This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
i used v2.57 to demux a m2v file so i can encode the mp2 file. but when i tried to encode mp2 an error message saying there was an error in msvcrt.dll & i had to shutdown the program.
i have no problem using v2.56 at all.
If you are using an older version of windows, you probably need to update your Visual basic runtime files.
follow the links to download this file
Replace the original after backing up the file. You will find it in the windowssystem or windowssystem32 folder.
If that doesn't solve your may have to download any install the latest Visual basic runtime files.
thank u for replied.i'm using windows 2k advanced server with sp2. the current version of msvcrt.dll (v6.1) is newer than the 1 i downloaded (v6.0)from the link u provided.
Not that I"m aware of.You might try to basicly cut the bottom of the frame off were the subtitles are with the clip frame option but I don"t know how good it would look.....
It is an error in your AVI which probably has corrupt frames. You may be able to get around the problem by frame serving the file from Virtualdub. If not try to repair the bad frame with virtualdub or use the source range function in TMPG to encode up to the error, then advance past the error and finish re-encoding the remaining part and join the 2 MPEGs together with the MPEGtools.
I'm using TMPGEnc for some times now and I really think this program is great. I'm planning to buy the Plus version because I really love MPEG-2 quality. But before doing this, I'd like to ask a question to the "experts" here. I read that most of you use some tweaks to put most of their movies on 2 discs. How do you do so? I thought that with more than 2 hours it was recommanded to use 3 discs. Can you tell me how you're making this...
You can get pretty good quality doing svcd"s getting 45-60minutes on a cd-r useing the CQ encode mode instead of useing CBR like the template settings but the only semi "Tweaky" thing that I can think of to get more on a cd-r is maybe trying those Kvcd Templates at but i personally don"t like them but other poeple use them, they claim that you can get something like 90 minutes of full resolution 704 by 480 mpeg on a cd-r.....
It is possible to get 2 hours of MPEG2 on 2 disks, but you will have to sacrifice some quality.
Take a look at the templates I have sent you, these will get around 100mins of nice MPEG2 quality on 2 disks. Have a play around with them by reducing the minimum and maximum bitrates and decreasing the quality slider slightly and you should get a decent 2 hr movie on 2 disks.
One thing to remember is for a 2 hour movie on 2x 80 min disks the average total bitrate (audio+video) would need to be 13mb/m. Do a few one minute tests with different bitrate settings using a typical scene in the movie and shoot for this value. Once you have acheived this, you should be close to fitting 2 hrs on 2 disks.
I tried the KVCD templates... I don't think they are so bad but can you help about the differences between the KVCD and KVCD plus... I'm sorry I don't really see it :-D
And thanks ASHY, your templates are really great... I think I'll use them a lot with my MPEG-2 files!!!
I think the KVCD plus templates allow more to fit on to a cd, but are of lower quality as the quality slider for the Plus templates is set at a lower setting than the KVCD templates.
After converting AVI files to mpg using the Video Cd(ntsc)mcf setting and then going to mpegtools - merge&cut to join them together I get an error message - Tmpgenc has caused an error in QUARTZ.DLL
The mpeg tools have a few bug"s in them and usually if you can"t get them to work properly you will have to use a different tool for joining and cutting, if you look on a search engine like Google and type in "merge mpeg download" you will get a bunch of links ot mpeg joiners.....
This looks like a directshow problem. Have you tried to re-install TMPG or use a different version. Seems daft I know, but has been known to solve many unusual problems like this.
Does anyone know how I can put 2 different audiotracks on one SVCD using TMPGEncoder? I just ripped a DVD and now I want to have a 2 language versions as a backup.
I would be glad about any suggestions.
To put two audio tracks on a svcd you have to use a multiplexor that supports multiple audio tracks like "bbmpeg" it is free and it will let you add an extra audio track or two but I have no Idea if the audio tracks will be selectable or will play at the same time, I guess you will have to experiment..
I succeeded in taking a video track and adding two audio track in TMPGEnc under multiplex and worked fine for me... All you have to remember is:
1) selecting MPEG-2 Super VideoCD and it will do the job fine.
2) First audio track that you add to the list will be the main track.
I just downloaded and installed 2.57, but when I tried to open an avi file, I received the following message. Win ME Error Msg - Cannot open, avi unsupported
What additional drivers or software do I need to load in order to run this properly?
OK, this isn"t a WinMe error, open Tmpgenc and go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" and raise the "Direct Show File Reader".....
What you do is load in your file to tmpgenc then do all the settings then go to "file" to "save project" and save it, then repeat for each file you want to encode, then whan all your progect files are done go to "file" to "batch encode" then load all the project files into the batch encode window then click "run" and thats it.....
You will need to demultiplex the MPEGs with MPEG2VCR or some other software which isn't to fussy then load the video into TMPG. Don't bother with audio just re-multiplex this back with the re-encoded movie.
Newcomers to the board may not be aware that their problem may be documented elsewhere; those who are inexperienced with this kind of support board simply don't know to perform such a search. Scolding them for something they simply didn't think of is not a terribly productive or considerate thing to do.
My own inquiry, made after such a search turned up no information, remains unanswered, leading me to wonder how much help is really available here.
My initial impression after perusing the board for a couple of days is that there seems to be a small clique of knowledgeable users, disdainful of and hostile to newcomers who pose questions the clique believes they should have known to search for. You should rethink that attitude, because if you're hostile to newcomers who didn't know what YOU think they should have, and snap at them when they come here with questions, you'll chase them away from the software altogether. And that hurts everyone, because the software needs an ever-growing userbase to continue development.
I'd just like to say that Minion has never snapped at any of my silly questions on here. I've never seen him snap at anyone else either. A very nice "regular" imo.
I have to say that without that small number of people on the BBS who have in-depth knowledge, I would have given up almost before I started. They really got me going and while I am still very new to this technology, I felt confortable enough, after getting a few answers, to buy the PLUS version.
I think TMPGEnc owes many sales to these few "experts". And I, personally, owe them a debt of graditude.
I completely agree that a small number of experts can be extremely valuable on a board like this one. In my own field (video editing on Avid Media Composers and Symphonies, design of television postproduction facilities and so forth) I am considered to be such an expert, and am the "voice of experience" in several places like this one. And visitors to such a site, or subscribers to a mailing list, will often ask the same basic questions over and over again because they don't yet know how to use the available resources. Consequently I'm generally pretty kind to newcomers unless they're rude themselves.
But MPEG2 compression is NOT my area of expertise, so here, I'm a newcomer myself. I ask for nothing from the experts here that I do not freely provide elsewhere.
>Newcomers to the board may not be aware that their problem may be documented elsewhere; those who are inexperienced with this kind of support board simply don't know to perform such a search. Scolding them for something they simply didn't think of is not a terribly productive or considerate thing to do.
If you where to attend this board half as often as I do you would see that the same questions appear over and over again and it it becomes tedious to answer the same question when by doing a simple search the answer would be found. This board has to be one of the most simplistic boards there is and is NOT complicated to use by any means, so your statement of the user simply not knowing how to perform a search is ridiculous as I would have thought it would be common sense as no 'techincal' knowledge is required.
Also it is not my intention to 'scald' anyone, but it is obvious sometimes that the user just hasn't even attempted to do a search and it is my intention to let this particular user know that the other users of this board that may be able to help. Help only those that are willing to help themselves and not the ones who simply can't be 'assed' to look.
An example I see many times is where someone has made a post and it is obvious they haven't even bothered to search as there are similar examples of the post more than once on the same pasge which have been answered.
One example is:
>avi file "can not open, or unsupported"
This has got to be the most asked question on this board and appears almost on every page. A simple flick back through the pages would reveal the answer.
I'm quite willing to help anybody and if it genuinely looks as if the person has tried to find the answer to a regular question, but couldn't then I will happily answer, but I'm not prepared to do the work for lazy so and so's who are quite happy to sit and wait until some kind soul (such as minion) decides to answer yet again.
Also it is these same users that don't even leave a thankyou or show any gratitude for helping with their problem because they can't even be bothered to post a return reply once their problem is solved. It happens and is very annoying.
I attend this board to give genuine help to genuine people and to those people I have no problem with, but the one timers who just drop a post, don't search or even look back through the post can take a running jump, because I'll save my time and experience for those who really do need it.
In conclusion just let me say that in future before you go posting any negative comments about the 'clique' as you call it, stick around this BBS for a while and you will then see how helpful we really are. I know I spend a lot of time trying to help out and I know I'm no one timer. If you did any such research you would notice that majority of the questions will be answered if possible by myself and the others who regularly attend this board many times over.
On a finishing note. How long will you be hanging around?
I agree completely with you. I too,spent around four hours searching for answers to my problems with this software only to have Ashy tell me that I could find the answer by scrolling the page (which by the way, I still did not find)and that he was tired of giving out the answers to my repetious question. Frankly I would have rather that he not answered me at all then to tell me that. Anyway a suggestion to all the regulars, If you truly want to help but don't want to answer the same questions over and over, why don't you write the answers down on your computer notepad and each time the question is asked, just copy and paste it to the reply section of the forum. This would be much more helpful and would take a lot less time than your usual complaining about having to answer the same old questions over and over again.
>If you where to attend this board half as often as I do you would see that the same questions appear over and over again and it it becomes tedious to answer the same question when by doing a simple search the answer would be found.
What I think you are not taking into account is the fact that people don't necessarily know what to search for, however simplistic the search engine might be. The user, for instance, who said that at one point he was only getting an image and that after reinstalling the software he was only getting audio, probably has no idea what to search for to answer his question. Since the search engine only does a literal string match, he would have to know the precise choice of words or terms used by somebody else.
Likewise, my own inquiry (how to get TMPGenc to truncate rather than scale the extra six lines in a 486 line video file) may have been dealt with previously, but after doing quite a lot of searching I still haven't found it.
>One example is:
>>avi file "can not open, or unsupported"
>This has got to be the most asked question on this board and appears almost on every page. A simple flick back through the pages would reveal the answer.
Many people who do not have prior experience with this type of board simply follow the instructions to "post your inquiry here." It may not occur to them that the question has ever even been asked before and they don't think to scroll through the existing messages. I've been doing this stuff for years; this aspect of human nature hasn't changed.
>Also it is these same users that don't even leave a thankyou or show any gratitude for helping with their problem because they can't even be bothered to post a return reply once their problem is solved. It happens and is very annoying.
I'm aware from my participation elsewhere. Can't fault the newcomer for what others have done in the past, though.
>I attend this board to give genuine help to genuine people and to those people I have no problem with, but the one timers who just drop a post, don't search or even look back through the post can take a running jump, because I'll save my time and experience for those who really do need it.
Consider, though, that that's what many people will do, without ever thinking of it as rude. They get a new piece of software. It doesn't work as expected. There is no tech support number; only this board. They post an inquiry; they get a response; they go to try the response and it works. They leave. Most natural thing in the world. I'm not saying it's right; I'm saying I understand it.
>On a finishing note. How long will you be hanging around?
Haven't decided. I'm not an MPEG guru and my expertise is in areas this board doesn't address.
Incidentally -- I answered my own question by creating a brief quicktime file using a test pattern designed to see when the top of the frame is being cut off versus when the frame is being scaled. FULL SCREEN will scale the 486 line image to fit a 480 line space, but at a cost in image sharpness. CENTER will leave it at the existing size and just hack off the top and bottom three lines, which is what it should do. I still need to come up with why the black level seems to get raised up, though.
Actually Pam, I did reply to your post. If you had even bothered to take a look back at your post which you obviously didn't. I gave you the correct solution to your problem unfortunately you didn't see it, so once again time and effort was wasted.
I'm not going start a slanging match here, it happens all to often on this board. Some new clever mouth enters the BBS, tries to make a fool out of someone else, sticks around to leave a few more posts then disappears without actually having done anything productive towards the BBS.
At least I do have some intention to help out and be aware I am not the only one who thinks as I do, it's just I've actually got the balls to comment on it.
Basically coming to this BBS and bad mouthing the regulars, isn't going to help anyone and unfortunately for you you may find the 'clique' as you so aptly name us may not be so willing to give the benefit of their experience and advice to someone who has a negative attitude towards the regulars who actually put a lot of time and effort into 'attempting' to help others with problems that are new to this board.
It is users with your sort of attitude who spoil this board. It is no incentive to I and the rest of the regulars on this board who help out to continue spending many hours at the PC posting advice.
I give up my time on this board and ask for nothing in return except a little grattitude now and then not and don't expect to be 'knocked' for my methods.
You say it's human nature what haapens on this board, this may be correct, but if we don't educate the newcomers how to use this board and search for answers first, we will be forever answering the same questions.
Also a relpy such as 'search the board for your answer' isn't necessarily unhelpful. As you say the new users of the board may not know or realise to search. All I'm actually doing is pointing them in the right direction which may mean that a simple search will infact yeild the answer to the users question and may be not one answer but several solutions to the problem and one of these and in fact may turn out to be the right solution, which I would have thought is better than waiting for one single answer which you may or may not get.
I choose to answer a post as I see fitting. If I didn't think it would help the poster in the first place I wouldn't have posted the reply.
Many of the questions asked have already been answered by myself so I know a search or a quick flick through the earlier posts will reveal the answer.
If it turns out that the search didn't help out the poster then fine I will then be more than glad to help and repost the same advice( as in Pams case) but I am not a BBS slave with, as suggested, answers to questions stored in a text file, ready for the next newcomer who decides to take the short route and not even attempt to make the effort themselves.
>I'm not going start a slanging match here, it happens all to often on this board. Some new clever mouth enters the BBS, tries to make a fool out of someone else, sticks around to leave a few more posts then disappears without actually having done anything productive towards the BBS.
No slanging match is involved and no one is being made a fool of. If you review my post you'll see it's not written to be hostile and no namecalling is involved. My intent is purely constructive.
>Basically coming to this BBS and bad mouthing the regulars, isn't going to help anyone
Again, no one is being bad mouthed per se; I'm simply pointing out that referring to a newcomer as "lazy" on his first post to the board, simply because he didn't think to use the search tools the way you think he should, is uncalled for.
>It is users with your sort of attitude who spoil this board. It is no incentive to I and the rest of the regulars on this board who help out to continue spending many hours at the PC posting advice.
Let me get this straight. It spoils the board if someone points out to you that calling newcomers names and insulting them is wrong?
>Also a relpy such as 'search the board for your answer' isn't necessarily unhelpful. As you say the new users of the board may not know or realise to search. All I'm actually doing is pointing them in the right direction which may mean that a simple search will infact yeild the answer to the users question and may be not one answer but several solutions to the problem and one of these and in fact may turn out to be the right solution, which I would have thought is better than waiting for one single answer which you may or may not get.
No argument. A polite message like "that's a common problem - if you enter the word XXXXX in the search engine you'll get a number of articles that explain how to address it" will accomplish your goal without publicly humiliating the newcomer. It's not the fact of telling them to search; that may indeed be their best option. It's slanging them for not having done so in the first place that I was commenting on.
> I'm not going start a slanging match here, it happens all to often on this board. Some new clever mouth enters the BBS, tries to make a fool out of someone else, sticks around to leave a few more posts then disappears without actually having done anything productive towards the BBS.
I'm getting this strange sense of De ja vou..
> I still need to come up with why the black level seems to get raised up, though.
I am sorry that you have an "attitude", but my comments were meant as constructive. Since you have complained so much about repeating yourself with the same old questions, I was trying to help by offering a solution. Anyway, I must comment on some of the things that you have said in regard to my questions. First of all, I never accused you or anyone else on this forum as being in a "clique". I remember seeing that word, but it did not come from me. I haven't used that word since high school. And secondly you stated that you help me with my problem. . . .well you did, but not at first. . . when I first posted my question you told me to "scroll the page" and did not offer any help. It was only after I posted you a second time did you try to help and by that time I had already found my answer on nickyguides. You said that you didn't want to start a "slanging match". . . then why the "attitude". I have always been very appreciative to anyone who would help and have always said so. But your comments are way out-of-line. You said that you were the only one who had the "balls" to comment. That is not saying very much for the other regulars on this forum. And by the way, you accused me of badmouthing the regulars? . . I have only the highest respect for the individuals on this forum and any other forums who generally try to be helpful. It's the ones who don't have patience with those of us who are new and trying to learn that I have a problem with. Besides since we pay for this program we should rightfully expect a support system that treats us with patients and respect. Since you hate it so much then "get a life".