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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
What exactly do you Mean By "Frame Skip:??? What it sounds like to Me is that you have encoded the file to a Different Frame rate than the AVI file..The Mpeg file has to have the Same frame rate as the AVI file or you will get Jumpy Playback.....
I hava a avi-video with 704x384 pixels and want to convert it to mpeg2 to make a SVCD. When I convert the avi to mpg2 the video is to small and to high. I tested several modes: center, center (aspect ratio), center (custom) - but I haven't found the correct mode for SVCD. When I use the center (aspect ratio), I will get a correct ratio but on the left and right side "some film is missing". What is the correct setting, to get the complete film with borders at the top and bottom?
Don't forget to tell us, if it is PAL or NTSC.
I think, it's a wrong resized PAL 1.85:1-Video, but it can also be a wrong resized NTSC-Video. So it's impossible to tell you, what to do.
But it's always a good Idea, to use FitCD and AVISynth for a correct, fast and High-Quality resizing.
Some of the sides will allways be cut off ,or there will be exsesive borders on the top and botom, Use the "Clip Frame" settings in the "Advanced settings" to Adjust the Frame so it looks the way you want it to....
OK, I have installed FitCD and aviSynth. I have made the script with FitCD - it looks as follows:
# -= AviSynth script by FitCD v1.1.2 =-
AviSource("S:+DIVX+ estmovie estmovie.avi")
But what must I do now?
Sorry - the avi is in PAL-Format
Thank you for your answer first. When I try to "load" (open video source) the script - i get an error: file "s:+divx+... estmovie.avi.avs" can not open, or unsupported.
Where must I "load" in TMPGEnc???
I have got a test-avi-video with 704x384 Pixels and one with 688x262 Pixels. Is there a general way to convert to mpeg2 for svcd in TMPGEnc without much more tools?
If AVISynth is installed correctly, TMPGEnc should open the Script without Problems. Have you tried to open the Video and the Script in MadiaPlayer?
If MadiaPlayer is able to play the Video, TMPGEnc can read it. Maybe you need a additional Codec.
You can convert AVI to MPEG2 without further Tools, but on DivX-AVIs or ASF/WMV-Fiels you may have Problems with the Sound, therefor it's a good Idea to use an other Tool for Converting the Audio-Part first.
All these extra steps are unecessary. Any strange aspect ratios can be corrected with just TMPG, no other tools are needed.
Firstly your 704x384 AVI is simply a 16:9 PAL anamorphic movie.
Choosing the '16:9 625 line (PAL)' as the source aspect ratio setting under the Video tab and 'Full screen(keep aspect ratio)' as the 'Video arrange method' under the Advanced tab should give you the correct picture size and ratio ( you shouldn't lose any of the original picture).
Also you are creating a SVCD with a frame size of 480x576, so remember the aspect ratio will not be correct when played with media player, it will be squashed vertically and look longer horizontally.
Don't worry your DVD player or your PC DVD player software will correct the aspect ratio to give you a correct sized movie.
Hello - and thank you for your tip! I will try to convert my movie with your named settings:
Input: 16:9 625 Line (PAL)
Output: ClipFrame - ArrangeSetting - Full Screen (Keep AspectRatio)
I will burn a test-CD and look at home on my DVD-Player what happens...
I have encoded the film last night with those settings. Today I watched the mpg-file on my Laptop with PowerDVD - and it looks fine! Now I will split the file into tree segments and burn the first CD. When I go home for lunch at 11.30 am, I take the CD with me and look at home, what my DVD-Player and my TV do with that SVCD...
I let you know how it ends...
Hello again - and many many thanks - it works!!!
The film comes correctly on the TV over the DVD-Player!!!
Now I can delete all other Programms like VirtualDub, AviSynth, FitCD and so on...
ok i used this beatiful program to encode a movie from divx to a mpeg1 ,, but as i encoded it i probably miss'd an option that i can use to flip the image so it isn't upside down when i play it on my dvd player, is there any option that would allow me to rotate the movie ????
So your Problem is that the AVI file Plays upside right But after encodeing to Mpeg the image is Upside down??? Or is it Upside right in Mpeg format But upside down on your DVD Player???Well you can try Frame serveing it to With Virtual Dub and see if it is displayed Upside right ,and you can use it to rotate it also Like B_Racer Said...
If your AVI Movies are playing upsidedown in media player then this is related to a codec problem unless this movie was ccreated upside down.
This problem has been posted before and if I remember rightly was solved by installing the correct codec.
Your AVI is probably using the wrong codec to decode the movie causing this problem. Check the FourCC code of the AVI and download the correct relevant codec.
If your saying TMPG is causing the flip then this is an unusual problem.
In this case I would try re-installing TMPG and raising the priority of the 'Dirtectshow reader' in the VFAPI plugins.
Does the image look upside down in the preview when encoding and does it play upside down in media player?
Well, I have been capturing dvd quality mpeg2 files with MyDVD , ,through an Adaptec avc2200. For several days everything went fine with TMPGEN, I had my own template set up for very high quality SVCDs. Today, I went to encode a file as usual, but I get the error message about "file cannot open or is unsupported." I have never seen that before. I did not change any settings. And the Mpeg files are fine, they play in powerdvd and in ulead videostudio6. The files are fine.
Any ideas what could be causing the sudden problem, after working fine for so long?
I read many threads with similar problems and tried the suggestions but I think it is something more sinister, like a conflict with another program possibly.
Thanks to anyone out there who can shed some light.
Well All you can do is Try Raiseing the Priority of the "Cyberlink Mpeg2 Decoder" But if that doesn"t work they That Is probably better Cuz the best way to encode Mpeg2 file with Tmpgenc is to use DVD2AVI to make a D2V file and encode that with Tmpgenc..Tmpgenc doesn"t seem to decode Mpeg files as Fast or as good as DVD2AVI..I used to Have the same USB Setup that you have and Quickly came to the conclution that I could get Better Quality useing a $30 BT878a Capture card and capture to a Low compression high Resolution AVI format Like HuffyUV or Pic-Video Mjpeg then Encode the AVI files to Mpeg2, Because captureing to Mpeg2 Is a Lossy Format and HuffyUV isn"t you get Much better results captureing to AVI But you do need a Very Large Hard drive to Capture to high Quality AVI, I use a ATA/133 120GB drive and it is barelt large enough to hold a Whole movie in Low compression AVI..But as Far as Mpeg2 Capture devices go it is one of the better consumer products for Mpeg2 capture even Considering that it is a USB device that has a Much Lower data through Put than PCI...
Well you can use something else to encode the audio like "Headac3he" or you can use a External Audio encoder Plugin for Tmpgenc Like "Toolame" or "SCMPX"..They can be found on any Search engine...
During the Encoding Process, An error window pops up every 2 seconds - pausing the encoding. Error 9616 9616. I push Ok and it continues encoding. It still works but I don't want to sit and keep pushing Ok Ok Ok Ok for like the 6 hours it takes to encode the thing on the highest quality. What does the Error 9616 9616 mean and how can I fix the issue?
If you Only get this problem with Certain Files then the Problem is with the Files and Not tmpgenc..The Files could be Corrupted and Tmpgenc Has Problems encodeing Corrupted files..Downloaded Movies Have this Problem Quite often...
i have a movie (Legally Blonde ) which is Divx and the audio is in Mpeg layer 3.
after encoding it to VCD/MPG-1 i don't have audio.
1.system is au + video
2.tried every settings including audio engine for Layer|| and Layer |||
(lame and toolame )
What settings should I use to get the very best quality on SVCD from a DVD source.
I tried using the DVD setting and burning it as an SVCD using NERO, it played on my standalone DVD player but the sound broke up. Picture quality was good though.
I am also very unsure as to what difference the 'motion estimate' and VBR,CQ etc make. I just use the standard defaults.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
The reason Why the Audio Cut out is Besause the Bitrate is Much too high for your Player to Handle..If you are going to Make a XSVCD there are 2 ways of doing it , useing Higher Bitrates and resolutions and Just useing Higher Bitrates...I would sudgest Makeing Just ones with Higher Bitrates but if you are going to use Higher resolutions then Use the resolution of "704+480" NOT "720+480", and Mosyt Players that will Play XSVCD"s will not play with Bitrates Higher than 5000kbs without the Audio cutting out and the Video slowing down from time to time..But I actually get Much better results Useing the Standard SVCD Resolution of 480+480 and a Max bitrate of 4500kbs and a Minimum of 1750kbs, and Useing the CQ method will Give you just as good results as the 2 pass method with Clean Source files....
It is now generally accepted on this board on other encoding boards that in most cases the 'Constant quality(CQ)' method will give superior results to the 2pass method (yes honestly).
Only in certain odd cases will the 2 pass method be better.
Try it yourself and you will see what I mean.
Encode 2 test samples with exactly the same minimum and maximum bitrates, one using 2pass VBR and one (CQ).
You should find the (CQ) method produces a better picture (i.e less macroblocks) and a better file size.
every time i transfer avi files to mpg files i keep getting this error: illegal floating decimal point calculation order. does anyone know whats wrong??????
This error Is Usually Cause By Bad AVI files...There are Probably Corrupted frames in the AVI file that Tmpgenc can not read..You can try to encode up to were the error happens and use the source range to start encodeing a few frames after were the error happens thn Join the 2 files with the merge and Cut...
I am using Adobe® Premiere® to create avi files and then using TMPGEnc Plus Ver. (2.59)to encode them to a MPEG-2 file. Everything works well except that there is a momentary cutout of the audio on every file exactly between 9 minutes and 27 seconds and 9 minutes and 28 seconds. This drop out seems to occur no matter what settings I use. Files shorter that 9:27 are fine.
I am creating the avi in Adobe® Premiere® and then loading the avi file into TMPGEnc Plus. The MPEG is great with the exception of this cutout of audio for a split second at 9 minutes and 27 seconds into the clip.
Well the Way to fix it Would be to Extract the audio from the AVI and encode it seperately then Mux it with the Encoded Mpeg Video file...You would save a lot of time and Quality if you Frame served the File from Premier to Tmpgenc instead of actually Makeing an AVI file and loading it into Tmpgenc...
Keep getting this error message when about to encode - also sometime getting runtime errors when opening files.. Using XP Pro SP1 - had no problems in Win2K Pro, juts wondering if ne1 else has the same problem and if it is something to do with XP???
In this package, there's a tool called: "AviC (FourCC Changer)". With this tool, you can change the "codec signature" of the file from XVID to DIVX.
Once this is done, TMPGENC will think that the AVI is a DIVX and the convertion process will than work... I'm no expert in the matter, but I've read that DIVX et XVID are a lot alike. All I can say is that this trick worked for me!
I'm using DVDx for ripping DVD's into AVI's for TMPGenc. Suddenly, subs in movies are transparent and almost unreadable. I cannot find any setting for subtitles, even in registry. Any suggestions?