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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Occasionally I have an AVI file that is out of sync with audio and video. I use the audio gap correction in the source range menu before converting to Mpeg. This works fine but I have to do it with a trial and error method which obviously takes a lot of time. I was wondering if there is a more sophisticated way of doing this or if hit or miss is the only way to get the audio and video to align. Thanks for any advice.
Yes use Virtualdub to add or remove a delay. You can then preview it imediately. When your happy just frame serve the AVI to TMPG or resave it using the direct stream copy option.
I am using a Hauppauge WinTV PVR for converting VHS to VCD. Specifically, I've been making "MPEG-2 HalfD1 6.0 MB/s" files with the Hauppauge device and then converting this file to MPEG-1 using TMPGEnc. This method yields a much better quality MPEG-1 file than directly creating it with the Hauppauge device.
Here's the problem: I had to reinstall everything on my pc because of a harddrive failure. Now TMPGEnc returns "cannot be opened or unsupported" when I try to input a MPEG-2 file. (It does accept MPEG-1 files.)
You Need Certain Mpeg2 decoders installed on your Computer for Tmpgenc to open Mpeg2 files..You need either the "Cyberlink Mpeg2 decoder" that comes if you install "Power DVD" or you Need the "Ligos"Mpeg2 decoder" which Comes with some codec Packs like "Nemo" or "Tsunami", and these Decoders have to be registered in the "Vfapi Plugins"...
I have the same problem. It's only be happening since I upgraded to directx 9. I have three P4 machines, all with identical codecs installed I think and the latest tmpg runs fine except on the DirectX 9 machine. I have both the Cyberlink and the Ligos codecs listed in environmental settings but I still get "cannot be opened or unsupported" on Mpeg2 files. I reinstalled the codecs but no success. Anyone have any ideas?
Well sometimes it helps if you De-Mux the Mpeg2 file and load in the Video and audio seperately, actuall you shouldn"t encode the audio cuz it is allready in the correct format for mpeg...The Best way to encode Mpeg2 file with Tmpgenc is to use "DVD2AVI to frameserve the Mpeg2 video file to Tmpgenc then Mux the audio to the encoded Mpeg2 file...You will notice that useing DVD2AVI is Much Quicker than Useing Tmpgenc to decode the Mpeg2 files...
Thanks for the suggestions. I still don't understand why suddenly I can't open mpeg2 files n tmpg when I could before and the only change has been an upgrade to directX 9.
Yes I can confirm that this is related to WMP 9. After ripping my hair out today and not getting why it worked here and not there and so on I tried getting rid of it and now I can open the files again. I'll try and encode overnight and see if it works.
To get rid of the Player 9 you have to roll back with a restore point. This is accesible through the start menu, accessories, system tools and System restore.
I reformatted my harddrive and then reinstalled everything except media player 9. The result: TMPGEnc still won't take a MPEG-2 file. (It will accept a MPEG-1 file.)
Do I need specific plug-ins to work with MPEG-2 files? If so, where can I get them and how do I install them?
A previous response suggested that I install PowerDVD. Is this process as simple as installing the demo version of PowerDVD or do I need to place one of it's files in the TMPGEnc directory?
You would need to install the full version of power DVD as the trial version will limit your use of the MPEG2 codec or just download the codec itself from one of the codec sites.
This codec is called 'Free DVD Filters'
I had the same exact problem. I replaced every component in my system & finally discovered that I had a bad power supply. Also, disable the auto reboot on system halt in Win2k -- this way you will get to see the BSOD if/when it crashes again...
Im trying to convert an avi in xvid format to vcd using tmpgenc v2.59 but i keep getting this msg ..."write error occurred at address 77fcb9ae of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000."
whats this telling...can anyone help me out...thanks
Hello look > Minion : I read somewere that to properly encode Xvid files you have to change the Four CC code of the Codec to the Four CC Code of DivX...
Being a newbie at this game, i've not a clue what that means, can someone point me in the right direction of how and what program to use to do this.
Also, i found that it only gives the ntdll.dll errors with certain Xvid's, i've encoded some Xvid's since fine, but still no luck with the original one :(
This was something that I read in a Different Forum and after Adviseing someone to try it it didn"t seem help Him with his Problem encodeing Xvid files unless he didn"t do it properly...You can allways try Frameserveing the Xvid file with Virtual dub...
I was wondering if there is a way to get back the MPEG-2 converting feature in TMPGEnc? I only used it for 2 days a few weeks before (and it didn't even work) and now it says the evaluation has expired. :( Is there another freeware program that allows converting to SVCD? Also, why is converting to SVCD in TMPGEnc only for evaluation?
Mpeg2 is a licensed technology and encoders distributed in a public way like this required payments be made to the license holder. As long as you have to cover the license, it seems only fair to pay the small amount necessary to keep their software efforts alive.
The quality and flexibility of TMPG rivals that of encoders costing hundreds of dollars. (Only the performance lags.)
The Only way to get the Mpeg2 encodeing Functions Back is to Purchase the Program, which is a Good Investment Cuz it is One of the Best mpeg encoders with the Cheapest price..You could Try Useing BBMpeg which will encode to Mpeg2 But it is also really Really Really slow, and the Quality isn"t as good as Tmpgenc...But it is freeware..
Since I was experiencing so many lockups using Tmpgenc 2.57+ under WINE, I decided to give it a try under a freshly installed copy of Win2K SP2.
Same thing. It still locks up the entire machine. TMPGenc 2.56 and under work fine however. The only additional software on the system is PowerDVD 4.0, DVD2AVI and DirectX 8.1.
TMPGenc (the entire machine for that matter) locks on files whether they are DVD rips or self encoded files.
Can someone please give me a clue here?
My System is:
AMD XP1700+
256mb DDR@266mhz
4 80gb Maxtor UDMA133/7200 HDs
1 DVD-Rom drive
Well Tmpgenc Was Never Made to Run On "WINE" so if you can get it to work then that is a Bonus But we Can give advice on how to do something the Program wasn"t Made to do in the First Place....
I recall TMPGEnc gave me a great deal of problems when trying to run my (admittingly cheap) memory at it's rated PC2700 in fast-turbo modes on WIN98. I usually got floating point errors or locked up... Switching down to PC2100 and "normal" mode solved this issue for me.
If your machine is shutting down every so often, and when put under stress, it very well could be a heat issue. Athlon mobo's usually have a shutdown temp set in their bios to regulate this. Remember, encoding video will really put the chip under stress and create much more heat than when the machine is idle... Make sure everything is cool under the hood or you could damage your equipment!
>>I recall TMPGEnc gave me a great deal of problems when trying to run my >>(admittingly cheap) memory at it's rated PC2700 in fast-turbo modes on WIN98. I >>usually got floating point errors or locked up... Switching down to PC2100 and >>"normal" mode solved this issue for me.
Thanks for the reply....
I am using PC2100 DDR and heat does not seem to be the issue. I suspected this a while back and ran the heat sensor software at the same time I was rendering my video just to check. I also recently ran a CPU test program that claims if used under an already overheated system, it would ultimatly fry the CPU and probably the motherboard power caps as well. It's recommended only running it for a few minutes. I let it run for several hours. It did not lock up the machine.
For that matter, would TMPG2.56 not have the same effect? It would still be processor intensive, and it works great (under both WINE and Win2k).
Are you running an XP chip? Since I originally posted, I have checked TMPGEnc 2.57 thru 2.59 on non-XP Athlons under both WINE and Win2k with no lockups
(So, it DOES indeed work great under WINE).
My conclusion, either there is a bug in TMPGEnc v2.57 and greater where XP chips are concerned, or my CPU has a bad instruction in it somewhere. If the latter, I would surely see lockups with other rendering programs, such as Lightwave 3D.
BTW, I cannot, as of so far, use the Cyberlink codec under WINE and am using the m2p.vfp codec instead under Linux. Under Win2k, I'm using the Cyberlink codec.
This has been the same for all tested CPUs, so the m2p.vfp codec DOES work.
I aldready posted earlier but I really need a solution and one hasnt been offered yet. PLEASE!!!
I am in the process of trying to create a DVD Project in DVDMaestro. Up until this point, I have succesfully created and burned two DVD's made in DVDMaestro. The process I go through to make my media DVDMaestro compatible is as follows:
Using these programs:
TMPGEnc:De-Multiplex all .MPG files into seperate audio(.MP2) and video(.M2V)
Power Tools MP3 Merger:Merge seperate .MP2 files into one audio file.
TMPGEnc:Edit the .MP2 file to 48K
DVDPatch:Patch the .M2V files to a DVD compliant resolution
DVDMaestro:Load patched .M2V and 48K .MP2 files into DVDMaestro
Although there are two more steps after these to complete my process, it is at the last step that my error is occuring. The first patched .M2V and 48K .MP2 file load into Maestro flawlessly. When I attempt to load up my second and last patched .M2V file into DVDMaestro I get the following error:
'Temporal References in a GOP are out of sequence.'(0xc1070034)
Now for the solution... =]
It seems like there is some problem with the GOP sequence and may have become corrupted in the last MPEG. You could try re-packetizing the MPEG.
M2Edit has a feature to re-sequence MPEGs which may solve your problem.
MPEGCarver and is another which can do this.
Vitec MPEG-2 Pro can add sequence headers to a GOP, but not sure if this will 'fix' and re-sequence the MPEG or not
I have a mpeg file processed using TMPGEnc, it works fine, the file is under 700Mb, but when I try to burn it using Nero, it tells me the file is too long for a 80min CD-R. The runtime is 89mins. Is there a way I can fit this file in VCD format onto a 80min CDR?
Nero Is Wierd like this sometimes, you can either enable "OverBurning" and set it to 89 minutes in Nero, or Use something else to burn VCD"s like VCDEasy which I think is a Better Program for Burning VCD/SVCD"s Cuz it allows you to Make Chapters which Nero doesn"t...
Yea, i go w/ VCDEasy and ?Burn at once, or Burn it now? Its so simple and fast, I cant remember its name. But it will let you overburn w/o even asking.
When I try to open a d2v file with tmpgenc, I get the following message "Cannot open or unsupported" I used to have windows 98 and had no problems with d2v files. Anyone know why?
Make sure you have the DVD2AVI.vfp Plugin in the Vfapi Plugins, if you don"t then take the "DVD2AVI.vfp" file from the DVD2AVI folder and Put it into the Tmpgenc folder and then it should be there..make sure you didn"t movie or rename or delete any of the Vob or Mpeg files you are Frameserveing..and if all else fails then Make a New D2V file...
i noticed following problem when producing mpeg2 svcd pal videos:
single vertical jitter every few seconds (approx 1-2 lines).
i use version 2.59; same problem occurs with every elder version
of tmpgenc i tried. (input-files are 720x540 pal videos, captured by
pinnacle studio dc10+ card)
jitter does not occur, if i encode the same files with pinnacle studio 8.
since i prefer to use tmpgenc i would be interested in a solution of
the problem.
has anyone an idea what the cause could be ?
no, because i need it interlaced to produce svcd-cds which are played on the dvd-player connected to the tv.
the jitter is not permanent; it's a single image-move down/up approx. 1 line, then for seconds everything is ok, and then it happens again...
The De-Interlace Filter doesn"t make the File a Non-interlace File it Just blends the 2 fields together so you don"t have to Wory about Problems with field Jitter...I use it all the Time when Makeing SVCD"s and It does wonders for Fixing Problems like this But the File will Still Be interlaced...
i tried the non-interlace filter when i started to make svcd's. my experience is, that non-interlaced looks better when played on the pc and interlaced looks much better when played on the desktop player connected to the tv set (when there is movement in the scene, it is very jittery when non-interlaced is used).
in fact noticed my problem after months, when i captured the 'neujahrskonzert 2003' of the vienna philharmonuc orchestra, because of many sequences with no camera movements or with very slow zooms...