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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Just wonder why I'm not able to run TMPGEnc 2.5 in WinXP or Vista ? Only can run in Win2k ??? Why converting a 40 min RMVB file takes about 2.5 hours when run in pentium 4 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM pc ??? Any way to make it faster ? Thanks.......
I need TMPGEnc plus or I didn't find them in the site. Are they still available?
Pls kindly inform me to or
Thanks a lot.
Hi, when i try to Join an mpg video file to a sound(wav/mp2/mp3) file, in Windows Vista, i cant seem to get the sound at all after the process has done joining the two files, and trying to play the video file. Back in Xp worked fine...but dosent seem to work with Vista, I get no sound at all, plz help, thnx!
I have an HD movie, 2hrs 40 min in length, 29.97fps, 1280*1088, 16:9, that i want to resize to 720*480. I have no filters set, the movie is progressive, so no conversion to or from interlaced, I am not rendering audio as it is ac3, as I do not have the plug-in, set vbr max 9000, min 2000, DC component precision set to 10, and motion estimate search selected. No other changes have been made. I have enabled all the CPU settings. I am running this on a P4 3.06ghz, 2gb ram, 500gb SATA 300 drive.
When I start the rendering, TPMG shows a time of 21h 16m. After 8 hours running with highest priority, and all other processes disabled, there is still 11h 33 min to go. This seems unusually long, as ffmpeg rendered this clip with audio in just under 1 hour. Have I missed something in the settings, or have a bad codec installed with TMPG? I have been through any of the threads here that relate to performance, and cannot see my error. Any ideas?
I'm using tmpgenc plus 2.5 and I have installed the pdvcodec(DV-AVI)from Panasonic. But in the videocompression list I can't see this pdvcodec. In virtualdub I can see this pdvcodec. So what's wrong ? Can somebody help me ?
Operating system XP SP2
If I encode a divx/xvid avi in virtualdub 2-pass, the results of the first
pass are saved on a file in the harddrive. it's there until I delete it.
I can then encode the 2nd pass as many times as I like,without having to
reproduce the analyzing result (1st pass) again.
In Tmpg, the option "saves analyzing results" seems that it's similar,
except it's not. Where are the analyzing results saved?
Does it really help the 2nd pass? I tried a 2pass vbr without specifying
"saves analyzing results", and I couldn't see the difference.
It seems that it should behave the same as virtualdub to be useful.
Unless I don't understand it's implemtation. I'm using version 2.5
Tmpgenc Plus.
Thanks for any enlightenment.
I have an avi file with 720 x 404 and is 16:9 aspect ratio.
I want to encode it to a DVD to watch on a 16:9 TV.
What should I set the source aspect ratio, video arrange method, output resolution and aspect ratio?
My first attempt was to ignore the source aspect ratio (it doesn't seem to have any effect on the output), set the video arrange method to center (default), set the output resolution to 720 x 480, output aspect to 16:9.
This works ok. The resulting DVD when play, will expand to fill the screen automatically. However, whenever there are subtitle/text on the screen I notice they have re-sampling blur. How can I avoid this blur?