TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 578 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question Black source range Gentry 1 2002-05-13 19:20:31
Question No sound on my mpeg file just converted albino_79 1 2002-05-13 18:04:29
Question Buffer underflow errors Anon 5 2002-05-14 01:07:26
Question Can't open mpeg2 files in TMPGEnc. m2v_dec.dll ?? Riot 1 2002-05-14 00:16:08
Question Head is a-spinnin gotyourback 0 2002-05-13 15:59:48
Question Keeps saying "error...." Gamezking 1 2002-05-14 00:11:49
Free talk Lots O' Ideas Image Arson 0 2002-05-13 13:10:29
Request Resume encoding after crach ? Dennis 3 2002-05-13 16:52:48
Question I'm new to this....please help! Alex 3 2002-05-13 12:29:53
Question QC_VBR versus 2Pass VBR... Joe 3 2002-05-13 23:13:44
Free talk codecs ed 1 2002-05-13 05:07:16
Bug report Cut & Merge mpeg2 file results in missing audio streams peter 2 2002-05-13 13:41:29

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 578 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - Black source range No.21198
Gentry  2002-05-13 18:02:17 ( ID:gispzp7xetl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If i want to encode an avi to mpeg, the only result i get is a black with no picture, but with perfect sound. Why don't i get an image? Please send me an email at,


ed  2002-05-13 19:20:31 ( ID:w4o5n98l51. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i just had this problem. mine turned out to be ihad the right codecs in my computer, but media player had some how taken them over. i reinstalled divx5 and all has been right since

Question - No sound on my mpeg file just converted No.21196
albino_79  2002-05-13 17:31:52 ( ID:do3lhj80.ow )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just converted a d2v progect with the wav sound in to a mpeg file and i tried to wacht it fisrt on media player 7.1 and the images are great but there is no sound is it normal or what happenned over the conversion did i do something wrong.
Please help me im new to this conversion stuff i have a guide for coying dvd to vcd and i followed the guide to the letter

albino_79  2002-05-13 18:04:29 ( ID:do3lhj80.ow )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i wanted to know to how to put it in the mpeg file that i created or do i have to recreate a new one i think in tmpg enc there is the option to copie the audio only right it must be beetween system (audio only) or audio only option please refer to this demand to thanks

Question - Buffer underflow errors No.21190
Anon  2002-05-13 17:30:12 ( ID:kfh2kqui2ia )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had an mpeg video fie which had low quality sound, but at 224kbps. I needed to reduce it's size I used TMPGEnc to extract the audio at 64kbps and then (simple) multiplex it with the video from the original file.

When the multiplexing completed it said: "100591 s packets cause buffer underflow. The MPEG file might cause error when played."

What does this mean? It happened again when I re-tried the multiplex.

The output file seems complete and seems to play fine, but I haven't tried it all (I simply scanned through random points).

What has happened? What is 'buffer underflow'? What can I do to fix the problem?


Minion  2002-05-14 00:18:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are doing "vcd"s try multiplexing in "vcd-non-standard"...sometimes this works.......

Anon  2002-05-14 00:21:33 ( ID:kfh2kqui2ia )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the reply Minion, but I tried it with both the 'Simple Multiplex' and the 'Multiplex' (Auto) options in the 'Batch Tools'.

What's weird is I used the Batch Tools to cut a small sampled of the movie and it worked fine when I did the same as above :-S

What is a buffer-underflow error? Why does the movie seem fine, yet it had over 100,000 errors!?!


Anon  2002-05-14 00:51:46 ( ID:kfh2kqui2ia )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the reply Minion, but I tried it with both the 'Simple Multiplex' and the 'Multiplex' (Auto) options in the 'Batch Tools'.

What's weird is I used the Batch Tools to cut a small sampled of the movie and it worked fine when I did the same as above :-S

What is a buffer-underflow error? Why does the movie seem fine, yet it had over 100,000 errors!?!


Anon  2002-05-14 01:06:31 ( ID:kfh2kqui2ia )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the reply Minion, but I tried it with both the 'Simple Multiplex' and the 'Multiplex' (Auto) options in the 'Batch Tools'.

What's weird is I used the Batch Tools to cut a small sampled of the movie and it worked fine when I did the same as above :-S

What is a buffer-underflow error? Why does the movie seem fine, yet it had over 100,000 errors!?!


Anon  2002-05-14 01:07:26 ( ID:kfh2kqui2ia )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Whoops, I triple posted by mistake. I pressed the F5 to refresh the page (to see if anyone had replied), but it seems to have posted repeats :-S


Question - Can't open mpeg2 files in TMPGEnc. m2v_dec.dll ?? No.21188
Riot  2002-05-13 16:16:43 ( ID:ggv3y/j8zfm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used to be able to open mpeg2 files no problem with TMPGEnc, no when ever I try to open a mpeg2 file I get an error saying MMX processor only supported for this version or something like that. Well Guess what I have an mmx processor. It's just a stupid error. Best I can tell the error has something to do with the following file:

Anyone have any idea?

Minion  2002-05-14 00:16:08 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the m2v .dll is the mpeg2 codec plugin for "tmpgenc" maybe you don"t have it, go into your "vfapi plugins" and see if it is there, if it isn"t install it, and if it is there try un-installing it then install it again, maybe this will work......

Question - Head is a-spinnin No.21187
gotyourback  2002-05-13 15:59:48 ( ID:mzhrfflcfug )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I've read so much and done so much testing that my head is spinning uncontrolably! :-)

I have a dvd+rw burner and am backing up a movie with all the .ifo .bup and .vob that are necessary. If I just want to keep the main four .vob files and burn in with Nero set at UDP/ISO DVD - do I need to manipulate the .ifo or .bup files in order to use just the four .vob files? Will the .ifo and .bup files look for the other .vob files that I don't want on my dvd+rw and produce an error when played on my stand-alone dvd player?

Will nero even burn the backup correctly with the UDP/ISO DVD format? I read somewhere that it may not, but I don't know how 'old' that info is... ugh! Can anyone stop my head from spinning?


Question - Keeps saying "error...." No.21185
Gamezking  2002-05-13 15:25:06 ( ID:ldbpf4wcmsl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

While i am encoding and avi i get an error the says "something about lines" then stops converting.It happens when i get a 83% done which you can imagine is pretty depressing

Minion  2002-05-14 00:11:49 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Write back with the exact error message then maybe we can help you....

Free talk - Lots O' Ideas No.21184
Image Arson  2002-05-13 13:10:29 ( ID:0kpd6q4vihw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1) This BBS needs a way to select and jump to a specific page, or even a specific article, the search system doesn't seem to be very acurrate or reliable (2 hours after begin search AND reading through every Post on here I still didn't find what I was looking for).

2) The archived messages don't go back nearly far enough (I saw what I was looking for months agao, complete with a highly detailed answer, only I didn't need it then...but now it is gone for good). A downloadable set of Zips for each months archive in TXT would be great.

3) The search system needs to be smarter and better, it seems to select random articles containing a word or part of a phrase, while leaving others out O_o.

4) I have decided to take my 8 years of Video and Digital Video experience to try to write a HTML document for TEMPGEnc troubleshooting. I have decided this after seeing the same questions repeated over 20 times, with every single answer being different slightly, and almost none of them covering the real cause or solution (Though workarounds and quick fixes do seem to be covered). To do this I will need to find the most common problems with TEMPGenc, and, if I do not know the answers, the solutions to those problems. I encourage people to respond to this thread, or Email me with common questions and answers. If you have expertise with Tempgenc you are willing to share, than I ask for your humble assistance with this project. When presenting Problems or Solutions please be as detailed and as Technical as possible (as I will attempt to replicate the problem and the solution for answers and validity). If I finish this, it is my full intention to present the compilation to the makers of TEMPGenc, or the operators of this site, as a Guide/Help file to include with the Program. My first Order of business is the whole "Illegal Floating Decimal Point Calculation Order", as this topic has been done to death, with many inaccuracies and wrong answers, and many helpful ones too. I welcome the input of anyone wishing to contribute, and contributers of working solutions and information will be credited fully.

-Encode Today For A Better Tomorrow-

Request - Resume encoding after crach ? No.21180
Dennis  Home )  2002-05-13 09:46:25 ( ID:a1gdtat1r4r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


The new version came out, still no fix for this. I don't want to see new functions in tmpgenc. I would like to see two functions if possible.

1. A buffer or a temp file that tmpgenc can use to write data and after 60min writes the data to encoded_file.mpg and keeps on doing so. And keep a record of last position or something so you can resume from where you last left of (if windows craches etc) so you only lose the last 60min or 30min of encoding time. This is due to that I guess a lot of people including me want to use windows at the same time it's encoding.

2. A function that will let's say splitt the output file automatic so that for 80min svcd the file don't go about 820 megabytes let's say you could specify predefined settings, 820, 815, 810, 805, 800 megabytes for a file.

And then have a overlapping with 5,10,15,20,25,30 seconds predifined.

In that way you could encode a file and then when it's finished just burn it and you done :)

Or maby it 2. is to hard to implement I would like to see the 1. in tmpgenc.

/Regards Dennis

Minion  2002-05-13 10:53:27 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No encoders have this feature, and resume encodeing is literaly imposible cuz of the nature of mpeg file structure......

Joe  2002-05-13 16:02:05 ( ID:g9dvzaccleg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Regarding the resume suggestion, wouldn't it be almost the same to just manually encode smaller portions of the file and merge them when complete? Then if your machine crashes or you need to cancel, you only lose the current chunk.

Dennis  Home )  2002-05-13 16:52:48 ( ID:gdoi5fzrbsw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hmm well I know you can encode smaller portions of files but. eh.. Im lazy arn't you ?

Oh.. I see it's not possible due to the nature of how vcd and stuff is created.. URK... :(

Well anyway I soon have a server so I can use that to encode.

Regards Dennis

Question - I'm new to this....please help! No.21176
Alex  2002-05-13 07:09:23 ( ID:yu.2azquaaa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I posted a message earlier about how I tried converting a DVD to a VCD. I followed the intrustions from a guide I found on the internet. I used roxio easy CD creator to burn in onto a disk. Everything seemed to work fine until I played it in my DVD player. It played like it was in slow motion, very choppy and the sound was choppy as well. I don't know what I did wrong! Please help me. Written below are the steps I followed, so you could know everything I did. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, or what I'm doing at all for that matter, so if you reply, could you speak to me like I know nothing? Thanks!

I used cladDVD to rip the movie, then TMPGEnc. I loaded the video source and audio source, clicked on the LOAD button and chose VideoCD (NTSC).mcf. Next I clicked the SETTING button and clicked on the advance tab and double clicked on deinterlace, went to an "action" part of the movie and then chose 'Even-Odd field (field)' from the method drop down list and made sure the 'enable filter' box was checked. Then I moved the movie forward to check to see if the movie was jerky and followed intstructions to eradicate that and get the right 'field order'. Next I checked for 'Interlacing Artefacts' in our picture. I went back to 'Deinterlace' and double-clicked it. I Un-ticked the box that says 'Enable filter'. Then used 'Back-Frame', 'Forward-Frame' and 'Slide Bar' controls to start moving the movie, and went to different sections of the movie, and it told me if you see strange lines in the film then the source is 'Interlaced', if you can't see these lines then we'll treat it as Non-Interlaced. then it told me how to correct it. Next I double-clicked 'Clip Frame'. Clicked 'Default', used the slider to get to a bright part of the film. Using the 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Left' and 'Right' input boxes removed all the black edges, clicked OK and made sure that option (Clip Frame) is ticked. Then I picked 16:9 as the source aspect ratio. Then I clicked on the audio tab, and bumped up the volume to 200% and made sure audio edit was checked. Then I selected the 'Video' tab and changed 'Motion Search Precision' to High Quality (slow). I got the file into the output box and pressed start on TMPGEnc. Later I split it into two parts so I could fit it on two CD-Rs. I just followed all the instructions from the website (DVDtoVCD).

I don't know what I have done wrong. I have tossed two cd's now cause the same thing happened and I don't know where I'm going wrong. I don't even know how to check it before I burn it to make sure it's going to work. Please let me know if you have any ideas of what I can try. Also, if you have read this far, thank you so much for your time!


Minion  2002-05-13 08:08:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First thing you can do is get rid of "roxio"and get "nero" it produces much better burn"t vcd"s..And those guides are for general instructions ,the encodeing perameters will change from file to file, and you forgot to mention useing dvd2avi,and you should get some dvd playing software so you can play the files before you burn them..but who knows maybe getting "nero" will help...You seem to be doing every thing pretty well right so ann I can think of is your burning software, you can download a demo version from " that is good for 30 days and I"m sure if you got creative you could get it for longer......good luck

ASHY  2002-05-13 12:21:18 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok I'll start off by saying, dump clad DVD and download smartripper 2.41.
This is in my opinion and probably most people's opinion in this forum too, the best ripper there is as it automatically creates the .d2v project file you need.
If you want to carry on with CLADDVD fine.

The next thing I will say is that the site is confusing you unecessarily with all this field order and de-interlacing talk.
Non of this is necessary if your source is DVD.
You would only need to use this if some sort of Telecine had been added.

Don't worry about this too much.
So just set the field order to 'Top first'


Before beginning anything you need to check what the original framerate is of the movie. If it is 29.97 then carry on below, if it isn't then post back and tell me what it is and I'll give you further instructions.

If you don't know how to find out then download and use this program.
Just load in one of the VOBS.

Ok follow these steps below.

1. Assuming you have already ripped the movie and you have a .d2v file and a wav file.
Load these into TMPG and choose the NTSC VCD template.

Now under the 'ADVANCED' tab set these options:

Video source type - Interlace( if a DVD)
Field order - Top field first
Source aspect ratio - 16:9 display (if this looks strange then choose 16:9 NTSC)
Video arrange method - Full screen(keep aspect ratio)

Under the 'VIDEO' tab set these options:
Motion search precision - Normal

Forget about all this clipping and rearranging, it's not required, you can tackle this another time. The movie will still come out right.


2. If you wish to increase the audio volume then go ahead, but don't change anything else.

Now encode your movie.


3. After the encoding has finished you will need to split the movie.
When using the MERGE&CUT feature in MPEGtools make sure you select 'MPEG-1 Video cd' as the 'TYPE'

After splitting it is time to burn the movie.


4. Now if haven't already, download NERO

Run Nero and close the wizard which pops up.
In the NEW COMPILATION box click the option on the lefthand side which says 'Video cd'

On the right change the ENCODING RESOLUTION to 'NTSC'
Under the 'LABEL' tab, type in a name for your movie where it says 'Volume label'.

Now click the 'BURN' tab and choose the options below:
Determin maxiumum speed - Unchecked
Simulation - Unchecked
Write - Checked
Finalize cd (no further writing possible - Checked

Write speed 4x (Very important - DO NOT put the speed higher than this)
Write method - Track-at-once
Leave all others at default.

Now click the 'NEW' button on the right


5. Locate your movie using the file browser and drag the movie into the left pane.

Nero will check it and if you have done everthing right, it shouldn't give you any warnings. If it does you have done something wrong when encoding.

If you get no warnings then click FILE>WRITE CD...
A box will pop. Click the 'WRITE' button on the right hand side and NERO will begin burning your CD.

When it's finished, your movie should play fine in your player.


Let me know how it goes.


ASHY  2002-05-13 12:29:53 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

One further thing to add about the field order.
If you do experience any interlacing artifacts in the movie then change the field order to 'Bottom first'

An easy way to check which field order to choose is to use the program I have provided a link to in the first step.
It will tell you if the movie is 'Top field' first or not.


Question - QC_VBR versus 2Pass VBR... No.21172
Joe  2002-05-13 06:14:28 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been experimenting with different methods and bitrates, and have run into a few things. I'm using BitRateViewer for comparisons.

I've gotten results I really like using 2-pass VBR with an average of 2520, and maximum of 4000-5000. The resulting files have been the same or smaller than CBR 2520kbps SVCD files and the quality has been much better in scenes with lots of motion.

The downside, though, is obviously the time required to encode, so I've been messing with the CQ_VBR method, but have had little success. It seems that the results that I'm getting are very similar to CBR. I can't seem to get enough variation in the bitrate.

Just as a test, I've tried setting the minimum at 0 and the maximum at 5000, and encoded multiple files with the quality set to various percentages between 25 and 75. There never seems to be any more variation in the bitrate than there is in a standard CBR of the same video. It seems that all that I'm doing is making CBR files for which the bitrate is automatically determined by the quality slider rather than imputting the bitrate manually.

Is this a result of something I'm doing wrong or is it just a limitation of the program not scanning the clip twice?

Sorry if this has already been addressed, but I didn't find a message dealing with exactly the same issue.


Minion  2002-05-13 07:57:22 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your mostly right the quality slider basicly balances the quality with file size.I usualy use quality at 100 witch seems to allocate the max bitrate for complex scenes but less complex scenes seem to get the same bitrate no matter what quality you set...vbr 2 pass will allways give you better quality for the file size.........

ASHY  2002-05-13 18:17:23 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In my experience, using the right settings and using Constant quality(CQ) you should get results pretty close to a 2 pass encode and much better than Automatic VBR or CBR, regarding the quality and file size, when viewing with bitrate viewer.

Try this:

Bitrate Max - 4000 Min - 1800

Quality - 65

VBV buffer -112

Motion search precision - normal

Under the Quantize matrix:

Check soften block noise

Intra - 35 Non Intra 35

This should fit a 90-100 min movie of nice quality on two 80min cd's (you may need to reduce the audio bitrate a little depending on the type of movie)

The bitrate variance will also depend on the movie.
If you have a movie with lots of high action and quiet scenes the bitrate should vary a lot.
If the movie is quite calm all the way through then the bitrate isn't going to vary quite so much.


pit bullz  2002-05-13 23:13:44 ( ID:y8mepc8j5nn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have like the results I am getting with using CQ_VBR. I set it to 52 quality and range from a min of 0 to a max of 2500. The VBV buffer size is 40 and the resolution is 352x240. My results take me about six to seven hours to finish a 120 min movie and I am very satisfied with the quality. I have never tried 2 pass VBR. Good luck. -Pit Bullz

Free talk - codecs No.21170
ed  2002-05-13 05:02:01 ( ID:w4o5n98l51. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yes i have divx5 i must need more? do i just do a google search for codecs? thanx

Minion  2002-05-13 05:07:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

divx5 only works for divx5 but I think divx4.12 works on divx3x-divx4x. So get divx 4.12...

Bug report - Cut & Merge mpeg2 file results in missing audio streams No.21167
peter  2002-05-13 04:56:09 ( ID:af7sao.cuqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I created a SVCD mpeg2 file with 2 audio streams using the multiplex tool. I verified there were indeed 2 audio streams by loading the file into the "de-multiplex" tool.

Then I used Merge & Cut to cut the clip into smaller sub-clips. The resulting sub clips only have one audio stream.

I suspect tmpgenc forgot to handle secondary audio streams when cutting/merging.

This was tested on version

Minion  2002-05-13 05:11:49 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

maybe the problem is that svcd does not support multiple audio streams but I think plain mpeg2 does....I have done what you are doing before but when i went to burn it only one audio track showed up,maybe this would work ,get a audio mixing program(cool edit,sound forge) and mux the 2 audio streams into one and then mux that with your video......

peter  2002-05-13 13:41:29 ( ID:af7sao.cuqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was able to use tmpgenc to create an SVCD mpg with 2 audio channel and was able to switch between the 2 audio channel in a SVCD compatible DVD player.
I just can't "merge & cut" the file and retain both audio channels.

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