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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
i think ive learned how to encode the simple files and turn them into vcd. ive downloaded many programs, such as goldwave, ac3 filters, virtua dub, avi to vcd to name a few. but i still cant change the 'odder avis' to make a vcd. for example what would one do with this? audio MP3,56 kBit/s, 24,000 Hz, Stereo
video 352 x 288, 27273 Frames, 12.500 Frames/Sec, 44 KB/Sec, Unknown Format.
these things play in media player but im not sure how to change everything.
with that file I think you would extract the audio to wav with a higher bitrate and at 41000hz then encode with the pal vcd template at 25fps,I don"t do hardly any pal movies so I"m pretty lost when it comes to pal but i have encoded a few 12.5fps files useing the pal template and they turned out ok...
Bite the bullet and get a dvd-rom then you won"t have to deal with wierd frame rates and unsupported audio or even avi files.and you won"t have to wait forever to download a movie that you don"t know if it is the movie they say it is or if the movie is bad quality or any of those problems that come with downloading and encodeing movies from the net..Ripping DVD"s usualy goes without a hitch and with awesome quality.You can probably buy one for about $50us.The quality i get with my super vcd"s is awesome i can"t tell the differance between the svcd"s and the original dvd"s unless I use the zoom feature on my dvd player and I can see some pixelation on the svcd at 2 times the size,and the pixelation starts on the dvd"s at 3 times the size...anyway get a dvd-rom ,you won"t be sorry....
Whenever I use the "Merge & Cut" feature to splice together some pre-made
mpegs (that were made mpegs by TMPGEnc), there is a slight "blip" sound at
the join parts. Is this a fault of TMPGEnc, or is there any way to stop
these sounds? They're just a soft little blip and not too annoying, but
they're not present on the individual mpegs...
don't use merge and cut..... use the source range filter to encode the exact portion you want.... this will work great for cutting... for cutting and merging mpeg files together (VCD MPEG-1 only) use a new program called MyFlix .... this program is awesome... it understands mpeg-1 and will always create compliant files... I use this whenever an encode fails and instead of redoing the entire movie.... I pick up where I left off and merge them in MyFlix .... I always use tmpgenc to cut encoding them with a source range...there is no need to cut... the only time I used the cut function was when i had a 1 sec glitch that tmpgenc or my dvdplayer could get past.... I have never had any problems with this program and reccoment it for all vcd cutting and merging projects... to avoid more wasted time... try using source range and batch encode in tmpgenc... happy encoding
if you have compliant vcd mpg files.... do not use tmpgenc to merge them.... use MyFlix ... It is a program that is available for trial download... there is the site.... they also have a mpeg-2 editor.... but I haven't tried it...if anyone tests this let me know... there is a tutorial on how to use MyFlix at ..... happy merging
messed up...the link sent was for mpeg2 editing... the link for MyFlix download is sorry about the mixup.. happy merging
You have to get "dvd2avi" to make a "d2v" project file and a wav file from your vob files and then you load them in "tmpgenc" and encode...dvd2avi is a freeware program......
Every time I capture using Wintv PVR-PCI I get the message "cannot write to capture, data rate too high or disc full" This is after ten mins of capturing without any frames being lost, and out of 15gb of hard drive there's only around 2.5gb used.
I get the same thing with my "hauppauge win tv" what you got to do is lower the bitrate that you are captureing to,that is what worked for no dropped frames you must have a fast cpu, I drop about 15% of the frames.....
I've been trying to convert an MPEG2 file into a Video CD non standard. The output works all the time but theres a small important flaw, It completes the process only 50% of the mpeg2. In other words the output is 18:11 secs when it
should be 36:22.
What am I doing wrong !!!!
Good news:With the existing output I am able to see it on my APEX but I really would like to have the other half.
When I create a VCD mpeg, it plays fine once it is written to CD and played back on my DVD player, but when I play the file, (not the CD) on my PC, it jerks. Is there a reason for it.
Alright... I have a few questions and some problems, maybee someone here can help.
1. I have (in the past) used clad dvd to rip the 2 files (audio + video) needed to create video cds. The dvds that get ripped are NTSC and have interlacing. When I use TMPG I use an even interlace filter and it plays back a little better in the preview window. I don't bother to crop accept for the widescreen films (but forget about that)... Anyway my final results look "pixelated" it seems as though the even filter is not working properly... and I emphasise "seems".
2. I was searching extensivley on the subject, and was wondering if anyone here knows the best way to go from dvd to 2 vcds? I noticed in an earlier post by Ashy that a program called Smart Ripper is the best for actually ripping the dvd.
3. When you rip with Smart Ripper you are left with 6 or 7 .vob files. How can you use these?
4 What ever I am doing now is obviously not the right thing... Please help me. I am sure this post will be beneficial to more people than just myself.
Most of these programs have no manual or little faqs that don't cover the real issues. Please Help.:)
Many thanks in advance for any information or insight!!!!!
I don"t know what you are talking about the "new" cut feature,the cut feature is the same as in the last version and there is nothing new about it,the only way to edit out comercials is to do it in pieces,or do it before hand with virtua dub and then encode.....
The 'New' cut feature is new to 2.54 and wasn't in any of the other versions.
To use the feature as you say go to Setting>Advanced and double click the 'source range' filter.
Using the slider and the the 'start' and 'end' controls select the part of the movie you wish to cut and then click the 'Cut editing' button and choose 'Cut currently selected area'.
Repeat the above steps for each part you wish to cut out then click 'OK' and your movie will have the selected cuts removed from the movie.
You can check the result before you encode by using the 'Preview' feature, go to File>Preview.
Yeah that New cut edit feature rocks!! I can cut scenes from DVD in d2v files before I encode that way I can reduce the file size by just killing credits or blank spots in the movie. TMPGenc just keeps getting better good job Hori. ~NewtronX
Who mentioned Merge&cut?
The question was the New cut edit feature which is a new feature located with the source range filter and is indeed used for cutting and editing.
It even even states it as a new cut and edit feature in the version history on the download page.
I don"t know what it is but it sounds serious,does it work with other files? or have you used the program before and didn"t have problems?if it just started happening and it used to work try useing a different file or why don"t you just load the mpeg file in "tmpgenc"? if it is a mpeg2 file and you can"t load it in you have to then de-multiplex it and then load the files in...but if you geep getting this error try un-installing all the programs you installed since the program worked last,of un-installing "tmpgenc" and reinstalling.....I don"t know what to say .....good luck