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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
You have asked this Question a Bunch of times and If someone Knew about it they would have answered you..I do not think it exists as the web page you posted for the Software is over a Yesr old so Maybe the Company went out of Buisiness....
I made a SVCD at 2500kbps [short movie] and it plays fine for the most part... Problem is it freezes for a second about every five minutes [not the file itself because if I rewind playback's fine at the same spot]. I think my dvd player is simply unable to read the cd fast enough... I'm sure it varries from player to player but what are the limits for SVCD bitrate in order for it not to skip?
Well you are Right ,that is Probably the Problem..You are Useing the Max bitrate for SVCD But the Problem is That Tmpgenc doesn"t really care what you set the Bitrate at if it feels like Useing More bitrate that it is supposed to then it will, It is Probably the Biggest Problem that Tmpgenc has and the Only things you can try is Maybe use a Lower Bitrate and Use "CBR" instead of a "VBR" encodeing Method, Or you can use a Different mpeg2 encoder that will Obey the bitrate that you set, or Get a DVD Player that can handle a Higher Bitrate.Usually the Cheaper No Name DVD Players are the Most compatible with the Most formats and highest Bitrates, Like the Apex Players are really god that way and they are Dirt cheap(I"ve seen them for as Low as $30 on EBay)...Well Good luck
Hi... I'm new to this. So how to I get started? There's no help files whatsoever so I'm really lost. Anyone can help me to get started? Anyone can give me a detailed help on how to get started? I'm trying to convert Divx (AVI) format to VCD (MPEG). URGENT help required.
Cone On it isn"t hard at all as it has a "Wizard" that is For poeple that don"t know what to do and it is so easy to figure it out...The First Screen Pops up in the "Wizard" and asks you to pick what you want to Make(EG: VCD or SVCD or DVD and Pal(Europe) or NTSC(North-America), then after chooseing you click Next and then load in your AVI File, and From here you can get away with Just clicking next till you get to the end and then choose your Output directory and Click "OK" and it will start encodeing your File and at the end if the File is to big for a CD-R(800mb for a 700mb CD-R) then go to "File" to "Mpeg tools" to "merge & Cut" and here you can cut your movie in Half..Now you just burn it to Disk as a (S)VCD/DVD with Software that is made for those formats...If you are Haveing a Specific problem then Post it...
i have an avi file with some bad frames. i masked the frames the save the avi file and it works well as an avi file. when i encode the file with source video/wav audio into mpeg, the audio gets out of sync after the bad frames section. when i watch it in media player the section comes where the masking is and the time stamp jumps ahead by 10 or so seconds. i have tried lots of things but can't get the new mpeg to stay in sync. Any ideas, thanks.
You could try cutting out the bad frames - split it into several files and put on the cd.. Sure it would take a second or so for dvd player to read the next file [you'll be able to tell when there's a new file played] but that's how I handled the same problem as you have.
Well That shouldn"t happen Cuz Virtual Dub adds Blank or Dummy Frames in the Corrupted Frames Place so the audio doesn"t go out of sync..I guess you can Cut the Mpeg file at the spot that is goes out of sync then cut out any Bad Garbeled areas then use the Muxer is Something like "Mpeg2VCR" to Sync the Second part as it has a Feature to move the audio ahead or Back so you can sync it..I have had simular Problems with Corruped Mpeg files ripped of of damaged (S)Vcd"s and it is Very Tricky and even Impossible or not worh doing if it is Too Bad....Good Luck
thanks for the advice. i split the file into two, and re-joined them and the sync was by a send or two. i'll keep fiddling with it until it's right. I am bound and determined to beat the disease of corrupted avi's! thanks again.
This shouldn't really happen if you have used Virtualdub correctly. Maybe you didn't catch all the bad frames.
In any case if it plays ok in Virtualdub after fixing the AVI then rather than saving the AVI again and a seperate wav just simply frame serve both the AVI and audio to TMPG from Virtualdub. This way everthing should encode exactly as it is in Virtualdub and should stay in sync.
i am converting rocky 1 to vcd and it looks like it will take up 2 cds, i want to add a video chapter saying "please insert disc 2" how do i do it so that that plays after the movie
That's not a thing, TMPGEnc can do. Use VCDEasy to do that. That's a kind of Authoring-Tool vor (S)VCD. There are several Guides on and
There are also (S)VCD/DVD Authoring Programs like Ulead DVD workshop that can add menu"s like that or you can even make a Little Movie telling you to Insert disk 2 , Or you can use something like Ulead Cool 3D and Make a Little animation in AVI format that you can encode to Mpeg and you can save it for all of your VCD"s that are on 2 or more disks...
I converted some JPEG files to MPEG's to make a Video CD, and that worked great, But, in error, I deleted my original JPEG files. Is there any way to convert the MPEG back to JPEG?
Easy, Load your Mpeg into Tmpgenc, then go to "File"
to "Output to File" and choose "Sequence BMP/JPEG/Tiff/ECT" then choose Jpeg from the File type menu....This will Out put every frame of your Mpeg file as a Jpeg Image...
hi there, i hope you can help me...
i´ve been using TMPGEnc for quite a while now. but now something really strange happened: whenever i try to convert an avi-file and select a source file, only the video-stream gets loaded. the audio-stream is completely ignored. something like that happended never before (and i converted quite a lot of files). so i tried to seperate the wav-file with virtualdub and loaded the extracted wav-file to the missing source-file. but the result is absolutely not satisfying. it sounds kind of scrambled, when it´s converted. has anyone an idea?
Yes, maybe you got AC3-Sound. Try VirtualDubMOD. Look at the Stream (Streams -> Stream list). If it is AC3 or ogg or something strange, demux Audio and Transcode it with BeSweet.
sounds like a good idea - but there´s one problem about it: the audio stream misses in EVERY file i try to convert. i even tried some older files, which i already had converted (without any problems) and there appears the same problem. i think it is definitely not a problem of a specifiv avi-file - it is a general problem... hopefully there are other suggestions (but thank you so far :-) )
There is no gerneral Problem. There are so many Codecs for Audio and Video out now, and not all of them can be used by any Program.
With VirtualDubMOD and some other Tools, like Ogg Vorbis or BeSweet, you can convert any AVI, OGM or MKV Movie. Not matter what Codec is used for Audio/Video.
Firstly may i say yur programme is brilliant - why has it taken me so long to find it?
Anyway..I am producing a small promotion video onto svcd and whilst I have the NERO mpeg2 plug in its quality isnt as good as i like. When i convert my avi to dvd format theough yur prog i get a fantastic result. When this is then used as a file by nero it says it is non compliant, but allows me to proceed if i wish, which then gives me full dvd quality on svcd. This obviously uses a lot of space on the disk but this isnt a problem as the video is less than four minutes. My question is:
Is this a legitamate process and will the result play on most dvd players. It works fine on my comp dvd player.
Thanks again for the programme.. il definetly be purchasing - dont hold yur
light under a bushel:)
I think your quite safe with the resolution. The reason is that DVD players can handle DVD resolution natively whether it be on a DVD or an SVCD, so most shouldn't have a problem.
The only problem some may have is with higher than normal bitrates on SVCD as this is dependent on the actual mechanics of the drive itself.
If the drive is able to spin the disk fast enough then it should have no problem with the bitrate, but some cannot which could cause jerky playback.
When I first started Doing SVCD"s I tried a Bunch of SVCD"s But at 704+480 useing a VBR Bitrate between 2000kbs and 6000kbs and while the Files Looked Great and were Pretty Much DVD quality My DVD Player Choked on these Disks because of the High Bitrate, even though my DVD Player could handle the Bitrate up to about 5000kbs it couldn"t handle it for the Whole File and I was able to get 40 minutes on a CD-R and these Disks Were Great after I backed them up to DVD...Just My Experience...
Thanks for those replies and ive immeadiately hit exactly that problem. Whislt the dvd drive on my computer can read the disk perfectly without any problems, my home dvd player produces a very jerky result. This particular player is fairly cheap but of course I cant rely on everyone having a high spinning player:)
Could someone recommend the maximum bitrate I can get away with which will suit the average player. Of course I recognise that the long term sulution is to right directly to dvd but then the disc contains other information that may need to be read by a cd reader (my problem of course - I decided to include a low lever mpeg that could be read by any computer not just those with a dvd rom)
I'm a new user and wanted to know how I can combine an mpeg that is chopped up into 10 parts and merge it back into it's complete file. I am using TMPGEnc 2.5.
It's me Ken again with additional comments to my orginal question. I tried using MPEG tools and then the "Multiplexing" tab. But after selecting my 10 files to merge and running it through I am only able to view the first file. Even though it says that the file size is now 250mb which is the correct file size of the whole file. I can't see the whole moive???
Because you selected the wrong tab.
All you have done is combined all 10 parts together to form 10 streams into 1 stream such as like twisting ten strands of string together, which means that when you play the MPEG all 10 streams play at the same time, but you can only see the first one playing.
You should have used the Merge&Cut feature to merge the MPEGs together end to end.
When i play back the VCD on my DVD player it seems to run fine then it pauses for a moment then it goes normal again,then it pauses again, etc. sort of "jittery".Anyone know what my problem is?
Well It sound like you are experienceing Bitrate spikes which Tmpgenc is Very notorius for...There isn"t much you can do accept Use a CBR encodeing Method, or use a encoder that does not have this Problem like Maybe MainConcept..You might also Try burning your VCD"s at as low of a Speed Possible like 4 speed as this Might help....