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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Request TDA1 Usefull features? Confused 3 2003-10-02 12:36:52
Question TE25 Avi to Mpg - Video goes black halfway through file KylieKaT 2 2003-09-16 20:53:01
Bug report TDA1 Output wont play if burnt with TDA but will with Nero ? Confused 1 2003-09-28 14:54:11
Question TE25 Converting AVI-loading the file... a75g7 1 2003-09-15 22:40:43
Question TE25 TMPGEnc Cut problem enzo_wong 1 2003-09-17 09:24:42
Question TDA1 DVD from TDV Cannot play in standalone player enzo 2 2003-09-29 04:49:21
Question TE25 how do i unlock evaluation version buzz 1 2003-09-15 17:56:17
Question TE25 Encode overnight Wiseguy 2 2003-09-17 19:25:23
Question TE25 illegal floating dec. point calc. error Fritshorst 5 2003-09-16 22:53:22
Question TE25 DVD Encoding EpheMeroN 1 2003-09-15 00:41:24
Question TDA1 DVD Author keeps going back to first menu screen catback 2 2003-09-20 17:19:31
Question TE25 How can I convert wmv or avi files to Divx?? Flipsided 2 2003-09-14 10:50:28

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Request - TDA1 - Usefull features? No.48748
Confused  2003-09-16 07:38:09 ( ID:wrao9tuo/za )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Some requests

1. Automatic insertion of chapter points at user/pre-defined intervals (say every 5 - 10 mins)

2. Inserting chapter points - could we have a hot key - (&Add current fra...) saves all that mouse movment.

3. Create Menu - ability to insert text anywhere.

4. Unlocking of standards - please? all of them, TMPGEnc let us do this, and if I want to waste my dvd-r's making unplayable out of standard dvds that my prob - go on we know you can ;-)

Keep up the good work.

9ral4f  2003-09-16 09:40:01 ( ID:p0pfv7jsvew )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

> 1. Automatic insertion of chapter points at user/pre-defined intervals (say every 5 - 10 mins)

Huh? I'm using this every day. Try the "Add"-Button below the chapter list...

> 3. Create Menu - ability to insert text anywhere.

Yesssss. Please!

> 4. Unlocking of standards

Please! At least SVCD resolutions. Nearly all SVCD-capable players play SVCD from DVD, too.

LessConfused  2003-09-26 02:25:12 ( ID:wrao9tuo/za )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>> 1. Automatic insertion of chapter points at user/pre-defined intervals (say every 5 - 10 mins)
>Huh? I'm using this every day. Try the "Add"-Button below the chapter list...

OOpps only buttonI didn't try }:-) I should have RTFM better..
Cheers 4 the info.

Oliver  2003-10-02 12:36:52 ( ID:wwiu2c07owm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Subtitle support would also be nice, cause I would like to backup my dvd including subtitles. Then it would be nice if it supports files created by Subrip & Maestro SBT. And Svcd resolution is already possible.. You must change your mpeg-2 header with a program like dvdpatcher!

Question - TE25 - Avi to Mpg - Video goes black halfway through file No.39074
KylieKaT  Home )  2003-09-15 23:00:32 ( ID:.2apoxaaj96 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have loaded an avi file 2gb in size in huffy codec, I have tried a few time to convert it to either mpg1 or 2 using tmpgenc 2.56. The problem I get is when I watch back the file the video goes black and the audio carries on at differing points in the file. Differing as in at different point after encodign it a few times.

Any ideas?

Minion  2003-09-16 01:23:43 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well firstly you should have the "output a RGB" box checked in your HuffyUV Codec Settings, this means that the Codec will Decode your AVI file useing RGB colorspace which is what Tmpgenc works with..Then you should go to "options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the Priority of the "Direct Show File Reader" to "2", this should stop the Video from Going Black on you....Good Luck

KylieKaT  Home )  2003-09-16 20:53:01 ( ID:.2apoxaaj96 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Fantastic, I must have knocked off the settings as I have managed for months before this problem, Minion your a star! Thanks


Bug report - TDA1 - Output wont play if burnt with TDA but will with Nero ? No.48746
Confused  2003-09-15 22:15:51 ( ID:wrao9tuo/za )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I know my burner is NOT on the suported drive list but here goes anyway

Media TDKG02
Burner - Optorite
O/S - W2k sp4

If I use TDA to burn the created output the discs WONõ play on 2 of my 3 dvd players.
If I burn the created output with Nero disc's play on all 3! (same media DVD-R/files)
If If I use TDA to burn the created output on to DVD-RW plays on all 3!

Trevor S  2003-09-28 14:54:11 ( ID:yy0ncampghr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Wild speculations here but DVD Author writes the AUDIO_TS files as lowercase, and Nero does it as per the spec, in uppercase, this is about the only thing I can think of ? My Panasonic player handles both.

Question - TE25 - Converting AVI-loading the file... No.39072
a75g7  2003-09-15 21:36:55 ( ID:vot6hxxbffo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Im trying to convert an AVI file to mpeg. But, when i select the video input file, which is the AVI, it puts it into the audio input field. It's an AVI video file, so why isn;t it staying in the AVI field?


By the way the file is an xvid file.

ashy  2003-09-15 22:40:43 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Probably because your AVI is not supported.
Download and install FFDSHOW then try again.

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc Cut problem No.39070
enzo_wong  2003-09-15 19:24:51 ( ID:hhpex/btral )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use TMPGEnc to cut my MPEG2 file into two. I locate the split frame using the preview window of TMPGEnc. But the standing frame of the output file does not match where I mark in. It is way behind the point I marked. Anyone know what is wrong with it?

Enzyme  2003-09-17 09:24:42 ( ID:mqkz1ttpfrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had this problem also. I'm not quite sure whats going on, but when you clip a video in TMPGEnc you locate a frame to cut at. But it cuts at the closest second and not on the frame you were on. I'm not quite sure if I'm right, but just try your best when cutting the clip.

Question - TDA1 - DVD from TDV Cannot play in standalone player No.48743
enzo  2003-09-15 19:22:22 ( ID:hhpex/btral )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use TDA to create a DVD disc (try directly burn from TDA, or create a image and buy using NERO 5). The disc can play on PC, but cannot play in standalone DVD player (tried two players already). Any suggestion on what is wrong?

9ral4f  2003-09-16 09:50:15 ( ID:p0pfv7jsvew )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No suggestions, but an observation: on my system Nero says "drive in use by IMAPI" while burning on a Pioneer 105. Afterwards the DVD does not play in my stand alone (but on PowerDVD).

DVD Writing Tool from TDA does the job, though. Took me 3 DVD-Rs to find that out... :-(

koala  2003-09-29 04:49:21 ( ID:ni3vtoodncn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When you burn in Nero check the ""Force DVD-compatibility mode (required for X-Box)"" Check-box. It worked for me after going through five DVD+R disks even though they did run in the X-Box

Question - TE25 - how do i unlock evaluation version No.39068
buzz  2003-09-15 09:09:08 ( ID:pijbhylwqwl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i purchased tmpgenc and got the email with the code but my gf decided that only the code was important and deleted the email, so i dont know if there were instructions for how to unlock the evaluation version. any ideas, i now have a code with no idea how to use it

ashy  2003-09-15 17:56:17 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Come on just tell the truth.
Either you deleted the mail or you have an illegal serial.
Whichever, you need the Plus version of TMPG.

Question - TE25 - Encode overnight No.39065
Wiseguy  2003-09-15 07:28:54 ( ID:6zadr/um176 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm encoding a movie overnight and checked the box, "shutdown after finishing encoding". Once the encoding is done, will my computer shut down as well as the program? If not, is there a way I can do that? I just think it's a waste of energy leaving my computer on all night once the encoding is done

ashy  2003-09-15 17:59:00 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm not being funny, but have you not actually tried this?
I mean all you have to do is make a small encoding and try it then you would know and yes your PC will shut down.
Now, any more daft questions?

Pico the Mexican  2003-09-17 19:25:23 ( ID:r9hllueotnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

or just go to Google and type in something like "free shutdown programs" and you will find tons (that's what i do). then start converting and put in the time whenever you want your pc to be shut down.

Question - TE25 - illegal floating dec. point calc. error No.39059
Fritshorst  2003-09-14 23:37:26 ( ID:.oje2pg6v9j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does anyone know what causes an "illegal floating decimal point calculation error" while encoding a dvd to mpeg?

Minion  2003-09-15 00:47:08 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well I haven"t heard this error pop up in a Long time, This error Usually Pops up when trying to do something with your PC while encodeing , you should allways leave your PC alone while encodeing a File, and this error used to pop up when Tmpgenc ran across an error in the File but this usually doesn"t happen when encode from Vob/Mpeg2 files...How are you encodeing this DVD??? are you just loading the Vob files into tmpgenc and encodeing to Mpeg2??? If so then you should really use DVD2AVI to Frameserve the Vob files to Tmpgenc, This Method is More reliable and Faster than Haveing Tmpgenc do the Decodeing and encodeing, and is usually more Trouble free...Try it and see if the error goes away....Cheers

Fritshorst  2003-09-15 23:26:47 ( ID:.oje2pg6v9j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your reply ! I'm encoding from VOB-files using dvd2svcd. Before encoding I have shutdown every running proces like for instance virus-killer and firewall and always the error appears while I'm not even close to my computer. I have all ready tried an other ripper, but the problem is still there. Is it usual that the encoding proces takes over more than 14 hours to do the job?

Minion  2003-09-16 01:19:28 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does the error happen at the same spot every time?? Anyways you should Try doing it the Manual Way with DVD2AVI and Tmpgenc, that is the Most reliable way to encode to VCD/SVCD/DVD from a DVD and Probably the Fastest..It shouldn"t take that long unless you are useing a Slow PC, It only takes about 2-3 hours on my 2.53ghz system encodeing to SVCD useing Tmpgenc, I can do a 2 hour movie in about 1 hour useing CCE to encode....You should Try the Method I mentioned as it will Probably be error free and twice as Fast....Cheers

fritshorst  2003-09-16 19:12:50 ( ID:.oje2pg6v9j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks again, the strange thing is I've got a 2.53Ghz system with 500MB Rimm pc1000 so it should be fast enough, the only thing is that i'm using the deinterlaced option. I'm gonna try it again to night, maybe with an other DVD it will run properly.

Minion  2003-09-16 22:53:22 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What should help with the encodeing Speed is to set the "Motion Search Precition" to "High Quality" or "Normal" because "Highest Quality" just makes the encodeing take twice as long with no real Quality improvement..And because DVD2SVCD uses a Frameserver it makes the encodeing take a lot longer, useing the DVD2AVI method will Probably encode twice as Fast as the DVD2SVCD method, and if you really want to speed it up you can try useing CCE to encode as It is 5-10 times faster than Tmpgenc and Produces better Quality Mpeg2 files But it is Complicated to use But you can Use DVD2SVCD with CCE....Good Luck

Question - TE25 - DVD Encoding No.39057
EpheMeroN  2003-09-14 20:28:01 ( ID:ccgpywaakdk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey guys this is my first post here and I just want to say hello and that I LOVE TMPGEnc and have been using for well over 14 months now. I have been encoding to VCD and SVCD. I really like to archive television shows and sporting events via my capture card. But I just got a new hdd and I want to begin encoding and archiving to DVD. I have never used TMPGEnc for DVD Encoding and would like some help w/ settings and options. I already know how to encode my audio to 2ch AC3 Audio seperately. I keep my video interlaced (pure NTSC) because it looks the smoothest on a television. What options dooes anyone have for me that I can use in the creation of a new template? Any help will be ideal. Thanks so much!

Minion  2003-09-15 00:41:24 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is Nothing special about Encodeing to a DVD..It is the same as any other Format accept that you use Different resolutions and a Higher Bitrate, You do have more leeway with DVD as DVD supports More Resolutions, you can make DVD"s at 720X480(Full D1)and at 704X480(Broadcast D1) and at 352X480(Half D1) and 352X240(Sif),the Bitrate used increases as the Resolution Increases..And with DVD you should allways have a Sequence Header before each Gop..And you should allways use a VBR Encodeing method when encodeing to DVD..But becides this DVD"s are pretty Much the same as encodeing to any other Mpeg format, If you have any Particular Problems then Post them....Cheers

Question - TDA1 - DVD Author keeps going back to first menu screen No.48740
catback  2003-09-14 04:55:05 ( ID:pybxdu.kfng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I used DVD Author to make a DVD of several short 10 minute video clips. I created a menu screen that contains a chapter for each clip. There were a total of 3 menu screens, each containing 4 chapters.

The menus work fine but if I am playing a particular clip and hit the menu button on my remote to get back to the menu screen, I am always put back at the first menu screen and not the menu screen that had the particular clip I was playing. Any way to correct or change this?

Also, when a clip is finished playing, the next clip starts to play automatically. How can I configure DVD Author so that it will return to the menu screen after it finsihed playing a clip?


9ral4f  2003-09-16 09:55:12 ( ID:p0pfv7jsvew )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Please use the "Display menu settings"-button on the "Create menu"-dialog, and all your wishes will come true...

dvd author  2003-09-20 17:19:31 ( ID:0mkvd61oock )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I looked under the options you indicated but there is nothing there that lets you control what exactly DVD Author does after it plays a certain track or when the menu button on the remote is pressed. It only gives you the option to go back to the main menu after the last track has finished playing and to display the main menu when the disk is first inserted.

Question - TE25 - How can I convert wmv or avi files to Divx?? No.39054
Flipsided  2003-09-14 01:21:43 ( ID:.11gmy.qfd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Minion  2003-09-14 01:51:53 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well First off DivX is AVI, so if you have an AVI file that you downloaded off the net it is allready Probably in DivX Mpeg-4 format...As for WMV/ASF files a Good Program for converting them to AVI/DivX is to use a Freeware Program called "Stoik Video Converter" you can find it to download if you do a Search on Google, It can also convert AVI/ASF/WMV/Mpeg1/2 files to AVI/DivX, But Virtual Dub is Probably better at AVI to AVI/DivX encodes.....Cheers

ashy  2003-09-14 10:50:28 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why in the hell would you want to recompress an already compressed format like WMV or AVI into another compressed format such as DIVX which is in fact AVI?!

What a completely pointless waste of time and quality that would be.

For a start off you will NOT acheive any increase in quality infact you will reduce the quality, second you will NOT gain anything in file size because WMV is a more compressed format than DIVX, so you will end up with a larger AVI than the original source.

I can understand if you wanted to convert to MPEG as you could then play the file on your set top, but recompressing to another AVI is in my opinion absolutely bonkers.
Maybe you have some reason for it, so please enlighten me as to why you would want to do this?

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