TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 242 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question How to activate SSE for Athlon XP ? Miroslav 1 2003-02-12 20:30:15
Question Template reference? savik 2 2003-02-14 12:44:19
Question MPEG1 file size question jlpotter66 2 2003-02-13 19:58:34
Question MPEG2 I Frame stream to Mpeg2 DVD??? bob flood 4 2003-02-15 16:04:11
Question auto shut down in TMPGE Maxgain 3 2003-02-13 00:04:55
Question Fatal Exception Error rstefani 2 2003-02-13 05:08:23
Question can't load "p3package.dll" error aquageo 2 2003-02-13 02:53:55
Question Same error, don't know why PP 3 2003-02-13 04:14:21
Question problem converting a movie with sound !!! Mark Dekker 5 2003-02-12 23:05:16
Question How to add AC3 soround to Divx movies ? nasmetal 0 2003-02-11 21:38:03
Question How to add AC3 soround to Divx movies ? nasmetal 3 2003-02-12 00:35:55
Question stutter on dvd player slippybricks 5 2003-02-12 01:16:16

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 242 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - How to activate SSE for Athlon XP ? No.34432
Miroslav  2003-02-12 18:36:04 ( ID:hopuwio3fbn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an ATHLON XP 2000.

In the History file of TMPGEnc I read:
"For compatibility matter, SSE order for Athlon XP is not enabled at default setting. You can enable it with your own risk."

But where is the button to activate SSE ?
Could nowhere find it...

Thanks !!!


Minion  2003-02-12 20:30:15 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

go to "Options" to "enviromental settings" to "CPU" and here is were you enable the MMX and SSE optimizations.....

Question - Template reference? No.34429
savik  2003-02-12 18:19:10 ( ID:nxjofu2v2io )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello everyone,

could someone tell me if there is a reference guide of the template-files? Some options I already found by searching with google, but not all I need.


puronombre  2003-02-13 21:58:48 ( ID:vykagpejifg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Probably the best thing to do is pick one and open a file you'll see the default options in grey on the menu

savik  2003-02-14 12:44:19 ( ID:5cnsbyzghmk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you, but i meant something like this:

object TMPEGConfigFile
MPEG.Text = '$$VCD_PAL' <= Syntax?
MPEG.WizardCategoryName = '$$VCDPAL (2-pass VBR)' <= Syntax?
MPEG.WizardTargetMedia = MPEGConfig_TargetMediaType_CD_80min <= more types?

...and all other Wizard specific entries.

I'm also looking for something like:
"MPEG.Video.ImageArrange_ArrangeType =


Question - MPEG1 file size question No.34426
jlpotter66  2003-02-12 16:57:15 ( ID:sda/ru1rpof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What should an approximate file size be for a 192x144 mpg with a framerate of 15 and CBR of 600 with 8,000hz mono audio? I'm having a very hard time creating a small mpg. I have tried numerous combinations of resolution, framerates and bitrates and the file sizes never change by much. All have been coming out around 17 to 18mb for 2 minutes of video. Is this the smallest I will be able to get this using MPEG1? Thanks.

Ashy  2003-02-12 17:34:12 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to change the stream setting to 'MPEG1 system(automatic)' or 'MPEG1 VCD(non standard).


jlpotter66  2003-02-13 19:58:34 ( ID:sda/ru1rpof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy! Worked great!

Question - MPEG2 I Frame stream to Mpeg2 DVD??? No.34421
bob flood  2003-02-12 16:33:00 ( ID:q0g7ebxahqh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hello again,

I have an editing application, discreet edit, that can export and mpeg 2 stream thats just iframes. is there a way to use this as a source for TMPGE to convert to MPEG IBP For DVD? I like the results i am getting out of my edit application, but i need tmpeg to force i frames for chapter markers, so if i do the primary encoding out of edit and encode on TMPG i should get the best of all worlds.

i know i can convert my i frame stream to avi, then back to IBP mpeg 2, but i would rather do it as mentioned above, or at least try it once to see the results!

thanx in advance

bee eph

Ashy  2003-02-12 17:36:44 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't understand your problem. Just load the MPEG2 file into TMPG and encode.


wcpaul  2003-02-12 19:24:29 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Some people claim DVD2AVI has a higher quality Mpeg decoder than the ones allowed by TMPGEnc so I always us that to frameserve Mpeg into TMPGEnc.

What is the source format of your edited material? Mpeg 2 I-Frame-only is pretty lossy for Hi-res camera source at anything less than 25Mbs. On such material, consider exporting with Huffyuv Lossless Codec.

For a compact, lossless archive, encode at 15Mbs IBP 4:2:2P@ML using TMPG. Frameserve that back into TMPG with DVD2AVI when reencoding to DVD spec.

My motto is: Allow NO loss between source and archive. (And it is amazing that software at such a low cost makes this possible.)

Bob Flood  2003-02-12 22:13:03 ( ID:q0g7ebxahqh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanx guys

1. when i try to open my mpeg2 iframe stream in tmpg i get an error message saying the file format is not supported, so i thought is wasnt supported (duh). same w virtual dub.
why am i getting this? waht can be conflicting w the mpeg 2 decoder?
any guidelines would be appreciated

2. i can export out of edit as Truevision Motion jpeg AVI, which i can then use a software codec and or virtual dub to get into tmpg, except i looks soft on type/text. I can also export a TGA sequence, but with the same outcome. tmpg makes the type soft. (the TGA sequence is about as lossless as it gets)

3. My built in encoder is ligos go motion, and if i do cbr at max i get a 10 Mbps file, so i though i would try that

thanx again

bee eph

Bob Flood  2003-02-15 16:04:11 ( ID:epwmtdggcm2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

back again

i resolved the issue of not being able to decode mpeg2 i streams

i had already had PowerDVD installed on the Machine, thereby giving me the Cyberlink Codec to decode mpeg 2. By raising its priority, i was able to read my mpeg2 file!!

how come it seems that you have to always raise a codecs priority? isnt there someway that the software can just try ALL the codecs in the listing??

btw, the experiment of decodinfg an i straem into a dvd stream yeilded soft type as well,,, so after all that, i still have to find a better way

thanx again

bee eph

Question - auto shut down in TMPGE No.34417
Maxgain  2003-02-12 08:51:29 ( ID:xzjt7bz5kdh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello everyone this is my first post here. I am new to all of this but I have learned a lot
reading from this forum. The question I have is why the auto pc shut down switch in TMPGE Plus is not always available. This is a pretty handy tool to have. This is the down loaded Licensed version 2.510.49.157.


EricJ  2003-02-12 16:51:05 ( ID:8w4j.tnrkzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This does not directly answer your question, but for an alternative approach, see:

Eric J

Ashy  2003-02-12 17:38:59 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Th make the shutdown check box appear every time simply click File>Output to file>MPEG file.


Maxgain  2003-02-13 00:04:55 ( ID:xzjt7bz5kdh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Asly it works.

Question - Fatal Exception Error No.34414
rstefani  2003-02-12 07:14:15 ( ID:y0cv6nkdwhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I recently upgraded to WMP ver9 from ver7 and ever since that time whenever I try to encode an avi file to mpg(vcd)I get an "Exception 10H in module mp43dmod.dll" error.The program shuts down when I hit the OK button.Before the upgrade to WMP 9.0 TMPEnc 2.510 was working fine.What gives?


Minion  2003-02-12 20:25:52 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Problem is That you should not have upgraded to WMP9, there is a Major conflict between MP9 and Tmpgenc, But it looks like the actual error you are getting is Due to the Mpeg4 codec which could be caused by WMP9, do a System restore to before you installed WMP9....

rstefani  2003-02-13 05:08:23 ( ID:y0cv6nkdwhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I do not have system restore as I am running WIN 98.Do you have any idea if this conflict between TMPGEnc and Windows Media Player ver. 9.0 will be resolved?


Question - can't load "p3package.dll" error No.34411
aquageo  2003-02-12 05:21:32 ( ID:dgrew6j77vc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using DVD to VCD with SmartRipper DVD2AVI and TMPGEnc. After browsing and adding the video and audio source, and selecting the proper TMPGEnc template, when I hit the start button I get the following error message can't load "p3package.dll" error. This is my first attempt at ripping from DVD to VCD, and I am determined to learn how. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Minion  2003-02-12 20:21:54 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is because you do not have all the Tmpgenc files in the same folder, ALL of the Files that come with Tmpgenc have to be in the Same folder ....

aquageo  2003-02-13 02:53:55 ( ID:dgrew6j77vc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Much thanx..........You were right I had the .exe out of the folder, I deleated all the files reinstalled and created a the proccess of making my first VCD...I will be back in 12 to 15 hours to let you know how it came out.

Question - Same error, don't know why No.34407
PP  2003-02-12 02:14:50 ( ID:pcjq.5smenj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I keep on getting this error when i'm trying to convert a avi to mpg using guidelines from "Coldfeets guide to quailty ripping" it keeps on saying this when i hit start, "Write error occurred at address 77F536F7 of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000" can someone tell me whats wrong

DerKaleMann  2003-02-12 03:10:15 ( ID:th5jgoq84y. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

sorry, to say i can't help you..... only that i have the same problem as you.
i tried it several times and sometimes it even worked! but the filesize got way too big. i'm talking about 2,5GHz instead of 800MB. avi->vcd!
it looks like the .dll is corrupt. reinstalled service pack, but it didn't work.
so for me the same question: can somebody help, please?

artships  2003-02-12 18:39:46 ( ID:enk/koxoun2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For me it was missing audio frames when transcoding MPEG2 (tystreams) to DVD-standard. Playing the entire show in TMPGEnc's setting->Advanced->Source range was a tedious exercise, but it did show me where in hte show things went pear-shaped. Try converting your audio to a wav, though you're going to end-up with audio sync issues. Sorry!

kanesan  2003-02-13 04:14:21 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i used to have the same problems encoding to dvd spec.

sometimes vbr audio in the avi's caused problems so i had to just encode the video and audio seperately, but more times than not it was errors in the video that caused the crashes. i had floating point errors, ntdll.dll errors and runtime exceptions... all happening amongst eachother.

i started frameserving with virtuadub and this seems to have sorted all my problems. its a lot more tedious than what it should be... but what are you gonna do? its either that or errors so i made my choice :)

Question - problem converting a movie with sound !!! No.34401
Mark Dekker  Home )  2003-02-11 21:55:56 ( ID:qnyjh09.atm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, i have the movie bowling for columbine, it is coded with xvid.
But anyway, when i try to convert the divx with tmpgenc, it doesn't convert the audio, it is just blank.
I have installed the nimo pack, and than mediaplayer said the sound of the movie was a morgan codec.
I deleted the nimo pack, and reinstalled:

ac3 filters
show filter

all my divx are playable and convertable, but not this movie, virtualdub cannot recognize the sound, but it seems mediaplayer can.
And now mediaplayer says the sound is ac3.
What am i doing wrong ?
help me please
Mark Dekker

Tomo  2003-02-11 23:06:33 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try extracting the audio with a program called avimux.
set AUDIO PREROLL to 100
and set INTERLEAVE to 100
then press go.

Mark Dekker  Home )  2003-02-11 23:53:50 ( ID:qnyjh09.atm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hmmm i tried but tmpgenc still doesn't read the audio track...what can i do now ?

Minion  2003-02-12 00:39:22 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Audio is AC3 and Tmpgenc in Most Cases will Not Read AC3, so use AVI-MUX to extract the audio to WAV format then use the wav file as the audio source, or you Can extract it as an AC3 file then use "Headac3he" to encode it to Mp2 then mux the Mp2 to the mpeg file, either way will work...

Mark Dekker  2003-02-12 22:58:29 ( ID:qnyjh09.atm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

But how do i get the sound out with avimux, all it does is making avi files

Mark Dekker  2003-02-12 23:05:16 ( ID:qnyjh09.atm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am getting a illegal pointer operation, i think this movie is just not convertable

Question - How to add AC3 soround to Divx movies ? No.34400
nasmetal  2003-02-11 21:38:03 ( ID:xsmtimuigla )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Pls help me to add AC3 to my divx movie... I never tried it but I like to try
Can u guys help me out ..

((((*** Live Heavy Always***)))

Question - How to add AC3 soround to Divx movies ? No.34396
nasmetal  2003-02-11 21:34:02 ( ID:xsmtimuigla )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Pls help me to add AC3 to my divx movie... I never tried it but I like to try
Can u guys help me out ..

((((*** Live Heavy Always***)))

Minion  2003-02-11 21:47:51 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can not use Tmpgenc for this, download a Program called "AVI-MUX" it will Mux your AC3 to your AVI Video...

nasmetal  2003-02-12 00:24:44 ( ID:pjldngw8akm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanx Minion,,

My problem is that I want to do this with a Divx avi file downloaded from the internet ,,,,,,Is it possible and if so tell me how!!

Minion  2003-02-12 00:35:55 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just told you How..Download AVI-MUX!!!!

Question - stutter on dvd player No.34390
slippybricks  2003-02-11 20:37:57 ( ID:u6c1ctca3km )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have encoded two different avi movies to a non-standard vcd file both using cq method, quality 85, max bitrate 4500, min bitrate 2000, no padding. One of the vcd's plays in my dvd player while the other one stutters in one part of the movie.
The movie that stutters I have tried encoding on different cbr rates and anything over 2500 will stutter.
Is this a case of my dvd player will not read over 2500 but the one file that works never gets that high or is there another explanation?
Thanks in advance

Minion  2003-02-11 21:40:49 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes you are Right, the Bitrate is To high for your DVD Player to Read, you have reached the Max bitrate for your Player....

Mark Dekker  Home )  2003-02-11 21:57:42 ( ID:qnyjh09.atm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have sort of the same problem, when i convert a divx movie to vcd, it goes out of sync after 15 minutes, than the picture is trying to catch up with the can i fix this, or is it just my dvd player ?

slippybricks  2003-02-11 23:22:44 ( ID:u6c1ctca3km )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How come the other movie plays OK then?

Minion  2003-02-12 00:47:42 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

They Play Because the Bitrate didn"t get as high in those files, Pluss Tmpgenc has Really Bad Bitrate controll so the Bitrate will sometimes Go Much higher than you set it, this For me is the Biggest Flaw that tmpgenc has and Why I can"t Use it as Much is I would Like...These Bitrate spikes can be lessened By not haveing the Max and min Bitrate set far apart, Meaning that If I set the Bitrate to VBR 0kbs Minimum and 5000kbs Max then the Possibility of Bitrate spikes are much higher than if I set the Bitrate to say 2000kbs min and 3000kbs max....

slippybricks  2003-02-12 01:16:16 ( ID:u6c1ctca3km )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Cheers Minion. Good clear advice, as always.

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