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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 927 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 No video here either gbarrena 1 2002-04-19 08:04:59
Question TE25 audio stapledude 1 2002-04-19 08:44:23
Question TE25 NO VIDEO leinad37 1 2002-04-18 23:39:35
Question TE25 DC10-AVI Interlace error ArnieNFW 0 2002-04-18 21:45:00
Question TE25 Mr PaulMW 1 2002-04-18 21:13:05
Question TE25 Are you going to add support for hyperthreading? MAC 0 2002-04-18 20:38:36
Question TE25 Can't open video at 20fps joecross98 1 2002-04-18 19:21:07
Question TE25 not supported kalle 1 2002-04-18 18:46:36
Question TE25 Still having problem with video cd Frank 3 2002-04-18 19:21:45
Question TE25 Main Profile High Level ? Kike 1 2002-04-18 18:09:43
Question TE25 Size limit on encoding Quicktime MOV changed99 2 2002-04-18 18:44:35
Question TE25 problem with the audio hekne 2 2002-04-18 18:00:34

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Question - TE25 - No video here either No.19331
gbarrena  2002-04-18 23:40:17 ( ID:ijgeryriela )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, i have the same exact problem, can capture to avi, but when i convert to mpg i get audio no video, and the preview on tmpgenc is blank also.
mpg2 files play perfectly on this pc
any ideas?

thanatos  2002-04-19 08:04:59 ( ID:glg9w6e9yzo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok, had the same problem as you guys. i did this and it worked: download the divx codec 3.11 and the smr patch. and uninstall divx 5.x. you can get both files here

Question - TE25 - audio No.19329
stapledude  2002-04-18 22:42:47 ( ID:cxj7bgoyw1n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Really Really need help on this.
Used other encoders to convert but not the same.
Doing mpg as nstc at 41000 but most film I download are at 48000 and tmpge willn't let me use. Or so I think. When I go to convert I get a message that say audio encode wrong.
I'm assuming it because of the 48000 instead of 41000.
Help please the other encoder I use make crappy mpgs.
Probably have to use virtualdub to convert but not sure how.


Techno  Home )  2002-04-19 08:44:23 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

load the file in virtualdub

goto audio > full processing mode
goto audio > conversion and select 44100Hz
goto audio > compression and select no compression
goto file > save wav and save the audio

open the video and wave in TMPGENC and encode


Question - TE25 - NO VIDEO No.19327
leinad37  2002-04-18 22:25:17 ( ID:g5dcn86b.rg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I encoded an uncompressed avi file and encoded it to a mpeg file. When i tried to preview it, I heard sound but no video was showing. What is the problem and what can i do to fix it

gbarrena  2002-04-18 23:39:35 ( ID:ijgeryriela )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, i have the same exact problem, can capture to avi, but when i convert to mpg i get audio no video, and the preview on tmpgenc is blank also.
mpg2 files play perfectly on this pc
any ideas?

Question - TE25 - DC10-AVI Interlace error No.19326
ArnieNFW  2002-04-18 21:45:00 ( ID:6zurnxagedr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I captured a home-video with my DC10 (latest drivers), with BOTH field enabled.
I use MAKE VIDEO (AVI) in the Studio software to make ("quickly") an AVI to convert it with TMPGenc to SVCD. But on TV it looks horrible. Fast moving arms are terrible to see. I tried different setting for video encode-interlace and advanced de-interlace. Deinterlace (even fields) makes it indeed a lot better, but I loose information in f.e. subtitles.

Anther thing what noticed me is that there is every second a "hick" in the movements. Like a swimming arms, moving trains, a mini-fraction of a second it doesnt move.
SOmeone knows the answer to both questions?

Question - TE25 - Mr No.19324
PaulMW  2002-04-18 20:49:50 ( ID:/r/gsve4dkm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

get error "illegal floating decimal point calculation order" when encoding a DIVX4 avi file

please, waht does this mean, and how can I correct it ?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-18 21:13:05 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

increase the directshow priority to a higher level

Also, tick/untick all the check boxes in the quantize matrix settings.


Question - TE25 - Are you going to add support for hyperthreading? No.19323
MAC  2002-04-18 20:38:36 ( ID:djn.03fs6rk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I currently encode with a dual 2.2Ghz Intel Xeon with hyperthreading support enabled. Do you plan to optimise TMPGEnc for hyperthreading?

Question - TE25 - Can't open video at 20fps No.19321
joecross98  2002-04-18 19:10:52 ( ID:qv2klnntz4r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I receive an error message when I try to open an AVI file encoded at 20fps. Is there a way to open this file in TMPGEnc?


Techno  Home )  2002-04-18 19:21:07 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

increase the avi vfw and the avi opendml filters to a higher priority in the environment settings under options.


Question - TE25 - not supported No.19319
kalle  2002-04-18 18:12:20 ( ID:08ojiclglkj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My Problem:

If I try to load any MPEG2-File or a SVCD-File I get the Message 'can not open or not supported'.
If I load MPEG1 or AVI-Files everything is ok.
I have Version of TMPEGnc-Plus. This is a registered version.
Who can help me ?

Thank You

Techno  Home )  2002-04-18 18:46:36 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to uninstall ALL DVD Software

install the ligos filters (

it should accept it now.


try to get yourself these files:

and register them, goto start > run and type:

regsvr /s ""
regsvr /s ""

(enter the correct paths to the file)

it should now play in WMP and TMPGENC should open it.


Question - TE25 - Still having problem with video cd No.19315
Frank  2002-04-18 18:07:58 ( ID:azvmt8fdfg. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, probably I'm not good with this but I explain what happens.

I've tried to made some video cds from an .avi movie and them burn with Nero.
I've made some try with Divx 5.0 and 4.11 but, in the same cases, when I play the video cd in a dvd player or in the PS2 I'm not able to launch them.

If you need more info to help me let me know.


Techno  Home )  2002-04-18 18:10:44 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

in the ps2:


type in pss.mcf

follow the links to the file

save it as a pss.mcf template

encode using that template

it should no play as VCD on a playstation!


Frank  2002-04-18 19:13:32 ( ID:azvmt8fdfg. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've looked for this file but the only thing that I found are some sites that tells this file should be included in TMPGENC program.

Does anyone, maybe, have it?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-18 19:21:45 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it should not!

These are MPEG2 filters supplied with DVD software (cyberlink is one of the best) or try ligos


Question - TE25 - Main Profile High Level ? No.19313
Kike  2002-04-18 18:06:37 ( ID:ypkbvqnjuv2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I remember in last versions of TMPGENG, I could select in the profile level item several high level options, but right now with ver 2.53 only main level.

This feature was eliminated ?.


Techno  Home )  2002-04-18 18:09:43 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yes, I think so

MP@ML is the standard dvd format, it appears in the tooltip


Question - TE25 - Size limit on encoding Quicktime MOV No.19310
changed99  2002-04-18 17:43:30 ( ID:czdbh7cqw72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have some Quicktime movies (DV-encoded at 720x480, 29.97fps) that I tried to convert to MPEG-1, and TMPGEnc seems to get a black screen, once it reaches 9:27 (17019 frames), which I believe is 2GB into the original file.

Is this a size limitation within TMPGEnc, or within the Quicktime decoder, or what?

changed99  2002-04-18 18:15:35 ( ID:czdbh7cqw72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I forgot to mention that I am only using DirectShow, and not the Quicktime VFAPI plugin. However, I did try to use the plug-in, and I can now preview the entire movie, but it crashes after encoding a few seconds worth of video.

Techno  Home )  2002-04-18 18:44:35 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

set it to a higher priority, the QT plugin and directshow if all else fails


Question - TE25 - problem with the audio No.19307
hekne  2002-04-18 17:25:23 ( ID:r2xc2vdefgc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hallo everyone.

First of all I have to thank everyone who are helping on this board, it have helped me alot. Thanks.

My question this time is about the audiostream in a divx-file that isn't working. When playing the movie in for example The Playa there isn't any sound. The thing I wan't to do is to get the divx into mpeg1 but the sound can't work if there isn't any sound in the divx-file, right? I loaded the divx into Virtual Dub and watched the "File information". There I read following datas:

"Sampling rate" - 48000 Hz "(should be 44100 Hz?).
"Channels" - 2(stereo).
"Sample precision" - 0 bit.
"Compression" - Unknown (tag 2000).
"Preload skew" - 12000 samples (0,25 s)
"# of frames" - 81735
"Min/avg/max/Total framesize" - 12/1001/12000 (79909K)

I tried to save the file in 44100 Hz as a wav-file but it didn't work. Virtual Dub said that the requested audiocompression wasn't compatible with the inputformat. Well my question is if there is something wrong with the audiostream in the divx-file or if I can change the sampling rate to 44100 Hz in some way. This so it later can be converted with sound to Mpeg1 in TMPGenc.

Thanks in advance

Olli  2002-04-18 17:34:49 ( ID:k24fqlswccn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

More than likely it is an audio codec that is not installed on your machine.
The audio is probably there but your applications can't read it without the appropriate codec.

have you tried some of the filter packs like the Tsunami filter pack ?
I can't remember where I got it but a google search should locate it.


hekne  2002-04-18 18:00:34 ( ID:r2xc2vdefgc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the help.

I installed Tsunami filterpack and got sound when playing in Windows mediaplayer. The whole movie seemed to go in slowmotion though. The audio seemed to be in a lower frequense then it should be. When playing in The playa the video was totally OK but no sound though. Is there something wrong with the divx-file?

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