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I have two clips to join, but the audio levels are quite different. I tried adjusting the louder one down, then opening the other and listening to see if it is the same, then repeating this but i never get it quite right. Is there some way to visually see the levels, or a better workaround?
It would be nice if TMPGEnc Authoring Works would not complain about the maximum bitrate of transport streams as long as they do not actually exceed the limit. It is common practice for tv stations to set the maximum bitrate to 15 mbps just to be on the safe side, while the stream never actually exceeds 5 - 7 mbps.
I imported a transport stream, but the video is completely distorted. Most of the frame is covered with huge green blocks. The sound plays fine. Since I have no trouble playing the clip with VLC Player or opening it with other applications, I guess the source file has to be all right. I rebuilt the stream with other tools and suddenly the problem was gone (while new trouble came up, unfortunately). Possibly TMPGEnc Authoring Works gets confused by some additional information in the original file that is discarded when rebuilding the stream?
I may add that the video stream is anamorphic. I hope this information helps, since I would love to buy your programmme as soon as this problem is fixed!
I have source files that are h.264 at 10mbps.
I need to encode these adding fades at the head and tail.
I use TMPGEnc 4 XPress for this.
Whenever I do this I get a problem with the video.
There is always a spot where the video starts to skip and get jettery.
Also, I sometimes get a green line on the bottom of the frame.
Does anybody else have problems like this.
sound slike its apple related ie quicktime and itunes software.
so i would unistall both of those aswell as any codecs releated, clean the system and then rbeoot and reinstall NEW updates and if that doesnt do it, re install works 4
thanx for your reply.. i think it is the OS as i tried a demo version of nero media and that too shuts down too so i think it is my OS .. ohh well i didn't really want to format and put the stuff back on again.. but it looks like i dont have any other choice.. thanx for your replies :-)
I've authored a DVD alternating between slideshows and videos.
I want to put some music in a slideshow and need that this music continue through following slideshows or videos in the same chapter.
Is this possible?
I could only put some music in a single slideshow, but since a slideshow contains only images, not videos, I couldn't use the same continuos music throughout this "blocks" (thinking of a slideshow as a block, or a single video as a block).
I have some photos and videos from my trip to New Zealand.
I want to make a chapter for each city I've visited.
I've started with some photos from Auckland (Slideshow 1). Followed my a videoclip (Video 1) and then more photos from Auckland (Slideshow 2).
Slideshow 1 + Video 1 + Slideshow 2 are a single chapter, so I want to use a continuos song for this chapter.
The program has no way of doing it on its own, but theoretically you should be able to do it manually.
For example:
Figure out how long your track will be (the total time of all chapters) then edit your music to be at least that long. Use a program like Audacity or something to create a single, long music file.
Then figure out how long each chapter is (slideshow 1, video 1, slideshow 2, etc.) and split your music file into chunks, each exactly as long as each chapter.
Then add the first chunk to slideshow 1, the second to video 1, etc...
Apparently there is no easy way...
I should have used a simpler software from the beginning, something that just build photos and videos together.
But I was tempted by TMPGEnc AW4 features like custom menus and selectable subtitles.
Now I've spent many hours authoring all slideshows, videos and subtitled all of them. And also build a fancy menu with New Zealand map!
I thought this would be the easy part, that there was some sort of timeline and I could just put music files in sequence! :(
Well, I think I'll have to to what you suggested, or maybe rearrange slideshows putting more photos together (to fit a song length) and videos at the end without songs, just original sound.
I've tried to manually edit sound files, but it doesn't work exactly as expected.
After splitting sound files and associate them with Slideshow 1, Video 1 and Slideshow 2, I've noticed that there is a gap between Slideshows.
I mean, the song was splitted exactly in 3 parts (with miliseconds precision) but when playing there is a gap from Slideshow 1 to Video 1, they're not perfect synchronized and this is totally audible. It's not a smooth transition.
I think there is no solution for my problem, so I now I have to start all over in another software that allow this simple feature.
I reinstalled my O/S (Windows XP SP 2) and TMPGENC Authoring Works and now I get the message "no usable writing device installed". I have the same writer and it worked fine before. Any help?
after klicking ok, it resumes installation and when I start TPAW
those errors I told you about before come...
is there a bug in my vista?.. I have all Updates, ..not using a keygen...
getting a little frustrated,
even on my desktop PC (running winXP) it works, (the install) but when I try to putout a DVD, it renders the menu ... 1 VOB file, and then it crashes,....
some update on this????
I have just started using Authoring Works 4 and am trying to convert one of my existing projects under another authoring application to Authoring Works.
At the moment I am still trying to get to grips with how to structure Menus in TAW4, but the real problem I have at the moment is how to have a FirstPlay clip which, after playing, goes to the top level menu.
At the moment all that I have been able to get is the FirstPlay clip plays, and then title 1 plays. Hopefully this is just a configuration option that I have not been able to find yet.
You just need to change the "Disc insertion action" setting.
From the menu stage, click on the "DVD-Video global menu settings" button.
In the "General" tab, change the "Disc insertion action" to "Display the top menu".
Since firstplay clips will always play first no matter what, your firstplay clip will play then it will go to the top menu.
I am using the latest version of TMPGENC installed on a Windows XP x64 quad core system. Any video format conversion works except when converting to Windows Media Video file output". When I select it I get an error "Read error occurred at address xxxxxxxx of module 'Moviewm9.vme" with 00000000. I do have all necessary codecs installed and Windows Media Player 11.
I tried the same thing on another XP x64 PC and it does exactly the same. Is this a bug, an incompatibility with x64 systems maybe? I am open to suggestions on what to try next...