TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 427 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question TMPG/error message for video anieves 3 2002-08-31 04:32:31
Question Firewire Card Jimboy 0 2002-08-30 16:30:49
Question standard or non standard? larry 3 2002-08-31 20:16:00
Question index of scan line is out of range (304) lucast 1 2002-08-30 15:16:06
Question jumpy encodings yoda 2 2002-08-30 20:31:54
Question Help file xmax 1 2002-08-30 10:28:33
Question Mr. Kapgoku 6 2002-08-31 02:34:09
Question How to frameserve from virtualdub to tmpgenc ?? Laurie 7 2002-08-31 12:43:17
Question help fast!!!! help 2 2002-08-30 07:19:38
Question minion jake 2 2002-08-30 04:52:06
Question Playback problems with cutted files FinalFn 4 2002-08-30 11:01:06
Question Audio off after cutting commercials out Spooky 1 2002-08-30 01:32:34

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 427 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - TMPG/error message for video No.27399
anieves  2002-08-30 17:47:49 ( ID:dnjtwmuuszl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi. I am new at this. I have an .avi file from Kazaa and I am able to put the audio information in, but the error "can not open or unsupported" comes up for video. I have no video. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

Starlight  2002-08-30 18:00:12 ( ID:9ujymxkjqjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

what version of tmpg are you using?

Paul M  2002-08-31 03:26:34 ( ID:alnij9bprzo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi... For the past few months I have been downloading movies from KaZaa... and 1 out of 4 of the camcorder "now at theater" movies turn out to be blanks. If you have been following the news at WIRED.COM or stories in the NY Times you would be aware that some Congressmen are ass-kissing buddies of the Recording Industry of America (RIAA). There is a bill pending - if it has not already passed- that allows the RIAA and other copyright owners to deliberately place empty space files, or mislabled files, in set-ups like KaZaa. The hope is that by making us waste time downloading and disk space. that we will stop using the programs.
So it may not be a problem on your end at all!
I downloaded a file of XXX the Vin Diesal film. It took 3 hours to download. said it was an .avi file. Went to play it in Windows media player, and got a message that the file was in an unrecognized format. Now I have almost every codec known on my computer... so the "Unknown format" I believe , was simply no video was transmitted. Just a lot of "nothing'.
There may be a better explanation... if so, I'm all ears!!!

To---Paul-M  2002-08-31 04:32:31 ( ID:wgc1qrheqca )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try Clone-CD and thank me later!
Just a qwik guess!
In fact quite a few of these mysterious flix that people think are no good or empty are perfctly fine just Clone-CD which wont burn on a reg nurning proggie!

Stop the bowing, just throw money!

Question - Firewire Card No.27398
Jimboy  2002-08-30 16:30:49 ( ID:l6kfunnawgr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am sorry to post such a aff-base topic but I have searched and searched for a forum that will answer it to no avail. Plus everyone here seems to be so intelligent in all areas of Video editing, I thought there had to be many that could answer my questions. I won't post it now but if anyone is willing to try and answer my questions please reply and then I will ask my question. (they are regarding firewire cards, and dv editing from a camcorder) It is related because ultimately I will use tmpgenc to encode the final product. Thanks

Question - standard or non standard? No.27394
larry  2002-08-30 16:25:57 ( ID:v8lpfz/r2rc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hey minion or any1 else out there these are my settings
Stream type- MPEG-1 video
size- 352 x 240
Aspect ratio- 4:3 525 line (NTSC)
Frame rate- 29.97 fps
Rate control mode- Constant bitrate
Bitrate- 1150
VBV buffer size- 40
profile &level- MAin profile and main level
video format- NTSC
encode mode- non interlace
YUV mode- 4:2:0
DC component percision- 8 bit
motion search percision- normal
would i be able to dvd author this program wath ulead dvd workshop withut it it being reencoded if not how can i make it standard what do i have to change if so how can i increase the quality of my VCD by making it non standard thanx

Starlight  2002-08-30 17:58:45 ( ID:9ujymxkjqjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

there is more that you will have to set
if you need to set closed GOPs and 15 frames/GOP or ulead won't eat it, audio should be 224 kbps mpeg2.
standard tmpgenc is set to 18 frames / GOP.
Depending on the template yu choose ulead wil or will not reencode.
if you choose mpeg1 video, it will always reencode as far as i know, if you use mpeg2 (svcd or dvd) you have to set different resolutions and use a cbr mpeg2 as source or it will again reencode there is a template for custom that allows you to set the bitrate, if you use that, set it higher than the cbr source, then it willnot reencode.
Also it only accepts 4:3 ratio mpegs
That is as far as i know.
Its all in the helpfiles of dvdworkshop.
if you are making vcd's or svcd's dvdworkshop is not the way to go.
Then VCDeasy would be a better choice and it works much faster.

good luck

larry  2002-08-30 20:26:18 ( ID:v8lpfz/r2rc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

im gonna use mpeg1- video format my a dvd book says it will only take vcd's not svcd's so how can i use my current settings and dvd author?

Starlight  2002-08-31 20:16:00 ( ID:9ujymxkjqjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

dvd can have mpeg1 content, but it still has to be compliant with dvd.
you can use mpeg1, but it has to be either 352x288 or 352x576 for pal
or 352x240 or 352x480 for ntsc.
You cannot use mpeg2 480 wide with fake vcd headers.
it has to conform to the resolutions
now i don't know what authoring tool you use, dvdworkshop i believe, i don't think that can actualy produce mpeg1 dvd's
you need a professional dvd authoring tool for that.
dvd maestro or the program they use hollywood, scenarist can do mpeg1 dvd.
i think dvd workshop only accepts full screen 4:3 mpeg2 as input
not even 16:9 mpeg2
its a tool for private use, so don't expect to much of it

Question - index of scan line is out of range (304) No.27392
lucast  2002-08-30 10:44:15 ( ID:t9miqzjc7nj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try star no run,show a window with this mensage (Index of scan line is out of range (304)).
I try to do SVCD, frame about 58400 ,video bitrate 2236,audio :224,size 727.78 MB,
Im select set star,and set end,in source range.
I try with the wizard and without this ,but get the same result.
I like to know what happend about it,i apreciatted much your help.

pachinko  2002-08-30 15:16:06 ( ID:hkt5n/5mwir )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

same error too...

Question - jumpy encodings No.27389
yoda  2002-08-30 09:17:04 ( ID:tegodoq9emw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Right i have encoded some svcd films from avi's but when i play them in my stand alone DVD player there seems to be some random jumping it's not very often but its there i am using the project wizard with me settings being

i use the decompress tool in avi2vcd_ver1_4 for the audio

cut video at source range b4 encoding
motion search percission = highest quality
video arrange method = full screen (keep aspect ratio)
disk capacatiy 100% 80 min cdr

also could someone recomend some extra settings for improving the picture quality please

system specs if needed

512 ddr mem
1x60 ibm 1X80ibm
2000 Xp cpu
8500 radeon
real magic dvd out-put card

Starlight  2002-08-30 18:23:47 ( ID:9ujymxkjqjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

insufficient data, does not compute,
based on what you gave us there is no way to tell you what is going wrong.
start at the beginning, what are you using for input?

video: codec, cbr or vbr, fps,bitrate, resolution, aspect ratio
audio: codec, cbr or vbr, samplerate, bitrate ?
use the svcd template, in advanced set closed gops,in audio set error protection.
don't mess with search precission etc, the settings in the template are ok,
try using 2-pass vbr,
from what you gave us it can be a number of things that go wrong:
most likely you might have to raise directx priority

yoda  2002-08-30 20:31:54 ( ID:dlex.et2w.r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Right i am encoding from a divx dvd quality i decompress the audio using avi2vcd_ver1_4 audio decompressor then i load up TMPGEnc start the project wizard load up me file that i am going to convert i goto source range and cut me film in half then i goto other settings and set the picture to full screen keep aspect ratio set the motion search to normal or highest depending how i feel :) then i set the bitrate so that it uses 100% disk space of a 80min cd

the template is the one that it uses for the project wizard

rate control mode : CBR

Question - Help file No.27387
xmax  2002-08-30 08:47:37 ( ID:fdgxgoimmkc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Tell me please where I can read all contents of this program in English?
Copy of my TMPGEnc , which I download from this site not have this file...

Minion  2002-08-30 10:28:33 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you mean like a "Help" file?? There isn"t a help file ,only with the registered version.....

Question - Mr. No.27380
Kapgoku  2002-08-30 06:28:42 ( ID:vsswgtgjbbw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am new with this program ... i am trying to make a mpeg 1 file for video cd ... the whole encoding part works finne but when i play the file with a player theres no sound at all ... could anyone help me ?
icq number use it !

Minion  2002-08-30 07:39:54 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is ther audio in the mpeg file but not in the VCD??? or is there no audio in the mpeg file either???If there is no audio in either it could be because the audio format in your avi file is not supported by Tmpgenc..tmpgenc does not like to encode certain audio formats, what you have to do is use"Virtual Dub" to extract the audio from your AVI file to a wav file and use the wav file as your audio source...But if the audio was in the Mpeg file but you can"t hear it on your TV then it could be that the audio was set to the wrong frequency in Tmpgenc ,the audio frequency for VCD"s is 41000khz and a lot of players will not play it if it isn"t that frequency.......

lupy  2002-08-30 10:57:37 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

um in several posts u have put 41000khz for audio which is an order of 1000 too large lol and more importantly the number is 44100 in not to be too perdantic

Kapgoku  2002-08-30 13:04:46 ( ID:vsswgtgjbbw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is no audio in the mpeg file at all ...

Kapgoku  2002-08-30 13:27:10 ( ID:vsswgtgjbbw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have just downloaded virtual dub ... the latest version .. is there anyway someone can walk me threw it .. ?

lupy  2002-08-30 15:08:12 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

this site explains lots of stuff for virtual dub and other untilites

Minion  2002-08-31 02:34:09 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sory just a TYpo....

Question - How to frameserve from virtualdub to tmpgenc ?? No.27372
Laurie  2002-08-30 05:44:25 ( ID:w29btrivx/m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I feel like I'm pounding my head on a brick wall. I've been through so many "how to" tutorial pages...well, enough whining.

1. I captured approx 30 minutes video with avi_io(huffyuv)@480X480 no problem.

2. Loaded the 6 avi's into virtualdub and edited out the adverts no problem.

3. Installed the virtualdub frameserve client and started the frameserver in virtualdub. Saved the file as ***.vdr.avi as I had seen explained in one of the many tutorials.
4. Started tmpgenc and set the priority of the AVI VFW to '2'

5. Started the wizard and tried to load ***.vdr.avi and received an error message "File ***.vdr.avi cannot open or unsupported"

6. Repeat 2,3,4 and 5 with many other permutations and combinations including uninstalling/reinstalling the virtualdub frameserver client and rebooting comp with no change in error message.

I have searched the forums for 'frameserve' and 'frameserving' and many people talk about doing just that from vdub to tmpgenc like it was so easy. I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas??

Starlight  2002-08-30 07:37:55 ( ID:9ujymxkjqjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

why use a frameserver if tmpgenc can handle that avi directly?
just use the avi as input file, no frameserving necessary.
if you can capyure huffyuv, it means you have the codec installed and you can load it directly into tmpgenc.

Minion  2002-08-30 07:49:14 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think that if you disable the "Direct show" filter in the Vfapi plugins that is supposed to help if you are haveing problems with VDR files..If you upgrade to XP you can use a Ntsf formated disk and not worry about semlessly joining 6 avi files in tmpgenc while frameserveing cuz you would have 1 big file......

Laurie  2002-08-30 14:47:38 ( ID:w29btrivx/m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks guys. Yep, an XP upgrade will be in the works when the budget allows. Then I can be rid of that 2Gig nuisance.

I'm not at all familiar enough with any of the programs I'm using to know what I can and cannot do but from reading through this board I did not think that tmpgenc would handle more than one avi at a time or if you managed to batch process there was still the problem of joining them afterwards. Frameserving from my editor(vdub)solves those problems.

I'm going to try disabling that filter right now.

Starlight  2002-08-30 18:31:31 ( ID:9ujymxkjqjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Actualy there is a way to have several avi's handled succesively by using the batch encoding feature.
if you encode right , merging the mpegs is not a problem either, because tmpg has de/multiplex and cut and join tool.
and using a seperate proggy to produce a batchfile(tbe) you can even have the joining done in batchmode
but it's a bit complicated
the only thing a frameserver adds when you encode from an avi source is more time to encode.

ASHY  2002-08-30 19:11:16 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Here is a quick check to see whether the problem is the frame server client or TMPG which is causing the problem.

Create a .vdr file then start up another instance of Virtualdub. Now try and load the .vdr file into Virtualdub. If it loads the problem is with TMPG. If it doesn't then the problem is with the frame server client not being installed correctly.

If you still have problems with TMPG even though the file loads into Virtualdub ok then it is possible to load the .vdr file into the VFAPI converter and create a dummy AVI which will load into TMPG no problem.


Laurie  2002-08-31 02:24:55 ( ID:w29btrivx/m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was just about to finally give up and buy XP after spending the afternoon at work(all our Unix servers were down) searching through many other sites of which at least 6 gave advice on this frameserving problem when I thought I would try one last time when I got home.

The answer to my problem was so simple it is truly pathetic.

When virtualdub asks for a file name to save the frameserve process to (is that correct?) you MUST put on the .vbr extension. It is not added automatically as I would have normally expected.

My one note of caution with this whole thing is that I have made a number of other changes/additions with dll's and such. But none of those other changes resulted in the frameserver working.

Now to play with Tsunami.....

ASHY  2002-08-31 12:43:17 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm suprised that was the answer as it doesn't usually matter whether you give it a .vdr extension or not.
I always give the file an .AVI extension without the .vdr extension and it works fine. It even works fine without any extension at all so I would guess that your solution is purely incidental and would probably work now without the .vdr extension. The Virtual dub frameserver is tempermental and for some reason can suddenly just start or stop working, but once you get it working you don't usually need the .vdr extension.


Question - help fast!!!! No.27369
help  2002-08-30 05:16:50 ( ID:v8lpfz/r2rc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

minion made me change some settings and the cd's i make wont work here are my
Stream type- MPEG-1 video
size- 352 x 240
Aspect ratio- 4:3 525 line (NTSC)
Frame rate- 29.97 fps
Rate control mode- Constant bitrate
Bitrate- 1150
VBV buffer size- 40
profile &level- MAin profile and main level
video format- NTSC
encode mode- non interlace
YUV mode- 4:2:0
DC component percision- 8 bit
motion search percision- normal

help quick

Starlight  2002-08-30 05:47:06 ( ID:9ujymxkjqjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you use a vcd burning tool?
making it mpeg1 and just copying it to cd won't work, you need a vcd burning tool. that uses a different filesystem then iso and it produces the files to make a vcd.
a dvd player won't recognise teh disk if you just copy the files to cd.
the settings that you mentioned are the standard vcd settings and should work.
The same settings are forced if you load the vcd ntsc template.

Minion  2002-08-30 07:19:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do you mean it doesn"t work???Won"t play on your computer?? Won"t play on your dvd player? your authoring program says it isn"t compliant?? What did you use to Burn it???You need Special durning software to put VCD"s on a CD-R, you can"t just burn it as a data post back with the problem.....

Question - minion No.27366
jake  2002-08-30 03:11:52 ( ID:v8lpfz/r2rc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

so your saying as long as i convert to VCD with tmpgenc it will be compliant and i can author it with dvd workshop? if so how can i make it a non standard to up the quality

Minion  2002-08-30 04:20:40 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I"s not as long as you use tmpgenc it is as long as you make a standard VCD, DVD workshop will Re-encode the file if the File is NON standard Meaning if it ISN"T 352 by 240 1150gbs Video 224KBS audio 4100khz Audio frequency and 29.9fps, so it has To be Like that Or it will Be re-encoded...If you Raise the bitrate It will be Re-encoded, so you have to make Standard Low Quality VCD"s if you want to use DVD Workshop......

jake  2002-08-30 04:52:06 ( ID:v8lpfz/r2rc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok first off how can i check all that stuff after i have used tmpgenc second off you told me how to higher the bitrate once b4 and i havent seen any change

Question - Playback problems with cutted files No.27361
FinalFn  2002-08-30 00:23:09 ( ID:s5lnpqn2f6k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After cutting two files together (two mpegs), there sometimes are many small square black boxes between the picture of the 1st movie and the picture of the 2nd movie (when i play it with PowerDVD).
How can i fix this?

Minion  2002-08-30 02:03:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That happens sometimes when you are joining 2 files together were the joining point is Not on an I frame, the correct button is supposed to fix this but sometimes it doesn"t, what usually works is to load in the 2 files that you want to join then edit a few frames off the end of file 1 and off the beginning of file 2, but you have to find the edit points with the slider not the frame by frame buttons, cuz the slider naturally stops on I frames which are the correct edit points in a Mpeg file, this can be tricky cuz the slider is very sensitive and will jump arround a bit...

lupy  2002-08-30 09:46:42 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it would be nice if tmpgenc had 2 frame buttons that jumped only between I frames ....a bit like how virtual dub has 2 keyframe buttons.:-)Easier than using the slider on a big movie.

lupy  2002-08-30 10:46:14 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it would be nice if tmpgenc had 2 frame buttons that jumped only between I frames ....a bit like how virtual dub has 2 keyframe buttons.:-)Easier than using the slider on a big movie.

FinalFn  2002-08-30 11:01:06 ( ID:s5lnpqn2f6k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

But why does that "squares" only appear when i play it with PowerDVD - with MediaPlayer etc. the cuts are fine.

How can I fix a movie where i have those squares in every cut?

Question - Audio off after cutting commercials out No.27359
Spooky  2002-08-30 00:06:44 ( ID:ssmpnnoeqqk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have captured an episode using WinDVR 2.0 & GeForceTi4600 Video IN, the capture is excellent ( captured into MPEG 1 VCD ), so now I have loaded the file into TMPGenc so I can cut out the commercials, once i have that done I RUN it so it then puts the file back into MPEG for me ready to be recorded. Once completed I went to test the file & I noticed that the audio is way off. It is fine in the original capture but way off afters.
I have done this before many times with other episodes & never had that problem, this is the firs time.
Any idea what this could be?

PIII 800 w/512MB of RAM
VisionTek GeForce4 Ti 4600 card
60GB HD 7200 rpm
using latest TMPGenc off the website
using WinDVR 2.0 to record into MPEG1

Minion  2002-08-30 01:32:34 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tmpgenc does not support the correct editing of files that aren"t encoded by Tmpgenc, hell it barely supports it"s own encoded Mpeg files, especially if they are VBR streams.. I would sugest useing a different more reliable Mpeg editor and joiner...When the Mpeg Tools don"t want to work right there isn"t much you can do to fix it accept use something else...The mpeg editor and joiner in "Cyperlink Power VCR" is fairly good at editing Captured Mpeg files so maybe try it.......

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