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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 830 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 DMA enable sound is with peep Studio SE user 4 2002-06-16 18:57:43
Bug report TE25 Mr. Don 2 2002-06-13 23:00:50
Question TE25 Loss of audio when SVCD is cut HELP!!!! Virtigo 1 2002-06-13 21:27:52
Question TE25 Cannot open or unsupported message Murani 3 2002-06-17 16:36:39
Question TE25 Newbie Advice fgross 1 2002-06-13 21:22:25
Question TE25 no screen under windows XP windoliv 1 2002-07-02 14:01:49
Question TE25 MPEG tools cut bug? and demux / remux question ??? :-( Alan 1 2002-06-13 21:19:40
Bug report TE25 Editor bug Bdzzld 3 2002-06-14 23:10:39
Question TE25 Small pauses every 3rd second.... Jimbo 1 2002-06-13 21:12:38
Question TE25 batch encoding problems clegro 1 2002-06-14 03:08:24
Question TE25 files 650mb max ? ThrillKiller 1 2002-06-13 21:04:53
Question TE25 could i convert dvd to mpeg4 ? Bob 1 2002-06-13 21:00:40

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Question - TE25 - DMA enable sound is with peep No.23289
Studio SE user  2002-06-13 19:59:25 ( ID:th5jgoq84y. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

To encrease speed I have enabled DMA setting on my Western Digital UDMA 7200 min-1 40Gb harddisk.

But when I playback or caprure new movies the sound is terible. Metal sounds peeps'are there.Creating MPG file with TMPGenc is better not good. DMA disabled all works perfect..

Is there a sollution that I can enable DMA and have good sound?

Minion  2002-06-14 01:22:30 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t think haveing "DMA" enabled should make much of a differance when it comes to encodeing cuz the amount of information writen to your hard drive is not a lot especially considering that it takes hours to encode a movie...

Minion  2002-06-14 04:00:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Another thing you can try is to encode your audio seperately from the video then multiplex them together ,just an idea......

Studio user  2002-06-15 15:35:55 ( ID:th5jgoq84y. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

problem solved after placing cd rom drive master en HD slave (dma enabled)

ASHY  2002-06-16 18:57:43 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You shouldn't really have your CDROM drive on the same channel as your HD. This will slow down your hardrive.
Most CDROM drives work in ATA 33 mode and if your hard drive is on the same channel it will also be dropped to ATA 33 mode.

Why don't you put your CDROM on the secondary channel?


Bug report - TE25 - Mr. No.23286
Don  2002-06-13 18:37:11 ( ID:oiqutcgiync )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Has anyone noticed that using 2-pass vbr causes the machine to lock up
consistently? I've tried several times to encode with this, but every time,
it just locks the machine so that I have to press reset to recover.
Has anyone else noticed this?

purejunk  2002-06-13 19:23:59 ( ID:yc5o5ipmcqw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes I have the same problem but not only with VBR, other modes also. I posted about this two days ago here and on and it seems no one has an answer for this problem... it seems to be a bug. I managed to work only with an older version 2.53 and otherwise by loading failsafe BIOS settings (this hampers speed though). Do you by any chance have a XP+ CPU? It seems people with this problem are using AMD.

tqmach  2002-06-13 23:00:50 ( ID:s8lqibrxruf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using AMD, 1.4Gb., 526 mb Rams, 2 hard disk drives, 40 gbs each.
I had the same problem before. After I increased the Virtual Memory from 2,000 mbs to 3,000 mbs, the problem disappeared. I plan to increase the Virtual Memeory to 5,000 mbs in my next projdect, just to see how smooth it will run .

Question - TE25 - Loss of audio when SVCD is cut HELP!!!! No.23284
Virtigo  2002-06-13 18:14:11 ( ID:xdkwukqmnsg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I encoded a few movies (Full Metal Jacket and Snatch) and the mpg (SVCD) as a whole (2.6 sometin gigs) work and plays just fine, although when I cut the files into smaller files to burn I lose the audio. Once the audio worked fine until like 5:01 min and then it stopped, With FMJ I can cut CD1, CD2, but around 18 min of CD3 or like second 6500 somthing i lose audio! Video works and looks great BUT NO AUDIO! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING WHEN I CUT VIDEO?! PLEASE HELP!

Minion  2002-06-13 21:27:52 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There has been a few complaints about looseing audio when useing the "merge & cut" feature,there are quite a few bugs in the mpeg tools so my best advice is to use a different editor to cut your mpeg files cuz there is no way to make the mpeg tools work when they don"t want to....

Question - TE25 - Cannot open or unsupported message No.23280
Murani  2002-06-13 18:03:57 ( ID:z/v0jdo.29h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I keep trying to load different avi files into TMPGEnc and it gives me the error message "cannot open or unsupported". Can anyone help me out with what may be wrong.

Bdzzld  2002-06-13 20:34:04 ( ID:th5jgoq84y. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do these files play well in Windows Media Player ?
Maybe you've not yet installed the proper codecs.

Minion  2002-06-13 21:24:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What you have to do is go to "options" to "enviromental settings" then to "vfapi plugins" and raise the "Direct Show File Reader" to "2" and lower everything else to "0" this should get your file loaded .And make sure you have the proper codecs.....

bjchap  2002-06-17 16:36:39 ( ID:ju9uuzvh/ik )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can anyone tell me what are the proper codec's that I should have? Thanks in advance.

Question - TE25 - Newbie Advice No.23278
fgross  2002-06-13 17:27:00 ( ID:ahzxh0llt5. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your earlier help. I Think this is a great piece of software to use for my new hobby. I am trying to figure out how to improve the quality of my avi files...Is there a way to lighten the picture ? Most of my video is people of color who come out much too dark in the finished mpeg. Any and all suggestions for improved quality are welcome.


Minion  2002-06-13 21:22:25 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There are a wide range of color filters in "tmpgenc" in the "advanced settings" you just "double click" the filter and a window will pop up with settings for what ever filter you selected....

Question - TE25 - no screen under windows XP No.23276
windoliv  2002-06-13 17:23:09 ( ID:1utq0l3zrvg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a problem with windows XP: it canot read all my .avi when I try to select a part of the film to encode.If I force it encode only the sound.
But It's ok with the same .avi and windows millenium!
Why and What can I do?
my codec is the last included with divx player2.02 and I use the last vesion of tmpeg.

rs008f  2002-07-02 14:01:49 ( ID:jaslasbhwqk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

get new codecs from

Question - TE25 - MPEG tools cut bug? and demux / remux question ??? :-( No.23274
Alan  2002-06-13 15:15:00 ( ID:ccu9fiz.csm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Q1. Have been using 2.54 to try and cut mpeg files but using the MPEG tools menu to preview and cut files I find even if I play it first before pausing and trying to cut ( old bug workaround ) it still locks up.

Q2. I have a demuxed video recorded with other software. Will TMPGEnc automatically adjust the sync on remuxing? The recording program gives parameters for that file for BBMPEG and DVD2AVI e.g. 79ms early BBMPEG(audio )
IS there a manual sync adjust in Tmpgenc??



Minion  2002-06-13 21:19:40 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is no way to manually offset the audio to sync up in the multiplexor in tmpgenc, I use the one in "bbmpeg" cuz as it multiplexes it will cut your file for you at the same time, there is the same syncing feature in the multiplexor in "mpeg2vcr", the mpeg tools have a lot of bugs in them and there aren"t any real workarounds accept useing a different editor and mux/demuxer..There are a few free ones out there to one is "xmuxer" and of course "bbmpeg"

Bug report - TE25 - Editor bug No.23270
Bdzzld  2002-06-13 15:02:12 ( ID:iw6t4cr/gdh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you've set the aspect ratio of the Video Tab in MPEG Settings to "16:9 (PAL)" and you change the Rate Control mode, the aspect ratio automatically changes to "16:9 (NTSC)".

ASHY  2002-06-14 13:23:27 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nope. Doesn't happen here. Check your system.

Bdzzld  2002-06-14 14:14:36 ( ID:iw6t4cr/gdh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Haven't tried version 2.55 yet, but this has always been the case in prior versions of TMPGenc. I'm using Windows 2000 on all systems, but I doubt that that is the problem...

The dropdownbox of aspect ratio (set at "16:9 (PAL)") just changes its value to "16:9 (NTSC)" as soon as the rate control mode dropdownbox is selected.

Minion  2002-06-14 23:10:39 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That bug has supposedly been fixed in the 2.55 version.......

Question - TE25 - Small pauses every 3rd second.... No.23268
Jimbo  2002-06-13 14:22:38 ( ID:zlzsnvgpulj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


When I convert an AVI to MPEG I get some sort of a small pause or freeze if you like, every 3rd second. At first I didn't pay notice to it, but now it's driving me crazy. Is there anything that can be done about this?

Best regards,


Minion  2002-06-13 21:12:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The most common cause of this is encodeing to the wrong frame rate, you have to encode to mpeg at the same frame rate as the avi file, so if your avi file has a framerate of 25fps you have to encode to 25fps, but if your avi file is downloaded of the net then the frame rate could be non-standard for mpeg, any frame rate under 23.97fps is a non-standard frame rate so you have to choose the template that most closely corelates with the avi"s frame rate....and another thing that can cause jerky playback is burning at to high a speed on yer burner, you shouldn"t burn at any faster than half the max speed of your burner, I have a 24 times speed and I burn at 8 times cuz if I burn faster it looks bad......

Question - TE25 - batch encoding problems No.23266
clegro  2002-06-13 14:18:52 ( ID:mkczk.rbxlo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

in batch mode tmpgenc always shuts down after encoding two movies, although there are still many files left to encode in my batch list...
anyone with same problems or with some help?

Minion  2002-06-14 03:08:24 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sounds like one of those bugs, but i know if the encoder comes across an error while encodeing it will stop instead of skipping the file and going to the next one and sometimes tmpgenc will have an error right at the end of encodeing with "an error occured when audio was decoded" error that doesn"t seem to affert the mpeg file but it stops the batch encodeing proscess.....

Question - TE25 - files 650mb max ? No.23264
ThrillKiller  2002-06-13 14:17:10 ( ID:.uqsmeme20w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i got some mpegs > 800 mb per file, no i try to cut them to like 720 mb (exact fit on 80min/700 mb). MY problem is, no matter what i do the output file stops @ 650mb. What have i done wrong ?

Thx in Advance ThrillKiller

Minion  2002-06-13 21:04:53 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can get 800mb on a 80 min 700mb cd,sometimes a little more sometimes only 795mb but that is the least amount you can get on a cd-r, but if you are haveing problems with the "mpeg tools" then use something else, the mpeg tools have a lot of bugs in them and there is nothing you can do to get them to work when they don"t want to......

Question - TE25 - could i convert dvd to mpeg4 ? No.23262
Bob  2002-06-13 11:36:44 ( ID:hcyew6o/c42 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

could i convert dvd to mpeg4 ?

Minion  2002-06-13 21:00:40 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes and no,If you are ripping a dvd you would be better useing a different program to convert to divx/mpeg4, dvd2avi will convert your dvd"s vob files to a divx/mpeg4 but it will make a seperate audio and video file that you will have to mux later, there are a lot of tools for this type of stuff at " and" but "tmpgenc isn"t really the right tool for that job.....

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