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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 654 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 DVD2AVI - Creating .d2v file cigargod1 1 2002-11-09 03:32:44
Question TE25 free trial Kimchoc 3 2002-11-09 13:19:34
Question TE25 Actual bitrate way lower than VBR average setting flix 1 2002-11-08 21:58:31
Question TE25 me myself 3 2002-11-18 17:00:30
Question TE25 time limit snowfrogg 3 2002-11-10 17:37:11
Question TE25 sound disappearing after convertion lysangelle 1 2002-11-08 21:50:26
Question TE25 colin colin 0 2002-11-08 18:44:07
Question TE25 how do you get the quality to be better?? Mya 1 2002-11-08 21:48:37
Question TE25 AVI2MPG1 no sound, but can hear the sound in audio stream settings gunzie 1 2002-11-08 17:57:56
Question TE25 Splitting mpeg1 GGUEST 1 2002-11-08 21:45:06
Question TE25 No sound when converting .AVI cb02 3 2002-11-08 21:42:05
Question TE25 um... need help... kind of confused... jasmine 1 2002-11-08 21:38:55

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Question - TE25 - DVD2AVI - Creating .d2v file No.30431
cigargod1  2002-11-09 00:02:10 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When creating .d2v file, should YUV->RGB be set to PC Scale or TV Scale? I want to watch the movie on my TV.

Minion  2002-11-09 03:32:44 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The "Color Space" should be set to "YUV" and the "YUV>RGB" should be set to TV Scale...

Question - TE25 - free trial No.30427
Kimchoc  2002-11-08 20:59:37 ( ID:kljzoo9cb22 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been using this wonderful program for a month or so and recently the "end of free trial" screen has been showing up. I assumed that this was for MPEG2 and that MPEG1 conversions would still work. I just went to edit/split a .mpg file into 2 and the result was a file unrecognizable by windows. It doesnt even have a file extension. The size is correct and i have done this many times before with perfect results. So my question. Has the entire program stopped working due to the free trial limit? Or should i look for antother problem? Thanks, Gary

Minion  2002-11-08 22:00:45 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Mpeg1 should still work forever..and the editor should work also accept for Mpeg2 files...It was probably just one of the many glitches in the "Mpeg Tools"...

Jim  2002-11-09 02:15:02 ( ID:obaity2fzuw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Rename the file with an extention of .mpg

>I have been using this wonderful program for a month or so and recently the "end of free trial" screen has been showing up. I assumed that this was for MPEG2 and that MPEG1 conversions would still work. I just went to edit/split a .mpg file into 2 and the result was a file unrecognizable by windows. It doesnt even have a file extension. The size is correct and i have done this many times before with perfect results. So my question. Has the entire program stopped working due to the free trial limit? Or should i look for antother problem? Thanks, Gary

Kimchoc  2002-11-09 13:19:34 ( ID:mqkzmmg078r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, thanks, I'll try renaming the file. I never had this glitch before and have cut files into 2 many times. But thanks, anyway. Just wanted to make sure that the fee trial didnt end the use of all the program

Question - TE25 - Actual bitrate way lower than VBR average setting No.30425
flix  2002-11-08 20:48:31 ( ID:qzi3khq1h1a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For most of the X-VCDs (mpeg1) I create from NTSC DVD source, the resulting average bitrate (reported at the end of the TMPGEnc log) is usually a lot lower than the average I set it for (VBR mode). Example, for Panic Room with min=500, Avg=2100, Max=4500, target = 352x240, the actual average may be 700-800 kbps.

The resulting picture quality isn't great. Anyone else seen this?

Minion  2002-11-08 21:58:31 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First off Useing "Multi-Pass" with a DVD source isn"t going to give you better Quality ..The CQ Setting with a DVD Source will give you the same or better Quality without haveing it takeing forever to encode...Don"t use the Encodeing Log to determine the bitrate structure ,Use a Bitrate viewer which will give you a Much better picture of the Average and Max bitrates....and raiseing the Min bitrate might help...

Question - TE25 - me No.30421
myself  2002-11-08 20:12:07 ( ID:roynirxf6mn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to make a vcd, but whenever I try to burn it with Nero, it says"stream encoding which is invalid for a [Super] Video Cd." What do I need to do different in tmpg to fix this? I think it may have something to do with the rate control mode which I have set on constant quality, highest quality and pumped up max and min bitrates(im not worried about file size, and want best quality)...but i dont really know. thank you for any help you have to offer.

myself  2002-11-08 20:13:12 ( ID:roynirxf6mn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

whoops, didnt mean to title this Me...

Minion  2002-11-08 21:53:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This sounds like it could be a Header problem...Try Running the Mpeg1 file through the "Multiplex" or "Merge & Cut" with the "Video-CD Non-Standard" setting in the dropdown menu...This will put the correct header on the file...And if the audio isn"t 44100hz and at 224kbs you will get this error also....

itsme  2002-11-18 17:00:30 ( ID:jndln8sx8rl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nero needs a mpeg2 plugin easy to find on the net

Question - TE25 - time limit No.30417
snowfrogg  2002-11-08 18:48:57 ( ID:rtj4u1az/ug )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

every time i encode a file that is over 2 hours in mpeg2 it gives me a bad file size, e.g -27899929293 any answers would be handy, thanks

Jim  2002-11-09 02:16:36 ( ID:obaity2fzuw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You have hit the 2gig limit on file sizes.

Just encode in 2 or more parts.

Minion  2002-11-09 08:04:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The is no File size Limit in Tmpgenc..Well I have done files up to and over 4gb and the only simit would be your disk format(Fat or NTFS) and you disk size...

snowfrogg  2002-11-10 17:37:11 ( ID:hyuh2mwngq6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

am useing win 98 se, is there a way i can get round this prob?

Question - TE25 - sound disappearing after convertion No.30415
lysangelle  2002-11-08 18:48:40 ( ID:mwbxsjajqpm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi everyone,

i'm posting this question for a friend.

she downloaded an avi file who at first had the sound but not the picture, after running it thru gspot she found and installed the missing codec who solved that problem.
After converting it with TMPGEnc, though, she now has another problem since the file, who's picture is ok, only has sound for the first 12 seconds or so.
She tried the multiplex option without success.
Can anyone help please?

Thank you in advance in my friend's behalf.

Minion  2002-11-08 21:50:26 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

She Needs to Extract the audio from the AVI file to WAV format with something like "Virtual Dub" or "Sound Forge" and use the WAV file as the audio source...

Question - TE25 - colin No.30414
colin  2002-11-08 18:44:07 ( ID:2jy5nw6ruw6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

keep getting error537403781-180576

Question - TE25 - how do you get the quality to be better?? No.30412
Mya  2002-11-08 18:19:06 ( ID:2lx3p27u3wg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i realize that after i convert some of my avi or asf files into mpeg with this tmgenc thing... it makes the quality worse... i'm using nero to burn also and my nero only takes mpeg files... is there a way that i can get the quality to be better???

Minion  2002-11-08 21:48:37 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Quality will ALLWAYS get worse after Encodeing...Encodeing is Compressing the data and there is ALLWAYS some loss through compression..The way to increase the Quality is to increase the "Bitrate"..More bitrate Less Compression better Quality...Usually if you are doing VCD"s and you raise the bitrate to say 1650KBS you will greatly increase the Quality and still get 60 Minutes on a CD-R...

Question - TE25 - AVI2MPG1 no sound, but can hear the sound in audio stream settings No.30410
gunzie  2002-11-08 17:52:43 ( ID:lilcnhjltvk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I to have a sound problem when converting from AVI to MPEG-1 (no sound), but when I go to the audio stream settings tab, and use audio edit player, the sound *does* play...what could be wrong? Using a separate wav file seems inconvenient if the sound can be recognized in TMPGENC.
Any suggestions, other then creating a separate audio file?

Regards, Gunzie.

Tomo  2002-11-08 17:57:56 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

just extract the audio with virtualdub...its easier than giving yerself a headache thinking about it

Question - TE25 - Splitting mpeg1 No.30408
GGUEST  2002-11-08 16:54:23 ( ID:5pqbai9vo9j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The sound is choppy when i play back. can i solves this and if so how

Minion  2002-11-08 21:45:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is the sound choppy when playing on your Computer or on your DVD Player???If the audio is Choppy on your computer then Extract the audio from the source AVI file to wav with Virtual Dub and use something like "Headac3he" to encode it to MP2 then Mux the new audio to the Mpeg1 video..But if it only happens on your DVD Player then that can be caused by haveing the Bitrate to high but that shouldn"t happen with Normal VCD"s...

Question - TE25 - No sound when converting .AVI No.30404
cb02  2002-11-08 11:30:04 ( ID:pg5arttsmx6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an .avi file that i want to put on VCD but whanever i browse to the source file in TMPGEnc the sound is left blank and the resultant .mpeg contains no sound. Does anyone know why this is happening ?

Tomo  2002-11-08 17:55:35 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

first of all u need to extract the audio from the avi movie using a program called "virtualdub" look for it on virtualdub then open video file ... then go to file an click as wav and it will extract the audio file from the movie.then load yer movie in tmpg an the extracted audio seperatly.then encode as normal :)

Kimchoc  2002-11-08 21:02:25 ( ID:kljzoo9cb22 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've never had to do that. Just load the file in the project manager and it will do the audio and the video from the same .avi file and give you one nice .mpg. never had to use V-dub.

Minion  2002-11-08 21:42:05 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You haven"t had to do it Cuz you have never used a NON-Compatible Audio format...Tmpgenc Does not encode all Formats and has problem with some Compressed formats like "VBR MP3" and "AC3"...and I"m sure "CB02" tried it your way and that is why they got no audio...

Question - TE25 - um... need help... kind of confused... No.30402
jasmine  2002-11-08 11:25:37 ( ID:2lx3p27u3wg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi... i just have a question... how come the mpeg files that i download i can't burn with nero???? it's weird because i can burn mpeg stuff on nero if i convert it with tmpgenc, but if i was to download something that's already mpeg i can't burn it... can someone help understand this???

Minion  2002-11-08 21:38:55 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Cuz there is a Differance between Mpeg1/2 and VCD/SVCD..SVCD/VCD"s have a certain Type of header on the file so your DVD Player can read it properly and a Mpeg1/2 file doesn"t have this type of header...But you don"t Nescessarily have to re-encode the file ,you should be able to get away with just putting the correct header on the file, that is if the file is otherwize VCD/SVCD Compliant(proper bitrate and resolution and audio), so if you have say a "Mpeg1" file that is 352+240 But nero says it isn"t compliant then you can probably get it to burn if you open up Tmpgenc then go to "File" to "Mpeg Tools" to "Simple Multiplex" or "Merge & Cut" then load in the file and choose "Video-CD Non-Standard" from the dropdown menu and choose the output directory then click "Run"..This will make a Exact copy of the file but this copy will have a VCD header on the file that Nero should burn without a problem..You can do the same thing with Mpeg2 file that are otherwize SVCD compliant But choose the "SVCD" setting in the dropdown menu...

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