for a "ASPI Layer" you might need "ASPI" to use "Smartripper" but not Tmpgenc..You have to make sure that you have the "DVD2AVI" file reader installed... to check this go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and look for the "DVD2AVI.vfp" and make sure it has a priority of about "1"..If it isn"t there then go into the "DVD2AVI" folder and "Copy" and "Paste" the "DVD2AVI.vfp" file into the Tmpgenc Folder, then give it a also have to make sure than you do not move or change the names or Delete any of the "VOB" or "D2V" files untill after you are finnished encodeing...

Bug report - TE25 - Mr No.28473
Paul  2002-09-23 19:54:05 ( ID:vgk/e30h.b. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When using mpeg tools, merge and cut. Im trying to split a file into two. When I try to do this I always get the message 'Illegal MPEG video stream'.
What am I doing wrong??

sageone  2002-09-27 01:26:17 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I take it you get the video stream error when burning in nero?? ... me too... some1 once told me TMPGE is better for decoding, not cut and join... regardless... ignore them stupid errors in nero and if you not sure... burn it to your HD (virtual burn) and play the iso to see how it looks ... NO DIFFERENCE!!

Question - TE25 - When Is Version 3 Being Released? No.28468
Kat  2002-09-23 19:01:01 ( ID:yenwmtetoqn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been anxiously watching this BBS and the homepage for the release of V 3.0. Minion & Ashy.... do you have any news for us? I REALLY want to buy TMPGenc, but I cannot afford $100 for this little hobby, this year. Been stung too many times over the years by new versions of software being released right after my purchase.

I have $49 ready to send to the company, for a GREAT product, but I am waiting for the new version. Right now, I am just saving any great movies that I want to encode to SVCD to CD's (to view on the laptop or the desktop,) but will relish getting them onto CD's that I can enjoy on the DVD players on the TV's in my house.


Minion  2002-09-23 21:37:57 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

From what I have heard it is still going to be quite a While maybe in the new year...They haven"t even announced a date yet...

Kat  2002-09-23 23:40:14 ( ID:yenwmtetoqn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You know, why don't they just make it $49 for one year of whatever updates come out, instead of doing it the old fashioned "version" vs. "update" approach? That is soooo yesterday!

I don't know what the chronology here has been.... like how long the users of version 1.XX had before version 2.0 was released, but it looks as if 2.0 was released a little over a year ago.

The approach TMPGenc is taking right now is a little too Microsoft-y for me right now. Of course, even Bill Gates made announcements to let us estimate when the next totally new version was going to be released, so that we could plan accordingly.

And Microsoft gave those of us who are in the computer user groups a chance to have the software for free, or at a discount, if we talked up the products to our friends, and/or helped host launch their events, and/or invited them to our meetings.

Just a suggestion.

Kat  2002-09-24 00:03:21 ( ID:yenwmtetoqn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

By the way, I can almost guarantee that the San Francisco Computer User Group would love to see a demonstration of what this software can do, if TMPGenc has any associates in Northern CA. We have had far less amazing demonstrations at our monthly meetings... TMPGenc IS an amazing product, when all is said and done.


ffast  2002-09-24 01:46:01 ( ID:bziuu02jpsm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

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