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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I use virtual dub to extract the audio. I extracted the audio from a .avi to .wav and encoded the first batch of the .avi with the extracted audio and there was no problem. However, when I repeated this process and selected the appropriate start/end frame and encoded it with the second part of the audio there was no audio!
Strangely enough, when I do not select the start frame and encode starting at the beginning of the .avi there is audio. Obviously, video audio is not in sync though. What is wrong?? I've never had this problem before either!
I have an avi movie, 2hrs in length, divx 5.0 codec, bitrate 1315, 25FPS.
It plays perfectly on my PC (i use Divx player and/or Windows Media Player).
However, when I open it in TMPGEnc and use the project wizard to convert it to SVCD, the following problem is seen: In the "Source Range" page (where I set the beginning and end points) there is color distortion throughout the movie. Bright green color will bleed onto the screen from the right edge, getting worse for about 5 seconds, then disappear and the picture will be normal. A minute or so later the same thing will occur again, and again, etc, throughout the whole film. I went ahead and encoded it to SVCD anyways, burned it, but the problem was still there when I watched it on a DVD player.
This is the only problem with the movie, and oddly it doesn't have this problem when being played back on the computer directly from the original avi file in divx player or windows media player. Only TMPGEnc has this color distortion.
Well it sounds simular to the angel potion Codec Problem...Check your Computer for the "Angel Potion Codec" if you find it Delete it cuz it is Known to cause Color distortions in encoded files.... has samplers of their bulk brands so you can try before buying in bulk. Their "DVD Pro" discs play in an old and fussy DVD player I have. A lot of expensive brands fail in that player.
I'm glad I don't have a 2x or 4x burner. That would create some tough decisions until those disc prices come down.
Yes but it is next door. It just annoys me that people in the US think it is the only country in the world without considering anybody else. There IS another half to the world which contains Europe, Asia and Africa and guess what they don't all use dollars.
Which is why I asked for the location in my previous post, cuz i know I'd rather buy local than pay and wait for shipping.
Thanks alot, i'll try that site!
> has samplers of their bulk brands so you can try before buying in bulk. Their "DVD Pro" discs play in an old and fussy DVD player I have. A lot of expensive brands fail in that player.
>I'm glad I don't have a 2x or 4x burner. That would create some tough decisions until those disc prices come down.
O your In the UK Ashy? Thanks for the sites Ashy, i also have to reply back to you on that other matter. Thanks for all your reply backs with very helpful information- Guys lets give a standing O for Ashy!!!
o, ok kool i live in texas
>Yes but it is next door. It just annoys me that people in the US think it is the only country in the world without considering anybody else. There IS another half to the world which contains Europe, Asia and Africa and guess what they don't all use dollars.
>Which is why I asked for the location in my previous post, cuz i know I'd rather buy local than pay and wait for shipping.
o, ok Ash, i read this again the first time i was reading it to fast i get you now. It's that with the internet you can be from just about anywhere and order from other countries, so i wasnt assuming anything.
Here in Canada we Feel more isoated than Most first world countrys, most poeple seem to think Canada is a Frozen waste land were we live in Iglos and and live with eskimos or they think we are Just another state in the USA like alaska.We Like many countrys pride our selves on the Fact that were are Very different than our american neighbours and have a very Distinct identity much like Our brothers in the UK, as we are part of the British comonwealth..But there are other countrys use the Dollar as there currency like Austrailia and Canada, like Many country"s use the Peso and Now the Euro is used by Many countrys...But enough of this...Cheers
My point was that the internet reaches people from all over the world and it is easy to forget that.
My comments are not meant to offend anyone. I know you can buy from anywhere on the net, buy I'm sure most people would rather buy local if they could, I know I would.
I know the states is a big place, but it isn't the only place in the world that uses this board and assuming that it is, to be frank, is rather ignorant and arrogant.
Whenever I make replies I always try to consider where the poster is from so as to give better advice. For instance it's no good telling a newbie to encode a movie at 29.97 fps if they live in Europe is it?
I just wish people would just realise we all have different needs here and more accurate info from both the posters and the people who reply would make things so much easier.
>O your In the UK Ashy? Thanks for the sites Ashy, i also have to reply back to you on that other matter. Thanks for all your reply backs with very helpful information- Guys lets give a standing O for Ashy!!!
I have an avi movie, 2hrs in length, divx 5.0 codec, bitrate 1315, 25FPS.
It plays perfectly on my PC (i use Divx player and/or Windows Media Player).
However, when I open it in TMPGEnc and use the project wizard to convert it to SVCD, the following problem is seen: In the "Source Range" page (where I set the beginning and end points) there is color distortion throughout the movie. Bright green color will bleed onto the screen from the right edge, getting worse for about 5 seconds, then disappear and the picture will be normal. A minute or so later the same thing will occur again, and again, etc, throughout the whole film. I went ahead and encoded it to SVCD anyways, burned it, but the problem was still there when I watched it on a DVD player.
This is the only problem with the movie, and oddly it doesn't have this problem when being played back on the computer directly from the original avi file in divx player or windows media player. Only TMPGEnc has this color distortion.
Have Divx collection of films
Have Compaq Ipag 3850 + Tosh 5GB drive
Have Pocket TV
Use setting as recommneded by pocket TV (see
Get no video, just black screen.
Audio and length of clip seem OK
I am having two problems and need some help. I am fairly new to video/tmpegenc but I converted two avis to mpeg2 without a problem. Then I got a new computer (1.7 AMD/1 gig DDR/80 gig drive)and the the newest video capture is having problems. First of all when I go to select the source to be encoded I get a "insert disc into drive D" pop up, I don't remember getting this before -why does it want me to insert a disc? The main problem I am having though, is after the program starts and is running for about two to three minutes of video, it shuts down my computer: the power stays on, but the fans shut off and the hard drives shut off and the screen goes black. Could this be overheating protection on the motherboard? Other ideas? - thanks alot.
It sounds like you are haveing some Pretty Big problems that don"t have anything to do with Tmpgenc, and these Problems could be anything, I think you should take it to the Shop...Encodeing is a Very CPU intensive Process and even a computer with big problems will not show any symptoms if you are just surfing the net or running simple Program but when you start pushing it to it"s limits thats when the Problems become apparent...Take it to the Shop....
>First of all when I go to select the source to be encoded I get a "insert disc into drive D" pop up
I think this one is fairly obvious. I'm guessing D drive is your CDROM drive or DVD drive.
At some point you have loaded a movie into TMPG directly from the disk in your CDROM/DVD drive then closed TMPG and removed the disk from the drive.
When you start TMPG up again it will automatically try to load the last file you used as a source hence giving you this error.
Just click 'Continue' and load a different file into the source box, but this time from your hard drive. NEVER load files directly from your ROM drive into TMPG. This puts far too much stress on the drive and you may damage it.
As for your other problem try disabling the MMX,MMX-2 and SSE,SSE2 optimizations under the CPU tab in the 'Enviromental' settings.
If you have an AthlonMP/XP you may enable the SSE, 3D Now! and MMX-2 optimizations.
It is an Athalon XP. I wasn't quite clear before: I captured the DV vid on the old pc, I used tmpgenc on the new pc with no problems for the previously captured vid. The only thing that would be different would be the capture of the new vid, which was done on the new pc, with seemingly no problems.
Ashy; the environmental settings will not let me choose mmx-2 and SSE without choosing mmx, being that I do have an athalon xp, should I enable or disable the settings? Re: the D drive, I think I did look at a movie to see if I could encode it with tmpgenc - that explains that. Minion: the motherboard thing was just a wild guess, I really don't know. Any other ideas?
I read somewere that the SSE-2 optimizations on an Athlon XP are a Bit different than on an Intell so the SSE-2 in Tmpgenc isn"t totally compatible with an Athlon so Maybe enable everything accept SSE-2...The reason why I said there could be something wrong with your Mo Bo is because it is shutting down after a few minutes of encodeing which sounds like a Problem to me...
Minion was correct originally: I did a crappy job of installing my heat sink on the processor, it was overheating, shutting off the computer. I fixed it and all is well. Great (free) product, great support on the free product!
I get a "cannot load P3Package.dll" error when I try to encode. Any suggestions. I have the "free demo" program in program files on "C drive" and the p3package.dll is in there too. Please help. Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to go from Creatives Digital VCR to SVCD. A post on mentioned that installing the TMPGEnc mpeg2 plugin was all that was needed to convert these nonstandard mpeg2 files. Well, it's not working.
First problem is that TMPGEnc gets to around frame 38000 (out of 10700) and then the rest of the converted file is that last frame for the video. The sound however does continue. Same thing if I try to preview it, or when I try to do cut editing. I can view the video in a player and it works as expected.
I'm also having problems with the sound being out of sync. I did a short test and it came out fine. Then I let it run the entire file and it was way off.
Any suggestions on either problem? Or a consensus on what really works? I've been searching usenet, forums, websites, etc. and what one person says works for them, doesn't seem to work for another. Or for me. An example, Ulead Moviefactory has been said to work. It did load the file ok, but the resulting SVCD had a stutter in the video. It was like every few seconds, it would rewind maybe half a seconds worth, then continue. Is there a name for this?
Well the reason what it is sticking on that Frame is Probably because there is come sort of an error in the Source file at the Point were it stops, Try this it should work unless the File is totally Corrupted..Download "DVD2AVI" and Make a "D2V" project File and Encode that..DVD2AVI is a Frame server for Mpeg files and it is Better to use it than Loading Mpeg2 files directly into Tmpgenc..
When I try to load the d2v and wav files i have ripped into TMPGEnc, the wav works but now the d2v says 'unsupported' or some bullshit. I've done three thing successfuly already and i can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong.
Any help would be hot
Well if you have done it before rescently then you Probably have the Correct Plugin installed so what will probably work is to Just make another D2V file, that usually works..And remember Dont Move,Delete Or rename any of the Vob/Mpeg files or the D2V files from there Default locations untill after you have encoded the Movie..
ok i dont get this
i used this vcd galaxy program to rip a copy of labrynth
worked great
got it all working
it came with a copy of tmpgenc
so i tried to put the dv2 file where its supposed to go
and it pauses and then give me the kernel32.dll error
and ive tried many versions of tmpgenc and it just doesnt work
the second step of this after ripping the files from the dvd is to use dvd2avi
is that the problem or what?