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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I find it impossible to convert xvid files with tmpeg.i can load the file and select where to splt it but then tmpeg just freezes,and will no longer operate without rebooting. i have spoken to friends who have the same problem.
When encoding in "3:2 pulldown when playback mode" mode, TMPGENC marks all frames as Progressive. This causes problem with some DVD players, for example JVC XV-S300BK: the image jumps down one line twice a second. I believe that according to MPEG2 standard, all frames with an RFF should be marked as interlaced.
Thanks, keep up the good work!
Well Lately I have been Ripping NTSC DVD"s and they Have been Comeing up as Progressive with a Frame rate of 29.970fps which I have never had Before and It has Been really confuseing me Cuz I usually load the File from the DVD into Tmpgenc"s Wizard to Judge the Correct Field order and they have been comeing up Progressive when they are 29.97fps NTSC DVD"s , in the Bitrate Viewer they come up as Frame baced not Field Baced and Progressive...Anyways to your Problem ,I guess You could Just encode it as 23.9fps and Use "Pulldown.exe" to Make it 29.97fps...
Thanks, I know that pulldown.exe does everything correctly. It would be nice if TMPGEnc could do that because after pulldown you have to mux manually. I think I will write a program that sets Interlaced flag in frames with RFF=1 to fix TMPGEnc mpegs. It should be easy to do using bbmpeg sources.
When I use TMPGEnc v.2.59 > MPEG Tools > Simple Multiplex at Type: MPEG-1 Video-VCD, load an mpg file, define the output and press the button [Run] a window comes up displaying:
and - next to an exclamation mark - "Multiplexing...".
This process takes about 3 minutes and then another window appears with the text:
92217 s packets cause buffer underflow
The MPG file might cause error when it played"
instead of the expected message:
"Rewriting header..."
after which the process would be finished.
The number in front of "s packets" varies with the input file. Apparently, the MPG produced in this way cannot be played on my standalone Philips 576 DVD-player hooked up to a widescreen TV. A software player however has no problems with this product file, not even Windows MediaPlayer 6.4.
Does anyone know what this error means and - more importantly - what I should do to avoid this phenomenon?
Help would be much appreciated!
Many thanks in advance.
It seems that the Mpeg video file you are trying to Multiplex as Not a Mpeg1 VCD file But Maybe Just a Plain Mpeg1 file,First try Multiplexing with the "Video-CD Non-Standard" setting and if you still get the error Try Muxing with the Plain "Mpeg1" setting..If the Plain Mpeg1 setting works you can change the header to a VCD header By loading the File into the "Merge & cut" and use the VCD setting there and Just run the file through and it will Put the correct header on the file and Not give you the error...
ive been testing a lot of movie converting programs lately and it annoyed the crap out of me when i couldnt seem to get a vcd functioning. First i tried VDub on the dat file but stops when importing the file and says "packet sync error on packet stream (3b92518)". so i tried using VCDGear to convert it to mpeg first but i still got the same error in VirtualDub. I'd really like to get it functioning since i now have 4 vcds thats currently not able to be played.. thnx in advance =)
Your Post Neglects to say What you are trying to do...Are you Ripping a DaT file off of a VCD Disk to a Mpeg1 file?? and If you are for what purpose?? Can you please Post some more information on what you are trying to do and What you are working with and Problem you are haveing...
Hi all,
Sorry if this has been answered before by Ashy, but I read the other posts, and didn't think my situation was the same.
I am having problems, as far as i can tell, with audio after creating a converted file. Here are my settings:
- Mpeg-1 Layer II (Audio MP2) (I also tried Linear PCM audio)
- Non-Iterlaced
- 1:1 (VGA) (wasn't sure what setting it should be...default)
- Film Movie
I bypass the filter settings, and the length of the file reads at the top of the bitrate page as 73 minutes (it is only 24 minutes long). So I go back to the filter page, and select Source Range, and sent the start for the first frame of the file, and set the end frame for the last frame of the file.
I return to the Bitrate Settings page, and the file reads as 25 minutes (close enough). All the settings are default (with Auto On), and the bitrates for video and audio are selected.
I click Next and the file is set to save as .mpg...I start the encoding, and return when it is done. I open the new .mpg file with my WinMedia Player and the video runs fine, but there is no audio. I checked the settings as suggested in another post, and they are all set.
If anyone can help this newbie, i would greatly appriciate it!
PS>> Earlier I tried encoding an m2v+wav (Linear PCM) file set, and had the same results with the wav file not playing.
You Told us What you are encodeing to But you didn"t tell us what you are encodeing, What is the source file you are encodeing??? Is it an AVI file you downloaded Or are you encodeing Vob files From a DVD??? what ever it is it seems that the audio format in the file you are encodeing is Not of a format that is supported in Tmpgenc, if it is an AVI file you are encodeing you Probably need to Extract the audio from the avi file to a WAV file and use it as the audio source and if you are encodeing a VOB file from a DVD then you need to load the VOB file into DVD2AVI and frame sere the VoB file to Tmpgenc with a D2V file and use it to decode the audio to a WAV file to use as the audio source...
Oh, sorry, yes, it is an avi file. So are you saying that I need to extract the audio as a wav prior to using TMPGEnc? If i select PCM audio, it creates a wav file, but i need to have a wav file before the encoding?
Trying to make a vcd from small video clips from my digital camera tmpgenc won´t open the files. Why? I haven´t done anything with the files, just downloaded from the camera to the hard disc. It works with Arcsoft videoimpression, bundled with the camera, but I don,t like that program.
I am new to doing this and what to know if most movies will need to be burned on 2 CD's? Are there any CD-R's or CD-RW's out there that can support 1 whole movie?
downloaded movie files, dvd rips etc, i have to decompress the sound using software that i have and then encode it to vcd format to play in my dvd player.
up until the point of encoding the file is fine, soon as i use tmpgenc the audio is out of sync with the video, any ideas, have tried " do not frame rate convert " but still the same
Well tell us about the Files you are trying to encode and what settings you are useing to encode them..Like the Frame rate and the resolution and audio format and video format and what you are trying to make a NTSC VCD or a Pal DVD or anything in between.and any other settings you might have used...
after downloading the film went in to property's of the film, it says,audio , bit rate 130 kbps, audio format mpeg layer 3. video, frame rate 23 frames/second, data rate 107 kbps, video sample size 24 bit, video compression divx codec. i then decompress the sound, if burnt to disk at this stage i have no sound when played, after decompressing the sound went to properties of th file, it said, audio, bit rate1536 kbps, audio sample size 16 bit, audio format pcm..... video, frame rate 23 frames/second, data rate 305 kbps, video sample size 24 bit, video compression divx codec.... when i encode it i choose vcd-pal, video type non-interlace, aspect ratio 1;1(vga)thats pretty much it, im not whizz kid on these, so please be patient. thanx
Well This is Your Problem ,You can"t encode that File as a Pal File Cuz it isn"t a Pal File It is a NTSC Film File..You cave to encode to the same frame rate as the source file, and your source file is 23.9fps so you would have to encode it to a Mpeg file that is 23.9fps which is a NTSC Film File, Tmpgenc Can not Do Proper Frame rate conversions so that is Why you are Getting the audio out of sync and you will Notice that the picture Jumps or Jerks every second or so also...
tried encoding as ntsc film which is 23.9 fps, the film is 23 fps, obviously this.9 differance does affect the end result as it still looked like a spagetti western, still the audio/video did not match. how do i rectify this differance, when i first encoded to pal the picture quality was dvd standard and did not get auy picture jumping etc, just prob with sound not matching.
I have a CD-R that is 700 mb/ 80 minutes. I'm trying to burn a movie that is 79 minutes, and when I go to write it in Nero, it says There is not enough space to burn this compiliation onto this medium. What am I doing wrong? Please help!
the 80 minutes refers to the length of audio u can put on in an audio cd which has tracks on it in wav format. They are not labelled as if they will be used for vcd (or are they??). How big is your file? U can usually go a little over 700mb.
No .. You shouldn"t go By the length of your VCD Cuz a 79 minute VCD Can be over 800 mb, Go By the Actual Size of the VCD not length..even though Generally you can fit 80 minutes of Standard Bitrate VCD onto a 700mb 80 min CD-R But Not all VCD"s are made equal...
I try to open an .avi from DV edit on premier and get this error:
File can not open or unsuported.
If I use the original captured .avi I have no problem, I also try to cancel de audio on the dv .avi and then it works, but I cant find a configuration of the audio that works?????
Same here. All of a sudden, TMPGEnc will not open MPEG2 files for encoding. I get the same error.
I tried setting different priorties as well.
I am still able to merge and cut with the tools, but encoding no longer works :(
Seems to have affected other programs as well. I think Microsoft Media player downloaded a new MPEG codec this past week. hmmm.... I bet we see a few more of these messages in the comming days.
Patrich...Have you tried Raiseing the Priority of the "Direct show" or other VFapi Plugins??? and Joe ,The Best way to encode Mpeg2 files with Tmpgenc is to use DVD2AVI to Frameserve the Video to Tmpgenc and it will De-mux the audio Cuz you don"t need to encode the Audio cuz it is allready in the correct Format for mpeg, Useing the DVD2AVI method Is Much Faster...
Still having my problem. I pulled a backup form the network and restored one of our machines, and the problem persists.
Further, I was able to take an Mpeg1 (vcd tamplete) and encode it to a svcd and dvd Mpeg2 ormats, but TMpgEnc was unable to open the files that it created!
I also took you advice for using DVD2AVI, that seemed to work, but it is a shame TMpgEnc can no longer read its own files :(
I recently downloaded an mpeg2 video (SVCD) and I tried to simple multiplex the video in TMPGenc, and the message "illegal mpeg video stream" came up. I was wondering if someone could help me, and give me any info on how to fix this. Thanks.
If you Downloaded it Then the Problem is That it is Probably Corrupted in some way..You can try to see if other programs will De-mux it ,you can try seperateing the audio from it with DVD2AVI or you can look for a Program called XMuxer that is freeware and it is a Multiplexer and de-multiplexor ..