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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
i have recently been converting full movies with TMPGEnc which was taking 2-3 hours, i recently got a new hard drive and its now taking 7-12 hours, has anyone got any ideas why?
What is Possible is that the New hard drive is a Bad drive and isn"t writeing the Info to disk very fast..Try doing a Write test on the Hard drive to see what the sequential write speed is and if it as high as it is supposed to be for the type of drive you have....
What file system are you using on your hard drive? is it fat, fat32 or ntfs? i rec. fat32. Are you using alot of virtual memory? try changing your paging drive to another disk. or add more ram... or send back the disk. or wait maybe the drive is not in ULTRA dma mode. oh this stuff is so confusing...
Well the Frame rate wouldn"t cause this, But even if it did work haveing the frame rates being different will cause the Movie to play back really jumpy and will be allmost un watchable, So encode to the correct frame rate to avoid this..To stop the Movie from turning blank at the end then try raiseing the "Direct show File reader" in the "Vfapi Plugins"....
Not a solution, but in case you were thinking the message meant "illegal" as in "against the law", that's not what it's telling you. The format of the stream is just not something it recognizes.
Illegal says you have cut the movie on a point you should not do. For combining movie segments you must keep the structure of B,I and P frames through the whole movie. You have cut it on a correct frame, but the complete structure is not complete anymore. Thats the reason because it is very difficult to cut movies under MPEG2 compression.
i have tried to change the bitrate to reduce the size of the vcd file. I am doing the following:
1.Open the avi file
2.load vcd pal template
3.load unlock in extras
4.change bitrate to 1000 kbps
5.encode 2 minutes sample vcdm and the size remains the same as if i use 1150 kbps HELP!!!
Can not encode Audio in Tmpg Enc, the Audiofile is in a Xvid avifile, the Video source works fine but i get "can not open, unsupported" when i try the Audio source.
In Panasonic enc it works fine whith Avi and Audio, but not so good quality as the Tmpg Enc.
Is there any other solutions than convert the Audio to Wave?
I'm using TMPGEnc Version Core version 1.92.142 on a 512 MB Windows 2000 AMD 1GHz PC.
When I try to load in a file generated from my Adaptec VideOH DVD box, which is supposed to be in MPEG2 format, I get the following error:
The exception Floating-point invalid operation.
(0xc0000090) occurred in the application at location 0x03875dd9
I can successfully load in this file into other video programs and it plays fine. Any ideas what the problem might be? Anything you want me to try? Any more information you need?
Whenever I try opening a file to encode it there is an error message. Saying that the avi cannot be played or unsupported. I have already tried raising the priority of the Direct show file reader.