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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 953 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Bit Rate? Bob 3 2002-04-07 21:49:57
Question TE25 DVD to MPEG SalvadorGaribay 5 2002-04-07 11:52:09
Question TE25 Bit Rate? Bob 1 2002-04-07 09:27:21
Question TE25 Problem audio and no video for AVI file conversion EvilMP 4 2002-04-08 12:04:57
Question TE25 combine extreme 1 2002-04-07 04:20:31
Question TE25 No Picture extreme 4 2002-04-07 16:01:58
Question TE25 mrs chrisherford 4 2002-04-07 11:15:21
Request TE25 Techno can u help me? jgraham95 4 2002-04-07 13:17:18
Question TE25 How to cut a 2 hours movie ? Monte-Cristo 1 2002-04-06 22:19:29
Question TE25 won't open an avi Synapsis 2 2002-04-07 09:24:58
Question TE25 Mpeg-2 Trial Has Expired hippyhater 4 2002-04-21 23:56:30
Question TE25 Problems with the "merge and cut" in TMPG-enc hekne 2 2002-04-07 04:38:28

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Question - TE25 - Bit Rate? No.18262
Bob  2002-04-07 02:32:59 ( ID:jtkeykdh.n. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have a clip from VHS tape that appears to be washed out. I have tried a color correction, and although it helps to a degree, it does not appear to be the solution. I would like to increase the bit rate on mpeg1 to see if that helps. does anyone know how to do it or maybe have a better recommendation?

Thanks, Bob

sherlock  2002-04-07 04:12:48 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it is easy to up the bit rate on vcd but this won"t help that much,cuz you can"t make roses from crab grass,but to up the bitrate you click the "load" tab go to the extra folder and choose the "unlock.mcf" template and then you will be able to up the bit rate in the "settings",but be ware that this will unlock all the settings so make sure that every other setting is vcd compliant or you will waste a lot of time on a file that is useless....hope this helps...sherlock

SalvadorGaribay  2002-04-07 07:08:15 ( ID:onwix2um6uh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Perfect. Ripper first, then DVD2AVI, then TMPGEnc, and finally NERO VCD. I appreciate your help. NERO comes bundled with some Motherboards, version 5.0 and, once installed, you can go to and get the latest version free.

sherlock  2002-04-07 21:49:57 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you can just download a demo of the newest "nero" and it is easy to get the reg. codes and plugins for it ,if you know were to look....

Question - TE25 - DVD to MPEG No.18256
SalvadorGaribay  2002-04-07 02:32:55 ( ID:onwix2um6uh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do I capture a movie from my PC DVD to use with TMPG?

sherlock  2002-04-07 04:15:53 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

go to and there are a lot of instructions on how to do it,you will have to download a few programs to do this, but you can find them there in the "tools" section........

Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 09:29:33 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You cannot capture DVD quality movies:

buy this card (it is the best):

hauppauge wintv GO PCI:

use these settings to capture:

CD quality wav audio

Make sure you got a BIG HDD and NTFS partition

Then convert to MPEG2/DVD

This is REALLY GOOD stuff as I have made A LOT OF VIDEOS and The quality is NEAR DVD.

Here is my sample work:


Dennis  Home )  2002-04-07 11:17:04 ( ID:.uhbhxbi0ng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Eh, isn't the WinTV PVR better ?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 11:49:17 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yes and no

the PVR captures in MPEG2 and MPEG1, but if you capture something in MPEG1/2, you will lose quality. When you capture and compress, you lose quality.

Use my recommendation, it is cheap and HIGH QUALITY!!!!!!


Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 11:52:09 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Woops, wrong link, here is the new link:


Question - TE25 - Bit Rate? No.18254
Bob  2002-04-07 02:26:06 ( ID:jtkeykdh.n. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have a clip from VHS tape that appears to be washed out. I have tried a color correction, and although it helps to a degree, it does not appear to be the solution. I would like to increase the bit rate on mpeg1 to see if that helps. does anyone know how to do it or maybe have a better recommendation?

Thanks, Bob

Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 09:27:21 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Anything from VHS will NOT be good quality, sometimes you can fix it but usually you can't.

If you want to increase the bitrate then don't use the VCD templates, make your own Custom version and use that.


Question - TE25 - Problem audio and no video for AVI file conversion No.18249
EvilMP  2002-04-07 01:25:59 ( ID:abn9om0h1mr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did anyone figure out this problem yet, I have ran several different options with the same out come no VIDEO but I got sound. Only if I was blind would I enjoy this movie!

sherlock  2002-04-07 04:18:46 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

well you have to make sure that your avi. file isn"t divx5, cuz it isn"t supported,but some more information would be helpfull if you want your problem resolved.......

Natasha  2002-04-07 14:33:49 ( ID:fncpvlceaz2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've found that I'm running into similar problems here and then. In my case it's the sound that's missing. When I play the AVI itself I can hear the sound, as soon as I use TMPEG for creating a VCD (PAL) the sound's gone.
Installed are DivX-Codecs 3, 4, and 5 as well as these Indeo-drivers. OP-Sys is WinXP (maybe that's the Problem *g*)

Anyone has a clue?

sherlock  2002-04-07 21:52:59 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you have to make sure the audio 44.100khz 224kbs sterio......

nick  2002-04-08 12:04:57 ( ID:ujv2ebjxawc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This seemed to be the nearest to my problem - so is there any way to decode the video in DivX 5.0 into a standard VCD compatable MPEG? Is there a plugin out there?! Help!!

Question - TE25 - combine No.18247
extreme  2002-04-06 23:57:26 ( ID:dm6g.wv62hc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do i combine 2 avi files into 1 mpeg file?

sherlock  2002-04-07 04:20:31 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

first encode both avi. files to mpeg, then use the "merge&cut" feature in "mpeg tools" this will solve your problem......sherlock

Question - TE25 - No Picture No.18242
extreme  2002-04-06 23:54:44 ( ID:dm6g.wv62hc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I encode my movies they end up having a black screen and only audio
what should i change?

sherlock  2002-04-07 04:23:25 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

make sure your avi. isn"t divx5, cuz divx5 isn"t compatable with "tmpgenc" but tell us what you are doing so we can tell you what you are doing wrong.....sherlock

Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 09:26:03 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Correct Sherlock!


Monte-Cristo  2002-04-07 15:19:51 ( ID:ssmowfnaotm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If I download a movie from the Internet, how do I know if it is DivX 5 or an earlier version ? And by the way, is version 5 will be compatible soon ?

extreme  2002-04-07 16:01:58 ( ID:dm6g.wv62hc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just follow the wizard
I load my avi in audio and video
set it to high quality
and start

Question - TE25 - mrs No.18237
chrisherford  2002-04-06 23:31:57 ( ID:ipb7t2avhyg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

could you please tell me where i can get step by step instructions on how to use the program tmpgenc to convert avi to be able to view the movie

sherlock  2002-04-07 04:25:57 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t know were there is step by step instructions it is mostly trial and error...but go to and there are some very helpfull tips to guide you through to proscess.....

Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 09:25:42 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is correct sherlok:

It depends on what you are trying to convert, the encoder is self explanitary.


Dennis  Home )  2002-04-07 11:14:35 ( ID:.uhbhxbi0ng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Goto for guides and links to other guides they show and tell you all about how to do it.

Dennis  Home )  2002-04-07 11:15:21 ( ID:.uhbhxbi0ng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Stupid me, it's


Request - TE25 - Techno can u help me? No.18232
jgraham95  2002-04-06 22:39:38 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was wondering if you know any merge and cut encoders that isnt TMPGEnc software? cause it isnt working 4me!! if you know any what is it called and where can i find it? Regards James

Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 09:23:10 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

sure, I will look for some and will post up the links here


Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 09:33:42 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Really, I can't find one, but if I come accross, I will email you or post up the links here.


Dennis  Home )  2002-04-07 11:13:22 ( ID:.uhbhxbi0ng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try bbmpg tool, get it at

Or use another guide there.

Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 13:17:18 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try it if u like, cause I can't find a good tool! :)


Question - TE25 - How to cut a 2 hours movie ? No.18230
Monte-Cristo  2002-04-06 22:08:05 ( ID:ssmowfnaotm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I have downloaded a 120 minutes movie. How do I cut it so it can go on two video CDs ? Thanks anyone.

sherlock  2002-04-06 22:19:29 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

use the "merge& cut" feature in mpeg tools,but I warn you it doesn"t allways work.......

Question - TE25 - won't open an avi No.18227
Synapsis  2002-04-06 21:10:37 ( ID:8qyy4foih2m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using adobe premiere to split movies I have captured in half and then use tmpg to convert them to vcd format... however when I select the file that is cut for conversion it says cannot open or unsupported. it's an avi form. The full movies works but the cut version doesn't. any ideas?

sherlock  2002-04-06 22:21:50 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

go to your "enviromental settings" then to "vfapi plugins" and lower every thing to "zero" accept the "direct show" put that at "2" this should solve your problem...........

Techno  Home )  2002-04-07 09:24:58 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it should be the other way around,

set ONLY the avi vfw and the avi opendml to a higher priority.


Question - TE25 - Mpeg-2 Trial Has Expired No.18222
hippyhater  2002-04-06 18:51:28 ( ID:ez6ru0p4vyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

whenever i try to convert anything to MPEG-2 i get a mpeg-2 trial has expired error. anyone know how to fix this? iv reinstalled tmp many times and i cant find it anywhere on there site

beam  2002-04-06 19:46:48 ( ID:d4a5wuxiwpr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to buy TMPGEnc Plus.

Techno  Home )  2002-04-06 20:27:49 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeh, I am sure you acheived HIGH quality using this beautiful MPEG encoder, BUY TMPGENC PLUS!


LynyrdSky  2002-04-07 03:57:58 ( ID:b3nivuo.p0f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The software is very buggy and the author has neglected fixing things that have been listed here as bugs. To me it should still be a beta version until all bugs are worked out.

madns  2002-04-21 23:56:30 ( ID:whrqtudrlcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi i don't find that program you are talking about, plz help

Question - TE25 - Problems with the "merge and cut" in TMPG-enc No.18219
hekne  2002-04-06 18:43:02 ( ID:r2xc2vdefgc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have a problem while trying to cut the mpeg-file that I've converted from a divxfile. I'm not sure that I have the right settings. In the Mpeg-tools merge and cut I choose "Mpeg-1 Video CD" in the Type-field and then add the new mpeg-file. So far so good I hope. Then I go to the edit-page and cut the movie so that it should be able to fit on a 80-minCD. When I then hit the OK-button I get this errormessage: "At address 73F61D04, Read error occurred against address 73F61D04". Anyone who know how to solve this problem or am I doing something totally wrong.


Dennis  Home )  2002-04-06 19:24:31 ( ID:.uhbhxbi0ng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Are you sure that it's a proper mpg file, try with another file and cut it and so on.

I have had no problems with this :)

Regards Dennis

sherlock  2002-04-07 04:38:28 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the "cut feature SUCKS BIG TIME in tmpgenc you can usualy cut the first part but that is it,but to get around this problem I use the "source range" feature witch lets you encode the first part(or middle or what ever)then the rest....

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