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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I'm experimenting with the 2-pass VBR feature of TMPGEnc.
I use a bitrate calculator to get the following;
3 CDs (80 minutes)
audio bitrate: 224 kbits/s
128 minutes of movie
-> video birate: 2300 kbis/s
When entering 2300 as video bitrate into the "Average bitrate" box
(leaving the "Maximum bitrate" to 2520 and the "Minimum bitrate" to
300), I get the follwing CDs:
CD1: 42:49.18 hours
.mpg filesize 792.184.204 bytes
Nero tracksize 698.296.352 bytes
Nero CD fills up to 76:06 hours
CD2: 42:49.01 hours
.mpg filesize 820.674.120 bytes
Nero tracksize 723.402.784 bytes
Nero CD fills up to 78:50 hours
CD3: 42:47.70 hours
.mpg filesize 819.240.212 bytes
Nero tracksize 722.139.168 bytes
Nero CD fills up to 78:42 hours
As you see, Nero fills the 80 minutes never completely. As far as I
understood that 2-pass VBR FAQs, TMPGEnc is supposed to use the
maximum capacity of a CD by varying the bitrate around the average.
Is that correct?
If not, how can I tell TMPGenc that I would liek to use the maximum
capacity (all the 80 minutes)?
... later ...
I ran another test of CD1, where I changed the average bitrate now to
2400 kbits/s (instead of 2300 kbits/s).
CD1: 42:49.19 hours
.mpg filesize 802.388.208 bytes
Nero tracksize 708.185.196 bytes
Nero CD fills up to 77:11 hours
With 2400 kbis/s, I managed to put more data on the CD, hence
increasing the video quality. Does this mean, that I have to run
test-and-trial runs using the 2-pass VBR to figure what the average
bitrate should be in order to maximize the space used on the CD?
You can calculate the bitrate from the average video and audio bitrate.
Since Im lazy I just do a short 5 min clip, divide the resulting filesize through 5 to get MB/min. For every 2Pass VBR setting you only have to do this once.
... which depends on how long yor movie is.
More clearly: 128 mins on 3 CDs means up to 18.75 MB/min.
This is very close to the standard SVCD Bitrate so if you want to save alot of encoding time you can use CQ instead of 2Pass VBR.
Time is no factor. I would like to get max. quality. What should be preferred?
1. VBR
3. CQ
Coming back to my VBR issue of the initial posting ... as far as I understood ... it is not possible to enter an "average bitrate" in order to use the maximum amount of CD capacity? I guess this is not possible since everything fluctuates around the ENTERED average bitrate. I could imagine an encoding mode, which is limited by a min. and a max. bitrate.
2 pass VBR will give you slightly better quality than "CQ",Tmpgenc does not seem to care that you have to fit your mpeg on a cd-r, and it will make the file to whatever size that it sees fit, and it is up to us the user to try to make it fit on a cd-r/dvd-r,what i do is make my files over lap 30 seconds at the begining and end so if the file is to big to fit on a cd I have up to a minute of the file I can safely edit out without missing any of the movie,and if your video file is to big you can allways lower the audio bitrate to lower the file size,I use a audio bitrate of 128kbs and it seems good enough and my audio is only about 35mb per disk ..
Afaik TMPGEnc FORCES the average bitrate in 2 Pass VBR mode. So you can calculate with that.
With CQ you cant calculate on an average since TMPGEnc will assign the bitrate as needed depending on min/max bitrate and Quality setting. So an action Movie would be considerably bigger than an calm movie of the same length.
CQ is really worthwile if you dont want to fit too much on one disk but you have to do more trial 1 minute encodings across your movie to get an impression about the average MB/min at a specific setting. Try 300/2520 CQ 75 for an start.
Btw. If you want to exeed the maximum bitrate(2520) of the SVCD standard make sure your player can cope with that!
To make it more clear:
forces average bitrate means: Over the whole encoded movie not in every scene. So the longer the Scenes you encode in 2Pass VBR are the better 2Pass VBR can allocate the bitrate where needed.
Afaik TMPGEnc FORCES the average bitrate in 2 Pass VBR mode. So you can calculate with that.
With CQ you cant calculate on an average since TMPGEnc will assign the bitrate as needed depending on min/max bitrate and Quality setting. So an action Movie would be considerably bigger than an calm movie of the same length.
CQ is really worthwile if you dont want to fit too much on one disk but you have to do more trial 1 minute encodings across your movie to get an impression about the average MB/min at a specific setting. Try 300/2520 CQ 75 for an start.
Btw. If you want to exeed the maximum bitrate(2520) of the SVCD standard make sure your player can cope with that!
I also thought till now that TMPGenc FORCES the bitrate to the average. But look at my initial posting, especially CD1 and CD2. Both CDs are identical in frame number (I think it was 64239 frames), but their final .mpg filesize differs by 3.5% (792.184.204 bytes vs. 820.674.120 bytes). The average was 2300. However the filesize of CD1 is really way besides CD2 and CD3.
i am very new to this so be patient i have just downloaded tmpge in your saved templates you hav dvd pal can i use this template to change divx to mpg2
Maybe, bepending on the frame rate of your divx file,if your divx file is 25fps you can easily encode your file to "pal" but if your divx has a frame rate that is not "pal" compatible then you will have "jerky" play back on your mpeg file and you might have sync problems,You should generaly encode to the frame rate of your source file.
I can already create some nice VCD with TMPGenc.
I just curious if I can make them better by changing the expert settings. Anyone has description?
Or where can I get info about this subject.
i used tmpegenc to convert divXavi's to mpeg. that worked fine. now i want to cut the mpeg's into 600 MB parts. but after using tmpgenc-->mpgTools, the videos are without sound. before complete mpeg have sound, the parts do not. thanks if anybody can help
This seems to be my biggest piece of advice lately, when the "mpeg tool" fail use something else, there are quite a few mpeg editors out there and most are better than tmpgenc when it comes to editing,go to kaaza and there are quite a few different mpeg editors there for download,why are you editing your mpegs into such small parts?You can get close to 800mb of vcd/svcd on a 80 min cd-r..
I've used TMP ENC for about 2 years now. It has a lot of nice features but
one aspect I've been struggling with so far is finding the right parameters
to make a movie fit on a given CD.
Since this greatly depends on the source material itself there is no way to predict
the final (mpg)movie size. (I'm talking about VBR here, not CBR).
So why not let the encoder do the job?
TMPG ENC could tune the encoding quality till it reaches a given bailout.
Let's say my max filesize is 840,000,000 bytes, the source movie is a 3890 seconds
long. The desired bitrate per sec would then be 215,938 bytes/sec.
If the encoder finds that the max bitrate has been exceeded it has to decrease the encoding quality till the given bitrate is reached.
Of course that would take more time to encode but on the other hand it saves a lot of time for finding out via trail and error ....
That seems like a good idea on the surface but it would sort of suck when you are watching your movie and you are getting to the last few minutes and the quality slowly poops out on you,I have to figure out what my bitrate is before I do every part of a movie cuz I make my "D2V" files in equal parts so after I figure out the first part the rest are easy cuz they are the same length,but what I sometimes do is encode the first 10% and multiply that by 10 and that is close with in 25-50mb of the target bitrate, another good thing to do is not encode your audio till after your video so you know how much space you have left for audio, then encode the audio to a bitrate that will fit....
The set bitrate is from zero to the number you set it at and the quality controller allocates the bitrate for each frame within the perameters you set in the bitrate setting.The quality setting basicly tells the encoder how many bits to use to encode each frame within the bitrate setting you specify,Haveing it set lower thells the encoder to not use as many bits to encode than it has to and setting it higher lets the encoder use more bits to encode with.but haveing the setting at say 3000kbs with 80 quality doesnt mean that it would have better quality than say 4000kbs with 60 quality,it probably would have the same quality for the slow moveing scenes but for the really complicated to encode scenes haveing the max at 4000kbs even with the quality at 60 would be better than 3000 and 80 cuz somes scenes might need 3500kbs to encode them properly,I encode svcd"s at 8000kbs max with a minimum of 500kbs, but i use a different encodeing method but the same principal.....
I already encode 10 movies with TMPGEnc avi to vcd, but i have one i cant encode correctly, the mpeg result without sound at all, i dont touch the configuration , pls tell me is this normal, i use the lates divx codecs and the last version of TMPGEnc. thank you
pd : i check the source range in order to see if TMPGEnc can read the audio and all seems to be normal , the green line appear and the final encode result without sound an 100mb more. thanks for your help
The easyiest way to fix your problem with out knowing exactly what is wrong is to extract the audio from your avi/divx file to a wav file useing "virtuadub" and encode just the audio with tmpgenc then multiplex the resulting mp2 file with your mpeg video file,but listen to the audio file before encodeing and multiplexing so you know it is there and that way you will know were the problem is if the audio dissapears on you....
Im getting the same trouble and realized that the .avi file that I have is stringed with an .mp3 audio. TMPGenc is not equipped to encode .mp3's, only mp1's and mp2's, so you get no sounds as a result. Im having this same trouble but you can see this at the FAQ page.
thx for your help, i made the capture of the sound with virtualdub but i have a little diference in the image and audio sinchro. is a half o a second delay.
how i can fix this???????
If you are haveing a sound delay problem causeing a sync problem then you will have to de-mux your mpeg file a re-mux it with a muxer with the option to offset the audio or video to help with sync problems ,there are a few muxers out there that will do this "mpeg2vcr" and "bbmpeg" are the ones I use....
Who Knows Why,if you are useing it correctly then it is one of those bugs in the "merge & cut" function.I never use the cut function in tmpgenc cuz it has problems like this but you can"t really blame it on tmpgenc cuz mpeg"s arent really meant to be edited that is why good mpeg editors cost so much money.What i suggest is to get another mpeg editor,go to kaaza and you can get quite a few different ones,The two editors I use most for mpeg2 is the editor in "power vcr" and I use the multiplex split function in "bbmpeg" which is free, there are quite a few others out there you just got to look in the right places.
I've cutted a lot of mpg's and never got a problem.
Here's my way. 1. Select in the menue File/MPEG-Tools and press merge and cut.
2. Select Video-CD or if making SVCD select Super Video-CD.
3. Add the mpg.
4. Select Output.
5. Click on the file and the the edit button.
6. First hit Play and then Pause or it wont work so good.
7. Drag the bar where the clip should start
8. Hit Start
9. Drag the bar where the clip should end
10. Hit end
11. Ok
12. Hit run.
There are a lot of excellent hints at
damn! i really need to cut a file in half or it wont fit on cd, its over a gig. i downloaded this program for that specific purpose and now i find out it doesnt work!!! I'm not reinstalling kazaa, and i'm gonna let u know that the program itself is a trojan virus, and that it is homw to many more, for example it transports the benjamin worm that attatches itself to a file your downloading without the owner or downoader knowing so i got rid of it! i advise you to do likewise.
Im fairly new to this so this is possibly a simple fix. I have 2 avi's im trying to convert to mpeg. One is a divx rip, the other a plain avi. When i convert the files the movie will gradually turn purple and then go back to normal again. It does this through the whole movie, its still watchable but i thought i could get better quality than that. It definately dosent happen on the originals. I have tried all of the vcd templates but they all do the same thing. I wouldnt have a clue which settings to play with so i have left them alone.
That discoloration is usually caused by haveing the "Angel Potion Codec" in you machine, what you have to do is get rid of the "Angel Potion Codec" and get a different replacement codec if you have to....this should solve your problem cuz it is quite common with that codec.....
When I use the TMPG to convert a multimedia file, I got an error message
"The resolution of the video is illegal....the window size needs to be set between 8x8 and 4088x4088....the width and height of the window needs to be multiple of 8".
How can I solve this problem? How can I resize the window?
You have gotten this error because you have chosen a incorrect resolution for your mpeg,mpeg only supports resolutions that are divisible by eight,but I think that your dvd player will only play mpeg"s with a resolution divisible by 16..If you would have loaded a template you would have had it set to a legal resolution, so what you have to do is change the resolution, go to "settings" and under "size" at the top change it.I don"t know why it was set to a illegal resolution,the only way it would do that is if you set it to a illegal resolution or your avi file has a illegal resolution and you didn"t load any templates....
I think tmpgenc is made to suck up all your resourses while encodeing, if it didn"t it would take forever to encode,I have used tmpgenc on my 800mhz celeron at home and on my work pc which is a dual p4 2.0ghz with 2gb-ddr-ram ,and it sucks up all my resourses on both systems accept I have some ram left over on my work pc, and I can surf the net while encodeing but it still runs at 100%..You cant really do much while encodeing and if you try it can cause errors in tmpgenc...
Tmpgenc shouldn"t have a problem with mpeg4, mpeg4 is basicly the same as divx,you just need to have the proper codec installed on your machine...What problem are you haveing encodeing mpeg-4????