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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Bug report TE25 MJPEG corruption with lastest v2.53 Tipam 1 2002-04-08 18:34:19
Question TE25 Purple haze over video Scoot 3 2002-04-07 09:31:50
Question TE25 Is there a good mpg cutter? jgraham95 1 2002-04-07 06:00:59
Request TE25 Techno (or anyone good at this), i need your help Sky Marauder 3 2002-04-06 22:26:00
Question TE25 4:2:2P Bit rate limit Joseph Borg 1 2002-04-06 22:27:10
Question TE25 Not an MPEG file avtcd-95461 1 2002-04-06 17:55:28
Question TE25 No Audio from avi RexineSuit 1 2002-04-06 17:56:05
Question TE25 No audio when merged 2mpg's? behic 0 2002-04-06 14:49:53
Request TE25 Sherlock Can u help me jgraham95 1 2002-04-06 22:35:18
Question TE25 newer DivX movies for TMPGEnc to mpeg for VCD Snapthick 4 2002-04-06 20:31:13
Question TE25 Super VCD Ranger 3 2002-04-06 14:01:35
Question TE25 Audio/Video sync problems with mpeg tools jtboldon 4 2002-04-08 06:23:51

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Bug report - TE25 - MJPEG corruption with lastest v2.53 No.18217
Tipam  2002-04-06 18:20:58 ( ID:twkebnyv5vr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi There,

After much testing on various systems (Athlon,PIII,Win98,XP etc.), I can't get any of my MJPEGed AVIs loaded into v2.53. All my MJPEGs are badly corrupted displaying only 2-3 lines of scanline and after that a grid of dots.

I've loaded the same MPJEGs into v2.01 and they work fine. In fact you can place 2.53 alongside 2.01 and see the corruption in 2.53. For a sample MJPEG file that corrupts 2.53, goto the following address (put www. before the address); (approx 380K)

You will need the PICVIDEO2 codec before viewing it.



Report  2002-04-08 18:34:19 ( ID:zvcflshclp2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try moving the 'AVI VFW compatibility reader' to the top in 'environmental settings' (keep right clicking it, higher priority).

Question - TE25 - Purple haze over video No.18213
Scoot  2002-04-06 18:20:57 ( ID:oewmqdvkhjn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just converted a couple of AVI files to MPEG and I noticed that there is a slight purple haze that progressively gets worse and then disappears after 10-15 seconds and start all over again. This happens all the way through the movie. What is causing this? Do I need to change setting in the enocder? Thanks in advance.


Peter Guhziner  2002-04-06 19:35:06 ( ID:zv9jeshjrpk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

'Scuse me while I kiss the sky....

(Sorry. I don't know the answer to that one, but felt irresistably compelled to reply with the above.)

Peter Hendrix

Techno  Home )  2002-04-06 20:31:52 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What settings are you using?


Scoot  2002-04-07 09:31:50 ( ID:oewmqdvkhjn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using the default settings, have any suggestions?


>What settings are you using?

Question - TE25 - Is there a good mpg cutter? No.18211
jgraham95  2002-04-06 18:17:32 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can some1 please help me!! Im looking for a good mpg cutter!! Ive tried the 1on tmpgenc but cant get the sendcond half encoded!! if you know on 1 can you tell me what its called and where i can find it!!
Thanks in advance!!

sherlock  2002-04-07 06:00:59 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi ,I have been looking for a mpeg cutter,and I think I have found one I haven"t tried it yet cuz I don"t have a mpeg on my cpu right now,but it is called "dv tool" to find it go to google an just type in dv tool and you should find it,hope it works....sherlock

Request - TE25 - Techno (or anyone good at this), i need your help No.18207
Sky Marauder  2002-04-06 18:09:40 ( ID:ajtafvecnwg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i keep getting the ''cant open or unsupported'' message. i tried increasing all the prioritys, but i cant! i cant even increase the priority!! what do i do, i dying of desparation....... someone help please.......

Joseph Borg  Home )  2002-04-06 20:29:31 ( ID:xecvqterwij )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If its a d2v, make sure it is in the original directory it was created it. eg if it was c:/dvd_ripped/top100.d2v, make sure it is still there. If you move the d2v project directory things don't work.

Techno  Home )  2002-04-06 20:29:40 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there, is it an avi file?

if so:

increase the avi opendml and the avi vfw filter to a higher priority.

if it is MPEG2 issue:

goto my site an download the FREE AND LEGAL MPEG2 filters:

uninstall ALL DVD software
install this
all should be well.

let me know of any probs


Sky Marauder  2002-04-06 22:26:00 ( ID:ajtafvecnwg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yes, its an avi. but like i said, i cant even change the priority, if i click to increase, it doesnt do anything. thats the prob

Question - TE25 - 4:2:2P Bit rate limit No.18205
Joseph Borg  Home )  2002-04-06 16:35:15 ( ID:xecvqterwij )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using the 4:2:2 Profile for MPEg-2 video coding, however TMPGenc is not allowing bit rates higher than 15Mbps. To my knowledge this profile at Main Level allows bit rates up to 50Mbps. Is this something I should report as a bug or is there something I am not aware of?


sherlock  2002-04-06 22:27:10 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I heard the dvd players wont play with bitrates higher that 15mbs maybe that is why there is that limit,but you might find a better answer here somewhere.......

Question - TE25 - Not an MPEG file No.18203
avtcd-95461  2002-04-06 15:27:03 ( ID:ssd9jcllk/k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have 2 DAT files from a VCD. When i try to merge them, i get a message that the file is not an MPEG file, however windows media player uses the MPEG decoder to decode the file. What is wrong?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-06 17:55:28 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try copying it to the hdd, then renaming it as a .mpg file and make sure it is NOT read-only


Question - TE25 - No Audio from avi No.18201
RexineSuit  2002-04-06 15:15:57 ( ID:rqghnp3u6ul )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have successfully made mpegs from DVD, but when I try from an .avi file there is no auido with the resulting mpeg.

Any ideas?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-06 17:56:05 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Extract the audio to wav using virtualdub. Make sure that the audio is 16bit stereo, 44100Hz


Question - TE25 - No audio when merged 2mpg's? No.18200
behic  2002-04-06 14:49:53 ( ID:b9yjbfnxwy. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've captured AVI files.Then converted them to MPG (wityh PAL,VCD Template) and want to merge them using MPG Tools.Tried like 10times but faced the same error,it produces the video part so fast but audio part is so slow.I've waited every time i tried,its output is like 440MB mpg file but NO SOUND! do you know why this happens? I used to use the old version and no problems,but i've downloaded cos its new,but i have this problem.

anyone help me please?!

Request - TE25 - Sherlock Can u help me No.18198
jgraham95  2002-04-06 11:17:35 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi its me again!! have you found that software that cuts mpg's? if so what is it called and what site is it on?

sherlock  2002-04-06 22:35:18 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been looking around for one that works,I found a couple that seem to cut them fine (only into equal parts)but the resulting mpeg"s did not seem to be compliant mpegs,one was called "master spliter" it is free but I had problems with it,but try this,go to "kaaza" and look for editing software there I once got a full version of "adobe premier" there which works fine accept that it is really complicated,but in the future try the source range feature the split your movies,then you wont have to worry about the "cut" feature crashing on you,I have had problems with it to....

Question - TE25 - newer DivX movies for TMPGEnc to mpeg for VCD No.18193
Snapthick  2002-04-06 11:10:17 ( ID:pk8ltt7jtmj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I open a DivX5 movie in TMPGEng (after decompressing sound with VirtualDub), I get a black picture, but the sound works fine. In VirtualDub I also get a black screen, but I can watch the before and after movies with DivX player 5 and they work fine. My video settings are "direct stream copy" and Audio decompress when I VirtualDub my old movie to a new one.
Why do VirtualDub and TMPGEnc recognise the audio, but not the video?

Techno  Home )  2002-04-06 11:59:17 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

DIVX 5 is NOT compatable with TMPGENC (unfortunatly, more work for Mr.Hori :( )

Uninstall the DIVX 5 codec and install the DIVX v4.11 or v4.12 codec and the video should now be viewable in TMPGENC and after encoding.


Rck60s  2002-04-06 14:43:53 ( ID:xmskm5l1zim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem....I have uninstalled the 5.0 codec and am using the 4.11 and after conversion I still am getting a black picture.....

czech  2002-04-06 18:53:36 ( ID:n7bwqkmt.2k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I´m havin a black picture, too. And this is not due to my divx5 codec installed. I can convert all divx material to mpeg2 without any problem and very fine with tmpeg. Only with some video material (divx 3,4 and 5!) I get a black picture (working sound). I tried everything, even LSX Encoder has the same problem.

Techno  Home )  2002-04-06 20:31:13 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ur AVI might be corrupted (may be not).

have you tried it on a different OS or a different system??


Question - TE25 - Super VCD No.18189
Ranger  2002-04-06 10:22:58 ( ID:lh1udvptj1c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hallo, ich wollte eine Super VCD Film in Video CD Format umwandeln das klappt aber nit so, die Film Spur macht er aber bei der Ton Spur sagt er can not open... usw. !!! Ich habe das Tsunami-Filter Pack drauf und alles andere klappt auch nur gibt es da nicht eine einfache L Ôung ??? Bitte helft mir !!!

MfG Ranger

jtboldon  2002-04-06 11:11:45 ( ID:t.pdb7megpj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hallo Ranger,
Ich habe keine Probleme gehabt das zu tun. Habe gerade nochmal einen Test mit TMPGEnc 2.53 gemacht. Keine Fehlermeldung. Ist der SVCD Film wirklich SVCD, d.h, anerkannt von Nero?

Ranger  2002-04-06 13:51:44 ( ID:lh1udvptj1c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ja, es ist ein SVCD Film, habe aber nur Version 2.51. tja da muß ich mal schauen das ich die Version bekomme :-) Ansonsten poste ich hier wieder rein, trotzdem Danke !!!

Ranger  2002-04-06 14:01:35 ( ID:lh1udvptj1c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Also ich habe es ausprobiert mit der Version die du hast und er macht noch immer nicht die Audiospur. Bitte helft mir. Was brauch ich daf27Ó ??? (Es ist der Film RH2)

Question - TE25 - Audio/Video sync problems with mpeg tools No.18184
jtboldon  2002-04-06 10:11:19 ( ID:t.pdb7megpj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am capturing VCD with ATI all in Wonder 128 and using mpeg tools in TMPGEnc 2.53 to trim the start and end. Every resulting VCD has audio and video sync problems somewhere in the film ranging from a fraction of a second to several seconds. The original uncut file has no such problems.
I have seen several postings on the web for this problem including this forum. But no solution. Is there one??
I want to do it in this way because I have realtime capture and a couple of minutes trim time. I don't want to spend hours capturing in another format and re-encode, etc.
Why is such a reproducable problem still in Tmpgenc!

willyiam  2002-04-06 10:44:13 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The ATI AIW 128 is notorious for dropping video frames during real time
capture, more so with VCD. And yes, it will play fine in their file
player...TMPGEnc will encode only what you put into it. It cannot
compensate for missing frames.

Get a copy of Ulead's Video Studio 6 and use that for capturing from
your ATI card in real time. I guarantee you will be pleasantly
surprised with the end result.

Techno  Home )  2002-04-06 10:58:48 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Personally, I do not like ati.

what you can do is to extract the video and audio as uncompressed RGB using virtualdub, this will take ALOT of hdd space. Then load into TMPGENC.


if the audio is faster than video, make sure the audi is 44000hz and reduce the frames per second.


Lumpi  2002-04-07 20:07:21 ( ID:.tbrvoepchh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello Techno,

I also have trouble with Audio sync.

I try to make a PAL-VCD 2.0 of an DVD with DVDx 1.7 and TMPEGEnc 2.53+ using the Premiere Video Server Plugin.
The result is an Mpeg with gradually increasing A/V async when playing on my standalone Player (Kenwood DVF-R4050)! Playing with Mediaplayer is fine.

I burned with Nero or TSCV v0.84b1 or VCDEasy 1.0.8 as well and get always the same problem.

Do you have any Idea? Please ask if you need further information.


jtboldon  2002-04-08 06:23:51 ( ID:8kucwmnstwj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In answer to Willyiams point. If the original uncut file was out of sync due to lost frames but the ATI player played it correctly, I could just about believe that if other players played it also out of sync. However, the orignal file played with Windows Media Player or burned onto VCD and played in a DVD player doesn't show any problems. It is only after TMPGEnc has touched it that the sync problems occur.
I will try your suggestion about ULead capture but I am still inclined to think that TMPGenc has something to do with it.
Moreover, if I cut a file in different ways I get different out of sync points.

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