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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Really hope this isn't covered on the forum elsewhere...I have converted painfully low framerate .rm files to uncompressed AVI's and now am trying them to get them to go AVI2MP1 with TMPG. Problem is the original video and audio is one length, but in the rate conversion (using NTSC DVD settings), the video files are turninng up shorter (about 40% shorter - no missing frames, just total video track length is shorter because of framerate process???). This, of course, is making the A/V out of synch.
.RM (5fps RGB 152x96) to AVI (5fps Main Concept DV *resized in a 4-sided letterbox to 720x480)
real audio to WAV [TINRa & AVI2WAV] (Resampled to 41khz, 16-bit)
AVI conversion in TMPG (NTSC DVD 29.97fps 720x480 CG:80, VBR 8kbps max.)
the average length change is about 60% of the origianl AVI after the conversion.
I am processing the Video seperate from the audio track. I use BeSweet to convert WAV2AC3 (no change in length). Should I use CBR, or keep the WAV and MP1 stream together and out to a MPG? Any suggestions, or obvious reasons for why the resulting MP1's are coming up so short? Maybe do a framerate conversion with AVISynth first...just trying to keep the steps to as few as possible as I have about 20 of these 3 hour RM streams to convert to DVD.
Alright. I've run into this problem a couple of times before but neglected to ask for help. When i encode my DivX files into MPEG1, TMPEnc gets the video length wrong somehow. Most of the files I encode are only 22 to 23 min long but when i goto encode them TMPEnc says it's a 71 min movie. This makes the file size incredibly large. About 700 megs for an .avi file that is 180 megs.
Are you saying that in the Files after the Movie is finnished that there is a Bunch of blackness or someting simular at the end or maybe a Half an hour of the Last frame or something like that???? if so then use the Merge & Cut to cut off the exxess at the end of the file....
When I encode for SVCD I sometimes see "Inverse Telecine" option checked in the Advanced tab. I understand that this option allows to go back to the original film standard 24fps. But why would I want to do that?
Can anyone described a real life situation what this is needed? Again, I understand what it does, I do not understand why and for what purpose this should be used.
I am trying to encode a SVCD from a DIVX avi movie with 29.97 fps. The fps should remain the same, so why the inverse telecine option is checked?
Inverse Telicline can only be done properly with source files that were originally 23.9/24FPS Film material then teliclined to conform to the NTSC Standard of 29.97/30fps..You would use IVTC to turn your Interlaced 29.97/30Fps Source Back to Original Progressive Film at 23.97Fps..It would get Rid of all Interlaceing artifacts..
You should always use the IVTC option with movies that were originally 24/23.976 fps or preferably the ForcedFILM option in DVD2AVI.
This will save loads of hassle with interlacing artifacts and also save some file size in the outputted movie.
Thanks a lot - now it starts to make sense. But what I do not understand is this - I had a avi file which was not 24 fps, with the following (AVIcodec report)
File : 609 Mb (609 Mb), duration 1:55:45, type AVI, 1 audio stream(s), quality 35 %
Video: 529 Mb, 639 Kbps, 29.970 fps, res. 352*240 (4:3), DIV3 = DivX v3 ;-) MPEG-4 (Low-Motion).
Audio : 79 Mb, 95 Kbps, 44100 Hz, 2 chan., 0x55 = MPEG Layer-3
I wanted to encode it to SVCD and did it using TMPGenc Plus. The IVTC option was checked by TMPG, I did not uncheck it and the follwing was the result (also AVIcodec report):
Both streams are 29.970 fps, and both are 352*240. Why would TMPG decide to IVTC it? It was not originally 24 fps, as you said. Or you meant that id anything was encoded from originally 24 fps, the IVTC should be used to re-encode it even from another 29.970 fps-encoded stream?
In that case ALL streams that are re-encoded from ANY stream that was originally recorded from ANY movie should be IVTC-ed? Even if they are DVD-ripps?
It is unlikely that TMPG checked the IVTC for you. This must have been done by mistake by you.
How did you set TMPG up, did you use the project wizard?
In any case this option should remain unchecked for your movie. Only NTSC DVD's can usually be IVTC'd
Secondly you have created a seriously non standard SVCD.
File : 767 Mb (1103 Mb), duration 1:54:58, type MPG, 1 audio stream(s), quality 77 %
>Video : 945 Mb, 1150 Kbps, 29.970 fps, res. 352*240 (16:9), MPG2 = MPEG 2 (SVCD/DVD)
The frame size is wrong for SVCD it should be 480x480. The Video bitrate is far too low for SVCD. These settings are for MPEG1 VCD not SVCD.
>Audio : 157 Mb, 192 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 chan., 0x51 = Mpeg-1 audio Layer 2 [0xc0]
The audio is the wrong sample rate and will not play in most DVD players. It should be 44100 hz.
I can explain alot about the framerate. The 24fps frame rate is also there for 8mm film conversion. For expample I converted my orginal 8mm which is normally played at 24fps. BUt now it is played at 29.97 fps. That feature allows me to bring the footage back to it's original state. I hope this helps.
I cannot get sound to work in this program, I've tried re-installing different versions more than once. The program used to work fine on my system and now there is no sound at all. I'm trying to convert a quicktime movie and I have the plugin for it but when I did the mpg convert it didn't have sound, so I went to preview the file inside Tmpgenc and there was no sound there either. My second test was to open a normal mpg file and it also had no sound in the preview and when I did a convert from mpg to mpg it had no sound. This is weird folks, what did I do wrong and how can I fix this?
There is a Problem with Tmpgenc encodeing the sound in Mov files..You have to extract the audio from the Mov files to wav format and then use the wav as the audio source in Tmpgenc..I don"t know of any Freeware programs that will do this But I know something like Sound Forge or Adobe Premier will do it...
Thanks for the info. It's funny though because I've even opened the same files that I converted before and it used to work fine. Not only is there no audio for quicktime, I don't get audio for mpg or anything else, theres just no sound in my program for some reason, I can't figure this out. I tried radtools too and it also had no sound, maybe I did or installed something on my system that messed everything up...ah well, I format once every 3 months anyway, I suppose now is as good as any.
Just recently for unknown reasons, When I encode with tmpgenc.. 9 little white squares making a cube form with a little black block in the top right square keep appearing on all my encodes? The logo or what-ever it is does not appear on the original source. I have tried to re-install tmpgenc and continue to get the same results?? anyone know how to fix this, please help?
The Blocks are Not on the Video, what is happening is that your Mpeg decoder for watching Mpeg files is a Demo version Made By "Elecard" so when you watch the Mpeg file the mpeg decoder Places a Logo on the top right of the screen ..The Logo is not actually Part of the Video, if you delete the Elecard Mpeg2 Codec they will Dissapear...
THANK YOU...your a Life Saver..that has been driving me crazy for a week now, I have asked and looked everywhere for help..You hit it the first time..Thanks So Much.. I forgot I installed that mpeg2 player, thats when it happened..Deleted the player & codec..Now everthing is fine again ..Thanks to you..I highly apperciate the help.." I wish there were more good folks like you in this world :) ... Bless you, and thanks again for your time!
Video Viper
Is there a way to take an M1V file and adjust its gamma level, then save it back out without any re-compressing? I have a lot of videos that need to have black levels adjusted down and would hate to have to go back to the source AVIs.
Of cource Not..You can not adjust the Color levels of a File without re-rendering the file with the Color enhancements...It would be easier to Adjust the levels on the TV or Monitor you are watching it on...
I just upgraded my TMPGEnc from 5.04 to 5.10 and now I am having some problems with converting my AVI to MPG. I used to be able to change the video and audio bit rate to get the mpg to fit on a cd that is smaller that it should be. I final file size would look too lage after it was done but when I told NERO to make it a vcd it would compress even smaller and fit. now what ever the file size reads thats what I getr on Nero and it's to large for the CD.
Fo example if I take a 90min AVI file and set the bit rate to 1070 video and 128 audio I used to be able to fit it on an 80min CD now it say I still need a 90min cd adn when I tried to set the bit rate to 1200&160 It goes up to a 99MINcd.
Any Ideas what went wrong?
What a lot of wasting time and messing about you have been doing.
What's the point of encoding with TMPG in the first place if you are just gonna let Nero re-encode it again?
You may as well just let Nero do the encoding in the first place even though it will be crap.
Your problem is you are choosing the wrong stream setting. If you are encoding to VCD with a bitrate other than the standard then you need to set the stream setting to 'MPEG1 VCD (non standard)' otherwise you will have padding added to your MPEG.
there is no sound when i convert avi to mpeg. i have read that the audio must be converted to wav and use the new file as the audio source. the audio format of the avi i'm trying to convert is mpeg layer3. is there a way that i would not have to convert the audio to wav? like, could i just install something and the audio would be converted automatically? i dont want to do 2 tasks to convert avi to mpeg(audio to wav, then avi to mpeg)
hey .......there is NO sound in your encoder ........from avi to mpeg because either you havnt got a VFAPI plug in ....... OR your environmental settings are wrong..........change these by :
option > enviromental settings > VFAPI plugin
and set the priority higher and lower for the differnt plugins
each computer is different so play around till you get sound ........
Hello, I have had this problem a few times. I have an avi file. Nice dvdrip, i want to decode it to mpeg. But after the compression, the sound sounds very very bad. When i split the audio and video, and then decode it together, I have the same problem. I've tried every possible option, but the problem stays.
I'm trying to convert a DivX MPEG-4 compressor into an MPEG-2 file -- SVCD format.
Well, the video isn't a problem. In fact, it's perfect. It's the sound. TMPGE isn't converting the sound (which is in MP3 format) into MPEG Layer II at all, and I have absolutely no idea why.
I'm using the wizard here, as I assume it sets all of these things automatically so it's all correct, but I've tried 3 times so far and it's not happening.
I converted another file into MPEG-2, which had MP3 sound, perfectly fine, but it's just this one particular file that TMPGE seems to have trouble with.
I've checked the bitrate, the source locations, everything that I can think of, but it just won't do it...
Anyone have any idea why? Is it built into the program that it'll only convert one file with sound during the 30 days you're allowed to do it in and the rest after that are video-only or something?
The audio is Probably VBR MP3 and Tmpgenc can not encode VBR Mp3, that you need to do is use something like Virtual Dub to extract the audio from your AVI File to WAV format and use that as the audio source..
I am using dvd2avi. I use dvddecrypter to decrypt the vobs then i use dvd2avi to make a d2v file and a sound file then tmpgenc to encode to mpeg.
I am trying split the movie at a specific time into the movie not in 2 exact halfs because i'm copying band of brothers to 2 vcds per dvd but there is to parts on each dvd and i want to put a part per vcd if you know what i mean. (For backup purposes)
The thing is I have already copyed part 1 to 7 with no problems but part 8's picture is out of sync with sound. The dvd itself is fine. How do i solve this problem while sticking to my 1 part per vcd plan?
If you know what i should do then i would be gratefull if you replyed.
There is a MUCH Better way to do it and it will only take less than an hour.First extract the DVD Files with SmartRipper.then.There is a Program called "DVD2One" that will Encode a DVD to files that are small enough to burn to a DVD-R in a Matter of Minutes..I had 2.5 hour 7GB Retail DVD and was able to Trans code the whole movie to a 4.3GB File in a Matter of 10 minutes, then just burn the Bup and Isf and Vob files to a DVD-R with Nero..and the Quality is Really Good.and the Program isn"t that Expensive ,Under $75 retail..You can e-mail me and I"ll tell you how to do it...
There is a MUCH better Way to do that: InstantCopy 7.
It copies not only the Movie, you can copy the entire DVD.
OK, it's 6 times slow than DVD2one, but provides a better Picture-Quality.