TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 305 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question SVCD? Sakuya 1 2002-12-19 22:19:20
Question VCD and SVCD skip frame Al Bundy 2 2002-12-19 16:26:01
Free talk Read errof Bengt 2 2002-12-19 18:28:49
Question audio + video sync problems....... cary 4 2002-12-23 01:58:53
Question help again darren 2 2002-12-18 22:55:04
Question Frame Rate Conversion from 23.976 to 25fps Hiddendragon 5 2002-12-20 00:34:07
Bug report TMPGEnc tha man 1 2002-12-18 22:14:02
Question Batch encoding JonTjioe 1 2002-12-19 18:23:01
Question Exact definition of "Basic YCbCR not CCIR601" option tearex 6 2002-12-19 22:26:04
Question Quicktime plugin required Paul Clarke 1 2002-12-18 22:19:53
Question Exact definition of "Basic YCbCR not CCIR601" option tearex 0 2002-12-18 09:22:25
Question how do I register? Kristin 1 2002-12-18 08:49:53

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 305 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - SVCD? No.32101
Sakuya  Home )  2002-12-19 04:31:21 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I am a newbie at encoding using TMPGEnc. I decided to turn an AVI file to an MPEG file in order to burn it onto an SVCD to watch on TV. Since it's my first time making an SVCD, I'm unfamiliar with all the options. When making VCD, I noticed the size of the file is 352x240. When converting the AVI file right now, I noticed that it's 480x480. I'm wondering if that will fit on my TV screen?

Minion  2002-12-19 22:19:20 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

480+480 Is the Standard SVCD Ntsc Resolution so of course it is going to fit..your DVD Players Scales the picture to fit the screen....

Question - VCD and SVCD skip frame No.32098
Al Bundy  2002-12-18 18:37:47 ( ID:cmypcqutiql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all

I use TMPGEnc for more than a year now but the following issue is present in all versions.
I have a PAL source and use the standard VCD and SVCD templates. There is no framerate conversion. It is 25fps all the way.
After encoding my PAL AVI file to MPEG1 (VCD) or MPEG2 (SVCD) and playing it on my standalone DVD player I notice occasional hickups. Most of the time they are not present, but often when de picture gets dark (movie is playing a night scene) a frame is skipped.
First I thought it was my standalone DVD player, but bbMPEG and LSX encoder do not have this issue.
I altered allmost all of the settings in TMPGEnc, but none of them helped.

It is not only at dark scenes, but also when the background is more or less an uniform color. I made some sample movies with a black, white, red, blue, green and a picture as background. In front of the background I placed a moving object. The object skips a frame when a black, white, red, blue or green background is used but not when I used a picture as background.
The MPG file is OK when played on a PC, it is only the stand alone DVD player that skips a frame. Remember bbMPEG and LSX encoder do not skip frames with any sort of background. Their quality is less so I do not want to use them.

I burn my (S)VCD's with VCDEasy and only with TMPGEnc it keeps complaining "strange (possibly non-compliant) user_data seen... (not a problem, usually a sign of TMPGEnc)". Maybe this is my problem, but I can't get rid of it.

Any suggestions?

minion  2002-12-18 22:36:56 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That message you are getting in VCDEasy is Normal with Tmpgenc encoded files..Those "Frame Skips" as you call them could be cause By Sudden Bitrate spikes...Tmpgenc has Been known to Have these Bitrate spikes..They way to find out if this is the Problem is to remember were in the File you get these skips and Put the file into a Bitrate Viewer and Look for any Sudden Bitrate Jumps at the point were the Skips happen.....

Al Bundy  2002-12-19 16:26:01 ( ID:cmypcqutiql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks minion

OK that could be it but I'm not sure it is. If I look at the MPEG stream with Bitrate Viewer, the highest bitrate seems to be 2-3 seconds later than when the frame skip occurs. The highest bitrate is not that high. It is 2704kbps according to bitrate viewer.

Lets assume that it is this birate spike that causes my frame skip. What can I do to make this spike lower or disappear? Is there a utility to lower the bitrate of an MPEG file or do I have to encode differently in TMPGEnc?

When I look at the Q-level of several of those MPEG files from TMPGEnc, bbMPEG and LSX encoder, I noticed that the Q-Level is very erratic with TMPGEnc. The Q-Level of bbMPEG and LSX encoder are much conservative. I do not mean a flat graph but much less eratic than TMPGEnc. What is this Q-Level and can it be the source of my problem?

Thanks for your reply

Free talk - Read errof No.32095
Bengt  2002-12-18 17:46:57 ( ID:itr7j3nmssr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I get the message "Read error occurred against address 0259DB4A" when I try to convert to VCD and whole prossess stops. I operate at Windows 2000. Can somebody help me?

EnergyMan  2002-12-18 20:36:15 ( ID:ua7qtah2qua )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sup Dude! I am very happy to help you. I just had the same problem. I searched fricken everywhere for help on the subject and found pretty much nothing. So me helping you now makes me happy.


The error is saying that your computer can not read information from the RAM.

When TMPGEnc encodes a MPEG, it takes the .vob or .avi or .2dv or whatever your trying to encode, and puts bits and pieces in your RAM (random access memory). If you have different RAM cards in your motherboard, there is a chance that they are different speeds (example: 33, 66, 100, 133). If TMPEnc copies data to one of your ram cards that, for example, is running at PC 133 and then runs out of space, it has to go to your next RAM card that, for example, is running at PC 100. This causes our o so frustrieghting "READ ERROR AT....bla bla bla".

There is another posibility. Your ram might damaged. If it has a bad area on it or at a certain "Address", you will get our error.


-Open up your computer and pull out your RAM card(s). If you only have one, you know right away that it is damaged and that you need a new stick.

-If you have more than one, see if they have any stickers or anything on them that say the speed and/or size. If you can see somehting like "PC 100" (or 33, 66, or 133 or if you have some really really fast ram it will be like 800 or something) or it might just Say "100 MHz" or something similar. Now, if you found something like that on the one stick, check the other one or two sticks that you have. If you find out you have, for example, two PC 100 and one PC 133, depending on the size, put in the two PC 100. Try to encode again. If you get the same error, try your PC 133 stick without the other two in. If you get the same error in TMPG, you need to by a new stick.

I hope I helped you and didn't just confuse you. If you need any additional help or want to know where to get some cheap RAM, you can e-mail me at (bring on the junk mail spam bots!!!).


artships  2002-12-19 18:28:49 ( ID:enk/koxoun2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Could also be that you installed something that replaced your working video codecs with ones that don't. In Environment->VFAPI it should list the codecs you're using, either Cyberlink, or... One of two others. I had to re-install PowerDVD to get TMPGEnc to work again.

Now, I was making a DVD's, not VCD's, so this may not apply to you. But, just in case...


Question - audio + video sync problems....... No.32090
cary  2002-12-18 17:42:13 ( ID:exhjgog3zsf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

major problem with out of sync audio/ dvd with cladvdXP1.3 then use tmpgenc to do the rest......never had this problem before so this means that i am doing something the aspi layer related to this in any way?......the dvd's are not movies but original music no subtitles, language options etc, just plain stereo audio......
please can anyone offer advice cause i am running out of ideas to play with....


cary  2002-12-18 17:56:00 ( ID:exhjgog3zsf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

frogot to mention a couple important details.......don't know if this is related to ths out of sync problem but when ripping dvd using claddvdXP1.3, a message flashes at the bottom of the window and it says "THE AUTHENTICATION ROUTINE FAILED TO UNLOCK THE LOCKED SECTORS".....what does this mean?.....
also i convert from dvd to vcd.....i need help with this problem please anybody.....

minion  2002-12-18 22:30:33 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well it is Possible that the error you are getting is related to you Problem...The error means that it couldn"t decrypt the Copy protection for parts of the DVD...You should Try useing "SmartRipper" cuz I have never had a Problem with it Not decrypting parts of a DVD....

ASHY  2002-12-18 22:44:39 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you upgrade you ASPI layer to Adaptec 4.7?

If you did then this is your problem. This ASPI layer does NOT work with most rippers and will cause exactly the problem you are having. Most of todays rippers are designed to work with Aspi 4.6.

Downgrade to 4.6 and your problem should be solved.


cary  2002-12-23 01:58:53 ( ID:cyhenuuezqw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thx fellas for both sets of advice......but guess what?....after spending the entire weekend trying everything that i think is possible i still have the out of sync are some additional details.....
winXP pro...trying to make vcd from dvd with pcm audio.....claddvdxp1.3....tmpgenc.....STILL OUT OF SYNC......used this same set of progs earlier this year and everything worked perfect.....are the new versions of tmpgenc not able to handle lpcm audio?.....i really really need some advice......even tried smartripper, then dvd2avi, then tmpgenc...same problem...HELP PLEASE ANYBODY!!!!!

Question - help again No.32087
darren  2002-12-18 17:11:50 ( ID:zsvsj8s7lrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have got the virtual dub programme but cannot see how to extract the wav from the divx file????
plz help

minion  2002-12-18 22:27:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well it is totally simple...You load the AVI/DivX file into it then go to "File" to "save as WAV"...and From what I remember that is Basicly it....

ASHY  2002-12-18 22:55:04 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As an extra step to be sure, also set it to full processing mode then click compression and ensure it is set to 'no compression(PCM)'


Question - Frame Rate Conversion from 23.976 to 25fps No.32081
Hiddendragon  Home )  2002-12-18 15:45:02 ( ID:lpwgxokawr. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I got about 150 avi movies on my HD that i want to convert to vcd's . But when i do this i keep getting frame skips or a frame hitch ( dunno how you call it ) but the image is not fluent. Can someone explain me how i can get the image fluent , i am using tmpgenc now.But if someone has advice about using another program plz let me know. If you know how to solve this can you also explain how i have to do this.

Thx guys

minion  2002-12-18 22:25:56 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well the answer to Why you are getting the "Jumpt Playbeck" is in the Title of your Post...Tmpgenc Can"t properly convert Frame rates ,there is an AVISYnth script command that is supposed to convert the framerate for you while Frameserveing..and there are Programs that do NTSC/Pal conversions Like "ProCoder" and "Advanced NTSC/Pal Converter" But you would be better off useing AVISynth cuz it would be much faster....

B_Racer  2002-12-18 23:29:16 ( ID:qkyo0nicg8j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Non, no, no, TMPGEnc can handle this perfekt. It's a trick to know how. There's no need to do a Framerate-Conversion. That's because you can handle this the same way, DVD-Producers do: PAL-Speedup.

If the AVI is a Film with 23.97 FpS, open it in TMPGEnc.
Choose PAL als Videoformat (25 FpS)
Select Advanced, select Do not Frame Rate Conversion
Encode the Video.

That's all.

ASHY  2002-12-19 00:15:53 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Wrong, TMPG CANNOT handle this perfect. Selecting 'do not framerate conversion' will indeed produce a PAL movie with 4% speedup, but the audio WILL lose sync.

The movie will be speeded up to play at the faster 25 fps and will become shorter, but the audio length stays the same causing de-sync.

This can then only be remedied by shrinking the length of the audio to match the duration of the Video with Cooledit or similar.

The easiest way and produces pretty good results without the associated jerkyness is to use AVIsynth.
AVIsynth uses a method very similar to professional framerate conversion techniques.


B_Racer  2002-12-19 22:16:36 ( ID:f0tdjnbzg.2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeah, forgot this Audio-Thing. But i don't use AVISynth for that, because it speeds up the Audiopart too. That's why i'm using WAVELab to do an inverse Timestretch. That's much better, because the Sound sounds exaktly like the Original.

ASHY  2002-12-20 00:34:07 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

AVIsynth doesn't alter either the Audio or Video length when using the CONVERTFPS command, but uses other techniques to create a smooth conversion whilst keeping the movie the same length and thus the audio in sync.


Bug report - TMPGEnc No.32079
tha man  2002-12-18 15:25:33 ( ID:3hfvmug6ijm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just replaced the older version with this and thought this will be better.. :( but no.. When I set the video bitrate + audio bitrate it makes bigger files than older version with the same values (about 50Mb bigger). Even if I change the bitrate values it still makes same sized files... strange.. what causes this???

video audio
1140 160 48000 = 843Mb
1135 160 48000 = 843Mb (??? this is weird)

Anyone out there who also find this bug?

ASHY  2002-12-18 22:14:02 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Search this board regarding the muxing bug for your answer.


Question - Batch encoding No.32077
JonTjioe  2002-12-18 14:45:01 ( ID:vzklhp..k6m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have always used batch mode successfully. Recently, whenever i leave it on over night, i come back to find that TMPGEnc has closed and none of the movies have been encoded successfully. Any ideas?


artships  2002-12-19 18:23:01 ( ID:enk/koxoun2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

> Recently, whenever i leave it on over night, i come back to find that TMPGEnc
> has closed and none of the movies have been encoded successfully

Acts like some sort of buffer overflow that kills TMPGEnc, right? Was happening to me. I was also getting lots of "Read error at..." messages that would end the transcoding. Very annoying. What it was...

I installed an old, old, DVD authoring package. It installed its own ancient mpeg codecs, wiping-out the cyberlink ones from PowerDVD XP. PowerDVD worked, but TMPGEnc wouldn't for long.

I re-installed PowerDVD. TMPGEnc transcodes again! Life is good.


Question - Exact definition of "Basic YCbCR not CCIR601" option No.32070
tearex  Home )  2002-12-18 11:32:01 ( ID:sm3bgpmfhmc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can somebody, if possible somebody who has access to the source code, give me the /exact/ definition of what the "Output as basic YCbCR, not CCIR601" option does in both of its states?

Especially, does it scale luma/chroma values, and if yes, in which of its states? Or does it only clip values when unchecked?


Linards Ticmanis

tearex  Home )  2002-12-18 11:34:51 ( ID:sm3bgpmfhmc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry, posting this twice was not intended (I hit reload); Can I delete the second post some way?

B_Racer  2002-12-18 23:33:20 ( ID:qkyo0nicg8j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

YCbCR uses a Luminance-Range from 0-255
CCIR601 uses 16-236

It has no effekt on the Chroma-Range.

Standard for DVD (and SVCD also) is CCIR. But you can (and should) use YCbCr if you are Transcoding a MPEG-Video.

ASHY  2002-12-18 23:46:26 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This affects the range of values accepted for luminance and chrominance signals. YCrCb is raw samples, taking the range 0-255. In TV systems CCIR601 is normally used, which restricts the allowed range to 16-235 for luminance and 16-240 for chrominance signals. If you are mastering for TV (e.g. VCD, SVCD, DVD) then do not tick this option.


tearex  Home )  2002-12-19 07:48:34 ( ID:sm3bgpmfhmc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So which is true?

1.) Not ticking it throws away Y values below 16 or above 235, but leaves the others alone, and similarily for chroma?

2.) Not ticking it scales down the luma input values so that 0 becomes 16, 1 becomes ca. 17, etc. and 255 becomes 235, 254 becomes ca. 234 etc.

3.) Ticking it will make TMPGenc leave all the values alone.

4.) Ticking it will make TMPGenc scale up the values, so that 16 and below become 0, 17 becomes ca. 1, 235 and above becomes 255, 234 becomes ca. 254 etc.

Or is it none of those?

ASHY  2002-12-19 08:21:03 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It depends on your input. If you are using DVD2AVI you have the option to output to TV or PC scale. TV will be 16-235 and PC 0-255.

If you are encoding for TV then the scale should always be 16-235 otherwise, and you can test this yourself, the picture becomes slightly darker, blacks become dark grey and whites aren't quite white, colours also seem to be become slightly deeper.

Your TV expects 16 to be the lowest value for black, use the 0-255 scale and 16 won't be quite black when outputted to you TV, but as I have said dark grey the same is true for white.

If you don't tick then all values will be correct for TV.

I suppose the choice may partly be down to personal preference, but if you want my advice and the correct scale for TV then you should be using CCIR601 for all your encodes.


B_Racer  2002-12-19 22:26:04 ( ID:f0tdjnbzg.2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ASHY is nearly right. But DVD2AVI is a little Buggy.
You have two Options to Choice:

PC- or TV-Scale
YUV 4:2:2 or RGB

The different Combination of those two gives completely different Outputs.
RGB + TV-Scale gives a darker Picture. So it depent's on the Settings, if CCIR or YCbCr is right.

If you are not shure, how to handle this, use always CCIR. Better to dark then to bright (and Off Standard).

Question - Quicktime plugin required No.32068
Paul Clarke  2002-12-18 11:13:33 ( ID:maa/fgxat5f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I need to convert some quicktime MOV files to mpeg format. I have found some references on forums stating that there is a TMPGenc plugin for Quicktime that allows TMPGenc to convert MOV files to mpeg.

Can you please advise
1. if this is correct?
2. The name of the plugin?
3. where to get the plugin?

Thank you

minion  2002-12-18 22:19:53 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can get the Quicktime Mov Plugin in the download section of "" can easily find it elsewere if you look on a Search engine.........

Question - Exact definition of "Basic YCbCR not CCIR601" option No.32067
tearex  Home )  2002-12-18 09:22:25 ( ID:sm3bgpmfhmc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can somebody, if possible somebody who has access to the source code, give me the /exact/ definition of what the "Output as basic YCbCR, not CCIR601" option does in both of its states?

Especially, does it scale luma/chroma values, and if yes, in which of its states? Or does it only clip values when unchecked?


Linards Ticmanis

Question - how do I register? No.32065
Kristin  2002-12-18 04:13:41 ( ID:kqeswzcpkao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is probably a dumb question, but how do I register? I bought, got the register key, but where do I enter it?

minion  2002-12-18 08:49:53 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You Can"t register the "DEMO" version..You have to download the "Plus" version..You can get it By Clicking the Banner you see at the bottom of this Page..Once you install it you will find were to Enter the Number...

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