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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
i got a problem converting an avi 15 fps file into a mpeg-1
when converting the screen in the middle of tmpgenc is blank and after
converting the file plays with sound and no picture
can somebody help me !!!!!!!!!
You Can Probably fix this By going to "Options" to "Enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the priority of the "Direct Show File Reader" to "2"...This usually works if you have the Right codec installed....
You must have done something else cuz the "P3P Package.dll" error is Caused from Not haveing all of the Tmpgenc Files in the Same Folder, There is Absolutly no way that raiseing the Direct show Priority will cause this error...Have you Maybe taken the Main EXE File out of the Tmpgenc Folder and Put it on your Desktop as a ShortCut?? or have all of the Tmpgenc files just sitting on your Desktop?? cuz this is the Only way that this error occurs...
I have been using the TmpegBatchList V3.0 to create a batch file (*.tbe).I convert more than thirty files at once therfore using the conventional method of "save project" & "add current project to batch list" would not be useful.
I have been using TmpegBatchList V3.0 for almost 4 months without any problems.
But just recently when i used TmpegBatchList V3.0 to create the batch file and load them to TmpgEnc V2.520, the program closes automatically after the first encoding is over.
I have tried to select all files(Cntrl A) and the click 'run' but it does'nt work.
Hello. I downloaded this movie where the size was not given. So it took me several weeks to download. Now it's finally finished and what do I find!? A movie that's sized 320x240 with a mono audio track! :( It's in widescreen though. So, do most DVD players play that size? I don't want to stretch it back to 352x240 because that would lose a lot of quality. Also, with the mono audio, can I make it stereo? Please help!
Well if you want to make a VCD you will have to Stretch it to 352+240 But that is not that much of a Stretch and you would loose little or no Quality stretching the Resolution that Much (It"s only 10%)..Pluss the File is Probably Progressive which handles Upsizeing much better than Interlaced Files to when Up-sizeing the Resolution..And you can Make your Audio psudo sterio, You would Probably get the Best results useing a Good Audio editor like Sound Forge and make a mix it so that the same mono track is comeing out of Both audio Chanells, I think Tmpgenc Might do this also if you Just the set audio settings to Sterio but you might want to test it first..Wow several weeks to get just one file, You really must have wanted it really badly?? Good Luck
No Probably not, 320+240 doesn"t conform to any Broadcast format and DVD Players are Not made to play that resolution, And either are TV"s..320+240 is the resolution used for internet streaming, You can Try it but I don"t not think it will Play properly on your TV...If you really have an avertion to resizeing the Image you can allways add a 16 Pixel boarder on the Left and Right sides that way you do not resize but also have a 352+240 image and Most of the Boarder won"t be visible cuz of your TV"s Overscan will Mask most if not all of it....Good Luck
There is a chance that this MPEG may play OK as it is. The MPEG is actually using a ratio of 1.33.1 which is in fact a 4:3 ratio. It will depend on your player how it handles the file, but I'd say you have a good chance if you don't have a strict player.
As for the audio, if the mono audio is already coming out of both left and right channels then there is no point in altering the audio, you won't be able to acheive stereo anyway.
I have been using the TmpegBatchList V3.0 to create a batch file (*.tbe).I convert more than thirty files at once therfore using the conventional method of "save project" & "add current project to batch list" would not be useful.
I have been using TmpegBatchList V3.0 for almost 4 months without any problems.
But just recently when i used TmpegBatchList V3.0 to create the batch file and load them to TmpgEnc V2.520, the program closes automatically after the first encoding is over.
I have tried to select all files(Cntrl A) and the click 'run' but it does'nt work.
OK...Usually when makeing a DVD you should have 2 files an Audio File and a Video file but if you have the audio and Video together in one File then that is OK I guess...To get your Movie on a DVD you need a DVD authoring Program, You can use Many Different Programs to Do this, The only free one I know is "IFO Edit" but it is a Little Complicated to use But there is a post By Ashy with a Link to the Program and a link to Instructions a Quite few Posts down...I use any Number of DVD authoring Programs depending on how Complex of a DVD I want to make...You can Make Basic DVD"s Pretty easilly use "Tmpgenc DVD author" you can download a 30 day Demo by Clicking the Banner Below...When Makeing a Basic DVD with Just a Few Menu"s and a Scene selection and Chapters I use a DVD authoring Program called "DVD-Lab" it is Fairly inexpensive compared to other Authoring Programs(They can run in the Thousands of Dollars) and you can also get a Demo from "" This Program also lets you Burn SVCD"s to DVD and use the SIF DVD Format which will let you get up to 4+ movies on a DVD..There are Many other Ones but I find DVD Lab the Very easiest to use.....Cheers
I'm having problems with stuttering video and audio loosing sync when multiplexed with TMPGEnc. The video files are copied from a Dish network PVRand are encoded at 544x480 mpeg-2 and the audio is in mp2 format. Either file plays fine by itself, and it's possible to start the video playing in wmp and the audio in winamp and get it synced up OK. As soon as it gets multiplexed though, the audio and video begins to stutter and loose sync with each other. If it plays for a few minutes, the audio will sync back up for a while before it begins to stutter again. I've tried the simple multiplex, the normal multiplex, using both super-VCD and mpeg2-program (VBR) as well as setting it up as a project with system (audio+video) and changin the top field/bottom field first setting. The stutter shows up both on my PC (AMD Athlong XP 1800+ 512MB) and on a stand alone dvd player (apex). Is there anything else I can try to correct this problem? I'd rather not re-encode the files as that would entail some resolution loss and a lot of time since I'm trying to copy off ~40GB at a time.
Well you Can"t Change the Field order in tmpgenc without Re-encodeing the File, so setting up a Project in Tmpgenc with the Field order reversed will do nothing unless you re-encode the file...You can Change the Field order without encodeing by useing a Program like Pulldown.exe or DoPulldown...But becides this i don"t really have a Clue why you are Getting a Jumpy effect..If you were Just getting this in you DVD player then I would say that Possible the Bitrate was too high for your DVD player but that would not matter on your PC...Well Good Luck....
It could have something to with TMPG using the wrong muxing rate.
Try multiplexing with BBMPEG instead, make sure the 'Forced Mux rate' is set at 0. This will make BBMPEG calculate the correct mux rate.
OK, I tried a few more things, including using bbmpeg to mux the video. What I noticed with BBmpeg is that wehn I enter the audio offset and get everything sync'd up at the beginning, the audio begins to drift out of sync. In a 1 min test clip, the audio was about 3 secs behind the video at the end. Is it possible that this is what tmpgenc is trying to fix, by stuttering the audio and video at certain spots to keep it in sync?
Search for the JAVA-Software Project X (formerly know as DS.JAR) and try this Program as a Muxer. After that, mux it again with TMPGEnc oder bbMPEG. If the Source-Streams are OK, this should help.
Usually,tmpgenc shutts down after I load my second avi(from my dv camcorder)to batch encode,wheather I use the wizard or not.I already have encoded about 100 vcd's,and its a bummer not to be able to use batch encoding.I have TMPGenc plus
2.520,and a Toshiba tecra 700mhz with winxp home.Anybody's got an idea on what I could do to fix my problem???
I browsed this forum and others but I still havent found what I'm looking for.Tmpgenc is shutting down sometimes even before I have a chance to add my project to the batch list.
When I convert an avi to svcd then burn using nero I get a HUGE sound delay. Anyone know why? I am using the project wizard and I am converting it to NTSC
Is this sync Problem Present before you burn the file with nero???Are you burning the Disks at a High speed?? Have you tried Burning with other Burning programs??? Has this Problem happened before when burning files with nero???
Hi, I'm having problems trying to convert widescreen .avi into widescreen MPEG-1 VCD. Everytime i try to change the aspect ratio in the project wizard it still turns out looking like a vertically squeezed picture. Another question that I have is about adding subtitle files to VCDs. Is it even possible to permamently place subtitles onto a .avi or MPEG-1 and view it on a stand-alone player without viewing through a computer with a subtitle program like submax?
Well if you choose "FullScreen Keep aspect ratio" in the "Video Arange Method" this will usually give you an image that looks as close to the source as Possible, But if it still doesn"t look right you can adjust the settings under "Clip Frame" to change the way the image looks in the screen..And yes you can add permanent Subtitles to your VCD, you can do this By Useing "Virtual Dub" and the Subtitle Plugin to frame serve the Movie and the Subtitles to Tmpgenc to encode to what ever format you choose....
When I convert an avi to svcd then burn using nero I get a HUGE sound delay. Anyone know why? I am using the project wizard and I am converting it to NTSC
Well is the File in Sync before you Burn it with Nero??? If you don"t know you should allways check that the file is OK before you burn it to CD-R...There could be a Whole bunch of different reasons why you could be haveing sync problems depending on What type of File you are encodeing to Mpeg and what settings you used in tmpgenc...So why Don"t you Post the Specs of your Source file Like what"Format,Codec,Frame Rate,Audio format, and were you got the file from" and any extra settings you used in Tmpgenc becides the ones chosen by the Template, If you post back with this Info then maybe we can tell you what went wrong and how to fix it....Cheers