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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
About crashing TNPGenc, check if you have file(AntiFreeze) in windows/system32 folder, just delete or rename it. It will help immediately.
That file came with Nimo Codec pack. You can use the pack, just uncheck the AntiFreeze option.
I have TMPGEnc Plus 2.5 and I tried ripping my first DVD tonight. Everything was fine until I came to playback. The DVD plays in English by default, however when I ripped it, it seems to have copied the Spanish soundtrack. Not being able to speak spanish this is somewhat frustrating. I am hoping that there is a straight forward solution to this problem. I have searched every menu I could find and was unable to find the language settings. I would appreciate anyones help with this.
If you have been foolish enough and used TMPG to encode this DVD directly then it is no wonder you have this problem.
Time and time again we tell people NOT to use TMPG to directly encode from VOBS.
If you want the answer how to solve post back.
I encoded an AVI file with titles in the beginning in adobe premiere. When encoded and played on a DVD player the titles dont fade right and the audio kinda sqeeks. If I put titles over video though everything works fine. Its like TMPEG has a problem with black video. Or video with no color??? any ideas?
Try this, go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct Show MultiMedia File Reader" to "2"...You have to see your Movie slowly playing in the Tmpgenc screen for there to be an image in the File..
I've seen this question asked but am still having problems with playback on my DVD of mpeg2 svcd. I have an avi I created at 640x480 NTSC 29.97 fps. I encoded it in tmpg and burned to cd using VCD Easy. It looks and sounds great except that I have to play it back in my DVD player at 2x speed. Actually it plays a little fast. I have made certain I'm encoding with interlaced frames, NTSC format etc. and have tried dropping my bitrate. Regardless of bitrate, frame size etc I still get the same results. My DVD player definitely plays VCD's. BTW, the DVD player I'm using is a Panasonic unit for my television, not a player on my computer.
What am I missing? It has to be something simple in the setup I'm missing but I have now spent three weeks encoding and burning this thing in every combination of options I can and I get the same results almost everytime.
Are you sure that your Player Plays SVCD"s???? And You Can not use Mpeg files with 640+480 to Burn as SVCD"s so I hope you are encodeing the 640+480 AVI files to 480+480 Mpeg2 files...And if your DVD Player is supposed to Play SVCD"s but it isn"t there Could be something wrong with your DVD Player...
Yes, I am encoding from 640x480 avi to 480x480 mpeg2 SVCD. And yes, my player plays VCDs. It even has an VCD indicator light that comes on when I play the CD. I even took a copy of this to Best Buy last week and played it in one of their top of the line DVD players and it's the same problem.
I said "SVCD" not VCD"s, Because your DVD Player Plays VCD"s doesn"t mean that it plays SVCD"s, Players that Play SVCD"s are somewhat rare compared to Players that Play VCD"s,Actually Not that Many of the Big name Brands actually support SVCD"s in Many of there Players, ..This would Explain Why you are Haveing Problems, The structure of VCD and SVCD are different and the Disk has to spin 2-3 times faster in players that Play SVCD"s as opposed to ones that Play VCD"s, so the DVD Players have to have a faster Drive in them and that Is probably why there isn"t as many DVD Players that Play SVCD"s...
Minion, you are exactly right! I dug out the manual for my DVD player and sure enough it DOES NOT PLAY SVCD. It does however play regular VCD. I then encoded my avi into the 352x240 VCD and it works!
I think my next step in the future is to install a DVD burner in my computer and go for top of the line burning for my movies.
There is No "Ripping" Involved in encodeing DivX/Avi files to Mpeg, "Ripping" Usually involves Takeing something that is On a Disk like a DVD or a CD and "Ripping" it to your Hard drive...Now to Your Problem, The Problem is Because the audio in Some DivX and XviD files is AC3 and Tmpgenc does not Support AC3 audio, You need to extract the audio from the DivX files to Wav audio files then use the Wav files as the audio source, You can do this with "Virtual Dub"....
Why are you loading the Mp2 file in Tmpgenc??? The Only purpose I could possibly see for this is to encode the Mp2 audio to Wav, Or maybe to use the Mp2 file as the audio source for an AVI file, But if you are Makeing a Mpeg file then you are Going about it wrong,..Maybe post why you are loading the Mp2 file into Tmpgenc and then maybe I can tell you a Work around...
Thanks, I thought that if the disk capacity is 4.7 gigs then i can have a file pretty close to that like 4.6. When i go through the TMPEG wizard, it says i shouldnt have it go above 4 gigs becasue the media i might be writing to wont let me have that much. I made sure that I had clicked on the 4.7 DVD-R disk thing and everything seemed right. Why shouldnt I have the file size larger than 4 gigs?
This depends not just on the disk but on the file system.
The DVD-R burning software I use creates a file system with a 1GB max. That is why VOB files are split up. The latest DVD-RAM UDP file system allows >1GB but I don't know about DVD+RW.
Also, the 4.7GB disc rating is with 1K=1000 bytes. The OS measures file size at 1K=1024 bytes, or 4.4GB per disc.
The warning is referring to your file system limits not the limits of your disk.
If you are using a Fat32 file system the max file size limit is 4096mb/4gb.
If your expected output size of the MPEG is more than this then the file will not be recognized by the file system and will cause an error.
You have 2 options. Either convert your file system to NTFS (unlimited file sizes) or ensure the output size is less than 4096mb/4gb.
I have a 700mb mpg file. It is however missing the first 10mb. As a result, it won't play at all, not even in TMPGEnc. I'm assuming it's because the header is missing.
Is there a way for TMPGEnc to repair this? get around it? Or maybe some other program can?
It shouldn't matter if the first 10mb is missing or not. It should still play, unless this MPEG really is corrupt.
Is it MPEG2 by any chance and have you installed an MPEG2 codec or DVD player software?
Does anyone know how to import quicktime or framestacks(TGA's or BMP's) into TMPGEnc? The software is awesome but seems like it can only import AVI files. Is this right? Or is there some other way to do this? Thank you.
To Import Mov Files you need the QT Plugin which can be downloaded here: ,And there should not be a Problem Importing Large Numbers of BMP/TGA/JPG files into Tmpgenc, You just need to have all of the Image Files Named in Numeric order, Like "Image#001.bmp, Image#002.bmp,Image#003.bmp ECT,and the Images can be exported as Mpeg1/2 files, AVI, or as BMP/TGA/Jpg Images..If you have Problems loading in Image files you might just need to raise the "BMP/TGA/JPG/ect File reader" in the Vfapi Plugins....
I have a file that is in widescreen format,(608x336 pixels). I want it on VCD, so when I mpeg it, the program squishes this enlongated file to like (250x350 or something like that) Watching the movie all TALL is annoying. What can I do to at least add black bars to the top and bottom to make it more suitable for conversion, or make it not do the squish thing?
Try "FullScreen Keep Aspect Ratio" in the "Video arrange Method" setting, or the "Center Keep Aspect Ratio" setting, try different ones till it looks right..