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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have a collection of 10 mpeg-1 video's and I want to extract say 100 segments out of this collection. For each segment I have a startframe, endframe and movie name. Can this be done with TMPGEnc?
I noticed a batch mode that allows to split and merge, but I don't want to merge. I want to write the smaller mpeg-1 segments to separate files.
Does anybody know whether this can be done with TMPGEnc or maybe some other tool?
Hi, I'm very new to this so please forgive my ignorance. I have a tv tuner card(AVER TV Studio) that can capture video in MPEGII. I tried to use TMPGenc to convert it into SVCD, but the program cannot read my file. Even when I set TMPGenc to read MPEGII the program still says "unsupported". Did I do something wrong? Currently I'm using ver.
Also, let's pretend I did converted the MPEG II file into SVCD do I need to get a cd burning software like NERO to make a SVCD disk or can I just burn that SVCD file directly onto a CD. I hope the 2 questions make sense to you. Thanks.
Well you should download the newest Plus version as it comes with it"s own Mpeg2 decoder so you can load Mpeg2 files into it, and Yes you will need a Program that specificly supports Burning of SVCD"s like Nero if you want But I personally liked to add Menu"s and Chapters to my SVCD"s Like DVD"s Have and for this you would need a Real Authoring Program but Nero will Work for Basic SVCD Burning....
Thank you. I downloaded the new version of TMPGEnc and I can convert movies to SVCD!! Now, I need to copy it to CD, what software would you suggest I can use to do that? Thanks again!
Well Nero is better than Most for Plain SVCD Burning but the new Nero 6 is a Bit Buggy on some systems, another good One is VCDEasy which used to be free But not anymore but you might be able to find an old version somewere..Then there are Real Authoring Programs that you can use to Add Chapters and Menu"s and Titles Like Ulead DVD workshop or DVD Movie Factory, you can download Full working 30 day demo"s at the Ulead Web site...Cheers
There are no settings to make the Best quality VCD, the Quality is Dependant mostly on the Quality of your Source file, so if your source file is low Quality so will your VCD....VCD is a Low Quality Format anyways and it follows a Strict standard that has to be followed so anything to do to Make the Quality better can make the VCD non Compliant, Like Raiseing the Bitrate will Give you better Quality But this will make it Non-Compliant, and Raiseing the Resolution would give you better Quality But this will also make it Non compliant ,so You can either Make a Non-Compliant VCD (XVCD) or you can try makeing a SVCD...The only setting you should make sure you set is the "Motion Search Precition" set it to "High Quality" as this will produce the best Quality, and if your Source file is Really low Quality you can try cleaning it up with some filters....Good Luck...Cheers
Hi, Long time no See!! Nope I haven"t used one of these Players But they do not seem to be Catching on very Much, there are Only a Couple of Brands of DVD Player that Will Support Mpeg-4 Compression and these are Pretty Much Small companies that are supporting them....
Hello Olli, nice to hear from you again.
Don't know why they aren't catching on yet, maybe it's licensing issue?
Would be a good thing though, but may put encoders like TMPG out of business if they do or at least take a chunk out of the sales especially seeing as most DIVX encoding programs are free.
I agree that MPEG4 is not widely implemented in standalone players but I think that will change. I even saw a new philips introduction of a MPEG4 compatible DVD player. I'm sure other big brands will follow. A nice feature is that the player is easy upgradeble.
I would love to see more MPEG4 players coming onto the market. Saves me a lot of time converting to MPEG1/2 (beside from putting some subtitles into the movie)
I have a problem I try to encode a avi file into a VCDflie but it dont work the file can not be open or is unsupported is the warning what is my mistake!?
I have this same issue. Sound is no issue, but as soon as I try to open the video source an error message appears: 'File xxxx cannot open, or unsupported'.
For this Error all you Usually have to do is go to "options" to "enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the Priority of the "Direct show File Reader" to "2" ...This will Usually get Most AVI/Mpeg4 formats to load in Tmpgenc....Cheers
Hi all,
Ive captured a homemade movie using Firewire and Ulead MediaStudio Pro 7.0, thus creating an avi. Checked that avi using Windows MediaPlayer and it is okay.
Then created an mpeg2-file with tmpgenc (wizard). Checked it again in WMP and no problems. Created an dvd with Ulead DVD Moviefactory 2 and burned a DVD+RW with Nero.
The problem now is that, when playing the DVD on my standalone DVD-player downstairs, all seems te be ok. Exept for one thing: when in de movie there is a camera-movement (filming from the left to the right) or zooming, the picture is faulty. The lines in the screen all appear as blocks. No straight line e.g. for a curtain, but blocks are seen. When the camera is steady, everything looks fine.
Anyone have an idea what the problem could be?? I created the mpeg2-file using the wizard. Did not change a lot... What could i do to help this..?
Any suggestion would be appreciated. If needed, ill post my settings here..
They Are Called "Macro Blocks" and if your AVI file is Clean Meaning there is No Noise then the Bitrate you used would Sure be high enough to Get rid of any Macro Blocks..There are a Few Things you can Try ,After setting up your File in the WIzard cloce the Wizard and go to "Settings" to "Video" and set the "Motion Search Precition" to "High Quality" if it isn"t allready, This should help with the Macro Blocks but if there is any Noise in your Source file you should first Try to Filter it out cuz if there is Noise in your File the encoder will Use a LOT of Bits trying to encode the Noise, There are Noise Filters in tmpgenc But they will make the Encodeing take up to 5 times as long as Usual so it is Better to Clean up any Noise in your Editing Program before you render the file to AVI, or if you Know how to Frameserve with AVISynth or Virtual Dub you can use there Noise Filters and other filters to clean up the Image as they are Much faster and better than the Tmpgenc Filters...With a Clean Source file you should be able to Achieve Good Quality without Macro Blocks useing Half the Bitrate that you used to encode this File...Good Luck...Cheers
I used PowerVCR.II v3.0 to capture mpeg-1 video from my TV card.
After I cut/merge or demux/mux with MPEG tools the video has sync problem.
Is it a bug of PowerVCR.II or TMPGenc ?
Well it could be a Little Bit of Both...Some Mpeg capture Programs use Padding to Make up for Dropped Frames and when you de-Mux the files the Padding gets removed which can cause Sync Problems, But the "Merge & Cut" can also Cause Desync and besides the Merge & Cut is officially supposed to be only for files that have been Encoded By Tmpgenc..I would sugest you use a Real Mpeg editor like Mpeg2VCR ..And For Mpeg Capture Programs the best one Is WinDVR 3.0 ,If you have a Fast enough PC you should try captureing to Mpeg2 as you will get Better Quality...What I do is Capture to Mpeg2 at 720+480 and at 20,000Kbs then I re-encode the File adding Filters to clean up any Noise and Resize if Nescessary and use a Much Lower Bitrate and the Final File looks better than the Original File I captured, this Method Works Like a Charm....cheers
This is another ashy question or to anyone who knows:
Given, a newly authored TS_VIDEO created with, say, TMPGENC and its author tool, is it possible to launch a TS_VIDEO (or TS_AUDIO) from files on the harddrive? I have not found any viewer (such as PowerDVD) that recognizes and launches the grouped files. No problem launching them from a burned DVD but what about other media? If this is an ISO standard, is there a workaround? Thanks and Danke.
I think you got it Backwords, It isn"t "TS_Video folder" it is a "Video_TS Folder" and you can Run a Video_TS Folder from the Hard drive useing PowerDVD or WinDVD, There is a Button in Power DVD that lets you Choose "Open DVD Folders on your Hard drive" or "Open Media Files on your Hard Drive" if you choose "Open DVD Folders on your Hard drive" then you navigate to the "Video_TS Folder" Then PowerDVD will Play the Video_TS Folder like it were a DVD But WinDVD seems better at Playing Video_TS folders...Cheers
As long as the VIDEO_TS folder has all the required files contained I.E (VTS_01_0.IFO, VIDEO_TS.IFO and VOBS E.T.C) then you can play it directly from the folder with WinDVD or you can just directly load the VOBS into the playlist in the order you want them played.
If the folder isn't in the correct format you can use IFOedit to create a VIDEO_TS folder from the VOBS which will play no problem in WinDVD.
You should also be able to load the VOBS into the playlist on PowerDVD, I can't tell you how because I don't have it on my system at the moment.
That's my problem, I'm dyslexic. TS_VIDEO --> VIDEO_TS :}
No, seriously though, The starting point for this question was PowerDVD but the general question was about the standard for Video_TS. What is the STANDARD that requires me to make special adjustments and in only certain devices in order to launch a menued VOB set.
Let's say I want to watch a DVD stored on a non-DVD Media with, say, the Sigma Designs XCard (which is what I do now). That was my main goal.
Sory But I don"t Really understand this Question...For PowerDVD to Play a Video_TS Folder the Folder has to be a Compliant DVD Folder...This I don"t understand :<What is the STANDARD that requires me to make special adjustments and in only certain devices in order to launch a menued VOB set> ?? Are you trying to do something like use your Sigma Designs card as the Mpeg decoder for the Vob/Video_TS folders??? If this is what you are Trying to Do then I can"t help you as Hardware Mpeg Decoders aren"t used that Much anymore as Software decoders can use very little CPU and Still Produce a Good Decoded Image....
I don't uderstand either what you mean by:
>Let's say I want to watch a DVD stored on a non-DVD Media
How can you store a DVD on non DVD media it just wouldn't fit on any other media and what would be the point anyway even if it was small enough fit?
I can't really understand what your goal is, there is no point in storing VOB folders on any other media.
If you need to know what's the standard for a VIDEO_TS folder then just look at any DVD.
At first I thought this configured the output file aspect. I don't think so. When I load up a source video clip to be encoded, TMPG automatically selects a source aspect for me. This setting only makes a small difference in the output video file right? My guess is that it sort of helps with the encoding and slight improves quality.
The source aspect ratio is VERY important, if you don't get this set right your image just won't look right and will be distorted in some way (I.E stretched or compressed), it has nothinfg to do with hepling with encoding or improving the quality.
It's function is to make sure that your image is displayed correctly.
No matter what output aspect ratio you choose the input ratio should be set relating to the source.
For example either 4:3 or 16:9 in most cases. DVD is 16:9 and some AVI's, full screen sources are usually 4:3. Don't trust TMPG to set the source aspect ratio correctly as it very often gets it wrong.
Anyway it's not hard to tell which one it is, just set the source aspect ratio to whatever you think it should be and check it with the preview option - File>Preview, if looks right then your ok, if not change it until it does.
As for the output, if you are making VCD/SVCD then it should be 4:3 regardless of the input. If it's for DVD then 16:9 is usually most appropiate.
TMPG is able to start up on my Windows XP system. However, when I trigger an encoding task, it simply close totally; not in the task manager at all. Any advice? Thanks.
I have experienced this problem before on a Win 2k machine. TMPGEnc is crashing most likely due to a codec problem. It might help if tried to reinstall the particular codec. If you post what codec your file is encoded with perhaps we could give a more specific answer.
Hello guys, question, what is a very good quality low cost DVD-R media? I use Prince but the quality is not consistent some of the DVDÃÔ have problems such as blocking, freezing etcEwhile others are just fine.
For the best quality and consistency there is no better than RITEK disks, usually under the DATASAFE brand, Datawrite and Bulkpaq also have one made by RITEK, DATAWRITE are also made by Princo and may be the best deal for the price.
Some people say Princo disks work fine others have less success which are also made under DATASAFE brand.
Don't be tempted to buy the low priced disks because they are not Grade A disks and in the end you just have more problems with them and plenty of coasters.
Always buy a Grade A disk.
Here is a site which has the RITEK disks under a brand called CloneDisc, these are the cheapest I have seen in the UK for the RITEK disks yet and well worth the money, unfortunately are available in the UK only at the moment.
I have had some really Bad Luck with DVD Media ,I rescently bought 20 DVD-R"s for the Unreal Price of $8 but when I finally got the disks and tried them they were total Crap, I would burn a Movie on the didk then put the DVD I just burned back into the DVD Drive on my PC and it couldn"t even read the disk that it just finnished Writeing, I have burned about 5 of these disks so far with not a Single one working...I have had Pretty Good Success with "Sony OEM" DVD-R"s and they are Quite Cheap anywere from $.75-$1.25 each on E-Bay and I have had Success with "Memorex" DVD-/+R"s But they are about $2-$3 each and I have some Totally generic 1 speed DVD-R"s that I got for about $1 each, they have no Brand Name that I can find But I haven"t had a Failed Disk yet accept a Couple of the DVD"s would have the Ocational Little glitch in it while Watching the Movie...But From what I have heard Ritec are Probably the Best You can get for a Cheap Price....Cheers
Hello Ash, why did i know ritek's would be your 1st choice, :), anyway very good information. The site you gave me ( is a good site it has the princo on there that i am buying, cheaper. I do use riteks but only for my master's, i think that maybe i will start coughing up the extra bucks to stop the boomer rings! Thanks again ash!
Thanks Minion, i think your right about the riteks, i have used a lot of riteks to keep my masters on and have burn quite a few, i can't remember a single issue with the riteks, only that they are higher in price.
The strange thing is that both seem to be the same supplier, yet the first is cheaper and has slightly cheaper shipping even though they use the same service.
I've tried several Disc-Types. The best ones are manufactored by Matsushita. Unfortunatly, you have to have a Disc to get the Information about the Manufactorer.
As an example: I have several Discs from TDK - they are from different Manufactorers. And they are not the same quality.
I've also tested some cheap Discs (Princo), they are junk.
I have some Genaric Disks that seem to work pretty good and they were Only about $0.75 each But I don"t know what Brand they are ,So is there some sort of Program that can tell you the manufacturer of the Disks?? and if there is can you please tell me were I can find it?? ThanXX
I agree, Princo wouldn't be my choice either. Ritek are generally considered the best and have to agree, far better to pay the extra and get no coasters.