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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
What program did you use to convert the wav.
The sounds you are talking about usually come from converting the sample rate using TMPG, but as you already have a 44.1khz wav it must be the software you used to create the wav.
If it was Virtualdub you used to create the wav then next time make sure you check the high quality box before you convert to a wav and this should solve your prob.
SSRC is a very high quality program for converting between different smaple frequencies, so it might help you of your audio sounds metalic... I use it through a program called Besweet that convers AC3 audio to regular stereo wave.
There should be a stand alone version somehwre but haven't found it yet...
when I create MGP file with Studio DV sound is also ok, but then video isn't good.
Downloaded Toolame Ashy placed it in environmental setting but no difference (until know)
That is what I have done now, but what a wast of time (o:
The TMPGeng encoded MPG2 sound seems normal but when you listen good is is like someone is talking into a (tinned)can (If you know what I mean, I am dutch)
Try encodeing the audio with a different audio encoder and just encode the video with tmpgenc, I use "db power amp" with the mp2 codec to encode audio for mpeg files then multiplex them together...
I was just encoding a m2v clip (from original 5Mbps to 15Mbps, so I can combine with another clip that is 15Mbps), and noticed something odd. When I encode the picture becomes brighter! If the original clip for example has avrage brightness of 39, the reencoded clip's brightness is 58! If I reencode again it gets as high as 76! I tried using the "Output as YUV" option so the resolt was 45, but then the brighter areas where brightned so there were complete areas of pure white...
Thought of using basic color correction, but then I would loose parts of the image that are dark! Anyone has any solution? I haven't noticed it before, maybe it's a bug? Anyone saw this effect on other programs?
(Note: When I use TMPGE to output as the m2v as AVI, there is no additional brightning.)
Tried changing this setting but there is still brightness problem created. I can upload captures from the encoded files to my site and direct you there so you can so if you are interestead...
BTW, it seems like a TMPGenc bug because I tried encoding useing LSX encoder and although overall quality wasn't as good as in TMPG, there wasn't any extra brightness...
I'd copy quicktime reader in tmpg folder and I tried to convert a .mov file in a mpg file, but I could not hear anything after the process. Please help me..
I just wondered how big 700mb avi/divx will become when i code it to mpg.(vcd)?
i ask this becouse my harddrive is so full stuff so i have to burn something out there but how mutch?
It depends on the length of the movie not the size of the source AVI.
A regular movie is usually over a Gigabyte. Standard VCD takes up 10mb/min, so a 100 min movie would be around a Gig.
i posted a page or two back about the mpeg 2 video capture i do using powervcr
and encode to vcd using tmpgenc and the audio loses sync
during encoding
i installed a fresh copy of xp over my old copy and re-installed powervcr and tried to encode my old file with tmpgenc and the audio and video synced perfectly
i think some programs i had installed messed everything up
never use ulead mediastudio 6.5
it screws up tmpgenc somehow and tmpgenc wont run unless you un-install mediastudio
i bet half the programs i try screw my programs i use alot
thats why i dont install realplayer or quicktime
i think if people are having problems with tmpgenc crashing or messed-up
take alook at the other video programs installed and un-install them
it worked for me when i had ulead installed and tmpgenc would just crash and im happy i found the culprit (dont believe me?... download the trial and tmpgenc will crash before you get to encode)
i will post an update if i discover the program messing with my mpegs and causing sync probs in tmpenc
i knew my captured mpeg2 videos were fine
before the xp re-install
tmpgenc would encode my mpeg2 videos with audio video sync problems
after xp re-install
those same mpeg2 videos now encode to vcd format using tmpgenc with dead-on sync
i found the program that causes my audio sync problems with tmpgenc
for the developers
this is my senario
i use powervcr to capture 6 hours of music videos at a time in "mpeg 2 excellant quality" setting
i used regedit to set the max recmpeg size to 4gig from 600mb
i get a couple hours of great video quality for each 4 gig
i also set the audio quality to 320kb
a 4 gig mpeg2 video is to large to edit using most editors
i found m2-edit pro to be the best mpeg2 editor for my system because i can easily find the videos i like and trim the videos to a file without altering them and it is realtime and wont crash
i just select the edit points and click trim and save as a mpeg file
this copies just the video i want without recompressing etc.. takes 30 secs
now i want my videos to be vcd and tmpgenc offers the best quality and compression i can find
my vcd's look as good as mpeg2 in my opinion
here's the problem
when i encode the cut video to mpeg1 vcd the audio and video is out of sync
and m2-edit pro is the culprit
because when i uninstalled that program
i can then encode those cut videos to vcd using tmpgenc without any audio video sync problems
im happy that i solved the problem because i can now continue to capture videos that will work fine
i hope this info may be usefull to your team and may help create a more compatible application
regardless thanks for making a great video application
I have m2-edit pro and ulead media studio 6 and 6.5, and ulead cool 3D, and dvd movie factory, and all my encodes seem fine it must be a reaction with these apps and Win XP, I run "ME".....One thing I did notice with m2-edit pro is that when I put in say a 800mb file for editing or multiplexing I end up with a 2.5gb file so I have to run it through the "merge and cut" to get all the padding taken off and it is slower than tmpgenc....
What is FitCD? I heard about this thing and it interested me because I have a big problem getting my mpg files to one CD. I have Nero Express and my file size is 636MB and I have a 700MB CD, but the length of the movie is 89 minutes. This FitCD seemed to give a calculation of the file size, I believe so that you can fit in onto one CD. Is this true?
I just doanloaded the latest version of TMPGEnc and noticed that the VFAPIConv program version 1.04 does not work with it.
Its a real bummer, because TMPGEnc crashes when decoding and encoding MPEG2 file
(I have to decode it to an AVI, then encode the AVI to keep from crashing - and yes, we have tried it on 4 different machines).
A new page has been added, with all the current templates available for download. The DVD compatibility chart has been added too.
All templates now share basically the same GOP structure and the "Andreas" Q Matrix is the default for all templates. The KDVD templates also have the "Andreas" matrix as default.
Thanks to "MrRobot" for sending me his compatibility list and for taking the time to search and read the hundreds of posts needed to compile this initial information. And to everyone who has taken the time to report compatibility issues with different DVD players.
I finally converted an avi to an mpg and I uninstalled Angel Potion Codec and the movie came out great, instead of all the purple pixels. However, now the problem exists in burning it as a VCD. I have Nero Express and it gives the option of making VCDs, which I chose to do. I have a 700MB CD and the movie is 637MB, and is about 89 min. in length. I chose the ".mcf" file from KVCD that lets you burn a 120 min. movie onto 1 CD at 704x480 resolution, but now I noticed that Nero won't let me burn it because the length is too long, I guess. Because the data side of it is less than 700MBs, but the length of the movie is 89 minutes. It was doing that when it was in avi format too. It's giving me the same problem. The small bar on the bottom turns red after 700MBs and it is past that point. I thought maybe MPEGCutter would cut the file into 2 parts so that I can burn it on 2 CDs instead, maybe even add chapters so that when I play it on my DVD player, then it would be as if it were off the real DVD, where I can hit the skip button and it would go to the next chapter. But I couldn't even figure out how to use the program. Please give me some advise on all these problems. I was having a big problem where all the movies I tried were taking 24-26 hours to encode, but all of a sudden something happened and it only takes 2-3 hours. I guess maybe uninstalling Angel Potion Codec helped. Also, if you know of a free program that lets you make chapters out of the mpg file, I would really appreciate it if you could let me know. Thanks.
"Nero" doesn"t use the length of your movie to to calculate how long it is it, it uses the size of the file then converts it into minutes at 10mb per minute(for vcd),maybe there is an error in the header of the file or nero is reading the header wrong, try makeing a copy of your mpeg file with the "merge and cut" feature ,just load your file in, choose output directory and "mpeg1/vcd non-standard, then click "run" and it will make a cpoy of your file and rewrite the header on the file so maybe nero will read it correctly this time....
On the CPU tab of the environmental settings, what are the SSE and SSE-2 settings? Is there any way I can find out more information about these options? Thank you very much.
The SSE tabs means "streaming simd extention" thes are optimizations for certain CPU prosessors,Pentium"s are optimized with MMX and SSE,P4 also has SSE2, Athalon"s are optimized with SSE and 3D-Now,When you install Tmpgenc it automaticly recognizes what your CPU is optimized with and checks the boxes for you, with out these optimizations the encodeing would take longer.You can probably find out more about the specific way the optimizations affect the performance of your computer by going to the web site for your particular CPU..
I was informed that the color discoloration may be caused by the Angel Potion Codec. I noticed that I do have this codec and I uninstalled it. However, I don't know if it came with the computer and I was wondering if I caused myself more problems now that I uninstalled it.
It wont cause any problems , that codec is a notoriusly bad codec, you can replace it with any microsoft mpeg4 codec, you might even allready have that on your machine, you would only need that codec if you decodeing a file encoded with that codec and the mpeg4 codec will do the same thing......
how come when I play the vcd-ready .mpg file on the computer the video is in synch with the audio but when I play it on my home dvd player the video is off.
Is the sound out of sync the whole way through or does it just go out of sync at certain points in the movie,like the video slows down then speeds back up and the audio stays the same?If this is your problem then I could be solved by burning your disks at a lower speed, I know on my system if I burn faster than 8 or 12 times on my 24 times burner the video slows and and it makes the audio go out of sync for a few seconds......