Pegasys Products BBS

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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 884 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Mr zak 1 2002-05-13 00:12:48
Question TE25 Can this program convert DV-AVI -files? John 2 2002-05-13 18:35:30
Request TE25 Can't convert avi using TMPGEnc Dakineman 1 2002-05-13 00:06:59
Question TE25 sound and thanx again ed 1 2002-05-13 00:03:25
Question TE25 TMPGEnc mpegs rejected by ReelDVD Pete_G 1 2002-05-12 23:59:22
Question TE25 sound ed 1 2002-05-12 17:29:34
Question TE25 Audio too "sharp" Scramblase 1 2002-05-12 17:33:49
Question TE25 Error encoding to mpeg 1 or 2 in package P3P Viper 1 2002-05-12 17:26:36
Question TE25 Problem in divX to mpeg Eku 0 2002-05-12 16:17:13
Question TE25 Cut and Merge doesn't work after reinstalling Win98 Andre 1 2002-05-14 14:53:28
Question TE25 Error message when trying to use registered copy Momboman 0 2002-05-12 16:10:43
Question TE25 D2v files cant be read by tmpg enc albino_79 3 2002-05-12 21:13:10

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Question - TE25 - Mr No.21100
zak  2002-05-12 18:54:30 ( ID:2jy5nw6ruw6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hello. I dont know how to register my tmpeg software. Could you help me please. Thank you

Minion  2002-05-13 00:12:48 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to buy a registration number, you do this by clicking on the banner on the bottom of this page,.........

Question - TE25 - Can this program convert DV-AVI -files? No.21097
John  2002-05-12 18:53:17 ( ID:dlni0v7d966 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm trying to convert my PAL DV-AVI to VCD, but the only thing I get when I try to load the source file (I've tried diffrent types) is a message telling me that the file type is unsupported.
Anyone have any tip? Can you reccomend a program which converts PAL DV-AVI-files or have I missunderstood something about TMPGEnc Plus?

Best Regards
John Nilsson

MikeHS  2002-05-12 22:15:35 ( ID:c3hqxsg/nfj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you have the VFAPI plugin installed? If so try this, I had the same problem & it worked for me. Go to options/environmental settings/ VFAPI plugin and untick AV12 and AVI VFW compatibility reader.

Cheers Mike

John  2002-05-13 18:35:30 ( ID:dlni0v7d966 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Do you have the VFAPI plugin installed? If so try this, I had the same problem & it worked for me. Go to options/environmental settings/ VFAPI plugin and untick AV12 and AVI VFW compatibility reader.
>Cheers Mike

Thanx Mike - it works fine now!

Request - TE25 - Can't convert avi using TMPGEnc No.21095
Dakineman  2002-05-12 18:39:37 ( ID:2lfstschcsn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello there I am a newbie, i am trying to convert a avi movie (don't know if it is a divx or ?) to vcd. when I am in the Select source screen I get this message "File H:/Movie(1of2).avi"can not open, or supported" Any help is very appreciated.

Minion  2002-05-13 00:06:59 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First make sure you have the proper codecs on your machine ,but if you can play it on your computer then you should have the right codec,so in this case go to "options" then to "enviromental settings" then to "vfapi plugins" and raise your "direct show" filter to "2" and leave everything else at "0" or "1"...
tis should get you file loaded in "tmpgenc"....

Question - TE25 - sound and thanx again No.21093
ed  2002-05-12 18:26:03 ( ID:w4o5n98l51. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i just used virtualdub and extracted the mp3 audio to a wave. i also see how to use the two in tmpg, but is it possible to use source with this seperate wave, since the entire movie will be too large for a vcd, it must be split. thanx

Minion  2002-05-13 00:03:25 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you mean you want the movie split with the "source range" feature and don"t know if it is possible when useing seperate audio and video streams..the answer to this question is "Yes" you can use the source range to split the movie .....

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc mpegs rejected by ReelDVD No.21091
Pete_G  2002-05-12 18:19:59 ( ID:s4s8uzs7uq6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm making PAL 720x576 4:3 mpegs with TMPGEnc 2.5 Plus and they are being rejected by Sonics ReelDVD with message: Mpegs files must be 4:3 or 16:9;.
ReelDVD looks for an aspect ratio "flag" in the file, obviously it can't see it, I presume there is a flag put in during encoding. Anyone seen this?
Sonics DVDit takes the files OK. Can't say I like this Sonic stuff much !

Minion  2002-05-12 23:59:22 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a couple of "sonic" products "dvdit pe 2.5" and "scenerest" and most of the mpegs I make aren"t accepted by dvdit and scenerest doesn"t even work, so I switched to a less expensive program that accepts every mpeg I try to load in it,maybe you should do the same,I now use "ulead dvd workshop" which has most of the features as dvdit and a few extras like vcd & svcd support...but if you are stuck on "mydvd" try the "sonic" forum ,they might have a solution..

Question - TE25 - sound No.21089
ed  2002-05-12 17:06:09 ( ID:w4o5n98l51. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i encoded an avi for vcd, the picture is great, but no sound. any ideas thanx

Minion  2002-05-12 17:29:34 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Find out what audio format the avi file has, most audio problems can be solved by extracting the audio from your avi file with "virtua dub" and convert it to "wav" then use the wav file as your audio source.But if your audio is "ac3" you will need a "ac3 decoder" which you can find on any search engine.....

Question - TE25 - Audio too "sharp" No.21087
Scramblase  2002-05-12 16:58:34 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I encode MPEG1 the audio seems to be too "sharp" (ie. too large an amplitude). Are there any audio filters I can use?


Minion  2002-05-12 17:33:49 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you don"t like the audio quality try useing a external audio encoder like "toolame" or "scmpx" these encoders work with "tmpgenc" and can be installed in the "external tool" section in the "enviromental settings"..

Question - TE25 - Error encoding to mpeg 1 or 2 in package P3P No.21085
Viper  2002-05-12 16:55:05 ( ID:vcvemvetasa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I am getting memory address errors when I try to encode mpeg 1 or 2 video. I am using the latest version of TMPEnc. Once I start the encoding processs, it can continue for up to 10 minutes then I get an error like "Read error occurred at address 02A15700of module "P3Package.dll" with F9002F801". I am using windows XP. Please advise!

Minion  2002-05-12 17:26:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It seems that "tmpgenc" is haveing problems accessing the p3p package, I don"t have a definate solution but this might work, go into your "tmpgenc" folder and copy the p3p package and paste it in you system32 and system folder this hopefully will help "tmpgenc" access the .dll file without errors....

Question - TE25 - Problem in divX to mpeg No.21084
Eku  2002-05-12 16:17:13 ( ID:mmg0wrmsi12 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, I've got a small problem which pisses me off... I'm trying to burn my divX movie, which I watched w/ realplayer, to a CD, and I've downloaded all the files required @ and the problem seems to be in TMPGenc. When I'm trying to convert the divX to mpeg it records it for about 10 seconds and then gives me this error: "Read error occured at address 0047D7E4 of module 'TMPGEnc.exe' with B3AE07AE." and stops converting, though it doesn't shut down the program.
U guys know what to do?

Question - TE25 - Cut and Merge doesn't work after reinstalling Win98 No.21082
Andre  2002-05-12 16:15:40 ( ID:ancrm7la4xn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


after erasing and reinstalling Win98 the following problem occurs with TMPEGenc 2.2 and 2.5 too:

I load the converted MPEG-1 file (an old file, converted in times, when all was working, shows the same behavior) in 'Cut and Merge' and doubleclick on it. If the converted file is based on DivX4 I sometimes get the message, that the file is unsupported; if it is based on DivX5, it's loaded, but when I click, for example, on the start playing symbol, I've a black screen and no sound. When I stopp, then I can sometimes see one (the last?) frame. No cut or merge is possible. After this TMPEGenc is frozen.

Does anyone know this? By the way, DivX4 couldn't be installed in the totally new Win98 because of an error message while DivX4-installation. DivX5 installation succeeds, and Microsoft MPEG-4 Codec brings the system to stop on booting windows.



Reply to the message

Andre  2002-05-14 14:53:28 ( ID:ancrm7la4xn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for all, who thought about this problem. I found the solution by myself. I deinstalled the MS-mediaplayer and a DVD-Player at the same time, after this all was ok. My mediaplyer now is a very old versioon of the MS-mediaplayer and does it's job


Question - TE25 - Error message when trying to use registered copy No.21081
Momboman  2002-05-12 16:10:43 ( ID:wdzedfcjrjh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just purchased the license for TMPGE Plus. The trial version worked great so i thought it was the right thing to do. Now though I'm up against a critical deadline and I find I can't use the program. It opens up fine and seems to take all the information/adjustments I put in, but when I go to render I get (every time I try) the following error message: "00402F40 of module 'TMPGEnc.exe with 47455049"

I've reinstalled the software numerous times to no avail (interestingly it never again asked for my serial number).

I put in my inquiry to Pegasys support but got back a message saying it'll be 8-10 days (!) before I get a response back. I've got a project that needs to be done by Tuesday. Has anyone else run into this problem? How do I correct it?

Question - TE25 - D2v files cant be read by tmpg enc No.21077
albino_79  2002-05-12 15:29:29 ( ID:4v9qznfzj56 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When i convert my vob files with dvd2avi and the progect created is a d2v file but i cant load the video source it says the it does not support it
what can i do to solve problem
please help!!!


Minion  2002-05-12 17:20:32 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Raise the priority of your "dvd2avi" plugin, to do this go to "options" to "enviromental settings" then to "vfapi plugins" and raise the "dvd2avi" plugin to "2"...But there are othere things that will give you this error like you erased or mooved one or more of your vob files, or you changed the name or deleted a file in the path between "dvd2avi" and "tmpgenc".. you cant get rid of or moove any of the d2v files or vob files untill you have finished encodeing.

albino_79  2002-05-12 18:06:23 ( ID:4v9qznfzj56 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i dont have d2v option in tmpgenc where do i get it

albino_79  2002-05-12 21:13:10 ( ID:4v9qznfzj56 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i solved the problem i do not know how but i did it yuuuuuuuuppppppppppyyyyyy
thanks anyways

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