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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
IÃÎ trying to use TMPGenc to create MPG files that are VCD ready so I can burn them and watch them on the big TV. The source files are also MPGs but don't have the right formatting (whether its screen size, bitrate, etc.).
Most of the time these MPGs are transcoded without incident but there are some that end up being transcoded with an error. In the final product of these erroneous files the video freezes but the sound keeps going, often for several minutes, and then the image will change to another still frame while the sound continues. This will go on until about the last few of minutes and then return to normal.
Today I looked more closely at a recently transcoded file and noticed that the intervals are suspiciously uniform. In a 31-minute clip the image first froze at 1 second before the 8 minute mark. The still image was then updated at 1 second before 16 minutes and again at 1 second before 20 minutes. At 1 second before 28 minutes the playback unfreezes and the last 3 minutes run out normally.
I have downloaded VirtualDub and the associated FreezeCheck program and have tested the source and end products and Vdub seems to think both are OK and found no freezes.
Any ideas on what IÃÎ doing wrong? The eerily uniform pattern (8-8-4-8) seems to indicate something but what? I have installed the latest version of TMPGenc on a different computer with the same result (testing the same files).
I used Vdub to convert one such original file to an AVI format and the end result is fine but I canÃÕ burn AVI direct to VCD.
I take it the source files are MPEG-1?
You could try increasing the priority of the 'MPEG-1 Decoder' in the VFAPI plugins to top of the list or try de-multiplexing the MPEG first.
If that doesn't work then I'm guessing your MPEGs are not fully compatible with TMPG. TMPG can be funny sometimes with files made with other software. Either that or they do contain errors. Virtualdub isn't too good at detecting errors in MPEGs.
If the above doesn't work then you could try frame serving the MPEG from Virtualdub to TMPG.
Wow! That's quite a mouthful! I will try all of these things and see what happens. I'm a bit of a newb at the AV stuff but not on computers so I should be able to figure it out. Thefrustrating part is that you don't get to see if it worked for a couple of hours.
Do you think there's any relevance to the uniform distribution of freezes (on near-perfect 8 minute increments)?
One other thing... if not TMPGenc then what do you recommend I try if this doesn't work?
In the interest of testing I took one of those un-transcode-able files and coverted to AVI with VDub and got a fully working file. Now I'm using TMPG to transcode from AVI to MPG to see if the problems were washed out in the process. I'll let you know.
Ok I tried elevating the priority of MPEG-1 in the Environmental Settings and it made no difference. I had the same problem with another file but it also had the same telltale interval in the advancing of the frozen frame: intervals of 8 and 4 minutes EXACTLY.
What the heck? I've now had this happen on several machines with several different files with multiple versions of TMPGenc. For some reason I think the solution is related to the interval of freezing but I can't figure out what it is. Could it be some form of copy protection? Is there some kind of disruptive system call that happens on these regular intervals?
I managed to change one file to AVI and then recode and THAT worked but I tried it with another file and it ballooned in size from 200Mb to over 2Gb before it ran out of HD space.
Now I've used VDub to save the WAV portion of one of these trouble source files and have told TMPG to use the original MPG file and the new WAV to construct a new MPG file. We'll see if that works, I hope it is what was meant by "demultiplexing".
Any further advice or suggestions would be very welcome.
The demultiplexer is in the MPEGtools section of TMPG. It will seperate the audio from the video and rewrite the headers in the MPEG.
If TMPG worked fine when you encoded the MPEG from the AVI that Virtualdub created then you may have a decoding problem.
You could try using the MPEG2 VFAPI plugin. Yes I know it says MPEG2, but it will decode MPEG1 also just fine.
This codec is highly compatible with TMPG and gives excellent results.
Failing all the above then your only other alternative is to use Virtualdub as a frame server to TMPG. Seeing as the AVI you encoded to MPEG turned out fine then the frame server should also work.
First of all play the MPEG in Virtualdub. If it plays OK then that is exactly how TMPG should encode it.
Well I've tried several of these things and now I want to try the earlier advice to use VDub as a frameserver to TMPGEnc. Trouble is I can't get TMPGEnc to pick up the stream. Any suggestions on how to do this? It's probably a syntax issue but I just don't know how to get it to pick up the start of the thread.
I'm using TMPGEnc v.2.524.63.181 and Virtual Dub v.1.5.10.
It's ok Ashy, thanks for all your help. I've finally had success with the "de-multiplex then re encode" method and all is solved.
Thanks again for all your help in this matter, I really appreciate it.
ps. Just to resolve my previous post, I was able to start the frame server in VDub but I didn't know how to tell TMPGEnc where to find the file it needed to work on. The interface seemed to require me to specify a file location but there was no file yet. I tried specifying the network address and name of frame-served file but that didn't work. In other words I had the server but didn't know how to point the client at it. Again, I've got it working the other way so I don't need to use this method. I am, however, still somewhat curious as to the answer... how do you tell TMPGenc where the file being served by VDub is?
You don't need to specify anything.
Virtual dub starts the frameserver for you. All you need to do is simply give the frame server signpost file a location.
After starting the frame server just click through everything until the final stage where it asks you for a name and location to put the frame server file.
Give it a name and an .AVI extension. Then simply load that file into TMPG as you would any normal AVI.
My friend suggested me using TMpgEnc Plus to convert rmvb video clips to DVD (Mpeg 2) format and burn in DVD-R. I tried it but found that TMpgEnc Plus dose not support video clips in rm /rmvb format. How could i do the conversion?
I have 6 AVI's that I want to put onto a dvd but have a menu to choose each chapter. I can convert them with divx to dvd but it has been suggested that tmpgenc can do that and give me a menu. I have tpmgenc 2.5. Does any one have a step by step guide on how to do this.
I am multiplexing 5 vob files and creating a jpeg file. When I do that, only the first one seems to get created into a jpeg file, but the file size of the jpeg file is the same as all the vob files together. I added all of them into the list to be created, but only the first one is converted.
You are attempting to convert 5 VOB files to JPEGs?!
You do realise this will create thousands and thousands of JPEG images don't you?
Why do you wish to do this as I can't really see a need to?
Also what do you mean you are multiplexing 5 VOBs? You can't multiplex them together as you will end up with one big VOB that contains 5 tracks and then you would need special software to select and play each track.
I'm having trouble converting an AVI to an MPG file that consists of MPEG-2 video and Layer 2 audio.
I used a program called DIKO to create an SVCD and when I checked it with AVIcodec, it was shown as MPEG-2 (SVCD/DVD) video but MPEG-1 Layer 1 audio.
I'm trying to create a disc that will play on a friend's standalone DVD player, and I was a bit dubious as to whether this would be compatible, so I set about trying to create a file containing Layer 2 audio with TMPGenc.
I tried multiplexing the files DIKO created (TA.m2v and TA.mp2) with TMPGenc, but the mpg still shows in AVIcodec as Layer 1 audio, even though the mp2 shows in Winamp as being Layer 2.
I tried extracting the audio from the original AVI, using Stream type: ES(Audio only) to make an mp2 but when I played it back with Winamp, it was silent!
I then tried doing some tests with TMPGenc and a small clip of the AVI file, and I found that if I use the SVCD template, the MPG will show in AVIcodec as containing Layer 2 audio whatever bitrate is used (well, without me fiddling
with it anyway), but if I use the DVD template, 44khz 224Kbps or 44/48khz 128Kbps creates an mpg that AVIcodec shows as containing Layer 2 audio, but 48khz 384Kbps (which is what TMPGenc defaults to and I assume is the DVD standard) produces an mpg that AVIcodec shows as containing Layer 1 audio.
Also, if I de-multiplex an mpg that AVIcodec shows as containing Layer 2 audio, the resulting mp2 shows in AVIcodec as Layer 1 audio. If I then multiplex the files back again, AVIcodec shows the resulting mpg as containing Layer 2 audio again!
Just done further tests and AVIcodec won't even show an audio source if it's Mp2 at 384 Kb/s.
No problem at 320 Kb/s. Looks like a bug in AVI codec cuz my other programs report it as correct.
As you say, it looks like a bug in AVIcodec. I've e-mailed the author, but haven't had a reply yet.
I think I've only installed ffdshow's codecs, so it could be a bug in that as well, but if you're not using ffdshow it's probably AVIcodec. I'm not that thrilled with ffdshow anyway, because if I'm playing an avi or mpg that uses it, I can't minimise the player (Media Player Classic or PowerDVD), because the picture on my TV freezes, which doesn't happen when playing a file that doesn't use ffdshow.
I tried TMPGenc's DVD template at 320kbps and AVIcodec reports the bitrate correctly, but still shows it's size as 0.0B like this:
The file is only 60MB, so maybe AVIcodec has problems with files this small, but it could be the codecs. Do you know of any other program that I can use to check the details of mpg's. I tried Gspot, but that doesn't work with MPEG's.
Do you know if 320kbps audio is within DVD specs? If so, I'll just use this for now and give it to my friend, as well as the SVCD that DIKO created and ask him to check whether they both work OK.
There isn't really a limit to the bitrate you can use for the audio, minimum or maximum.
In fact 320 Kb/s is overkill for MP2 as it's only 2 channel audio. However I always tend to use the maximum a program will let me if I have the space on the disk.
As long as the total max bitrate for the video and audio combined doesn't exceed 9800 Kb/s then there will be no problem.
The other programs I use for MPEGs are 'Virtualdubmod' a very handy free program called 'Bitrate viewer' however it only relates to the video side of an MPEG, but tells you everything you could possibly need to know about it and Media info
As for your problem with resizing your player windows I don't really think this is an FFDSHOW problem. I think you have an issue with your graphics card drivers.
When resizing your players window the codec that it is currently using would not be concerned about it.
The codec simply decodes the data in the source file and passes that info to your graphics card. Any resizing is therefore taken care of by your graphics card overlay. The codec wouldn't even be involved with resizing.
I would try and update your drivers and DirectX.
You could try an alternative method of decoding the AVI with FFDSHOW by disabling ALL Directshow decoding in it and enabling VFW instead to the decoding. This may make it easier on your system and prevent the error.
I always use VFW when I can as I have found it to produce better results albeit maybe slightly slower.
As far as I remember I found the answer to my question once here, but I can not find it in the archives anymore.
I had to reinstall the Divx avi codec on my computer. It is installed properly as it is found by other programs. However, when I try to output an avi file from Tmpgenc the codec is not shown as an option anymore while it used to be. As said I had this problem before but found some solution for it, which I have forgotten.
Does someone know the trick to solve this?
Sorry, but what is means 'when I try to output an avi file from Tmpgenc ... codec as option'? If TMPGenc simply encodes to mpeg, there should be no codec to use as video compressor, like it happens for AVI creating.
That would be to simple. I have reinstalled the codec and Tmpgenc several times in different orders with the same result.
If you use the <Start> button you get a mpg. But if you go to >File, >Output to File you can also choose to output an avi file. To do this you have to choose one of the codecs available in the list from >Video settings >Compression. My problem is that the installed codec is not shown.
I have found a solution for now, but not a very nice one, by fooling the system. From the codecs shown I have located one that I have never used in the system32 directory. I have replaced the .dll file with a renamed copy of the required divx-codec. Now Tmpgenc shows the divx-codec and it can be used normally. As a result other programs show the divx-codec twice as the original is still on the system as well. Of course a problem might occur if I ever try to play a file which would need the codec that is overwritten.
So, if anybody knows a more elegant solution I would be interested.
Sorry it took me a while to answer. I use the latest one available, 5.2.1. I also tried to install the older versions, 3.11, to see if they would show up. Also nada.
Noob question here. I posted a question on another website and they told me to check out TMPG Enc.
I have a bunch of t.v. episodes that are in an AVI format. I'd like to burn them onto a DVD. I'm not sure where to start.
I started TMPG Enc with the wizard. I "guessed" that I should pick DVD|NTSC (low resolution) with MPEG-1 in the drop down box. That says I should be able to get 495 minutes onto a DVD. I figure that's about 10 episodes or so.
The next page I select an AVI file and leave the 2 drop-down boxes at default. It only lets me select one AVI file so I assume I do them each one at a time.
On the filter page I select "Clip frame" and "Noise Reduction" because that sounds like a good thing quality-wise. It automatically takes me to the settings screen that I leave at default and don't change anything. Does clicking those two option become useless because I don't change anything?
The next page is the Bit rate setting. Here's where I start to wonder. There's a box that says "Make file size 99.99% of disk capacity". Well that means my one episode will fill up the whole disk then, correct? Do I want to change this to 10% and have it automatically change the bitrate parameters then?
If you want to maximize the number of episodes on a dvd you can encode each as a vcd, then use a dvd authoring program such as tmpgenc dvd author which will also burn the dvd.
I've done this & have been able to encode 4 movies on one dvd, with some room to spare. The quality is surprisingly good. There may be other ways to do what you want to do, but this has worked well for me.
Don't bother checking any of those settings. It's unecessary and will slow down the encoding.
You have 2 options, rename each AVI you wish to be encoded in sequence and then check the option for TMPG to open files in sequence or you can alter the percentage to accomdate all of your AVI's.
For example if you have 5 AVI's to encode then set the percentage to 20%. then in the next screen select 'Create another project for batch encoding' until you have done all of them then reselect 'start encoding immediately'
Thanks to both of you. kuczynski - I've done them individually to a VCD, but thought that maybe I could up the quality a bit. I may have to stick with the VCD format.
ashy - thanks for the info about those 2 settings. I tried manually setting the percentage, but I notice after the 5th one that as I clicked 'Next', a different number than 10% would appear briefly. It took all night and part of the morning to do the 10 files, but some were a Gig, so it was actually changing the percentage.
I'll give the 'Open files sequentially' a shot - but do you know then if I'll be able to have chapters or whatever so I can view each episode or will it run all 10 together?
If you open the files sequentially you will need to mark the points that each film begins manually in your authoring program to create seperate chapters.
Not very hard to do if you use TMPG DVD author.
Hi I have my AVI video and encoded with TMPGEnc 2.5 with subtitles
then I burned my mpeg file to create a VCD with VCDEasy 2.0.
When I put the VCD in my DVD Player image looks great but with subtitles
I only see the first row of subtitles second one is down and can't see it
any way to fix this or what I did worng?.
There is a configuration setup in FFDShow, if you used can choose the font size, its colour and, I think, the distance from the bottom border.
Hey, I'm not exactly an expert in this but I'm doing media at college so hopefully one day I will be. Basicly, I recorded a few films onto DV tape with a camcorder and using the RGB sockets on my PC media card I got the film onto my pc logging and capturing.
Now in AVI format and whey to big to put on the net I'm trying to encode them to MPEG using TMPGEnc. So I basicly select the PAL (yep I'm in England) Video-CD option, I select my AVI file using the selector and it default sets the options as, "Interlace, Bottom Field First (field B), 4:3 625line (pal 704x576)". I select none of the extra Filter Settings and then keep hitting next untill it begins encoding.
So I let it encode then when I try to view the mpeg video file I'm only seeing black with the audio. Is there somthing I've done wrong??